How many calories do you burn snowboarding

How many calories do you burn snowboarding

Isaac Musselman - Aspen Snowmass

I like to think I deserve a monstrous meal and a few extra beers after a long day of skiing because of how hard I worked on the hill But do I? To answer this question, I did some homework and even ran some tests on myself to discover how many calories one actually burns while skiing and snowboarding.


Harvard Medical School created a table for calories burned according to the exercise one is participating in and his or her bodyweight. For downhill skiing, the table cites that a 125 pound person burns 360 calories an hour; a 155 pound person burns 446 calories per hour; and a 185 pound person will burn 532 calories per hour.

Meanwhile, Snowsports Industries America (yes, like the enormous convention in Denver each January) estimates that skiing burns 500 calories an hour, while snowboarding is just short of that at 450.

But before you go grab that extra slice of cake to congratulate yourself, please note that none of these numbers include the time spent on the lift. Rather, they are based only off of time spent while skiing and riding. But the redeeming fact may be that these studies do not take exertion level into account, as hitting the moguls will definitely burn more calories than cruising groomers.

How many calories do you burn snowboarding
The watch Spencer used for measuring heart rate.

The Trial:

I took matters into my own hands and used a Polar M400 watch with a heart monitor to record how many calories I was burning while snowboarding. I ran the watch for three consecutive days for three hours a day, only varying the intensity of terrain I was riding. And for a more realistic and easier to comprehend approach than the previously mentioned studies, I let my watch run on the lift and while hiking.

Day 1, High Intensity:
I hiked the Aspen Highlands bowl and spent the morning on the steeps under the Deep Temerity lift- neither being anything close to light riding. I burned 1215 calories in the three hours, coming out to 405 calories an hour.

Day 2, Medium Intensity:
I headed to Aspen Mountain for a good mix of moguls and groomers. I burned 975 calories in 3 hours, which is 325 calories an hour.

Day 3, Low Intensity:
I hit Snowmass for some wide groomed runs. In the time here, I burned 752 calories, coming out to250 calories an hour.

To compare these numbers with other activities, I mountain biked for an hour and burned 650 calories, and ran 3 miles in 27 minutes and burned 345 calories (which would be 767 calories if I ran for the entire hour). But these two highly aerobic activities where you are constantly moving would expectedly exceed skiing and snowboarding in terms of calorie burn.

The Bottom Line:

Although skiing and snowboarding burn less calories than activities like nordic skiing, mountain biking, and running, they are still great exercise.

A medium intensity snowboard day for my 150 pound self came out to be around 325 calories burned per hour. To figure out what you are burning add more calories to my numbers if (1.) you are heavier than me, (2.) you are having a high intensity mogul or powder crushing day or (3.) you ski (according to Snowsports Industries America, but I'm not sure I buy that). For the most accurate test, grab a heart rate monitor and get recording!

How many calories do you burn snowboarding

Someone weighing 180 lbs burns approximately 454 kilocalories per hour with Snowboarding. Fill in the form below and calculate how many calories you burn with Snowboarding or use our Calorie Calculator for other activities.

How many calories do you burn snowboarding

Snowboarding Calorie Calculator

Burned calories (KCAL)with Snowboarding


Sherman Poppen invented snowboarding in the 1960s, after he decided to strap two skis together. It has flourished into an extremely popular winter sport. In 1998, snowboarding was officially accepted into the Olympics.

A range of different muscles are used when snowboarding. You use your quadriceps and hamstrings to get the board moving, and your calves, hamstrings and quadriceps to make turns and guide the board. The number of calories you burn during one hour of downhill boarding depends on a lot of factors. Snow quality, slope gradient, your weight and the speed you reach all influence the total number of calories burned.

When snowboarding, you can burn an average of about 350 to 700 calories per hour. It goes without saying that this time does not include waiting in line or sitting in the lift to go uphill. On average, you will be travelling downhill for half of the time you spend snowboarding. The rest is waiting and/or sitting time.

How many calories do you burn snowboarding

Calories burned with Winter activities (weight: 180 lbs)

How do we calculate the amount of calories burned with Snowboarding?

This calculation uses the MET value (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) of Snowboarding. The MET value of Snowboarding = 5.3. We multiply the MET value with the person\'s body weight in kilogram. Then we multiply this with 0.0175 and the duration in minutes.

A person weighs: 180 lbs
MET value of Snowboarding: 5.3
Time: 30 minutes
The calorie calculation for Snowboarding for 30 minutes is as follows:

(180/2.20462) * 5.3 * 0.0175 * 30 minutes = 227

30 minutes of Snowboarding burns 227 kcal.

How many calories do you burn in a full day of snowboarding?

Meanwhile, Snowsports Industries America (yes, like the enormous convention in Denver each January) estimates that skiing burns 500 calories an hour, while snowboarding is just short of that at 450.

Is snowboarding good for weight loss?

Skiing and snowboarding are great cardiovascular exercises that can help families burn some serious calories and lose weight. The ultimate number burned per hour is based on weight and proficiency, but according to Harvard Medical School, someone who is 185 pounds burns 266 calories in 30 minutes of downhill skiing.

Do you burn more calories skiing or snowboarding?

According to the non-profit trade association Snowsports Industries America, alpine skiing burns approximately 500 calories an hour while snowboarding lags slightly behind at 450. Neither stat includes time spent on the lift.

How many calories do you burn snowboarding as a beginner?

Burn Hundreds of Calories, Even as a Beginner According to "Glamour" magazine, a 160-pound person burns about 381 calories in 60 minutes of light snowboarding. When snowboarding at a moderate or vigorous level for 60 minutes, the same person burns about 457 or 610 calories, respectively.