Which of these statements is subjective apex

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How do you use subjective symptom in a sentence?

Subjective Symptom

What is a subjective case pronoun?

Subjective case is the form that would be used for the subject of a sentence or clause. The subjective pronouns are: "I," "we," "he," "she," "they." Both "you" and "it" can be used as either subjective or objective.

What are 3 examples of subjective writing?

In creative writing (literature) one is Erich Maria Remarque's ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT, which decried nationalistic warfare while illustrating its effects on the soldiers involved. Examples of subjective writing are abundant in modern media, including editorials in newspapers, political statements, and environmental activism.

Use the word subjective in a sentence?

All his supporting evidence was subjective and not concrete.

Examples of subjective noun?

A subjective noun is used as a subject or a predicate noun in a sentence. In the sentence, "Andrea eats apples", Andrea is the subjective noun. In the sentence, "Alvin fell from the tree.", Alvin is the subjective noun.

Asked by wonderwoman06282018

Out of the following two statements, which one is subjective?

A: It's sunny and 75 degrees.

B: The weather is wonderful!

C: both

D: neither

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Answered by bullecerjuliemae

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  • lestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Donec aliquet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec faci
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  • nec facilisis. Pellente

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6.Read each statement and indicate whether it is objective or subjective?Objective: Presents facts without opinionSubjective: Represents personal opinion which may not be accurateStatementa.Anwar (4 years) is a selfish boy.b.Olivia (2 years) is very spoilt, she always wants everything her own way!Objectivec.Leo (12 months) finds it difficult to settle into a sleep routine.d.Tilly (3 years) never does as she is asked, she is very willful.Objectivee.Cara (4 years 9 months) has poor receptive language skills.7.The following statements would be considered as unprofessional.Match each statement with the descriptor that best defines why the statement is unprofessional.Descriptors:a.Educator is demonstrating cultural bias.b.Educator demonstrates lack of respect for child/family.c.Educator is making assumptions that may or may not be correct.d.Educator is making a personal value judgment.DescriptorStatementdBrooke (2 years 3 months) is extremely spoilt. She screams and tantrums ifher needs are not met immediately.aJiang (4 years) has three sisters. Like all Asian families, as the only malePage9of25

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8. Look at the photos of Mitch (9 months) who is an active crawler. Match the observations ofMitch’s motor skills to the photographs.Page10of25

PhotographObservationcMitch holds on with one hand while manipulating another object on the table.dMitch shifts to a crouching position while manipulating the objects.aMitch is able to sit without support, move his body forward and reach out with hisPage11of25

arm while maintaining balancebMitch is able to pull himself to a standing position, maintaining his balance byholding onto the table. He is able to stand by holding on with one hand. Whenstanding his legs are wide apart.The Educator would like to extend and develop Mitch’s motor skills.

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