What to say to my mom to make her feel special?

Moms are there from the beginning. They nurture us in the womb, give birth to us, and take care of us during our growing up years.

A mom can take on many different shapes. Perhaps you have had an aunt, grandma or foster mom raise you from a baby.

Maybe you were adopted into a fabulous loving family.

Ultimately, we all generally have a female in our life we want to say positive and even sweet things too. We want to tell them what they mean, or have meant to us.

We want them to know that we appreciated their love and support during the years of growing up.

From a baby to toddler, teen to adult, new mom to grandma.

What to say to my mom to make her feel special?
What to say to my mom to make her feel special?


If you don’t know where to start saying thank you, or I appreciate you, we’ve got a list of sweet things and phrases to get you started.

If you don’t have a mom in your life, perhaps you can use these phrases on an aunt, grandma, or other mother-figure in your life.

The mothers and mother figures in our lives are irreplaceable. They deserve to feel loved and appreciated all year long, but especially on Mother’s Day. Whether you want to write a card for your mother or a great mom you know, there are many ways to express how you feel. Check out these examples of Mother’s Day messages to inspire you to write the perfect note.

Mother’s Day messages from a daughter

She is the woman you look up to and aspire to be. Sometimes mother-daughter relationships can be complicated. Even though you may argue sometimes, your bond and love is deep.

What to say to my mom to make her feel special?

  • Mom, I know that I don’t say this enough—I love you. You are an amazing role model and I appreciate everything you do for our family and me.
  • I am the luckiest girl in the world to have been raised by a woman like you. Truly, thank you for everything. I am who I am today because of you.
  • Thank you for taking such good care of us. I know I’m not always easy to deal with; for that I apologize. No matter what, I love you. Happy Mother’s Day.
  • Mom, as a little girl I looked up to you so much. Today, I still aspire and strive to live and love like you.

From a daughter who is a mom too

  • Mom, thank you for everything. I am finally beginning to understand the depth and breadth of everything that you did and continue to do for me. You are the best. I love you!
  • Thank you for showing me how to be a great mom. You’ve set the bar very high, but I will do my best to emulate what you taught me. I love you. Happy Mother’s Day!

Mother’s Day messages from a son

She has always had your back. Let her know that you recognize that and cherish her. No matter how old you are, in her eyes you will always be her little boy.

What to say to my mom to make her feel special?

  • Mom, you are the best! I am so lucky to have you as my mom. We appreciate everything that you do for us—thank you.
  • Thank you for all of the invaluable lessons you’ve taught me. I will carry these lessons with me for the rest of my life. Happy Mother’s Day!
  • I know I didn’t always make it easy on you. Thank you for your patience and compassion. I am a better man because of you.
  • You are amazing and appreciated. I don’t know how you do it all. I’m just happy that I have the best mom in the world!
  • Mom, you are irreplaceable. I don’t know what I would do without you! Happy Mother’s Day. I hope you have a great day.
  • Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Thank you for always supporting me and my dreams. Thank you for being the best mom. I love you!

Mother’s Day messages for your friend

A Mother’s Day card for a friend isn’t always conventional, but it is completely appropriate and appreciated. Maybe you and your friend are experiencing motherhood together, or maybe your friend is a new mother or a hardworking single mom.

What to say to my mom to make her feel special?

  • Happy First Mother’s Day! You are doing a great job with your adorable [son/daughter]. I am so excited to see [baby’s name] grow up.
  • You truly go above and beyond for your children. You are an inspiration. All of your hard work will pay off when they develop a work ethic like yours. Happy Mother’s Day!
  • Your children are lucky to have a mother like you, just as I am lucky to have a friend like you! Happy Mother’s Day.

From one mom to another

  • No one understands being a mother like another mom. I am happy to be going on this journey of motherhood with my best friend by my side. Happy Mother’s Day!
  • From one mom to another, Happy Mother’s Day. Kick back and relax—we deserve it!
  • I am so happy that I have you to share the experiences of motherhood with. Through the good and the bad, I’ll always be there. Happy Mother’s Day.

Mother’s Day messages for your wife

Your wife deserves a relaxing day full of love and appreciation. Make the mother of your children know that you love and appreciate everything that she does.

