Who won hoh big brother spoilers

Big Brother September 16, 2022

Who won hoh big brother spoilers
Who won the all-important final four HoH in Big Brother 24? The #1 reason to win this is simply: Safety until finale night. Ultimately, you have several days to not worry directly about your own future. The problem is that unless you win Veto, you don’t have much say over who goes. Only one person votes this week, and the best thing you can do is control who that person is.

Now, let’s go ahead and frame the situation tonight: Monte can’t play because he was HoH at the final five. That makes him especially vulnerable this time around, and he is someone people should want to target. He’s got a lot of friends on the jury and he won the Veto that was needed to take out Michael. He’s got a good resume.

Do you want to make sure you don’t miss any Big Brother 24 live feed updates right now? Then go ahead and visit this link!

So tonight, we’ve got Taylor, Turner, and Brittany competing for power — assuming of course that Alyssa is evicted, as is the plan. Their success depends solely, of course, on the competition. Brittany’s a threat in mental comps but if it’s more physical, Turner and Taylor easily have a leg up on her. There’s a chance that this comp gets wrapped up on tonight’s episode; since the rest of the season is going to be sped up a little bit, there’s enough content moving forward that they don’t need to save this for the Sunday show in theory.

Of course, we will be back with more news on who won / the comp later. Stay tuned!

About the comp

This was actually pretty cool; the show took advantage of different Julie Chen outfits all season and made a whole challenge about it set to music. It was a standard Q&A competition with a little bit of a twist.

The winner

Taylor! She got it, and now she has safety all the way to finale night. Good for her! This also does make things interesting moving forward since if she wins Veto, she could make a really interesting decision.

Who did you want to see win the final four HoH within the Big Brother 24 house?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, come back for some other updates. (Photo: CBS.)

Who won hoh big brother spoilers

BIG BROTHER Wednesday, July, 27 (8:00 – 9:00 PM ET/PT on the CBS Television Network and live streaming on Paramount+. Pictured: Monte Taylor. Photo: CBS ©2022 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Highest quality screengrab available.

After intense back-to-back HOH ceremonies last week, fans of Big Brother season 24 were thrown right back into the fire to see who would be crowned the new HOH of the week.

With Matt “Turner” Turner ineligible to play in this competition, the power could only be secured by either Taylor Hale, Alyssa Snider, Brittany Hoopes, or Monte Taylor. The houseguest who receives HOH this week will not only be safe and guaranteed a spot in the final four but will also set the pace for the remainder of the season that has, funnily enough, become somewhat of a gender war.

Which lucky houseguest won’t have to worry about going home this week? Find out below as we tell you all about what went down on last night’s episode of Big Brother season 24.

Who won HOH?

This time, the HOH competition sent shivers down the houseguests’ spines, as they each had to make their way through a pitch-black murder house to locate six door barricades that would later be used to keep six doors shut. After properly locking each door, they then had to ring the alarm to mark their time.

Due to the mental health strain of the competition, Taylor Hale decided to sit out, hence why she came in last place. Alyssa Snider followed not too far behind Taylor in her time, leaving either Monte Taylor or Brittany Hoopes as the possible HOH of the week.

In the end, only nine seconds separated Monte and Brittany, proving that, at this point of the game, every single second counts.

Week 11 HOH: Monte Taylor

Who did Monte put up for eviction in Week 11?

With his undying loyalty to Turner, the only options available for Monte were Alyssa, Brittany, and Taylor. Monte decided against targeting Taylor and Alyssa this week, as his relationship with the ladies grows stronger every day. However, the same can’t be said for Brittany, as this competitor is not only super untrustworthy but would take the shot at Monte if she had the chance.

And so, with only two weeks remaining, Monte saw it best to finally target someone he believed should’ve left many weeks ago.

Week 11 Nominees: Brittany Hoopes and Alyssa Snider

As always, the Golden Power of Veto is up for grabs, meaning it’s anyone’s game. Should Alyssa win, then Brittany’s fate is sealed. But, if by some stroke of luck Brittany gets that Veto necklace, then we’re definitely in for a rocky week.

Who will inch closer to that grand prize? Tune in to a new episode of Big Brother season 24 on Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 8:00 p.m.  ET on CBS and Paramount+ to find out.

Who won Big Brother 2022 HOH tonight?

Julie Chen Moonves. Photo: Courtesy CBS.

Who wins HOH Big Brother?

Julie Chen Moonves. Photo Courtesy: CBS.

Who won POV on Big Brother 2022?

It was revealed on the live feeds that Brittany won the Power of Veto and because she did, that guarantees her a spot in the final four.

Who won the Veto on Big Brother tonight?

Kyle won the Veto.