How big does a red nose pit get?

The Red Nose Pitbull is an intelligent, active dog that is worth getting to know.

This unique canine belongs to the family of the American Staffordshire Terrier and officially recognized as the American Pitbull Terrier (APBT or Pittie),

But what is the truth behind Pitbulls, specifically the Red Nose Pitbull? Before you judge these dogs, it’s best to learn about them first.

How big does a red nose pit get?
A happy Red Nose Pitbull

  • The Red Nose Pitbull at a Glance
  • History of the Red Nose Pitbull
  • The Characteristics of a Pure “Old Family” Red Nose Pitbull
  • Are Red Nose Pitbulls Aggressive?
  • A Workout Fit for Champions
  • Training a Pittie: Respect and Love is the Key
  • Keeping your Red Nose Pitbull in Tip-top Shape
  • How Much Does a Red Nose Pitbull Puppy Cost?
  • Seal the Deal with the Red Nose Pitbull

The Red Nose Pitbull at a Glance

We’ve put together a table below to give you a quick overview of the Red Nose Pitbull.

Breed Summary Red Nose Pitbull Quick Facts
Breed Purpose Catch Dog, Hunting Dog, Companion Dog,
Drive Livestock
Breed Size Medium
Height Male: 18 to 21 inches (46 to 53 cm)
Female: 17 to 20 inches (43 to 51 cm)
Weight Male: 35 to 60 lbs (16 to 27 kg)
Female: 30 to 50 lbs (14 to 23 kg)
Coat Type Short, single coat
Shedding Moderate, Seasonal
Most Popular Coat Colors Red, Brown, Copper
Lifespan 12 to 14 years
Temperament Affectionate, Gentle, Friendly, Loyal, Intelligent
Energy High
Exercise Needs 1 hr per day
Average Price $1,000 to $3,000

History of the Red Nose Pitbull

It’s believed that, way back in 4,000 BC, the Pitbull came from a long line of Mastiffs used by the Greeks as working dogs and as fighting dogs during wars.

Other than that, the Red Nose Pitbull is said to originate from Ireland and can be traced back to its ancestors, the Old Family Red Nose strain of Pitbulls.

Which brings us to another question – what exactly is this strain of Pits?

Red Nose Pitbull Bloodline: The Old Family Red Strain

How big does a red nose pit get?

During the mid-1800s, a strain of Pitties was bred in and around Ireland and was initially known as Old Family Dogs.

Then called Irish Old Family Reds, these dogs developed into what we now know as the Old Family Red Nose strain (OFRN).

The OFRN of Ireland is used to distinguish the Red Nose Pits as an individual segment of the bloodlines of the American Pit Bull Terrier.

Red Nose Pitbulls caught the attention of many as they excelled in the pit due to their ferocity and gameness. It led the creators of these Pitbulls to use selective breeding to retain the purity of the strain.

Eventually, around the mid-1900s, this particular strain of Pitties made its way to the US together with Irish immigrants.

So, how can one tell that a dog is a Red Nose Pitbull?

The Red Nose Pitbull genes

Most people aren’t aware that the gene that makes the Red Nose Pit is in all shapes and sizes of Pitbulls, especially if they have that Old Family Red Strain in their ancestry.

Both Pitbull parents must have the recessive gene for their offspring to have the classic OFRN Pittie look which makes the Red Nose Pitties so rare.

Modern Red Nose Pitties may not have that true Red Nose look as other strains or lines have already diluted the gene.

And you have to remember that having a Red Nose physical trait, like a copper coat, doesn’t automatically mean that a Pitbull is closer to the Red Nose strain.

The Characteristics of a Pure “Old Family” Red Nose Pitbull

How big does a red nose pit get?

What makes the Red Nose Pitbull unique is its appearance.

Most of these dogs have a beautifully peculiar red, brown, or copper color to their fur, lips, and nails, plus striking amber eyes.

Red Nose Pitbulls can also have patterns of white or cream all over their body, mostly on their chest and toes.

These unique features are visible in a Red Nose Pitbull puppy from birth.

Red Nose Pitbulls got the title “best fighting dogs” for a reason. They have an athletic and stocky build that makes them a bit larger than an average Pitbull.

