A surprise birthday party for my mother essay

It was my mother’s birthday. My sister Lily and I were busy preparing for a good evening to the best gift life had ever given to us. My mother had done her best to offer us whatever we wished for. She is working in two different jobs. She is a librarian in the morning and a waitress in the afternoon. We have never felt the absence of our father who died 3 years ago in a car crush. If we asked for her eyes, she would gouge those hot spoons to hand them to us. What a great mother she was! Preparing a tiny party for her was the least thing we can do to show her how grateful we are for such a blessing. Things went just the way I had wished them to go. Everything was where it was supposed to be. With a sister like Lily by my side, I had to worry about nothing. The dining room was beautifully ornamented and gave a huge comfort for anyone entering it. It was very simple and cozy. The…show more content…
Her eyelids reached the half of her eyes. Her day was tough, undoubtedly. I wanted the conversation to go on, but I saw it was better to let her enjoy the food and keep my mouth shut. I am a chatty girl. Dinner was the only time we meet. Thus; I do my best to discuss whatever comes to my mind to have more fun with my family. Tonight was different, so I must be respectful. I had no clue whether my mother was really enjoying her food or not, for she was deeply preoccupied by something. I brought the funny cartoon-like cake I made and asked my mother to blow off the candles and make wish. She did. Curiosity was killing me; I was impatient to know what the wish was. I asked her about the wish. She stared in my eyes for a couple of seconds. She became white as a ghost. My mother smiled again without saying a single word. It was really strange. This is not the nature of her; she always answered every single question I asked no matter how stupid or absurd it was. That night, I did not know what the matter

Every year on your birthday, your mother will celebrate the day with so much grandeur and love. She orders the cake, calls home your friends and cooks the best food for the guests. She pays attention to even the minute’s things in your birthday party so that the event is a grand success. Now it is payback time. You cannot ignore all the efforts that your mother took. You should thank her and what better way than celebrating her birthday by throwing a surprise party.

Though your mother may not ask for, she too will love being surprised. So, plan surprise birthday party for your mother and let her know how much she means for you. Here are some tips to plan a super cool party for your mom –

Venue –

The first thing that you must choose is a venue for the party. If it is your house, you will have to be extra careful because the idea is to surprise her and moms usually find out that something is fishy in no time. So, make sure that you do all the planning somewhere else and only begin to decorate the house on the day of the party. For this, you can ask your dad or her friends to take your mom out for a couple of hours before the party begins. If you choose a different venue, it will be easier to deck up the place.

A surprise birthday party for my mother essay

Decor –

As your mom is a grown-up woman, make sure that the deco is elegant and does not look funny. Use subtle colours and exotic flowers for the decoration. You can add your mom’s favourite fliers in the decoration. Hang some Chinese lanterns and throw around fairy lights to add that extra effect.

Cake –

No birthday is complete without the cake cutting ceremony. You can order the favourite flavour of your mom by birthday cake online shopping. The beautiful cake should reach the venue on time.

Invites –

Keep the invites simple. Even better is to invite the guests in person or on the phone avoiding all the waste of reserve and money. Make sure that you call all your moms friends, family and dear ones.

Dress code –

It is not a good idea to have unique dress codes. Keep it casual or formal. Do not have rave themes that your mom may not enjoy. So, if at all you want to have a theme party, go for retro or the 80’s theme which your mom will love.

Food –

You can order the food from outside. Make sure that all your moms’ favourite food is included. If she prefers vegetarian, you can have a vegetarian spread. And if she loves non-vegetarian, have chicken and meat too.

Music –

Have subtle music and slow melodies. Do not play music on high volume because your mom is going to hate it. Also, it will be difficult for her to interact with the guests.

Whether it is order birthday cakes onlineor booking the venue, you must make sure that everything is in your mom’s taste.

How do I celebrate my mom's birthday essay?

Then my father and I bought her a lovely present which was a beautiful flower vase. In the evening my dad returned home early from the office and took us to the movies first. After watching a film we went to a very big restaurant and had a lot of delicacies. After that my dad took mom and me for some shopping.

How do I surprise my mom on her birthday?

Cook one of her favorite meals, or take her to a restaurant that she's been meaning to try. Throw her a party. This option will require some planning and preparation, but it'll make your mom's birthday extra-special. Be sure to pick a time, place, and date that works for your mother.

How do you plan a surprise birthday party for your mom?

How to plan a surprise birthday party for your mother.
Venue – The first thing that you must choose is a venue for the party. ... .
Decor – As your mom is a grown-up woman, make sure that the deco is elegant and does not look funny. ... .
Cake – ... .
Invites – ... .
Dress code – ... .
Food – ... .
Music –.

How do you celebrate a surprise birthday party?

Birthday Party Surprise Ideas Recap.
Movie Montage..
Work Delivery..
Explore Somewhere New..
Chefs Table..
Treasure Hunt..
Round the Clock Gifts..
Book a Unique Event..
Date Night..