What are the four 4 determining factors for BAC?

We’ve previously discussed how alcohol affects the body by delving into the various BAC levels. It’s important to understand those levels, and it’s just as important to recognize the different factors that influence your BAC level. According to the Center for Disease Control, “in 2016, more than 1 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol of narcotics. That’s one percent of the 111 million self-reported episodes of alcohol-impaired driving among U.S. adults each year.” To keep from adding to this statistic and to stay informed, below you’ll find the various factors that impact your BAC level.

7 Factors that Affect BAC

1. Metabolism

Metabolism differs from person to person, so the rate at which your body processes alcohol is completely different than your friend’s rate. Your body absorbs alcohol faster than it can metabolize it, so the faster you drink, the less time you give your body to process and metabolize that liquid.

2. Age/Weight/Gender

As you get older, the intoxicating effects of alcohol become stronger and more pronounced. Drinking also affects men and women differently; since women typically have lower water content levels than men, it affects them more than it does men. Those who weigh less are also more heavily influenced by alcohol than those with a higher fat percentage.

3. Rate of Consumption

The faster someone drinks, the quicker their peak BAC will raise and the more quickly they’ll get intoxicated. Your liver is how the body processes alcohol, and this organ can only process one standard drink per hour. When that rate is surpassed, more alcohol filters into the blood system, which causes people to get drunk faster.

4. Emotional State

Alcohol effects people even more than usual if they’re under stress or fatigued. Alcohol is a depressant, so if one is experiencing any form of stress, anxiety, or depression, they will be more heavily impacted by booze. When stressed, your body diverts blood from your stomach to your muscles, which slows the rate of absorption. When you calm down and your blood starts to flow normally, even in the slightest, that can result in an uptick in your BAC.

5. Diabetes

If an individual has diabetes, alcohol can affect glucose levels. Diabetics should always avoid drinking on an empty stomach as that can lead to hypoglycemia and other harmful results. Talk to a doctor so you know the healthiest way to proceed with alcohol consumption.

6. Mixing with Carbonation

Mixing liquor with water and juices will slow the absorption process in your body, whereas carbonated beverages will speed it up. The bubbles in the soda increase the rate at which alcohol passes through your stomach and into your bloodstream, which then results in a higher BAC level.

7. Food Intake

One of the worst things you can do for your body is to drink on an empty stomach. Food slows down the absorption in your bloodstream since it keeps the alcohol in your stomach for longer. When you drink on any empty stomach, not only will the alcohol speed to your bloodstream more quickly, but it will also severely impact your blood sugar and other nutritional levels.

It is of the utmost importance to pay attention to these factors if you decide to drink. Even more importantly, you need to make sure that you drink responsibly, stay safe, and you do not drink while driving. If something happens and you require legal help, get in contact with a West Linn DUII attorney.

Blood alcohol concentration, or BAC, is the metric used to measure the amount of alcohol in a person’s bloodstream at a given time. This alcohol content can be determined by testing the person’s breath, blood, urine, or saliva, with breath testing being the most common method of testing as practiced by law enforcement.

Factors That Influence BAC

BAC can be difficult to estimate since several factors can affect the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream. Significant elements of BAC are

  • the number of drinks consumed
  • the length of time in which they were consumed
  • a person’s weight
  • the type of drinks consumed & whether food was consumed at the same time
  • alcohol tolerance

It should be noted that medications will not impact your BAC, but if taken with alcohol may impair your driving.

It is nearly impossible to determine your BAC without having yourself tested, and if you are stopped by law enforcement and tested, you can be arrested if your BAC is 0.08% or higher. For this reason, if you choose to drink, you should refrain from driving yourself anywhere for at least an hour or two.

In the event that you are stopped and charged with DUI, an attorney can challenge the BAC results of the breathalyzer used in your traffic stop to have your charges dropped.

If you or a loved one have been arrested, The Law Office of Thomas C. Thomasian, Esq. can work to contest your arrest and protect you from a conviction. Contact us today.

What is BAC and what 4 factors affect BAC?

Percentage of alcohol in a drink – the higher the percentage the higher the BAC. The type of alcohol – fizzy drinks are absorbed more quickly. The container size – it is the number of standard drinks not the number of glasses that determines BAC.

What are the 4 factors that determine a person's BAC quizlet?

The factors that influence BAC are rate of absorption, drinking rate, body weight, and the size of the drink. The faster alcohol is consumed, the faster it reaches the blood stream.

What 4 factors affect the rate of alcohol absorption?

For example, the degree and speed of absorption of alcohol from the small intestine can depend on time of day, drinking pattern, dosage form, concentration of alcohol in the beverage, and the existence of food in the stomach.