Which of the following statements about ribosomes is incorrect known as protein factory of cell?

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The correct option is A I onlyRibosomes are cell organelles which are involved in the synthesis of proteins and are thus known as ‘protein factories’. They are made up of a type of RNA known as ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and about 40 to 80 different proteins. The proteins present in ribosomes act as structural scaffolding. It has two subunits - large and small. When the ribosome is not synthesising proteins, the two subunits may be present separately. During the process of protein synthesis the two subunits come together. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});



Question Papers

let's understand about this question and other questions please that which of the following statement is incorrect with respect to ribosome ok so ribosome is a very important cell organelle present in our shelf and ribosome is the organelle which are present in prokaryotes and prokaryotes and eukaryotes also the ribosome is made up of it is made up of ribonucleic acid routine it is also called as protein factory because it factory Viber college protein factory because it is responsible for the production of protein molecule or the

synthesis of sentences of protein molecule because the ribosome is quite a sight of sorry provide a site where the long polypeptide chain is formed it is worked as a site where the polypeptide peptide chain is found that we suppose this is ribosome and any is pickup the year and it is placed here and trans is placed here and the anticodons are is attached here and polypeptide chain is formed for the with the help of these

this or organ system we can see that this is the ribosomal RNA this STR and a so we can see that the solar system is a very play a very important to information of protein and ribosomes provide this site it is provide the site where the protein molecule is formed right so the basics about the ribosome and let the statement to the first is given the type of ribosome of ribosomes of prokaryotes is 70 as so this is absolutely correct because if you talk about the in prokaryotes to the ribosomal subunit is present here 70 as which is consist one small unit that one is smaller unit and one largest unit it is formed to do small subunit to the large subunit is

50s and smaller subunit is 30 years and S is denoted by the sedimentation coefficient ok so this is the units which are present in the ribosome in prokaryotes ok so this is correctly given next is ribosome was discovered by George quality so this will be again correct George pahle day was a scientist who discovered the ribosome at the very first next is given they are made up of only it is not made up of RNA only that is why this statement will be incorrect because if we as I told you earlier the RNA is made up of ribosomes is made up of our any ribonucleic acid or protein molecule also ok so this is incorrect because the rest one is drivers

also known as protein factory this will also in this will also the correct statement because as I told you it ribosome is a facilitate the protein synthesis process should correct answer here is option C thank you

Which of the following statements about ribosome is incorrect?

Which of the following statements is wrong for ribosomes. UPLOAD PHOTO AND GET THE ANSWER NOW! Solution : Ribosomes are membraneless or without membraneous structure.

Why are ribosomes called the protein factory of the cell?

Ribosomes synthesize proteins by gathering and assembling amino acids into protein chains. Since ribosomes are the only cell organelle involved in the synthesis of protein, they are called the protein factory of the cell.

Which of the following statements is correct about ribosomes?

So, the correct answer is 'Complete polypeptide is released from there. '

Which of the following is not true about ribosomes?

The correct answer is C. They are composed of a large and a small subunit and are made of RNA known as ribosomal RNA (rRNA). However, ribosomes are not surrounded by a membrane, i.e., they are not membrane-bound organelles. Thus, option C. is not true about ribosomes.