What happened to The Order of the Stone?

The Order of the Stone is a group of legendary heroes who were the heroes of the land of Minecraft. They consisted of four (formerly five) members who represented the various classes in Minecraft.

Their biggest quest and achievement was slaying the mythical creature the Ender Dragon.


The Order of the Stone had five original members:

  • Soren the Architect (Leader) 
  • Gabriel the Warrior
  • Magnus the Rogue (Determinately Deceased) 
  • Ellegaard the Redstone Engineer (Determinately Deceased) 
  • Ivor (Formerly) 


Obtaining Ghast Tears

The Order's first official mission was to obtain ghast tears. According to Soren, the Order fought ghasts for hours before obtaining the tears as a reward.

Obtaining Prismarine Crystals

The Order's second mission was to obtain prismarine crystals. During this mission, they went deep underwater. It was revealed that they almost ran out of oxygen, Ellegaard had to use a spare bucket to use some extra breaths while underwater.

Crafting a Sea Lantern

The Order used the crystals obtained by their previous mission to craft a sea lantern. 

Obtaining Packed Ice

The Order went to the ice spikes biome. It was very cold, and they almost froze. However, Magnus continiously fell over the ice, and the Order had a nice chuckle on this, which kept them warm.

Defeating the Ender Dragon

Before the truth was revealed, Soren states that they destroyed the Ender Crystals and once The Ender Dragon had fallen, Gabriel killed it with his sword.

In reality, Soren used the command block to destroy it.

Killed Victims

  • The Ender Dragon
  • Several hostile mobs


  • Minecraft's original name was "Minecraft: Order of the Stone", until Notch decided to just keep it as "Minecraft".[1]
  • Ivor is the only member of The Order to appear after episode four.



  1. The Word of Notch — Tumblr

Hello, so recently i played minecraft story mode episode 4. But here's what's been bugging me since the start of this series.

When ivor walked up the stage, and went up to gabriel(episode 1), he said "Why don't you tell them the true story, Gabriel!" at first i thought it was because he was kicked out of the order, but with the recent episode i got a new idea.

So, major spoilers ahead. So what happens in episode 4 is, Soren tells Jesse about everything that happened when they fought the ender dragon.. How they blew up 4 Crystals.

Here's my theory. As i said, they blew up only 4. Representing the order of the stone after Ivor was kicked. Here's the thing. Ivor had destroyed the rest of the crystals, but to take the credit, Soren kicks Ivor out of the team, and so he leaves the end, giving Soren and the team the opportunity to destroy the ender dragon at the final 4 crystals. What happens next is that the order tears apart after Magnus tells Soren about his new invention; "The f-bomb". Soren claims it as his own, and Elleegard tells Magnus to back away because Soren was the leader, and he could take what he wanted. And so when we hear Eleegard and Magnus talking about the "f-bomb" magnus starts saying: "not this again.". After this huge story of things, the order tears apart, to never be together again. What about Gabriel? Gabriel standed neutral, but he realized the order could not be only made of two people. With so many things happening, the order was quit. And here's the reason why i think this: If you played the newest episode, episode 4, Soren actually runs away from the witherstorm, coincidence? I think not. He destroyed the ender dragon, or no.. Ivor did. Causing me to think that Soren kicked out Ivor because he was jealous of his bravery.

There's more pieces to this puzzle. But they have yet to be revealed in episode 5.

At the end of episode 4 where you can choose to reveal what the Order of the Stone did to the dragon and that they were fakes, did you do it? I did it just to see what will happen and honestly nothing changed, the people got surprised for a moment but later they kept believing in them. They are not fakes because when an ender creature dies it does not go in heaven/hell but it gets wiped out and becomes energy so using the command block to kill the Ender Dragon brings the same result as killing him the normal way. Also as the Order of the Stone their main goal was the safety of the Minecraft universe that means wiping out the threats in every possible way, they did the correct thing.

Why was Ivor kicked out of The Order of the Stone?

Ivor was a member of the Order of the Stone who left/got kicked out due to the rest of the group's lies about the Ender Dragon.

Did The Order of the Stone lie?

In reality, Soren used the Command Block to destroy it, but the Order lied about the story for fame and fortune, which is exactly why Ivor left and wanted revenge on them.

Who is the leader of the new order of the stone?

Soren the Architect (Leader)

What happened to Soren Minecraft: Story Mode?

This act ultimately proves that Soren became a villain at the very end of his appearance. He is not seen again for the rest of the game. Due to the battle being in his own hideout, it is possible that he may have returned to the End, but this is unconfirmed.