What to say to my mom to make her feel special?

  • You are such an amazing mother and wife. Our children are so lucky to have you as their mother, and I am so blessed to be able to call you my wife.
  • All of your hard work never goes unnoticed. I love and appreciate all that you do. You are the rock of this family, and I don’t know what we would do without you.
  • I could not have been blessed with a more amazing woman. Your strength and dedication inspires me everyday. I hope our kids grow up to be just as driven and strong as you are.
  • Before we had children I thought that there was no way I could love you more. Raising children together has only magnified my love for you. Happy Mother’s Day!
  • To my beautiful wife: I know I don’t always show it, but I appreciate you and your commitment to our family. Happy Mother’s Day—you deserve the best!
  • I love how great of a mother you are. I love watching you play with our children. I love how smart, caring and beautiful you are. I love every part of you. Happy Mother’s Day!

Funny Mother’s Day messages

Depending on your mom’s sense of humor, a funny message could be perfect. Include a hilarious memory or embarrassing moment that will make her crack a smile. Just be sure to add a serious “thank you” or “I love you” in your card too.

What to say to my mom to make her feel special?

  • Happy Mother’s Day! I know that I am already the best gift you could receive, so didn’t think it was necessary to get you anything. (Just kidding—you deserve the world).
  • Raising me was quite a feat. Congrats on hanging in there!
  • Happy Mother’s Day to my second most embarrassing parent!
  • Remember when you caught me sneaking out that one time? I really learned my lesson… and made sure that I never got caught again. Thank you for teaching me to never give up.
  • Happy Mother’s Day! I am grateful because I’m your child. I laugh because there’s nothing you can do about it.

Mother’s Day Messages for your daughter or granddaughter

Time flies! Your daughter is now a mom. Maybe your granddaughter is blessing you with great grandbabies. Wish her a Happy Mother’s Day and leave her with some sage mothering advice!

What to say to my mom to make her feel special?

  • I am so proud of the woman and mother that you have become. My grandchildren are lucky to have you as their mama.
  • Even though now my baby has a baby, you will always be my little girl. Happy Mother’s Day! I am so proud of you.
  • Happy Mother’s Day, sweetie. Your father and I are thinking of you and our sweet grandbaby today.
  • I hope you experience all of the joy and love that I experienced when I had you. I love you. Happy Mother’s Day!
  • Nothing makes me prouder than having you as a daughter. You are doing such a great job raising my grandbaby. I love you always and forever!

Mother’s Day messages for your second mom

Sometimes there is someone in your life who isn’t your mom, but has impacted you in many positive ways. Show her some love on Mother’s Day. She’ll really appreciate it.

What to say to my mom to make her feel special?

  • Thank you for being an ongoing source of love and support in my life. Happy Mother’s Day!
  • You’ve been exactly like a mom to me. I can’t thank you enough for being my confidant, shoulder to cry on and an amazing role model.
  • Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for treating me like your own. I will be forever grateful for what you’ve done for me.
  • Thank you for teaching me so much and helping me navigate life’s important decisions. I don’t know what I’d do without you in my life. Happy Mother’s Day!
  • Happy Mother’s Day! I want to recognize you today and thank you for all of your love and care. It has made a huge impact on my life.

Mother’s Day messages for every personality

It’s easier to write a tailored message for your mom if you take her personality into account. There are a lot of different personality types, and she’s most likely a combination. But we’ve boiled it down to five basic mother personalities.

What to say to my mom to make her feel special?

The entertainer

She is the life of the party. Her house and pantry is always ready to throw an impromptu party. She loves seeing the people around her have a great time.

  • Happy Mother’s Day to the woman who never ceases to amaze with her attention to detail and hard work. I love you, but let us throw you the party for once!
  • Mom, you really are the life of our party. This home would be so boring without you! Happy Mother’s Day!

The humanitarian

She always puts everyone’s needs before her own. She is quick to volunteer her time to help a charity or the PTA. She loves lending a helping hand.

  • Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! You always put everyone else’s needs before your own. Today we are putting you first. You deserve it!
  • Mom, you have always inspired me to be a better person through your selflessness and service. The world is better place because of you. Happy Mother’s Day!

