Which of the following therapies represents the application of operant principles

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Terms in this set (108)

Changing a pattern of thought that is resumed to be causing maladaptive behavior or emotion is called:

cognitive restricting

_______ therapies are treatments to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of psychological disorders by altering the way an individual's body functions.


Dr. Addison is a behavior therapist. When she explains what she does, which of the following are involved in the explanation?

classical conditioning techniques, and operant condition techniques

The concept of "empathy" as it is used in humanistic therapy is a therapist's attempt to:

feel emotions that the client is feeling

Which of the following are considered to be four major

humanistic, behavioral, cognitive, psychodynamic

The initial form of psychosurgery, a prefrontal _______, consisted of surgically destroying or removing parts of patient's frontal lobes, which, surgeons thought, controlled emotionally


Moniz developed the original lobotomy procedure, and Freeman developed his own version using a surgical instrument similar to:

an ice pick

In _______ therapy several unrelated people meet with a therapist to discuss some aspect of their psychological functioning.


Which of the following are side effects of antianxiety drugs?

loss of coordination, mental slowness, and fatigue

_______ are the most widely used class of antipsychotic drugs


_______-_______ is the idea that one can master a situation and produce positive outcomes.


Bandura believed that _______ was the key to successful therapy and that it represented ability to master a situation and produce positive outcomes.


_______ therapists meet with the all members of this "group" so that they can speak freely for the therapist to see how they interact.


Sasha, her three children and her partner are all going to see a therapist. They will participate in _______ therapy.


Which of the following are examples of antianxiety drugs

Xanax and valium

Which of the following is a main class of antidepressant?

monoamine oxidase inhibitors, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

The basic philosophy of therapy is based on operant conditioning is that maladaptive behaviors are:

learned and can be unlearned

The concept of authenticity is used by _______ therapist and involves letting a client know

humanistic; the true feelings of the therapist

When a client-centered therapist relates to a client with authenticity, the therapist

lets the client know the feeling of the therapist

Which of the following are erroneous ways of thinking associated with Beck's approach to cognitive therapy?

perceiving the world as harmful, whereas ignoring evidence to the contrary, magnifying the importance of undesirable events, engaging in absolutist thinking, overgeneralizing on the basis of limited examples

_______ drugs are a class of medications used to treat depression and improve the moods of the patients


Ivan is undergoing psychodynamic therapy. He is frequently late for therapy sessions. He sometimes argues with his therapist and may speak endlessly about trivial matters. His therapist describes this as _______.


Ella's therapist has told her that he practices "insight therapy," where an important therapeutic goal is gaining insight. Ella's therapist is most likely either _______ or _______.

psychodynamic and humanistic

The psychodynamic approach and the humanistic approach are both examples of the more general term:

insight therapy

The acronym ECT stands for (shock) or _______ therapy.


Biological therapies reduce or eliminate the symptoms of psychological disorders:

through electroconvulsive therapy, wit psychosurgery, and with drugs

The most common form of biomedical therapy is

drug therapy

While the specific drug action is not clearly established, which of the following drugs is widely used to treat bipolar disorder?


What type of psychological service provider has an MD., postgraduate training in abnormal behavior and the ability to prescribe medication for psychological disorders?


Kidney and thyroid gland complications are possible consequences of the use of:


_______ drugs reduce the level of anxiety a person experience and increase feeling of well-being


The field of psychology that focuses on the integration of science and theory to prevent and treat psychological disorders is _______ psychology.


MAO inhibitors are sometimes prescribed when it has been found that _______ have not been effective.


_______ mental health is based on the idea that individuals with disorders ought to remain within society and with their families while receiving treatment.


A humanistic therapist who expresses feelings of acceptance towards a client, regardless of what the client has done or feels, is expressing _______ _______ regard.

unconditional positive

In an attempt to get a client to identify and understand his or her own genuine feelings a therapist using client-centered therapy might use the technique of:

reflective speech

_______ treatment approaches teach people to think in more adaptive ways by changing their dysfunctional cognitions about the world and about themselves.


Ray's therapist has suggested a procedure whereby each time Ray drinks an alcoholic drink, he has to also consume a mixture that induces nausea. What is Ray's therapist suggesting?

