The nurse is planning to assess a client’s abdomen for rebound tenderness. the nurse should

The nurse is planning to assess a client's abdomen for reboundtenderness. The nurse shouldRaise the client's right leg fromthe hipTo assess an adult client for possible appendicitis and a positivepsoas sign, the nurse shouldAbdominal Landmarks (3)EpigastricUmbilicalSuprapubicRight Upper Quadrant (RUQ) (8)Liver,Gallbladder,Duodenum,Head of PancreasRight Kidney and adrenal glandpart of ascending and transverse colonLeft Upper Quadrant (LUQ) (8)Stomach,Spleen,Left lobe of Liver,Body of Pancreas,Left kidney and adrenal gland,Part of transverse and descending colonRight Lower Quadrant (RLQ) (6)Cecum,Appendix,Right Ovary and Tube,Right Ureter,Right Spermatic CordLeft Lower Quadrant (LLQ) (6)Part of descending ColonSigmoid colonleft ovary and tubeleft ureterleft spermatic cordMidline (4)AortaUterusBladderProstate glandRectal bleeding (3)red or maroon - bleeding is in the lower GI tractblack/tarry - melena usually means upper GI tractblood gets exposed to stomach contents, which changes it to blackand tarryROS (17)Appetite, Dysphagia, Food intolerance, abdominal pain, bloating,nausea,vomiting,indigestion,Jaundice,Bowelhabits,weightchange, rectal bleeding, last rectal exam, rectal problems, past hx,meds, Hematest/Occult blood/guaiac resultsHematest Occult Blood Guaiac (1)testing for blood in the stoolEquiptment/Environment (6)StethoscopeRuler

What is indicated by a finding of rebound tenderness on examination of the abdomen?

Rebound tenderness is a sign of peritonitis, a serious condition that is an inflammation of the peritoneum. This inflammation often results from an infection.

What is the correct order for abdominal assessment?

Assessing your patient's abdomen can provide critical information about his internal organs. Always follow this sequence: inspection, auscultation, percussion, and palpation. Changing the order of these assessment techniques could alter the frequency of bowel sounds and make your findings less accurate.

Which assessment should the nurse Complete First abdominal assessment?

The correct order of the assessment is inspection, auscultation, percussion, and palpation. Percussion and palpation of the abdomen may stimulate peristalsis, so inspection and then auscultation should be completed first to ensure an accurate assessment of peristalsis.

When palpating the abdomen the nurse may be able to feel the lower edge of the liver in which quadrant?

Begin palpation over the right lower quadrant, near the anterior iliac spine. Palpate for the liver with one or two hands palm down moving upward 2-3 cm at a time towards the lower costal margin. Have the patient take a deep breath. The liver will move downward due to the downward movement of the diaphragm.