Why is step brothers rated r

(2008) (Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly) (R)

Bad Attitude
Tense Scenes
Heavy Mild *Extreme Minor Mild
Heavy None None Heavy Extreme
SmokingTense Family
Topics To
Talk About
Extreme None Heavy Moderate Moderate

QUICK TAKE:Comedy: Two grown men, who still live at home with their single parents, must contend with living in the same house and sharing the same bedroom when their parents get married. PLOT:Despite being 39-years-old, Brennan Huff (WILL FERRELL) still lives at home with his mom, Nancy (MARY STEENBURGEN), unlike his boastful and charismatic brother, Derek (ADAM SCOTT), who's V.P. of a helicopter leasing company and has two seemingly perfect kids with his wife Alice (KATHRYN HAHN).

Dale Doback (JOHN C. REILLY) is 40-years-old and similarly still lives with his doctor dad Robert (RICHARD JENKINS). When Nancy and Robert meet at a medical convention and instantly fall in love, that leads to their wedding and her moving into his house.

Of course, that means Brennan moves in as well, much to the chagrin of Dale who isn't happy to have a new stepbrother. The two immediately clash and act like bratty children, especially when they're forced to share the same bedroom, quickly get on Robert's nerves, while Nancy initially tries to take a more tolerant view of the new arrangement.

Dale and Brennan find a common foe, however, in Derek who isn't above belittling both of them. From that point on, and as Brennan becomes enamored with his therapist, Denise (ANDREA SAVAGE), and Dale has unhappily married Alice coming on to him, the two men must contend with the various changes in their lives that stem from their new familial arrangement.

WILL KIDS WANT TO SEE IT?If they're fans of anyone in the cast and/or moronic/juvenile comedies filled with crass/vulgar material, they just might. WHY THE MPAA RATED IT: R For crude and sexual content, and pervasive language. CAST AS ROLE MODELS:
  • WILL FERRELL plays a 39-year-old man-child who still lives at home with his mom and isn't happy when they move into Robert's house where he must share a bedroom with Dale. He trades juvenile insults and fights with him, uses strong profanity, and views pornographic magazines. He also claims to have smoked pot in the past, but we don't know if that's true or not.
  • JOHN C. REILLY plays his new 40-year-old stepbrother who pretty much behaves the same way (insults, fighting, acting like a man-child, profanity, viewing pornography). He also has sex with Alice, although that's far more her idea than his.
  • MARY STEENBURGEN plays Brennan's mom who tries to make the best of her and Robert's adult kids living with them and acting like bratty kids. She uses strong profanity and sleeps with Robert upon first meeting him.
  • RICHARD JENKINS plays her new husband, a doctor with less patience for the irritating antics practiced by his adult son and stepson. He uses strong profanity, drinks, and sleeps with Nancy upon first meeting her.
  • ADAM SCOTT plays Brennan's egotistical jerk of a brother who treats him and Dale badly, despite of or due to his own successes in life. He uses profanity, drinks, and admits to drug use.
  • KATHRYN HAHN plays his wife, unhappily married to him, who finds her libido awakened by Dale, with whom she forces herself on him to have sex. She uses profanity.
  • ANDREA SAVAGE plays Brennan's therapist who must contend with him and his behavior toward her.


    Curious if this title is entertaining, any good, and/or has any artistic merit?
    Then read OUR TAKE of this film.

    (Note: The "Our Take" review of this title examines the film's artistic merits and does not take into account any of the possibly objectionable material listed below).

    OUR WORD TO PARENTS:The following is a brief summary of the content found in this R-rated comedy. Profanity consists of at least 59 "f" words, while many other expletives and colorful phrases are also uttered. Sexually related humor, song lyrics and dialogue (some of that being explicit) are present. A married woman forces herself on a man-child character to have sex (with movement and sounds) while the beginning of another sexual encounter is seen, as are some unrelated, pornographic images (female nudity) in magazines and a man's scrotum is briefly seen in close-up.

    Comedy-based violence includes several fights, while slapstick style material is also present as is briefly seen violent footage from a Steven Seagal movie. Various characters have varying degrees of bad attitudes (all intended as comedy), while all sorts of behavior might be enticing for some kids to imitate. Various characters drink, while drug use is admitted and other drug-related material is present.