Aversive conditioning

Which of the following disorders might be successfully treated with aversion therapy?

a substance abuse disorder

_______ drugs reduce the level of anxiety a person can experience and increase feelings of well-being.


A therapist who uses the technique of "reflective speech":

mirrors the clients' own feelings back to them

Psychoanalysts using the technique of _______ association tell patients to say about whatever comes to mind regardless of its apparent irrelevance or senselessness.

free association

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) like Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft are widely prescribed because they have fewer side effects than other anti-depressants. They do have some side effects, however, such as:

anxiety, headache, insomnia and reduced sexual functioning

Through _______, a humanistic therapist strives to put himself or herself in the client's shows, and try to feel what the client is feeling.


Jorge is a therapist who has a doctoral degree and specializes in career counseling for adults in mid-life transition. Most likely he is _______ psychologist.


Client-centered therapy is a humanistic therapy that emphasizes the procedures of

providing a warm, supportive atmosphere, helping to identify and understand the client's genuine feelings and encouraging the clients to gain insight into problems.

Dr. Skelton considers herself to be a practitioner of contemporary psychodynamic therapy. Which of the following are most likely true of her therapeutic style?

the therapist probes the unconscious of the patient, she places less emphasis on sex than traditional psychoanalysts do and therapy sessions are less frequent than in the traditional version of psychoanalysis.

Contemporary psychodynamic therapies differ from the original approach in the contemporary practitioners:

typically see their clients less frequently and for a shorter time, place more importance on the conscious mind and now typically have their clients sit in a chair.

Which of the following is the best explanation of tardive dyskinesia?

it is a neurological disorder that is the possible consequence of taking neuroleptics.

A therapist's understanding that certain techniques, such as CBT, may clash with a client's cultural beliefs reflects _______-_______ competence.


_______ drugs are used to reduce severe symptoms of disturbance, such as loss of reality and agitation.


A drug that is widely used to treat bipolar disorder is _______.


Which of the following is true of humanistic psychotherapy?

people are encouraged to understand themselves, the therapist provides a warm, supportive atmosphere, and there is an emphasis on peoples' self-healing capacities.

_______ therapy has the underlying rationale that people have control of their behavior, can make choices about their lives, and are essentially able to solve their own problme


Sam and Tracy decide to see a therapist to improve their romantic relationship. This is typically referred to as _______ therapy.


_______ support groups are for individuals who tend to cope by seeking information, and affiliations with peers. This type of group can also reduce stress and promote adjustment.


Critics of groups therapy argue that some types of people will be left out and not receive the attention they need during groups sessions. What type person are these critics referring to?

shy, withdrawn individuals

During what period did community psychology gain popularity?


The transfer of former mental patients out of institutions and into the community is called


Which of the following is true of Western therapies are applied to other cultures?

many people in collectivist cultures rely more on discussing their problems with problems with parents, friends, and relatives and western cultures tend to be individualistic, that is they center on the individual, whereas other cultures may not have such an emphasis

When a therapist is treating a client, the client's environmental or _______ influences are also relevant.


Studies have found that when there is a match between the therapist and client's ethnic background which of the following may be observed:

there are better treatment outcomes and the client is likely to stay in treatment longer.

Which of the following are side effects of the tricyclic anti-depressant drugs?

Restlessness, faintness, memory difficulties and sleepiness

MAO inhibitors work because they block an enzyme that:

breaks down norepinephrine and serotonin

MAO inhibitors are used less often than the tricyclic antidepressants because of potential interactions with:

some alcoholic beverages and cheese and other fermented foods

Which of the following are risk factors associated with MAO inhibitors?

interactions with cheese and fermented foods can raise blood pressure, increasing the risk of strokes.

SSRI drug work by increasing the levels of _______ in the brain.


Antidepressants can be used to treat the primary symptoms of which of the following disorders?

major depression and anxiety disorders

While the exact mechanism is not known, lithium is thought to influence mood by influencing:

norepinephrine level and serotonin levels

Neuroleptic drug are known to affect what neurotransmitter?


When patients quit taking their prescribed neuroleptic drugs:

their symptoms return because neuroleptics treat the symptoms, not the cause

The newest type of antipsychotic drugs are:

atypical antipsychotic medication

New procedures for treating psychotic patients include:

combining drug therapy with psychotherapy, administering small dose of antipsychotic medications over time and providing skill training in vocational social skills

Which procedure used in the treatment of severe depression involves an electric current being briefly administered to a patient's head?

electroconvulsive therapy

Compared to cognitive therapy and antidepressant therapy, ECT:

produces rapid improvements

While the effectiveness of ECT, cognitive therapy, and drug therapy is comparable, ECT has the advantage in:

the speed with which alteration in mood is achieved

In cases of severe depression, _______ therapy offers the only quickly effective treatment.


