How a poker face girl really feels

Poker Face (noun) : an impassive expression that hides one's true feelings.

Having a poker face is both a gift and a curse. While you can hide your thoughts and feelings from everyone else, a lot of people will think you're arrogant and unemotional. In a lot of circumstances, it is helpful because you want to hide how you're feeling. But on the odd occasion where you are opening up to others, they find it hard to believe because your facial expressions do not correspond to how you claim you're feeling.

Here are 14 things you will relate to if you have a poker face!

1. Your thoughts are a mystery to the rest of the world.

No one ever knows what you're really thinking. You could be cursing someone or laughing at someone's stupidity. But no one can tell!

How a poker face girl really feels

2. You're brilliant at camouflaging your feelings.

When you're nervous or angry, you can convince people that that's not the case.

How a poker face girl really feels

3. You maintain a neutral face most of the time.

Especially when you're with your group, at work or in public. It has gotten you out of many difficult situations. And it looks like this:

How a poker face girl really feels
Source: Source: Deviantart

4. You can get away with lying.

Whether you reach home drunk and convince your parents you're not, or you lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend for not calling, you get away with everything!

How a poker face girl really feels

5. Your friends believe you're a good listener.

You might have completely zoned out of the conversation but to them, you're always listening.

How a poker face girl really feels

6. People are always second guessing your compliments.

Let's face it. Compliments with a neutral face don't go very well with people.

How a poker face girl really feels

7. Sometimes people take your sarcasm seriously.

Or assume you're kidding when you're not. It's just very difficult.

How a poker face girl really feels

8. People think you're always confident and in control.

You might be anxious as hell in reality or extremely under-confident, but they never seem to know.

How a poker face girl really feels

9. But others might think you're sad/low most of the time.

Just because you don't have a smile plastered on your face at all times, people think you're depressed.

How a poker face girl really feels

10. People who don't know you too well find you intimidating and unapproachable.

First impression: Someone with an attitude problem.

"Screw you, world!"

How a poker face girl really feels

11. It's difficult for you to express yourself.

People take your inability/refusal to express yourself as a sign of disinterest. In fact, your friends think you're always bored or simply too cool to engage in in conversations.

How a poker face girl really feels

12. People assume you'll be great at playing bluff and poker.

And for obvious reasons. But because you have a poker face, people are extra cautious of you!

How a poker face girl really feels

13. People call you weird things like "the wall".

How a poker face girl really feels

14. People are surprised when you actually express.

Your poker face shows occasional expressions and that is when everybody's astounded!

How a poker face girl really feels


Posted by4 years ago

How a poker face girl really feels

How a poker face girl really feels


88% Upvoted

How a poker face girl really feels

level 1

· 4 yr. ago

cough sauce? cough


level 2

· 4 yr. ago

Guess you missed the thread two days ago.


level 2

· 4 yr. ago

Pancakes without maple sauce is okay, but this is not a pancake


Continue this thread 

level 1

· 4 yr. ago



level 1

· 4 yr. ago

This was just posted.


level 1

· 4 yr. ago

I will throw


level 1

· 4 yr. ago

I guess it's a win-win situation


level 1

· 4 yr. ago

Ok sure . ::starts up Overwatch:: Whelp... no sex fer me


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How a poker face girl really feels


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Created May 11, 2015

How a poker face girl really feels
How a poker face girl really feels
How a poker face girl really feels
How a poker face girl really feels

How a poker face girl really feels

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Poker Face (noun) : an impassive expression that hides one's true feelings. Having a poker face is both a gift and a curse. While you can hide your thoughts and feelings from everyone else, a lot of people will think you're arrogant and unemotional.