    Crude humor (verbal and visual) occurs, while comedy-based tense family material is also present. Should you still be concerned about the film's appropriateness for yourself or anyone else in your home, you may want to look more closely at our detailed listings for more specific information regarding the film's content.

  • People have champagne and wine at a wedding reception.
  • When Nancy says that Robert went to Johns Hopkins, Brennan says he smoked pot with Johnny Hopkins and that they "blazed that sh*t up."
  • Robert and Nancy have wine with dinner.
  • Dale amends Brennan's t-shirt to read "I (heart symbol) crystal meth."
  • About a non-drug related issue, a person states, "You're high."
  • Various members of the combined family have wine with dinner.
  • Derek has a beer.
  • Derek states that he just smoked a "J" (joint) in his car and that he's feeling a little spacey.
  • Various people have wine with dinner.
  • Robert has a drink and then says he's going to a chain restaurant to have another. When he returns, Nancy states that he smells of scotch and cheesecake.
  • Derek proudly talks about getting away with driving with a blood alcohol level barely below the legal limit.
  • We see a beer in front of Derek.
  • People have wine at a mixer, including Robert and Nancy.
  • The family has wine.
  • Dale complains about the things they won't be able to do anymore now that Nancy will be living with them, including that they "like to sh*t" with the door open. Robert then says they've never done any of that.
  • Brennan puts a fake open sore on Dale's head while he sleeps so that others react adversely to that.
  • Brennan and Dale urinate together, having a "sword fight" with their urine streams that we see.
  • We briefly see footage from a Steven Seagal movie where his character shoots various people (with some bloody results).
  • Dale jumps up onto the top bed of their makeshift bunk bed, with it then collapsing down onto Brennan. Dale then runs for his dad, yelling about all of the blood, but we then see just a lone bloody scrape/cut on Brennan's arm.
  • Dale lets out a very long and loud fart at the end of an interview. The interviewer asks if that was a fart, Dale says he doesn't know, but the interviewer says it was, adding that he can taste it in his mouth, and then identifies onion and ketchup. Later, Nancy asks that he couldn't hold it, with Dale saying he thought it was going to be silent.
  • Some bullies (early teen and younger) hold down Brennan and force his face down toward some dog excrement, making him lick that (seen in close-up). He later complains about having a "bellyful of white dog crap in me."
  • Brennan has a black eye after those young bullies attack him.
  • After having sex with Dale, Alice walks over to the urinal in the men's room, spreads her legs with one up against the wall, and urinates (we don't see the stream or any nudity).
  • Brennan tells Robert that he's going to shove a hearing aid "so far up your ass" that he'll be able to hear his small intestine producing "sh*t."
  • Dale states he's going to throw up and then does just that off the side of the table (we hear but don't see the actual act).
  • Brennan has a small bloody cut on his head following a fight with Dale.
  • We see the side of Brennan's bare butt as he sits on the toilet. Realizing he has no toilet paper, he grabs a rug from the floor and then positions his butt up and into a sink to wash himself and use that rug for wiping.
  • Most of the following is played for intended comedy.
  • Brennan and Dale aren't happy about their parents getting married (Brennan angrily states he's not calling Robert "dad"), and are even less pleased that they'll be living in the same house and having to share the same room.
  • Derek is an egotistical jerk who's full of himself and his success.
  • There's a flashback to young Derek and others taunting young Brennan during his performance by repeatedly shouting out "Brennan has a mangina."
  • Dale and Brennan both announce they hate each other.
  • Dale tauntingly tells Brennan that Nancy is really hot and that maybe he and Robert should both "bang her" and put up with the "retard" (Brennan).
  • About a previous fight with Dale, Brennan lies and says that he worried that Dale was going to rape him, adding that the latter said "Let's get it on."
  • Derek addresses Brennan and Dale with "What up, faggots?"
  • Derek shows his six-pack abs to Brennan and Dale (showing off) and taunts them with that and how much money he makes.