What is the name for brain surgery in which the object is reduce symptoms of a mental disorder?


A side effect of a prefrontal lobotomy is

being left in a vegetative state

Individuals who received the psychosurgical procedures known as _______ suffered permanent and profound brain damage.


Unlike the earlier psychosurgery techniques, modern surgeries:

target the amygdala or other part of the limbic system and use small lesions and are much more precise

MAO inhibitors are used less often than the tricyclic antidepressant because:

the tricyclic antidepressants have relatively fewer side effects

Which of the following is not a new strategy for treating individuals with schizophrenia?

Electroconvulsive therapy

The effectiveness of electroconvulsive therapy depression is:

approximately the same as cognitive therapy and approximately the same as antidepressant drugs

The fact that individuals receive information about their problems from other members, that individuals observe that others feel anguish and suffering as well, that other members support on another, and the fact that corrective feedback from peers may correct flaws in the individual's interpersonal skills, and all attractive features of _______ therapy?


In spite of side effects such as memory loss and other cognitive impairments, some therapists feel that ECT is an appropriate therapy because

the rapid improvement in depressed patients can save lives.

What is the name for brain surgery in which the object is to reduce symptoms of a mental disorder?


The prefrontal lobotomy procedures, as practiced by Walter Freeman, sought to alleviate severe symptoms of mental illness with surgeries that lasted:


Frank is seeing a therapist for his spider phobia. The therapist first teaches him muscle relaxation and then they develop a stimulus hierarchy. Frank is seeing a therapist who uses

systematic desensitization

_____ treat depression by increasing the level of norepinephrine and serotonin.


Lithium is commonly used to treat

bipolar disorder

Which of the following therapies represents the application of operant principles to psychological disorders?

applied behavior analysis

Which of the following statements is true of behavior therapies?

they strive to eliminate individuals' depressed symptoms or behaviors

Gabriella has been diagnosed with depression and is currently under medication. Her doctor has prescribed her selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. According to this information, which of the following side effects will be experienced by Gabriella as a result of taking this medication?


Which of the following is a class of antipsychotic drugs that is administered as a part of drug therapy?


According to Freud's psychodynamic perspective, what is the best way to gain insight into a person's core problems?

bringing unconscious conflicts into conscious awareness

Clients of therapists who do not monitor the quality of the therapeutic alliance are

more likely to drop out of therapy

Which of the following is a characteristic of group therapy?


Which of the following is true of neuroleptic drugs?

if an individual with schizophrenia stop taking neuroleptic drugs, the symptoms return.

Which of the following scenarios indicates the psychoanalytic phenomenon of transference?

Derek feels attached to his psychotherapist who resembles his girlfriend

In addition to providing treatment for depression, antidepressant drugs may also be an effective treatment for

anxiety disorders and eating disorders

Which of the following biomedical interventions for eliminating the symptoms of psychological disorders is used least often?


The release of emotional tension a person experiences when reliving an emotionally charged and conflicting experience is known as


Adrian is a cognitive therapist. He intends to help his client Troy, who feels that he is a born loser and will continue to be a loser in the future. According to this information, which of the following cognitive therapy techniques should be implemented by Adrian?

examining advantage and disadvantages

In the context of psychoanalysis, when a psychotherapist questions a client about the nightmares the client has had, the therapist is engaging in the method of

dream analysis

_____ is a technique in cognitive therapy.


The therapeutic environment of client-centered therapy is likely to be characterized by

warmth and support

_____ are called insight therapies because they encourage self-awareness as the path to psychological health.

psychodynamic and humanistic therapies

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Which of the following therapies uses principles of learning?

In behavior therapy, a therapist employs principles of learning to help clients change undesirable behaviors—rather than digging deeply into one's unconscious.

What is the main premise of therapy based on operant conditioning principles?

Operant conditioning therapies are based on the premise that voluntary behaviors are strongly influenced by their consequences. Behavior therapists apply operant conditioning principles in behavior modification. They reinforce desired behaviors and withhold reinforcement for undesired behaviors or punish them.

What type of therapy focuses on using classical and operant conditioning techniques?

In order to understand how behavioral therapy works, it is important to know more about the basic principles that contribute to behavioral therapy. The techniques used in this type of treatment are based on the theories of classical conditioning and operant conditioning.

Which of the following types of therapy offers action oriented strategies and uses principles of learning to help clients?

Behavioral therapy. Behavioral therapy is a focused, action-oriented approach to mental health treatment.