The best friend

She treats you like a BFF, because you are her heart. You know that you can tell her anything, and she is always there to listen. She loves to spend time with you and have a good time.

  • Happy Mother’s Day to my best friend. I am so lucky to have you as my mom. I wouldn’t trade our relationship for anything, I love you!
  • Thank you for always being there for me. Not only are you my mom, but you’re my best friend. Happy Mother’s Day. I love you!

What to say to my mom to make her feel special?

The therapist

She may be more reserved, but her love for you is bold. She gives the best advice and always notices when you are upset. She loves spending a quiet evening with close friends and family.

  • I am so lucky to have been raised by such a thoughtful and caring woman. There’s nothing that I enjoy more than just spending time with you. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!
  • Happy Mother’s Day! Your gentle voice and sound advice has always been my anchor whenever I’m upset. Thank you for listening and for being there when I need you. I love you!

The adventure seeker

She’s an adventurous soul who loves to try new things. She’s in her happy place on family vacations and weekend trips. She loves when you agree to try that trendy yoga class or new restaurant with her.

  • You have the gift of turning anything into an adventure. Thank you for making my childhood so active and fun. I am blessed to have you as my mother!
  • Thank you for giving me your eyes and your love of travel! Your vivacity and enthusiasm always amaze me. I love you. Happy Mother’s Day!

What to write in a Mother’s Day card

In addition to the messages above, you should make sure to personalize the message and fill up her card with love, because that is what she deserves. If you need some help getting started, here are some tips on what to write in a Mother’s Day card.

  • Make sure she knows you love and appreciate her – She works hard and deserves many accolades.
  • Make it personal – This is especially important when you’re writing a card to someone that you’re close to. She deserves authentic and thoughtful sentiments.
  • Add fond memories – Remind her of some of your favorite memories together. She’ll love the blast from the past.
  • Map it out – Have a plan of what you want to write before you write it on the actual card. This will help you avoid squeezing sentences in at the very bottom of the card.
  • Showcase your talents – If you are a good artist, create your own cover art. If you are a good poet, write her a sweet poem. She’ll love it because you created it, and she’ll also appreciate the extra effort.
  • Use your best handwriting – We may not all have beautiful calligraphy-like handwriting but try your best. At the very least, make sure it’s legible!
  • Show your love in the signature – “Love always,” “Yours truly,” “Your daughter/son,” “Xoxo,” “Love you,” and “With love” are all appropriate. Try “Your favorite child,” if you want to be cheeky. If you are far apart, “Always missing you” or “Wish I could be with you today,” will suffice. Make sure your closing matches her personality.

A card is the perfect way to show your mom that you care. Whether it’s hand-delivered or sent through snail mail, make sure it gets to her on time! When it comes to a Mother’s Day gift, personalization is a great option. It shows your mom that your gift is thoughtful and it makes her feel special!

What do you say to a special mother?

25 Things You've Got to Say to Your Mom on Mother's Day.
“I Love You, no matter what” Let your mom know how much she means to you. ... .
“You were right” ... .
“You are my Hero” ... .
“You Are The World's Best Cook” ... .
“Thank You” ... .
“I am glad you are MY Mom” ... .
“I am Sorry” ... .
“What can I do for you?”.

How do you make your mom feel special?

10 Ways to Make Your Mother Feel Special.
Respect. Everything Mom has done for you… ... .
The Letter. Write your mom a handwritten note. ... .
Scrapbook. Put together a scrapbook of some of your favorite memories of her. ... .
Projects And Chores. ... .
Donate To Moms In Need. ... .
Public Acknowledgement. ... .
Manners. ... .
Make Her Feel Needed..

What is the sweetest thing to say to your mom?

Sweet Things To Say To Your Mom To Make Her Cry You are the most amazing mother anyone can have. And I am blessed because I have you. I am proud of you. I am grateful for the love you always give me, no matter what.

What can I text my mom to make her smile?

Short Message for Mother Everything I am today is because of your encouragement, mom. Thank you for always being by my side, mom. Thank you for having more faith in my dreams than I do, mom. No one in the world can replace you in my life, mom.