Does long hair make you attractive?

Luscious locks teaming with life have been a striking staple of longed after ladies for centuries. When men are asked to rank features they find most attractive on the opposite sex, maintained manes always dominate the list. The truth is that long hair triggers a primal, instinctive response within men. Evolutionarily speaking, long hair serves a purpose. Here’s the real reason why your man can’t keep his hands off of your tresses.


Men are designed to seek out specific physical traits in women. Amongst these are large eyes, pouty lips, child bearing hips and of course, long hair! Heavenly long locks represent a woman’s genetic code; if her hair is voluminous, thick, long and lovely, chances are she has genes worth replicating. The fact that a woman is able to grow healthy locks indicates that she is virile and strong.


Of course there are exceptions, but typically longer hair is equated with youthfulness and short, severe styles with age. Girls and women on the cusp of puberty often sport flowing locks.


Although men used to sport untamed tresses of their own, men and women are primarily attracted to one another due to their differences. Feminine traits are attractive to men precisely because they are different and not masculine. Nothing is quite so exquisitely feminine as long locks. Mermaids, Disney princesses, Renaissance paintings – all of these art forms depict women with flowing tresses. Men like your long hair for the same reasons they like high heels and dresses; because it looks feminine.


Long hair affords the wearer far more variety than shorter styles. You can wear your hair straight and smooth, wild and wavy, half up, half down, pinned, in braids – the options are endless. This versatility is attractive to men. Experimenting with your style demonstrates adventure and excitement. As men are visual creatures, dramatically different hairstyles are hugely appealing.


Caring for long hair isn’t easy. Heat styling, weather conditions and our lifestyles can all wreak havoc on our hair. As such, growing long, healthy hair signals a degree of commitment and responsibility, qualities which are both attractive to the opposite sex.


Long hair is an art form in itself. Have you ever caught sight of a well maintained mane billowing in a summer breeze? Men are genetically hardwired to notice these visual cues. Hair serves as a frame to illuminate the beauty of the owner.

Want longer hair fast? It could make you instantly more attractive…. Click here for a range of superior human hair extensions.

Last updated 25 April 2020

Note: The author's views are entirely his or her own and may not reflect the views of

6 Reasons Men Prefer Women with Long Hair

Often women spend a great deal of time, money, and attention making their hair as attractive as possible. Fabulous hair makes a woman feel more confident and in many cases more attractive to their partners. But what is it that attracts men to women with long hair?

1. Long Hair Helps Avoid Confusion

Men seem to generally prefer women with hair. Longer rather than shorter, but again, not abnormally long otherwise hair starts resembling a horsetail.

Why do they like longer hair? Because it’s feminine. A friend once told me a story how after a debaucherous night out he woke up in the morning to find an unfamiliar, naked person with a shaven head lying in between his sheets. For a split second he thought it was a guy. For him, a straight male, this has clearly turned out to be a memorable experience. He still talks about it to date.

2. Men are More Likely to Help Women with Open Long Hair

A field experiment on women’s hairstyle and men’s behaviour found that men were more likely to assist a woman with longer hair that fell naturally on her neck, shoulders and upper back. In this little research a female walking alone in the street would drop a glove in front of a male, seemingly unaware of her loss. The females in this experiment sported three different hairstyles: hair falling naturally on her shoulders and back, hair in a ponytail, and hair twisted in a bun. The experiment found that men were more likely to help women with open hair that naturally fell on her neck, shoulders and upper back.

3. Brilliant Hair = A Brilliant Boys' Night In!

Oh, hair, glorious long hair! This is the real truth. Men like their boys' nights in. Send the ladies to the hair salon, the longer the hair the greater deal of pampering, the longer the time it will take. Genius. And the best part is that with amazing high street salons around like Rush Hair, women just love it! Try and refrain them from heading down to a salon, hell will break loose.

4. Good Hair Enhances Looks

Let’s face it, when you get a valuable picture you get a frame to enhance the image. For instance, you would never just Blue Tag or Sellotape a painting to a wall. If you are very particular you may even get special lighting to bring out the image. Well, that’s what hair does to a woman. In some cases hair styling is an art form in and of itself. However, in most cases, hair enhances the beauty of the female and there are movies to confirm that. Just think of all those scenes where one way or another a lot of hair finds itself through wind and into a camera frame.

