How to get a job at r corp sasquatch

R Corp, sometimes spelled R-Corp, is a corporation located in the Town. During the second chapter of the Storyline, Sasquatch gets a job there to disclose Mr Pemberton's illegal plans.

After this mission is complete, Sasquatch can still continue working at R Corp to earn money.

Working for R Corp

Job interview

After the start of the second chapter of the Storyline, you can walk in and speak to the receptionist to get an interview with HR. Wait until she opens the gate and invites you in.

To pass the interview successfully, you need to have a Bank account, and own Junior Office Worker Disguise from the Clothing Store. The HR manager will ask you questions about your strength and weaknesses, but those answers don’t matter.

You will then be asked to type your name. Sasquatch will be known under this name among humans from now on. The name can be changed later for a fee in Town Hall basement. The default name is Hank.

General tips

It is not possible to be fired, regardless how many tasks you fail or how many days you skip.

As you to know the names and locations of other employees, you will receive an Employee Handbook. It contains portraits of the employees and the floors they work on. Note that the names are very similar in order to make the missions more challenging. The employee names and photos are randomly generated.

Each job consists of tasks. You get progress towards a promotion and coins each time you complete a task. Once you are eligible for a promotion, visit HR on the first floor. You can continue to complete tasks for your previous positions to earn more coins, but you won’t get any progress from those.

Position 1: Assistant mail clerk

You get your tasks from the mailroom manager in the basement. Look up the name of the employee, find out what floor they are on, and put the mail into the mailbox.

You can also place food items into the box, and sometimes employees comment to that, either positively or negatively.

Once you have completed the task, you can get another from the mailroom. You can get 2-3 tasks per day. Each task earns 60

How to get a job at r corp sasquatch
. After 6 tasks, you are promoted. Talk to the HR manager on the first floor to get the promotion.

Position 2: Item delivery technician

Employees on levels 2-5 may have a yellow exclamation point above them. If you talk to them, they will ask you to fetch food for them. The exclamation mark will not stay all day, and you may miss delivery tasks. Once you find out what they want, the item will appear with a countdown bar on the top of your screen. You may collect several orders and do them simultaneously.

You have to get the item and deliver it to the person who requested it. Each delivery earns 80

How to get a job at r corp sasquatch
, but you are not reimbursed for the purchase price of the item. People usually request a banana, Cafe beverages, or Diner items.

Diner and Cafe items have to be delivered at the appropriate temperature, or the employee will reject them. If you do buy the items in advance, you will have to warm them up in the microwave or chill them in the fridge, both of which can be found in the fourth floor kitchenette.

2-3 tasks are available per day. After 6 tasks, you are promoted.

Position 3: Technical support

Get technical support tasks by answering the phone on floor 2. Each task earns 100

How to get a job at r corp sasquatch
. The final phone call will tell you that you have no more tasks for the day.

When you start, get an Operating System Reinstall Disk from the cabinet in near the phone on floor 2.

Find the floor that the employee is on. The calling employee will be standing next to their chair.

  • If the computer can not turn on, it is not plugged in. Remove the other plugs and insert the computer’s plug into the socket, then turn it on.
  • If smoke is coming from the disk drive, eject the item busy pressing the eject button (you may put it into your backpack), and reboot the computer by turning it off and on again.
  • If you see the blue screen of death, reboot the computer by turning it off and on again. If this doesn’t help, reinstall the OS by inserting the OS disk into the drive and rebooting. The process is slow, and you can stand up and run around the floor while it happens, but the progress will be reset if you leave the floor. Do not forget to retrieve the disk when finished.

When the computer boots into the purple "Workstation Ready" screen, the task is complete.

2-3 tasks are available per day. After 6 tasks, you are promoted.

Position 4: Executive

In order to get this promotion, you need to buy the Executive Office Worker Disguise from the Clothing Store. Getting the watch from the Arcade is is also very helpful for this level, as you will have to adhere to a strict timetable.

Once you have this job, getting into work by 9 a.m. can be important. It may be helpful to rent an apartment in town. Go to your office on floor 4, and view your schedule on your computer.

You earn 120

How to get a job at r corp sasquatch
for each Executive task. They will vary by day.

  • Golf - 6th Floor - A 3-hole match (on holes 7, 8, 9) with Mr Pemberton. It doesn’t matter whether you win or lose. Cannot be done after he is jailed.
  • Meeting - 5th Floor - Sit in a meeting. You can be somewhat late. You can press “fast forward” button to speed up things, and Sasquatch will doze through the meeting, but sometimes they may ask for Sasquatch’s opinion.
  • Sign Papers - 4th Floor - In your office. An employee will bring a paper to sign about 10 minutes after the scheduled time. It doesn’t matter whether you approve, reject, or make an unclear decision by checking both squares.

2-3 tasks are available per day. After 10 tasks, visit Human Resources again to get an executive keycard. Then go outside to meet Raccoon. This will let you find documents proving Mr Pemberton's illegal activities.

The building layout

6 Mr Pemberton's Office
5 Meeting Room & Staff
4 Executive Office, Kitchenette, Vending Machine, and Staff
3 Staff
2 Tech Support & Staff
1 Human Resources
B1 Mailroom


  • What the corporation does remains unclear; even at executive meetings they talk in vague general phrases. According to Computer’s booting screen, it’s CPU was made by R-Corp, so it may be an electronics company. However Mr Pemberton was going to build condominiums in place of the park, so it may also develop real estate.
  • The board with notes and strings on floor B1 may be a reference to a scene from a TV sitcom It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.[1]



How do you get a job at R Corp in Sasquatch?

Working for R Corp. After the start of the second chapter of the Storyline, you can walk in and speak to the receptionist to get an interview with HR. You need an ID, Bank Account, and Junior Office Worker Disguise to be hired. You will be given an entry level job in the mail room.

How do you get into the sewer Sneaky Sasquatch?

Location. The sewers are located below the town and the port. The collect and treat wastewater from all the town buildings. The entrance to the sewers is behind the Cafe.

Where is the information clerk in Sneaky Sasquatch?

The Visitor Center is located on the Island, close to the Ferry dock, across the road from Island Boat Club. The clerk tell you about the activities available on the Island, and gives you an ocean map.

How do you get a pet in Sneaky Sasquatch?

You can get more information by calling the number, which can be found on a poster, is 555-5678 . The dog's owner is outside of the Pet Shop. He will mention the location where the dog is today. Go there and following a trail of footprints and poop until you find the dog.