Their chiseled head is like a brick, with broad, powerful jaws. A muscular neck and a full chest give the unmistakable impression of strength.

Others have cropped ears, and others don’t – this entirely depends on the owner’s preferences.

How big do Red Nose Pitbulls get?

The Red Nose Pit classifies as a medium-sized dog. A female Red Nose Pitbull can grow around 17 to 20 inches (43 to 51 cm) in height and can weigh between 30 to 50 lbs (14 to 23 kg).

The male Red Nose Pitbull can grow a bit taller and heavier. A male can reach up to 18 to 21 inches (46 to 53 cm) in height and can be as massive as 35 to 60 lbs (16 to 27 kg).

Red Nose Pitbull 
Physical Features
Male Female
Height  18 to 21 inches
(46 to 53 cm)
17 to 20 inches
(43 to 51 cm)
Weight 35 to 60 lbs
(16 to 27 kg)
30 to 50 lbs
(14 to 23 kg)

Differences between a Blue Nose Pitbull and a Red Nose Pitbull

The main difference between these two dogs is their color.

The Blue Nose Pitbull has fur in various shades of gray, some with a hint of blue. With the Blue Nose Pitbull, the gene that causes its coloring affects melanin production.

Since they differ in color, these two Pitbull varieties also have different costs. The Red Nose Pitbull is more expensive because of how rare they are, so it’s more challenging to find them.

How big does a red nose pit get?
Red Nose Pitbull on the left

Aside from the color and price, the Red Nose and Blue Nose Pitbull are mostly similar as they are from the same family. They have equal temperaments or personalities: they’re both intelligent and loyal dogs.

Considered as “premium picks” of the Pitbull breed, they’re great family dogs and are not innately violent.

So don’t believe breeders who are selling Red or Blue Nose Pitbulls for a ridiculous price, saying they’re unique breeds.

You have to understand that the difference in color doesn’t mean one is a better dog than the other. Both are just American Pit Bull Terriers in different colors.

Are Red Nose Pitbulls Aggressive?

It’s important to know that, despite their checkered history with dogfighting and bull and bear baiting, the Pitbull is not an inherently aggressive dog.

In fact, what we tell you about this breed might just surprise you.

Is a Red Nose Pitbull dangerous?

It is possible that Pitbulls are the most controversial dog. It seems that there’s no gray area with these dogs – either you love them, or you hate them.

The answer to this age-old question, though, is NO. Pitbulls are not a dangerous breed, especially if their owners or breeders raise them properly.

The truth is that all dogs have the potential or tendency to be dangerous. Certain factors – like the socialization and training they get – can affect a dog’s personality.

How big does a red nose pit get?

Many APBTs end up in the hands of owners who treat their dogs harshly or fail to treat them properly, which negatively affects the dog’s behavior. Pitties who are raised with fear or aggression will be unpredictable in situations where they feel threatened.

With the right owner, Red Nose Pitbulls are gentle, friendly creatures. A Red Nose Pitbull craves interaction and companionship with their favorite humans.

They’re good pets for the family and are renowned for being superb with children! This breed is ideal for families that have experienced taking care of larger breeds.

Should you avoid a Red Nose Pitbull altogether?

Again, the answer is no.

As long as you know how to be an alpha leader and you’re willing to commit yourself to raising this breed using positive reinforcement, then it’s safe to say you can go for all kinds of Pitbulls.

That said, before going for this breed, you should know how to raise and train them properly.

This way, your Pittie grows up to be friendly and confident, and you’ll know how to avoid situations where your dog feels afraid or threatened.

A Workout Fit for Champions

The APBT is one of the most physically capable dogs today. Pitties are strong, and you’ll notice that if you ever saw a Red Nose Pitbull jumping.

Have you seen those videos where some of them even scale walls? Well, here’s one that shows how powerful they can be.

To help him stay healthy and blow off steam or burn his pent-up energy, the Red Nose Pit needs frequent and extensive exercise of 1 hour per day. Your dog would appreciate it if you’d be able to give him more than an hour of workouts and brain games.

This breed is more suitable for homes where he can enjoy both indoor and outdoor activities. Some owners would even build obstacle courses for their Pitbull to give their dog more physical activity and agility training.