Long hair is traditionally linked to femininity, which I am sure is the reason that almost half of men have singled out long, thick, wavy hair as their number one sexiest style for their women. Many of the attributes of traditional femininity, which many contemporary women now associate with weakness, are actually manifestations of a deep interior strength. For many men, the ideal woman will be radiant, resplendent, receptive and yet powerful, seductive and yet chaste, beautiful, beloved, fruitful, feminine. Long hair is beautiful and sensual, adds extra feminine flavour to a woman and looks sexy against a white pillow. Good long strong hair is a biological factor traditionally linked to feminine attributes of a woman, and a heterosexual man will often naturally and subconsciously find himself seeking such partner.

It is perhaps for this reason that many women desire to have long hair, and where there is demand there is also supply. Amazon is loaded with Remy real human clip-on hair extensions to suit many shades, shapes and textures. Today, many women are so privileged that if they do not already have long hair they can buy it online at a click of a button and receive it the next day via Amazon Prime. And voila, they now suddenly have gorgeous long hair!

6. Hair Seduces Men

Ok, that probably does not sound all that right but what I mean to say is that a woman with gorgeous long hair can in fact seduce a man quicker than a woman with a scruffy skinny old pony tail – although for some men that may work also.

A woman with gorgeous long hair can play with her hair, it often looks nice when her hair covers half of her face, or the layers bounce in the wind. It also gives an opportunity for the man to play with her hair. It can be very romantic. Good hair is definitely a turn on!

Does long hair make you attractive?

Pictured: A woman wearing open long hair.

Countries where long hair for women is very pop:


Indian women are often considered to have the most gorgeous hair in the world.

The Hindu Newspaper claims online that "Indians have world's best hair", referencing some study that tested samples of hair for four characteristics - thickness, tensile strength, shine, and smoothness - that determine healthy hair. Caucasian, Asian and Indian hair samples were put to the test for the World's Best Hair study, and India picked up the title for all four counts.

Whether Indian women do or do not have the most gorgeous hair in the world may well depend on individual opinions, yet the fact still remains that many Indian women today continue to sport long hair. In fact, in India can sometimes be a challenge spotting women with short fashion hair crops. A person randomly told us that if we turned it into a drinking game taking a shot every time we spot a woman with a short crop at a bar in Mumbai, it is likely we’d remain sober for quite a while.

If you wish to admire women sporting long hair, India is one of the places to go to. And if you’re serious about visiting India, here’s our list for you of places to visit in India before you die!


In Venezuela women take a lot of pride in having long hair. Unfortunately though, there are hair thieving gangs in Venezuela that attack women for their hair. Yes, you read it right! These piranhas forcefully grab women by the hair, pull out scissors and cut their hair off. Then apparently they sell the hair to beauty or hair salons. While on the surface it might sound ridiculously funny, it would actually be a fairly traumatising experience to a victim, traumatising enough to slowly shift the trend from long to short crops just to maintain personal safety. For now though, lots of women in Venezuela still enjoy long hair.


Ukraine is another country where women take pride in having long hair. Their hair types are varied ranging from dark to blonde, from wavy to straight, and generally speaking Ukrainians do appear to have gorgeous hair. However, some of the Ukrainian women might take it a stretch too far when they grow their hair to a length well below their knees, and then post snapshots of themselves with their super long hair on the internet (see the image search results on Google for "Ukrainian women with ridiculously long hair").

Do you think Coronavirus will affect hair styles?

Hair, including facial hair is a hot topic during the coronavirus pandemic with different countries taking different approaches. Many medical professionals now have to change their hair styles as the result of this pandemic, including beard and moustache styles.

With hair salons closed in many countries during the coronavirus lockdown we are now exploring DIY haircut solutions for men and women. Most of us a beginner tackling own hair strand by strand, we are aware that we’re one snip away from a mess-up of an epic proportion, so let’s see how others do it.

Are men attracted to long hair?

CNN recently shared research that men are most likely to prefer women with long hair past the shoulders. Guys were asked to rate the same women's faces based upon short, medium-length, plus super long locks. Males rated ladies with longer hair as more attractive.

What length of hair is most attractive?

One of the most popular hair chart length options is definitely the shoulder length (12 inch). The main reason why so many women prefer the type is that it borrows the best features from the medium and long mane. Thus, any look you opt for will turn out to be trendy and chic.

Is long or short hair sexier?

Short Hair vs Long Hair: Which Is Preferred? Traditionally, long hairstyles are associated with femininity and it's thought that most men prefer them on women. A poll of 3,000 men by The Daily Mail in 2008 found that an overwhelming 43% of men preferred a long and wavy hairstyle.

Why do men think long hair is attractive?

Men like your long hair for the same reasons they like high heels and dresses; because it looks feminine. Long hair affords the wearer far more variety than shorter styles. You can wear your hair straight and smooth, wild and wavy, half up, half down, pinned, in braids – the options are endless.