How to make someone fall in love with you again manifest

How to manifest your ex back into your life?

You can get your ex back in your life with these 5 steps.

Step 1: Find out why you want your ex back

The “why” of the desire is an important factor in manifestation. The question “why” will give you a fair idea of the kind of thoughts and feelings associated with the desire.

If the reason for wanting your ex back is loneliness or depression, their negative energy will prevent you from succeeding in manifestation. Your attempt is doomed to fail unless you change your mindset.

Instead, if your reasons are positive such as you still love your ex and feel happy and secure with them, go right ahead with manifestation.

Love and happiness are the emotions with the highest vibrational energy. The more you have them, the easier and faster your manifestation will be.

Step 2: Visualize you are back together

Visualization is one of the most powerful tools in the manifestation arsenal. Use it to your advantage by visualizing the future together with your ex. Give wings to your imagination and add in ample doses of emotions. Bring in your senses to feel, smell, or hear your ex in your imagination.

Remember all the good times you had together. Let the feelings of love and happiness well up inside you. Play it like a movie in your mind.

Wait and watch your energy vibrations shoot up in an instant.

Step 3: Identify and eliminate your limiting beliefs

This is the bane of manifestation. Even when you are aiming for the moon if you believe in your heart of hearts that you cannot jump even one foot above the ground, how can you aspire to succeed? The entire purpose of manifestation is lost because of this negative thinking.

Dig deep in your mind and identify all the beliefs that are potential hurdles in your manifestation path. Make a list of them. You need to work to get rid of them. Only then do you have a chance to manifest your ex back into your life.

This is easier said than done. Mindsets do not change overnight. Patience, perseverance, and dogged determination can help you with this.

Step 4: Repeat affirmations for love and happiness

Affirmations are your best bet. With each limiting belief in the list, change the statement from negative to positive. For example, “I am a failure at relationships” can be changed to “I am a success at relationships”. And there you have a set of targeted affirmations to help you overcome limiting beliefs. Repeat them multiple times every day until you start believing in them.

Here are some more positive affirmations to bring love back.

  1. I am grateful to have my ex back in my life.
  2. My heart is overflowing with joy now that I am reunited with my ex.
  3. I feel so blessed to have my ex back in my life.
  4. Second chances at love are sweeter and more enjoyable.
  5. We are soulmates and will stay together forever.
  6. I am happier than I have ever been before.
  7. You make me feel so special, cherished, and secure.
  8. We complement each other perfectly.
  9. I am so happy that we are back together.
  10. We are the perfect couple.

You can adopt the 55×5 method to repeat affirmations to get your ex back. This is an intense short-term approach that requires you to repeat one chosen affirmation 55 times in a single sitting each day for 5 consecutive days.

Step 5: Allow the Universe to do its part

Once you have finished all the steps, it is time to sit back and relax. You need to let go of the desire and place your trust in the Universe.

Getting obsessed with your desire has negative energy and can hamper your manifestation. Moreover, by taking a breather, you are reinforcing your faith in the Universe. All you need to do is maintain your belief in the Universe without faltering.

Your desire may manifest fast or it may take more time than you expected. Irrespective of what happens, continue to have confidence in the Universe and keep up your positive attitude.

Concluding thoughts

You can try some of the other manifestation techniques to feel and think positive and raise your energy vibrations. Meditation can help you focus and keep calm. If writing is your strength, you can turn to scripting. This is the written form of visualization. Practicing gratitude is another powerful technique to maintain high levels of positive energy.

Instead of wallowing in pity and drowning yourself in sorrow, you should come up with a definite plan to get the girl/guy you want back. Back it up with manifestation techniques and your ex will be back with you before you know it.

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