A tired Red Nose Pitbull would happily curl up beside you after spending the whole day being active.

Without enough exercise or play, your dog can experience unhealthy weight gain and face more health issues. A bored Red Nose Pittie may also be destructive, wreaking havoc on your furniture.

Training a Pittie: Respect and Love is the Key

Pitbulls aren’t just physically capable, they’re intelligent, too. Most Pitties are a dream to train! It’s no wonder why they excel as working dogs, like in search and rescue.

Don’t forget to use praise and rewards to encourage his positive behavior. Establish that you are the alpha from the moment you bring him home.

Clarifying who’s dominant between the two of you will make it easier to prepare him for training — one way to do that is by using a commanding voice while maintaining eye contact.

Aside from rewarding your dog with treats and praise, avoid using the word NO whenever you give him instructions or when you’re disciplining him.

How big does a red nose pit get?

Regardless if he followed your commands or not, always show love and affection to your Red Nose Pit. You’ll be surprised how the positive association makes the training process quicker.

If ever you get into a battle of wills with your dog, use the modern force-free training method. In this training method, you teach your dog by focusing on the behavior that you want him to do instead of always correcting the habits you don’t like.

All you have to do is quickly provide a reward for your dog whenever he does something right, like praise, treats, or a favorite toy.

Not only will this ensure that there’s no conflict between you and your Pittie, but it will also increase the probability that your dog will choose to behave according to your expectations.

The importance of socializing your Red Nose Pit

Some owners opt to wait till their Red Nose Pitbull has gotten all its shots before starting socialization, but that isn’t necessary. The more socialization your Pittie gets, the better it will behave in unfamiliar situations.

You have to teach your dog that not everything and everyone around them is a threat. From puppyhood, expose your Red Nose Pitbull to new experiences as often as you can.

Let your Pittie meet your neighbors and friends, human or otherwise, but make sure your dog feels safe. This will help desensitize your Pittie and make him feel calmer.

If well-socialized, your Red Nose Pit will be the friendliest dog on the block. They would think everyone loves them and give all the love they have to everyone as well.

You should also make a safe space for your Red Nose Pit somewhere in the house that is a family-free zone. Give your dog somewhere to retreat if their surroundings are getting a bit too much for them to handle.

The Red Nose Pitbull and separation anxiety

How big does a red nose pit get?

Pitties can be such loving dogs that they won’t tolerate being alone for long periods.

This canine can suffer from separation anxiety and express his frustration in destructive ways.

If possible, don’t leave him alone for more than 3 to 4 hours at a time.

If you often have to be away from home for longer than that, make crate-training a priority.

Teaching your dog to stay in a crate while you are away will ensure that he’s in a safe place where he feels relaxed.

It would also help if you leave your Red Nose Pitbull with some treats or chew toys so he can keep himself entertained while you’re away.

How big does a red nose pit get?
Read all about: Best Dog Crates for Pitbulls

Keeping your Red Nose Pitbull in Tip-top Shape

Aside from making your dog happy by giving him exercise and training daily, you have to take care of his basic needs, too.

Good thing the Red Nose Pit is a relatively low-maintenance dog.

Proper grooming for your Red Nose Pitbull

One of the best things about Pitbulls is that grooming is such a breeze with their short, smooth single coat. Unfortunately, the Red Nose Pitbull is not hypoallergenic; they shed moderately twice a year.

You can brush your Red Nose Pittie’s gorgeous coat daily, but it won’t take much effort because of its fine hair. You don’t have to worry about tangles with the Pittie’s fur, but regular brushing ensures that oils are evenly distributed throughout his coat.

Give him a bath once a month or when needed, using an all-natural doggie shampoo to make sure his coat stays vibrant and healthy.

How big does a red nose pit get?
The short coat of the Red Nose Pittie (source)

Since this breed is prone to skin conditions, don’t forget to thoroughly check your Red Nose Pit’s coat for anything out of the ordinary like scabs or hot spots.

You must also inspect his ears at least once a week to prevent infections. Clean the area around his eyes to avoid staining and keep eye infections at bay.

Brush your Pittie’s teeth once a day to prevent bad breath and to make those Pittie kisses even more fun to receive.