  • The term "retard" is used again.
  • Alice cheats on Derek by having sex with Dale.
  • Dale asks an interviewer a decision-based question about women, with one you have to "f*ck," another to marry, and the last to kill.
  • Some bullies (early teen and younger) taunt Dale, calling him a "fag stick" and asking if Brennan is his boyfriend and "butt buddy." They then proceed to beat up the older men.
  • Hearing Brennan sing, Dale states that the former has a voice that's a combination of Fergie and Jesus (some viewers might not like that reference).
  • To try to scare away potential buyers of their parents' house, Brennan dresses like a Nazi neighbor (telling the prospective buyers "Hey f*ckers"), while Dale dresses like a KKK member.
  • Talking to a black couple, Derek uses the term "home boys."
  • We see an at sea music video that Dale and Brennan made for their song and that includes footage of them accidentally running aground against large rocks, destroying the front of Robert's boat.
  • Derek proudly talks about getting away with driving with a blood alcohol level barely below the legal limit.
  • Referring to Brennan, Derek calls him "Ken doll crotch."
  • Derek's business associate comments on a miscellaneous woman's clothed "t*ts" (we don't see them).
  • A man heckles a cover band, followed by a comment about a man's wife being a "skank."
  • Derek's business associate tells Brennan that the latter is doing a good job, but that he can't help but want to punch him in the face.
  • Derek calls Brennan a "faggot" again.
  • Distracted by their family-sing, Derek ends up drifting out of his lane and must swerve back (played for comedy).
  • We briefly see footage from a Steven Seagal movie where his character shoots various people (with some bloody results).
  • Phrases: "I'll drop that m*therf*cker," "Shut the f*ck up," "You're a big, fat, curly-haired f*ck," "F*ck you," "You f*cking crazy man?" "M*therf*cker," "F*cker," "You're f*cking high," "I don't give a f*ck," "We're here to f*ck sh*t up," "What the f*ck happened?" "Hey, f*ckers," "I f*cking love you," "You wrecked my f*cking boat, you goon," "You geriatric f*ck," "I want to f*cking know," "F*ck up," "Great job, f*ck-face," "I'm f*cking miserable," "It's the f*cking Catalina wine mixer," "I can't be f*cking around," "This is completely f*cked up," "This wedding is horse-sh*t," "Blazed that sh*t up," "Get your sh*t," "Beat the sh*t out of you," "Planet bullsh*t," "For sh*ts and grins," "Holy sh*t," "Dip-sh*t," "Holy Santa Claus sh*t," "Dog-sh*t," "Eat sh*t," "Let's cut the sh*t," "Mangina," "I'm gonna put my nut-sack on your drum set," "Total d*ck," "Like masturbating in a time machine," "What really gets my d*ck hard," "I feel like a lightning bolt hit the tip of my penis," "Is that your butt buddy?" "Sprechen Sie d*ck?" "My penis is tingling right now," "Wanna suck my d*ck for money?" "D*ck-heads," "You can suck on it," "Ken doll crotch," "I want to get ass," "You d*ck," "Get a room," "Balls" (testicles), "This house sucks ass," "Retard," "No way kemo sabe," "You sound insane," "I'll round-house your ass," "Whore," "I'm not buying that crap anymore," "Are you out of your mind?" "What up, faggots?" "What is your problem, man?" "Butt-hole," "Snap," "A huge doucher," "What the hell is going on?" "Sweet," "She's hot," "Shut your mouth," "I think that's funny as hell," "Hey, fag-stick," "Losers," "Pissed off," "Home-boys," "Bitches," "You reek of scotch and cheesecake," "Slow down there, speed racer," "Screw it," "Pow!" "Suck-hole," "Sucks," "Skank" and "Faggot."
  • Brennan loudly slurps his drink.
  • Brennan reaches out to shake Robert's hand, but doesn't follow through on that.
  • Kids may be enticed to trade the various insults that Brennan and Dale bandy back and forth like bratty kids. The same holds true for their other antics, including fighting, etc.
  • There's a flashback to young Derek and others taunting young Brennan during his performance by repeatedly shouting out "Brennan has a mangina."
  • Dale and Brennan exchange juvenile threats of what they'll do to the other in their sleep, including putting a rat trap between one's legs and beating the other with a sack of soap.
  • Dale amends Brennan's t-shirt to read "I (heart symbol) crystal meth."
  • Brennan puts a fake open sore on Dale's head while he sleeps so that others react adversely to that.
  • Kids might be enticed to imitate the antics of Brennan and Dale while they sleepwalk. That includes them making a mess with food, throwing cups that break, and putting pillows or cushions in the stove and Nancy's purse in the fridge.
