What does the Bible say about dreams coming true

The Bible is filled with stories of people who knew how to get things done.  If Noah had never finished building the ark, if Moses had not rescued his people from oppression, if Joseph and Samuel and David and Solomon and Isaiah and Paul and all the other heroes of the Bible and of history had not been true to their visions, where would you and I be?

Now is the day to begin moving in the direction of your dreams! Here are four ways to accomplish your goals.

What does the Bible say about dreams coming true

Start each day with encouragement for your soul. Order Mornings with Jesus 2019

1. Prepare
To learn how to do what you most want to do, begin by looking at one of the first stories Jesus told, in Matthew 13:3-9; 18-23. This parable about the seed-sower contrasts hard, stony or weed-filled soil with “good ground,” tilled and ready for good results.

As every gardener knows, the best seed cannot do well unless the soil is prepared. Prepare for accomplishment by focusing on exactly what you want to do, asking God for His help, and developing a positive attitude.

Each one of us has unique abilities. “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us,” as Romans 12:6 tells us, “let us use them.” Identify your gifts, set goals for them, and use them.

2. Clear Away the Obstacles
Just as a farmer has to clear away stones and weeds before he can plant, so we, too, need to remove the obstructions that keep us from reaching our objectives.

What does the Bible say about dreams coming true

Whether it’s lack of priorities, perfectionism, trying to do too much, messy surroundings, inability to say no, fatigue and lack of exercise, interruptions—whatever! Pray about how to eliminate (or spend less time on) whatever keeps you from achieving your goals.

3. Plant the Seed Deep
Picture exactly what you want to do. Write out your objective and how you plan to reach it. Say aloud to yourself every morning, “With the help of God, I will _____________.”

4. Nourish Your Dream
Preparation and planting, in gardening and in life, are futile without cultivation and nourishment. Once you have settled on a new plan of accomplishment, put it into practice immediately. Then, continue it every day for at least 30 days without interruption.

Your dream will become a blessed reality when you put it in the hands of God, let Him work through you, and allow His presence to nourish your soul. “Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).


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What does the Bible say about dreams coming true

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What Does the Bible Say About Dreams?

1/16/2021 Christianity 21 Comments

What does the Bible say about dreams coming true

Regardless of age, gender, and social standing, all people experience dreams when they sleep.

The dreams that come to a person may vary. They can be humorous, sad, bizarre, horrifying, or mystical; or they can even be about someone else or perhaps about something incredible.

Inevitably, there are times when a dreamer gets affected, or is bewildered, by the dream that he had. Thus, it is important to find out if the dreams that a person experiences bear any meaning and significance, or not.

Ecclesiastes 5:3,7 (KJV) says,

3 For a dream cometh through the multitude of business; and a fool's voice is known by multitude of words.
7 For in the multitude of dreams and many words there are also divers vanities: but fear thou God.

Apparently, not all dreams have significance. Sometimes, a dream comes to a person because his mind has been busy thinking about so many problems and worries — not to mention, his aspirations, desires, and other concerns in life — to the point that even until the time he goes to sleep, his mind is still preoccupied with those things. The dreams that come to this person are usually without sense and relevance, and should, therefore, be readily dismissed from his thoughts.

Dreams may come to a sleeping individual very frequently. What science has discovered in relation to this conforms to what the Bible mentioned as “multitude of dreams”. They found out that a person in a deep sleep dreams every 30 minutes; unfortunately, not all of these dreams are remembered when he wakes up.

How many times does a human dream while sleeping?
Source: answers.com

Everyone dreams while they are sleeping but not everybody remembers it, so if people tell you they don’t have dreams, they are lying, or mistaken. Yes, but not everyone remembers them when they wake up.

Humans dream every ½ hour and seldom remember most of them and that’s because they are in total REM sleep (meaning a deep sleep with eyes moving back and forth under closed eyelids.)

