How to stop sims from aging sims 4

Learn How to Stop Aging in The Sims 4!

The cheat to stop your Sim from aging is one of the easiest things to do in The Sims 4. All you need to know is how to open up the command console, or the cheat box, and insert two words. However, the cheat that stops aging in The Sims 4 has some interesting effects and applications that you need to be aware of.

First of all, note that you don’t have to use cheats to stop your Sim’s aging. There is one more method to achieve this without typing anything, and we’ll cover it below. Both of them are easy to perform, so you don’t have to worry about getting lost. However, we’ve found that the faster way is through the command console, so that is what we prefer.

And another thing to understand is that stopping the process of aging in The Sims 4 is an ON and OFF thing. You can constantly activate or deactivate it, depending on what you want to do with your Sims. There is no limit or punishment for using it whatsoever, so you’re totally in the safe zone.

So let’s learn how to stop the aging in The Sims 4!

Do you want to know how to modify your relationship in The Sims 4? Check out this easy cheat!

How to Stop Aging in The Sims 4?


As we mentioned above, the cheat is the quicker way to stop the aging in The Sims 4. To do this, you’ll first need to open up the cheat box by holding down the SHIFT + CTRL + C buttons on your keyboard. If you’re on a Mac, cmd replaces shift. And on the consoles, the four triggers on the back of your controller are the way to do this.

When the command console pops up, you’ll need to type aging -off and press enter. And you’re done! Your Sim will be forever young and won’t age anymore.

And to turn the aging on again, just type aging -on and your Sim will continue to age naturally.

Here is a video to help you figure out cheats in The Sims 4!


If you aren’t aware, there is actually an option in The Sims 4 game’s menu for you to stop the aging. To find it, open up the menu by pressing on the ESC key. From there, you’ll want to select Game Options and then choose the Gameplay tab on the left side.

There, you can spot the Auto Age (Played Sims) and Auto Age (Unplayed Sims) options. And if you click on the Auto Age (Played Sims) option you can select the type of agining you want. You can either stop the aging for the whole Sims 4 game by selecting “No”, or just for your active households by selecting “Only Active Household”.

Apply the changes and return to your forever young household!

Do you want to instantly become an expert chef? Learn all the cooking cheats here!


The tricks to stop the aging in The Sims 4 can help you tremendously with your storytelling. We’ve all been there – we’ve fallen in love with a family and ended up not wanting to separate ever! So stopping aging it’s the first thing we do in that situation!

But please be aware that stopping the aging process in The Sims 4 won’t make your Sims immortal. That means that they will still become old after a considerable amount of time, so no game mechanics are broken by doing this. Also, your Sims can die from all sorts of causes not connected with natural death, so be aware that this only stops the maturing process.

And if you have a problem with dead Sims, here is a guide to how to resurrect a Sim! You can also check out our cheat page where you can find more solutions for your needs!

@PugLove888 wrote:

@SheriGR, I agree!  While I'm a more type B personality in real life, I am very type A when it comes to my Sims! 

How to stop sims from aging sims 4
  In real life we think we have control only to find out how little control we really have, so I am a control-freak with my Sims! 
How to stop sims from aging sims 4

The only way I can achieve this to my satisfaction is to play with many Save Games, usually with each one devoted to one household! :eahigh_file:  There are a few that if I can't decide which direction to send them in I might play a duplicate version where they live in an alternate universe doing something very different! 

How to stop sims from aging sims 4
  But mostly I do this to control their aging.  I want to be present for all of my Sims' major life-milestones!  I also will play some families with different lifespan setting, but mostly I play the "long life" setting. So far I've turned off ageing for the rest of the world, but I'm thinking of trying auto-aging for them, just to see which I really like better. 
How to stop sims from aging sims 4

But that is one of the great things about the Sims … you can play the way you want to! 

How to stop sims from aging sims 4

Happy Simming! 

How to stop sims from aging sims 4

@PugLove888 Yup... once I started a 2nd game for testing new builds and popped in some of my saved household things got rather bizarre sometimes when going back and forth. Totally feel like the new ones are living in the 'upside-down'. Hahahaha... I am considering aging my original couple a bit in a separate household, but for now I just added some grey streaked hair to them instead. I get bored too quickly just running the two of them in a household, though, since they are uber-skilled and I can keep them busy and start new careers and all, but just running 2 people at a time is too easy. Kinda parallels my real-life in that manner... we own a duplex, and all of our adult children live here at this time, and we live communally. It works out great. We don't 'parent' them, and they live as they would in an apartment in the basement or next door. Pooling resources is awesome, plus there is so much social support and interaction - or privacy if you choose. I LOVE it!

SheriGR ☕ –  I don’t work for EA.
Me Too – if you also have this problem – first post on thread has this button
XP – for helpful comments (& to help others 'level up')
Mark As Solution – to help others find the answer to the issue now & in the future

How do you age down in Sims 4?

If your sim is already older than the life stage you want him to be at, then turn on the cheats console, type “testingcheats on”, click enter, then type “cas. fulleditmode”. After this, shift click on your sim and click “Modify in CAS” then you will be able to edit them however you want.

Is The Sims 4 aging bug fixed?

Re: Regarding the aging bug/fix Yes, the bug is fixed. If you use MCCC; MCCC edit the lifespan and has still the old aging setting. So it can be that you maybe get the wrong aging setting.

How do I make my Sims live forever?

Methods of becoming immortal. Sims with a high enough Aspiration Meter can drink the Elixir of Life and continuously purchase resupplies of the elixir when they run out, effectively rendering themselves ageless.