  • Brennan and Dale do all sorts of wild martial arts punching and kicking in a garage, breaking things and smashing pumpkins, etc.
  • Brennan and Dale urinate together, having a "sword fight" with their urine streams that we see. We then see both holding up tape measures, presumably comparing the lengths of their penises (which are not seen).
  • Dale and Brennan construct a makeshift bunk bed from their beds (which then obviously collapses when they get into it).
  • Dale and Brennan wear tuxes to their job interviews.
  • To try to scare away potential buyers of their parents' house, Brennan dresses like a Nazi neighbor (telling the prospective buyers "Hey f*ckers"), while Dale dresses like a KKK member.
  • After having sex with Dale, Alice walks over to the urinal in the men's room, spreads her legs with one up against the wall, and urinates (we don't see the stream or any nudity).
  • While driving, Robert turns around and tries grabbing at Dale in the back seat.
  • Alice spells out the message "Let's f*ck right now" to Dale in some food on her plate.
  • Brennan and Dale do some exaggerated crying.
  • Derek's business associate repeatedly yells out "Pow!"
  • Derek and others try to taunt Brennan by saying the latter has a "mangina."
  • Brennan and Derek do an awkward, forced and goofy hug.
  • None.
  • None.
  • After hearing that Brennan reportedly can sing, Dale suddenly breaks into an impromptu, sexually related song, with lyrics about getting down on his "hairy balls," partying down there, and an incomplete request of "Why don't you lick my John..." ("Johnson").
  • We see a music video that Dale and Brennan made for their song "Boats and Hos" (whores) that includes them singing various sexually explicit lyrics, including using terms such as "d*ck" and lyrics such as "Every time I come, I produce a quart." In the background are various scantly clad women.
  • At least 59 "f" words (5 used with "mother," 3 used sexually, 1 written), 30 "s" words, 11 slang terms using male genitals ("d*ck," "wiener" and an incomplete "Johnson"), 1 for female ones ("p*ssy"), 1 for breasts ("t*ts"), 8 asses (1 used with "hole"), 2 craps, 2 damns, 2 hells, 8 uses of "Oh my God," 5 of "Oh God," 2 each of "Jesus," "My God," "Oh Jesus" and "Sweet Jesus," and 1 use each of "God," "G-damn," "Oh my Lord" and "Swear to God."
  • While watching a clothed female exercise instructor on TV, Brennan slips his hand down inside his pants (presumably to masturbate).
  • After catching sight of Nancy in the audience at his presentation, Robert becomes distracted and absentmindedly comments on putting one's face between those breasts. We then see the two of them passionately making out and starting to undress, ending on a bed with her in a slip (showing cleavage while on top of him). That's played for comedy.
  • We see miscellaneous cleavage.
  • At the wedding reception and referring to Nancy, Dale yells out, "Get a room, dad."
  • Dale complains about the things they won't be able to do anymore now that Nancy will be living with them, including that they "like to talk about p*ssy." Robert then says they've never done any of that. Dale then wonders what happens if Nancy becomes aroused by the sight of him, including the hair running from his chest down to his "balls" and then wonders what happens if she grabs his "wiener." In response, Robert tells him, "Shut the f*ck up."
  • After hearing that Brennan reportedly can sing, Dale suddenly breaks into an impromptu, sexually related song, with lyrics about getting down on his "hairy balls," partying down there, and an incomplete request of "Why don't you lick my John..." ("Johnson").
  • There's a flashback to young Derek and others taunting young Brennan during his performance by repeatedly shouting out "Brennan has a mangina."
  • We see a flashback to Derek performing the song "Ice, Ice, Baby" while doing some clothed pelvic thrusting, while two women performing with him are seen in small shorts.
  • Dale tauntingly tells Brennan that Nancy is really hot and that maybe he and Robert should both "bang her."
  • To taunt Dale, Brennan says he's going to put his "nut-sack" on Dale's drum set. We then see him do just that, with a full view of his scrotum.
  • About a previous fight with Dale, Brennan lies and says that he worried that Dale was going to rape him, adding that the latter said "Let's get it on."
  • A person comments "This sucks camel d*cks."
