How to ask out a girl from class Reddit

Pretty typical situation here I think, but here goes.

Started new classes this past semester and a girl I sit next to has really caught my eye. Smart, pretty, but seems kind of shy (which apparently I am too if I haven't made a move yet). We sit at small tables in this particular classroom, so it's me, the girl, and another girl who is really uptight. I try every day to initiate conversation, joke around, and get a decent response most of the time. The girl I'm interested in seems to have warmed up to me a bit and now initiates conversation on her own and we've walked out of class together and talked a few times.

I have a bad problem of getting friend-zoned with women since I'm a fairly friendly guy. I like to talk and joke and don't usually act too aggressively when it comes to my intentions, and I think that usually gets me into a bad spot. I really want to avoid that with this girl since she seems pretty cool, though she is younger than me (I'm a returning uni student) and is shy like I stated before.

Anyway, I was planning to ask her out as we left class today, but chickened out and we parted ways as usual. I saw someone else earlier this week talk about their success with asking out a girl while leaving class, which inspired me, but again I was a wuss. Looking for other ways to ask her out that feel natural and not forced or awkward (such as cornering her after class, etc.) This may work for some people, but for me it feels unnatural and like I'm building too much anticipation by waiting until after class for the right moment. I just want to do it in a cool, natural way - if that makes sense.

Any suggestions?

*edited for grammar and spelling

How would you ask a guy to be your friend? You don't do that... you become closer to him little by little.

Sit next to her, to get started. Always have gum, cookies, etc... and offer her when you're eating. Ask to borrow something, like a pen. Just so you can start a conversation.

If you have a group project, ask her. If you don't, you can ask for her notes some day, or ask something about the course.

Greet her everytime she sees you, but don't stop her for conversation anywhere and at anytime, it can be annoying. She'll start recognizing you and greeting you back.

If you're going to the same place as her (to class, or maybe to the bus stop)... just ask her "Are you going to ...? Me too!" Then you keep the small talk on the way. It's easy since you're studying the same stuff.

Then, when it's no longer weird that you're talking and you already know each other, it's going to be easy.

You wouldn't like a complete stranger to come up to you someday out of the blue and ask you out. Think about it as making a friend, approaching another person, not asking a girl out.

Also, it's really hard that she'll accept if you do that right away, considering that she's going to class, she's not at a bar. It's not the right moment, IMO.

Good luck!

Okay seddit, I have a class that meets on Mondays and Wednesdays and there’s this cute chick that’s in there. Main problem is, she zooms out at the end of class and I can’t really catch up with her. Also, she sits on the other side of the class so there’s no opportunity to speak during class. I haven’t spoken to her once since the start of the semester.

Now, I have an embarrassing story to go with this which may complicate matters. In a hallway of that school, I was talking with my friend about cute chicks in my classes, as college guys do. That girl was waiting near us and I tried to point her out but he didn’t see. Fast forward a week or two, I’m there with my friend again (keep in mind he knows where she was standing but didn’t get a good look), he’s talking about that girl explicitly and loudly, even saying what class I have with her and where she was standing. I turn around and she’s right there. I turn back around and try to covertly tell my friend to shut the fuck up but this bitch doesn’t get the hint. Guys, she definitely heard me talking about her.

I get a vibe that she’s somewhat socially awkward. I think most likely, she’s probably taken what she heard as a compliment. But still, I feel so weird about it.

Let’s say I find a way to speak to her, what should I say? Should I just go guns blazing and her ask out? I would rather do that, but even then idk what. It’s not really the type of class where I can just ask for her number, masquerading as wanting help with the class or something.

Seddit, I’m at your mercy

How to ask out a girl from class Reddit

There is this girl in one of my classes that caught my eye and she is a first year from what I can tell, but I have never talked to her. She always walks with her girl friend after class is over and I didn't want to interrupt their conversation so I just left them alone. Next time I see her I want to change that though. Some of my friends and I are planning to go out to the city on Friday evening and I wanted to ask her if she wanted to come out with us and bring some of her friends too if she wasn't doing anything. So my plan is to talk to the girl and her friend after class is over and make some friendly conversation about whatever for a few minutes and then ask her and her friend to go out with us. Is that too random for a first conversation with this girl? Should I just wait and ask her to do something else later down the road? My schedule is going to get a lot more cluttered deeper into the semester so this might be the only time I could really do something like this. Thanks!