Your Red Nose Pitbull might wear down his nails if he’s active enough outdoors, but make sure to check and trim his toenails regularly. This way, your dog won’t be uncomfortable while he’s doing all that running and jumping.

A healthy diet that your Red Nose Pittie deserves

Your Red Nose Pit’s food should be customized according to their daily routine, size, and age, especially since a dog’s nutritional and caloric needs change as he grows older.

It’s always best to ask your vet for recommendations on the best food and feeding schedule for your dog.

Red Nose Pitbull Puppies

How big does a red nose pit get?

The perfect diet for your Pitbull puppy should mostly be dry kibble that’s formulated especially for puppies.

You can also ask the breeder of your Red Nose Pit about the food or formula the pup has had, so your puppy can continue eating the food he’s used to.

Feed him about a quarter to a ½ cup of food that is divided into 4 to 6 meals every day until he turns six months.

Once they reach six months, you can switch his schedule to just three meals a day.

Make sure your young dog gets high-quality protein since he can’t digest protein as well as grown-up Pitties. Kibble that contains 34% to 40% protein, like meat, will work best for your Red Nose Pitbull puppy.

Your dog needs fat, too, but keep it in moderation. Red Nose Pit puppies’ diet should only have about 14% to 17% fat from good sources such as fish oil or chicken fat.

He would also need some calcium in his food to help his bones grow properly and to help him get that unmistakable Pittie stance.

Never have a bowl of food available at all times, as this will make it easier for your Red Nose Pit puppy to overfeed himself.

Don’t give in to those cute eyes and their floppy ears even if they melt your heart. Teach your Red Nose Pit puppy to enjoy a healthy and nutritious diet while they’re young so you won’t have trouble feeding it as an adult.

Adolescent and Grown-Up Red Nose Pitbulls

Once your Red Nose Pittie reaches the age of 18 months, its diet should be adjusted again according to his size and activity level.

If you have a larger Pitbull (closer to the higher end of the average weight range), he would need 1.5 to 3 cups of dry food divided into three meals a day. Smaller Pitties will be satisfied with two-thirds of a cup or less daily.

An adult Pitbull’s dog food should be mostly meat instead of grains. Check the kibble’s ingredients part and make sure it contains about 15% to 30% protein and 15% to 20% fat.

It’s easy to overfeed a Pitbull, especially with its appetite. You may also think that their high activity levels mean they need more food.

A fit and healthy Pitbull should have an hourglass figure when you look down at his body, and you should feel his ribs during tummy rubs.

How big does a red nose pit get?
A healthy Red Nose Pitbull – source

Health issues common in Red Nose Pitbulls

It’s easy to see that Pitbulls are more physically sound than other dogs, but there are certain health problems the Red Nose Pit is more prone to.

Their signature posture can hurt their joints. Their heavy frames and the position of their legs put a strain on their ligaments, which can cause chronic damage and even leg lameness.

One way to prevent this condition is to make sure they don’t become overweight.

Aside from skin issues such as allergies, Pitbulls are also likely to suffer retinal degradation. They may be having trouble with their vision if they often run into walls or get confused when you’re playing fetch. Take your Red Nose Pit to the vet if you see such symptoms.

Hip dysplasia, degenerative myelopathy, and kneecap dislocation are some other health concerns that you should watch out for throughout your dog’s life.

Just like all Pitbulls, the Red Nose Pit is a hardy dog that has a lifespan of up to 12 to 14 years. Some have been known to reach 16 years or even longer.

How Much Does a Red Nose Pitbull Puppy Cost?

How big does a red nose pit get?

Each Red Nose Pittie pup can cost around $1,000 to $3,000.

Because of the rarity of a Red Nose Pitbull, they can be more expensive compared to other APBTs.

Expect to pay even more if you were able to find a breeder that can give you a Red Nose Pittie linked to the Old Family strain.

But you have to remember that the price is not an indication that it’s a well-raised puppy or that a breeder has proper breeding practices in place.

You still need to check a breeder’s credentials to get a healthy puppy.

It is best to look for a breeder that loves Pitties and is earnest about changing the negative reputation of these dogs by producing the best puppies possible.