  • We see Dale in his briefs while he sleepwalks.
  • A poster in the men's room shows a buxom woman in a skimpy bikini.
  • When waking up, Dale mutters something about a penis.
  • Brennan looks through Dale's old nudie mags (we possibly see bare breasts and other nudity, but the images are small), with Dale stating that it's like "masturbating in a time machine." Brennan is enthusiastic about the sight of triplets and the "tons of bush" (but we don't see that).
  • Derek says that "what really gets my d*ck hard" is helping others.
  • Derek shows his six-pack abs to Brennan and Dale (showing off).
  • Unhappy in her marriage to Derek, Alice is aroused by Dale and the fact that he punched Derek in the face. About the latter, Alice tells Dale that she's going to pleasure herself tonight to the thought of that. She then says she wishes she could roll Dale up into a ball and put him up her vagina, adding that it's warm and cozy, and talks of feeling him up there. She then does exaggerated kissing on his face, but he's mostly passive and in shock.
  • Comparing their likes and dislikes, Brennan and Dale agree that their favorite non-pornographic magazine to masturbate to is Good Housekeeping.
  • Brennan and Dale urinate together, having a "sword fight" with their urine streams that we see. We then see both holding up tape measures, presumably comparing the lengths of their penises (which are not seen).
  • About someone on TV, Dale states, "She's hot."
  • Dale asks an interviewer a decision-based question about women, with one you have to "f*ck," another to marry, and the last to kill.
  • About Dale's job idea for them, Brennan states, "I feel like a lightning bolt hit the tip of my penis."
  • Some bullies (early teen and younger) taunt Dale, calling him a "fag stick" and asking if Brennan is his boyfriend and "butt buddy."
  • Brennan tells his female therapist that he loves her and that "my penis is tingling right now."
  • Alice comes on to Dale and asks him, "Wanna suck by d*ck for money?" She then starts undoing his pants and jumps up on him, with him stating it's all slippery. She does lots of thrusting (there's no nudity, with both standing) and screaming, while he says something is going to happen and then has an orgasm. She then walks over to the urinal in the men's room, spreads her legs with one up against the wall, and urinates (we don't see the stream or any nudity).
  • We see a music video that Dale and Brennan made for their song "Boats and Hos" (whores) that includes them singing various sexually explicit lyrics, including using terms such as "d*ck" and lyrics such as "Every time I come, I produce a quart." In the background are various scantly clad women.
  • Alice spells out the message "Let's f*ck right now" to Dale in some food on her plate.
  • Dale tells a prospective employer that he'll take any job as long as it doesn't involve having sex with old ladies.
  • We see the side of Brennan's bare butt as he sits on the toilet. Realizing he has no toilet paper, he then positions his butt up and into a sink, showing a lot of his groin in the process, but no penis view.
  • Derek tells Brennan that if "you f*ck up," his business associate will eat his "d*ck" faster than something (the threat is a metaphor). Brennan takes it literally, however, asking if that other man has eaten penises before.
  • About wanting a job, Brennan says it's because "I want to get ass."
  • Derek's business associate comments on a miscellaneous woman's clothed "t*ts" (we don't see them).
  • We see miscellaneous cleavage.
  • While Brennan sings a powerful opera song and Dale accompanies him on drums, Alice has a fantasy where she's scantly clad, showing cleavage and lots of leg, kissing Dale who appears as a shirtless centaur. At the same time, Brennan's therapist has a fantasy where he arrives at her cabin as a lumberjack, saying he's come a number of miles to give her his seed. He then rips off her clothing, revealing her in a cleavage-revealing corset or something similar.
  • Brennan's therapist is proud that something he's said had no sexual overtones.
  • Dale tells Alice that he likes "making sex with you," but she admits, "I can't be f*cking around."
  • We see a bare-breasted woman on the cover of a porno magazine.
  • None.
  • Brennan and Dale aren't happy about their parents getting married (Brennan angrily states he's not calling Robert "dad"), and are even less pleased that they'll be living in the same house and having to share the same room.
