What happened in 1952 for the FFA?

  • Henry Groseclose,Harry Sanders, Walter Newman, and Edmund Magill met.

  • The Future Farmers of Virginia started.

  • National Congress Of Vo Ag Students met

  • Leslie Applegate Of New Jersey

  • What happened in 1952 for the FFA?

    First National Convention in Kansas City Missouri 33 members from 18 states attended.

  • Delegates Restricted Membership to only boys.

  • Official Creed Adopted

  • Dark Blue Pants
    Blue or White Pants
    Blue Cap
    Yellow Tie

  • Character granted in 1932

  • Gus Linter designed the FFA jacket in the 1930s.
    Adopted as the official jacket in 1933

  • 1940-1945 World War 2 raged on.

  • 12,500 members attend convention in 1946

  • National band performs at the national convention.

  • Membership went from 238,269 to 260,300

  • Rhode Island FFA established in 1949. Put FFA in every sate

  • In 1950 President Harry Truman granted Federal Charter to FFA therefore recognizing FFA and giving them federal support.Public Law 740 gives FFA a federal charter. FFA is recognized by Congress as part of the curricular structure of the educational system.

  • Staff member within the U.S. Department of Education serve as the national FFA advisor

  • 1952 FFA code of ethics adopted. A set of rules or guidelines for ffa members.

  • The official FFA Magazine established.

  • Eisenhower was first president to speak at national convention

  • African American members allowed to join.

  • Businiesses and Universities were represented.

  • Documents were being stored for the first time in FFA history.

  • Presidnt Nixon gives a speech at the 1968 National FFA convention.

  • Girls were allowed to become official members of the FFA for the first time in 1969

  • FFA Alumni could now be part of the FFA after graduation

  • Current Official Dress Standards Created

  • Fred Mclure elected, making hime the first negro to hold a national office.

  • Julie Smiley , first woman to hold a national office.

  • 1st female to hold national office

  • 1986 First Agriscience Teacher of the Year award given

  • The name is changed from the Future Farmers of America to the National FFA Organization New Emblem adopted

  • 1989 The National Future Farmer Magazine becomes FFA New Horizons

  • 1990 PALS Launched Partners In Active Learning Support

  • -1991 Chapters added in 3 U.S. territories - Virgin Islands, Guam, Micronesia

  • 1994 Corey Flournoy Ist Black National President

  • 1996 FFA.org is established

  • -FFA Center Dedicated

  • 2002 75th National FFA Convention held in Louisville KY, 50th anniversary Time Capsule Opened, Mohammed Ali recognized to honor FFA’s growing diversity, Official Dress Standards Updated, Allows girls to wear black pants

  • 2002 Removes White Pants for Band and Choir

  • -2003 Javier Moreno first national president not to speak English as first language. 1st Puerto Rican President

  • -Only Blue Will Do!-Changes Fit Of Jacket-Brings Back Original Colors

  • -2005-Seeds Of Hope-Program to rebuild the gulf coast after Katrina

What is important about the 1950's in the FFA world?

1950 - The U.S. Congress passes Public Law 81-740, which grants the FFA a Federal Charter and stipulates that a U.S. Department of Education staff member be the national FFA advisor. Today FFA continues to be recognized by Congress as an intra-curricular part of the educational program.

Why is Alexandria Virginia important to the FFA?

- 1939. 28.5 acres of land is purchased near Alexandria, Va., for the first FFA-owned national headquarters; the land was once part of George Washington's estate. Identical twins Albert and Arthur Lacy from Hondo, Texas, become the only members ever to share the title of Star Farmer of America.