How to get to Lambda 2 Green Hell

How to get to Lambda 2 Green Hell

Screenshot by Gamepur

While Green Hell definitely pulls no punches to the players finding themselves trapped deep within the Amazon Rainforest, there are items that can help. The Grappling Hook is one item that players can stumble upon, although it has limited use.

How to get to Lambda 2 Green Hell
Screenshot by Gamepur

The Grappling Hook can be found in both survival and story in an area referred to as ‘Overturned Jeep,’ located near (44 W, 16 S) in a ravine by a felled tree. The Grappling Hook, along with a few random pieces of loot, can be found near the bed of the jeep.

How to get to Lambda 2 Green Hell
Screenshot by Gamepur

The existence of the Grappling Hook, unfortunately, does not mitigate the seemingly consistent changes in elevation across the map. Instead, it can only be used at specific points made for the tool, in which a cutscene plays out. The Grappling Hook survives with the player through respawn, in the event of a death.

Further players will not be able to manually select the Grappling Hook (which appears on a strap of the backpack) from the inventory, but instead, be prompted when it’s usable. Still, the Grappling Hook is a worthwhile pickup to effectively open more of the map to players. Nothing is worse than realizing that, in order to continue exploration, you have to double back and find a prior location.

Before buying Green Hell, Note that Console (Xbox, Playstation & Nintendo Switch) versions are very behind on updates including many reported bugs. Multiplayer is currently almost unplayable on all platforms. It is recommended to wait for these issues to be fixed before purchase.

  • Green Hell Grappling Hook
    • Follow Below Steps To get the Grappling hook in Green Hell
    • How to Reach Lambda 2 With Grappling Hook
  • Green Hell Grappling Hook Location: How to Reach it
  • Use of Green Hell Grappling Hook
  • Conclusion

Green Hell Grappling Hook

How to get to Lambda 2 Green Hell
Green Hell Graappling hook LAMBDA 2

In Green Hell, a Grappling hook is needed for climbing place and to reach lambda 2.

I’ll be telling you the easiest and fastest way to grab a grappling hook. For that just follow the given steps below.

The grappling hook is an instrument used to clear lambda 2 missions in green hell. The main use of the Grappling hook in-game is to get to higher Places.

Follow Below Steps To get the Grappling hook in Green Hell

First, open your map and sprint towards the camp, and reach the camp marked below in the image.

How to get to Lambda 2 Green Hell
Green Hell Camp Location

Now pull up your watch by Holding F and scrolling the mouse to set towards 46W/25S.

Now go through the jungle and stay alert of the jaguar and tribals, they can attack you. keep going until you reach Tribal camp between the path please check whether you’re on the right path or not through compass and map.

After reaching Tribal camp if you hadn’t done the ritual then go to burned pages and read them after that go to campfire ash and press E then the cutscene will begin and you would revive your memory and the cave path will unlock

Go through the cave shown in the image below

How to get to Lambda 2 Green Hell
Green Hell Cave

After passing the cave move left from that and go until you came to a fallen tree bridge made over a river way pass the bridge and open the Green hell map and mark the jeep’s location i.e  44W/17S.

After reaching at jeep grab the gas as it would be needed in the future in the mines to start the generator to bring the grappling hook. grab other items also like food etc.

How to get to Lambda 2 Green Hell
Jeep and elevator’s location in the path of green hell grappling hook

Now pull up your watch and mark 41W/18S in compass and head towards that mine

Follow the river and stay in the direction after reaching the area you had to find the elevator which would help to go down to the mines where the hook is.

There would be a small cave go through that then you’ll find an elevator Shown below.

How to get to Lambda 2 Green Hell
Green Hell Elevator

Now put the gas inside the generator and start it and press the switch and go down into the mine.

You’ll find a house go there and at the bench, there will be a grappling hook grab it and other items.

How to get to Lambda 2 Green Hell
Green Hell Grappling hook Location

How to Reach Lambda 2 With Grappling Hook

Press left shift and Numpad 6 you would be teleported to the save game location climb there with help of a grappling hook.

for this to happen you had to save the game at the start.

Green Hell Grappling Hook Location: How to Reach it

Green hell grappling hook is the important thing to get to complete the story of green hell. Grappling hook in green hell comes out in version 1.0 and from there it is necessary to get it.

Telling the easiest way to get grapple is to first get the fuel that would be needed in the future to start the elevator.

the grappling hook is present at illegal gold mines(41w/18s) base area. get it from there but before going to illegal gold mines first go to the place where you could find fuel from the jeep’s location (44w/17s) get it and lead to the elevator there you will find the grappling hook without any searching and difficulties.

Use of Green Hell Grappling Hook

use of the grappling hook in hell is to climb high ledges. first, it will be used to reach and climb lambada 2 and in the later game, you’ll be using it to get to the top of the mountains or get out if stuck at any hole place.

but as the game goes on you’ll find that there is another weapon similar to it i.e grappling hook gun which is far better than this one.

Still Confused To get a Grappling hook in Green Hell then watch the video below.

Check out the video if still having issues in finding out green hell grappling hook


I had told the Easiest way to find the grappling hook in just a few minutes the small summary of the whole walkthrough is

Camp — Tribal Camp — Jeep (44W/17S) –Elevator(41W/18S) — Illegal Gold mines — Grappling Hook — Starting point — LAMBDA 2

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How do I get to MIA in Green Hell?

Mia will be standing in front of a camp fire, walk up to Mia and she will disappear. Members of the Yabahuca tribe will appear and start looking at Jake. Continue to walk around the village and find Mia, each time she will disappear but she will continue to talk to Jake.

How do you unlock the Green Hell story mode?

In certain areas the player will need to complete an ayahuasca ritual to progress further into the story line and gain access to new areas on the map.

How do you get to the gold mine in Green Hell?

Basic Info. The illegal gold mine can be accessed via the elevator. Along the edge of the mine pit are three buildings, where food and medical supplies in the form of painkillers can be found. In one of the buildings are beds that can be used by the player to sleep.