When a person is stressed out they are not in total REM sleep (tossing/turning) and it’s the last few seconds just before waking up that an individual can remember a dream or nightmare. Nightmares are caused from stress. If a human didn’t dream they actually would go crazy. Dreaming releases tension in the body and mind.

While it is true that many of the dreams that people experience are without significance, as they are mostly born out of stress and tension and other preoccupations in life, it is also a biblical truth that there are dreams which are significant and deserve to be paid attention to because they are sent by God.

God sends dreams to His people to give them prophetic declarations. Just like the dream that Jacob’s son, Joseph, had when he was younger. His dream meant that he would have dominion over his brothers someday, and that even his father and mother would also bow down themselves to him (Genesis 37:7-10, KJV).

Indeed, this came to pass because time really came when he reigned and had power over the members of his family.

Another is the dream that visited another Joseph, the husband of Mary, when his mind was troubled upon learning that Mary was already carrying a child in her womb despite the fact that he had not slept with her yet.

Matthew 1:18-20 (KJV) says,

18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.
19 Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily.
20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.

Joseph thought that Mary became unfaithful to him, which was why he was contemplating on parting ways with her. And because he didn’t want to put her to public shame, he was planning to do it secretly.

However, that night, an angel of the Lord visited him in his dreams, and told him not to pursue what he was planning to do. He explained to him that Mary’s conception was of the Holy Spirit, and not by another man. Joseph’s dream served as guidance to him so that he wouldn’t misjudge Mary, and so that he wouldn’t make a wrong decision.

Based on the given situations taken from the Bible, it can be discerned that there are dreams sent by God to His people to warn them about the things that are going to happen in the future, to guide them in their course of action, and also to spare them from an impending tragedy.

We had a brother in the Church, Bro. Nazario S. Regalado, who during the Japanese occupation, was incarcerated in a garrison. But while inside the Japanese concentration camp, he lost his sanity.

And when he started doing crazy things in his prison cell, like writing on the wall using his feces as his writing tool, the Japanese soldiers decided to send him to a mental health institution in Mandaluyong.

Several days after he was brought to a mental health facility, the Americans made an air raid in the area where that particular Japanese garrison was situated. As a result, the whole camp was annihilated and no living creature was left alive.

Although it was a tragic incident for all of those who were there, yet, it meant salvation for our brother in faith.

But before Brother Ariong (his nickname) became a prisoner of war, his mother dreamt that he became a cow. Biblically speaking, a cow is symbolic of a preacher; therefore, her dream meant that her son would one day become a preacher. However, she couldn’t figure out how it would be made possible when her son had been detained in a Japanese garrison and had lost his sanity while in detention.

Eventually, they came to understand that everything that happened to Brother Ariong all led to the realization of the dream that his mother had about him. His temporary madness had to happen and he had to be sent to a mental institution for him not to be included among those who would die during the air raid. His life was spared and the mental health facility where he was brought served as his refuge.

After sometime, he got well and was able to go back to his normal life; in fact, he even became a faculty member in one of the universities in Bulacan. Most of all, he became a Church worker, or a preacher – a realization of the dream that his mother had. And not only that.

When I became the Overall Church Servant, Brother Nazario Regalado became the general secretary and treasurer. Undoubtedly, the dream that Brother Ariong’s mother had was sent to her by God.

Although there are dreams that are sent by God to His people, let me reiterate that not all dreams come from God. Some of them come from the enemy of God and some are but a result of man’s preoccupations and overthinking of problems and other cares of this world.

But to be spared from being visited by disturbing dreams, it is always best to say a short prayer to God before going to sleep.

What does the Bible say about your dreams coming true?

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

Does God make your dreams come true?

We've been told that we have the power to make all our dreams come true. Even as a Christian we can believe a lie. If we love and delight in God, then the desires of our hearts will come true (Psalm 37:4-5).

What is the difference between a dream and a vision in the Bible?

Dreams are drifts of the imagination, as if one imaginary clouds in the sky. Visions are scripted efforts to effect change.