What city is found at the northern tip of Israel according to the Bible?

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Alternate titles: Al-Naqab, Ha-Negev, Negeb, the Southland

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What city is found at the northern tip of Israel according to the Bible?


What city is found at the northern tip of Israel according to the Bible?

Negev: Zen Cliffs

Negev, also spelled Negeb, Hebrew Ha-Negev, Arabic Al-Naqab, also called the Southland, arid region in the southern part of Israel and occupying almost half of Palestine west of the Jordan River and about 60 percent of Israeli territory under the 1949–67 boundaries. The name is derived from the Hebrew verbal root n-g-b, “to dry” or “to wipe dry.” The Negev is shaped like a triangle with the apex at the south. It is bounded by the Sinai Peninsula (west) and the Jordan Valley (east). Its northern boundary—where the region blends into the coastal plain in the northwest, the Judaean Hills (Har Yehuda) in the north, and the Wilderness of Judaea (Midbar Yehuda) in the northeast—is indistinct. Many use an arbitrary line at about 30°25′ N latitude for the northern boundary. Within these limits, the Negev has an area of about 4,650 square miles (12,000 square km).

Geologically, the area is one of northeast–southwest folds, with many faults. Limestones and chalks predominate. A unique feature is the large elongate makhteshim, or erosion craters, surrounded by high cliffs. These were created by the erosion of upward-folded strata (anticlines) combined with horizontal stresses. The largest of these are Makhtesh Ramon, 23 miles (37 km) long and up to 5 miles (8 km) wide, and Ha-Makhtesh Ha-Gadol (the Great Crater), about 9 miles (14.5 km) long and up to 4 miles (6.4 km) wide. The floors of these craters expose chalks, marls, and gypsums geologically much older than the walls or surrounding plateaus.

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Biblical references such as Psalm 126:4 (“Restore our fortunes, O Lord, like the watercourses in the Negeb”) point to the semiarid character of the region from early recorded times. The Negev should not, however, be considered a desert as such. In the Beersheba area (elevation about 800 feet [250 metres]), rainfall varies from 8 inches (200 mm) to 12 inches (305 mm) in some years. The latter amount permits unirrigated grain farming. Precipitation decreases to the south. The central Negev plateau (elevation 820–3,395 feet [250–1,035 metres]) receives 3–4 inches (76–102 mm), and rainfall is negligible at Elat, at the southern tip. The amount of rainfall varies considerably throughout the region from year to year. Flash flooding is common in the winter rainy season. Most of the rugged region is heavily dissected by wadis, or seasonal watercourses.

Remains of prehistoric and early historic settlements are abundant. Flint arrowheads of the Late Stone Age (c. 7000 bce) and implements of the Copper and Bronze Age (c. 4000–1400 bce) have been found on the central Negev plateau. The Negev was a pastoral region in biblical times, but the Nabataeans, a Semitic people centred in what is now Jordan, developed techniques of terracing and of conserving winter rains, which made the Negev a thriving agricultural area. It was an important granary of the Roman Empire. After the Arab conquest of Palestine (7th century ce), the Negev was left desolate; for more than 1,200 years it supported only a meagre population of nomadic Bedouin.

Modern agricultural development in the Negev began with three kibbutzim (collective settlements) in 1943; others were founded just after World War II, when the first large-scale irrigation projects were initiated. After the creation of the State of Israel (1948), the importance of development of this large portion of the country was realized. Under the National Water Plan, pipelines and conduits bring water from northern and central Israel to the northwestern Negev, which has almost 400,000 acres (more than 160,000 hectares) of fertile loess soils. Irrigation, combined with the area’s year-round sunlight, produces fine crops of grain, fodder, fruits, and vegetables. Double-cropping is not uncommon.

Exploitation of mineral resources has accompanied agricultural development. Potash, bromine, and magnesium are extracted at Sedom, at the southern end of the Dead Sea, and copper is mined at Timnaʿ. There are large deposits of ball clay and glass sand for the ceramic and glass industries. Phosphate works have been established at Oron and Zefaʿ and natural gas fields at Rosh Zohar.

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Urbanization has come in the wake of modern settlement. Beersheba, “capital of the Negev,” is the largest city in Israel not in the environs of Tel Aviv–Yafo, Jerusalem, or Haifa. Planned cities in the Negev include ʿArad (founded 1961), Dimona (1955), and the port city of Elat (settled 1949), Israel’s outlet to the Red Sea.

What is the northern part of Israel called?

Galilee, Hebrew Ha-galil, northernmost region of ancient Palestine, corresponding to modern northern Israel.

What was the capital of the northern Kingdom of Israel in the Bible?

The capital of the northern kingdom was Samaria, located in the center of the region. The Kingdom of Israel was ruled by a long succession of kings for roughly 200 years before becoming a client state of the Assyrian Empire.

Where is the northern Kingdom of Israel?

The collective Ten Tribes retained the title of Israel, and became known also as Ephraim, which was the dominant tribe. It became the northern kingdom, with headquarters at Shechem in Samaria.

Where is the biblical city of Gath located?

It is a large multi-period site that is located in central Israel, approximately halfway between Jerusalem and Ashkelon, on the border between the southern Coastal Plain of Israel and the Judean foothills.