  • Nancy briefly mentions it being tough for Brennan when she split with her husband in the past.
  • Brennan and Dale are shocked when their parents announce they're selling the house and going to retire and travel around the world in their boat. They also tell their sons that they'll have to get an apartment and attend therapy.
  • Brennan and Dale's actions (including destroying Robert's boat) end up putting such a progressive strain on Robert and Nancy that they get divorced.
  • Adults who still live at home with their parents.
  • The man-child syndrome.
  • Step-siblings and stepparents.
  • All of the following is played for comedy.
  • Dale kicks Brennan off Robert's sailboat into the water.
  • After Brennan touches his drum set, Dale tackles him into that and both then get into a rough and tumble fight (played for comedy), including Brennan using the bass drum pedal to his Dale's head repeatedly. They push, punch and bang each other into walls (causing damage), tumble down the steps, and end up outside. The neighbor's dog gets Brennan by his pants leg, with the two men then struggling on the ground. Robert then arrives and tries to separate them, while Nancy sprays them with a hose (as the two men hold various things to use against each other, including a bicycle). That ends when the two end up hitting each other on the head with a golf club and baseball bat.
  • After Derek taunts him to do so, Dale punches Derek in the face, causing him to fall from a tree house and land hard on the ground.
  • Brennan and Dale do all sorts of wild martial arts punching and kicking in a garage, breaking things and smashing pumpkins, etc.
  • We briefly see footage from a Steven Seagal movie where his character shoots various people (with some bloody results) and breaks another person's arm.
  • Dale jumps up onto the top bed of their makeshift bunk bed, with it then collapsing down onto Brennan. Dale then runs for his dad, yelling about all of the blood, but we then see just a lone bloody scrape/cut on Brennan's arm.
  • Some bullies (early teen and younger, with a history of bullying Dale) taunt and then beat up him and Brennan. That starts with punching and then kicking Brennan, followed by attacks on both, including having their heads under and being repetitively hit by both sides of a seesaw. One or more then force Brennan's face down toward some dog excrement, making him lick that.
  • We see an at sea music video that Dale and Brennan made for their song and that includes footage of them accidentally running aground against large rocks, destroying the front of Robert's boat.
  • While driving, Robert turns around and tries grabbing at Dale in the back seat.
  • Robert grabs and then jumps up on Brennan so that he can control and then spank him as punishment.
  • While sleepwalking, Dale and Brennan repeatedly throw Christmas presents and then the Christmas tree into Robert and Nancy's bedroom. When he's had enough, Robert tries to wake them up, but they then attack, carry and throw him down the steps (played for comedy).
  • Dale hits Brennan on the head with a drum cymbal, knocking him out. He then thinks Brennan is playing unconscious, and thus punches him hard, but Brennan doesn't react. Panicking, Dale then drags Brennan outside, digs a grave and prepares to bury him. Brennan then shows that he was just faking it and hits Dale on the head with a shovel, followed by completely burying him. Dale then emerges from the dirt and the two fight (played for comedy).
  • Reviewed July 17, 2008 / Posted July 25, 2008

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    Is Step Brothers appropriate for 11 year olds?

    Lots of sexual scene heaps of language and mature scene and themes and possibl drunk scene violence is included so do not let kids watch this film I wanted my kids to see it so I whatched it first and no no no not for kids.

    What age is appropriate to watch Step Brothers?

    I am a very protective parent of my two children (ages 14 and 16). I let my 14 year old watch this movie on his 13th birthday because he is a very mature kid. If your kid shows maturity, then I think that this is an appropriate movie for 13 and up. If he does not show vast amounts of maturity, wait until he is 14.

    How many times is the F word used in Step Brothers?

    "Step Brothers" gets pretty raunchy and lives up to its R-rating. The F-word is uttered about forty-four times so people distressed by profanity are forewarned.

    What is the rating for Step Brothers?

    RStep Brothers / MPAA ratingnull