Which of the following factors would result in a decrease in stroke volume quizlet?

Which of the following would cause a decrease in stroke volume?

Answer and Explanation: Increased afterload would lead to a decrease in stroke volume. Increased afterload will decrease the blood output from ventricles as there is more resistance due to increased afterload.

Which of the following factors affect stroke volume?

Stroke volume index is determined by three factors: Preload: The filling pressure of the heart at the end of diastole. Contractility: The inherent vigor of contraction of the heart muscles during systole. Afterload: The pressure against which the heart must work to eject blood during systole.

What are the factors that affect the stroke volume quizlet?

Terms in this set (5).
Three main factors affect SV. Preload. ... .
Preload. degree of stretch of the cardiac muscle fibers at the end of diastole..
Contractility. ability to shorten when an adequate stimulus is received..
negative inotropic agents. decrease contractility..
Afterload. back pressure exerted by blood in arteries..

What is a decreased stroke volume?

1. Any pathological process that reduces ventricular filling or emptying will cause a reduction in stroke volume. With less volume of blood filling the ventricles, there is less volume available to pump out and a reduction in preload on the heart.