Red Nose Pitbull breeders

Never believe any breeder that will tell you that the Red Nose Pitbull is an entirely new or different breed and that it’s special, which makes it unreasonably expensive. These are the kind of breeders that don’t have the overall health of the dog in mind.

The good thing is there are a lot of breeders that love Pitbulls and Red Nose Pitties in particular. These breeders make sure their puppies are in excellent health and have an even temperament.

Here are some trustworthy breeders that offer beautiful Red Nose Pitbull puppies:

  • Bryant’s Red Devils (Georgia)
  • Humboldt Pitbulls (California)
  • Delaware Red Pitbulls (Philadelphia, Delaware, and Maryland)

Red Nose Pitbulls for adoption

A lot of Pitbulls end up in shelters because their former owners don’t do proper research about the breed before taking a Pittie puppy home.

One of the great things about rescuing a Pittie is being able to give a loving dog a chance to have a family again. Another benefit is that rescuing a Red Nose Pittie is usually more affordable than buying a pup from a breeder.

Check out your local shelter if they have a Red Nose Pit that’s available for adoption. You can also get in touch with these rescue groups:

  • Bella Reed Pitbull Rescue (Pennsylvania)
  • Angel City Pitbulls (Los Angeles)
  • Bully Paws (Virginia)

You’ll be happy to know that a lot of rescue organizations groom and medically care for these dogs. Some shelters will even train their dogs to follow basic commands.

Did you know that you can also contact rescue groups for training services and vet care for your adopted dog?

How big does a red nose pit get?

Is a Red Nose Pitbull illegal?

In certain areas in Australia, the US, and the UK, Pitbulls and all related breeds are under breed-specific laws. These breed-specific laws prevent residents of those areas from owning these dogs. Some laws will allow these dogs only in certain circumstances.

In these places, Pitties are outlawed because of their reputation and dog-fighting background, along with the belief that the dogs are dangerous.

Aside from the APBT, regulated breeds also include Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, and German Shepherds.

Other Pitbulls worth everyone’s attention

If you love the Pitbull and all its types, then you have to check out these Pittie mixes. These unique-looking crossbreeds have the Pitbull’s gentle nature and friendliness.

These are just some of the Pitbull mixes you can meet:

  • Pitbull Boxer Mix
  • Pitbull Husky Mix
  • German Shepherd Pitbull Mix
  • Pocket Pitbull
  • Pitbull Chihuahua Mix
  • Pitbull Lab Mix

Now you have more options if you can’t find a Red Nose Pitbull near you!

Seal the Deal with the Red Nose Pitbull

How big does a red nose pit get?

There is no denying the unfortunate history of all Pitbulls.

But we can’t turn a blind eye to the fact that most Pitties are incredibly loyal and obedient.

Just make sure to raise him well and to socialize and train him as early as possible.

If you’re able to meet all the needs of this majestic breed, then you’ll earn yourself a loving and faithful dog.

The Red Nose Pitbull is an ideal match for an owner who has experience in handling medium or large dogs, as it may be too stubborn or too strong to handle for a first-time owner.

The Red Nose Pittie is also perfect for anyone who loves being on the move, as these canines can keep up with vigorous physical activities like hiking and running.

Have you experienced owning this Pitbull before? Share your stories with us by leaving comments below!

Are red nose pits more aggressive?

Red Nose Pitbull Temperament You'll be surprised to know that they are actually well behaved and don't act over-aggressive to people, however, they are found to be much more likely than other dog types to attack other dogs.

How long does a red nose pit live?

How long do red nose Pitbulls live? The red nose Pitbull is a medium sized dog, being a variety of the American Pitbull Terrier. In terms of lifespan, you can expect a red nose Pitbull to live to 14 years old on average. Some have been known to live as long as 16 years old.

How much is a pitbull red nose?

How much does a Red Nose Pitbull cost? The cost of a Red Nose Pitbull depends on where you buy them from. From some breeders they could cost $500, but from other breeders they could be over $1000.

Are red nose Pitbulls smaller?

The Red Nose Pitbull, like other APBTs, can vary a fair bit in size. This depends on their breeding lines and sex. It is typically classified as a medium-sized dog, usually weighing anything from around 30 to 60 pounds. But these pups are also densely muscular.