How long is Yakuza Kiwami chapters?

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How Long Does It Take To Beat Yakuza Kiwami?

If you're wondering how much time you need to invest into Yakuza Kiwami, here's what you need to know.


Yakuza Kiwami is the remake of Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio's very first Yakuza title that originally launched for PlayStation 2 in 2006. As well as getting a much-needed visual makeover, Kiwami adds various improvements and plenty of new content to keep fans occupied.

So if you want to revisit Kamurocho or you're starting the series for the first time and have opted to go for Kiwami first instead of Yakuza 0, you might be wondering how much time you'll be putting into the game — here's what you need to know.

How Long Does It Take To Finish Yakuza Kiwami?

Majima and Kiryu in Yakuza Kiwami

According to How Long To Beat, you're looking at an average of 17+ hours for completing the main storyline in Yakuza Kiwami.

However, there is a wealth of side content available in the game, with plenty of optional substories (side quests), minigames, and more. If you find yourself getting distracted by the delights of Kamurocho and delving into some of the optional bits while completing the storyline, your average playthrough will likely be closer to 33+ hours.

How Long Does It Take To 100 Percent Yakuza Kiwami?

Nishiki and Kiryu in Yakuza Kiwami

As we previously mentioned, there is a lot of side content in the game, so if you're looking to 100 percent the game and get each and every trophy/achievement, you're looking at an average of 82+ hours.

Doing so will involve more than one playthrough as you must complete the game on Legend Mode, which is not unlocked until you have first completed the game on Hard Mode. The good news is the game features New Game Plus, so all your abilities, experience points, money, CP, completion list, and more all carry over.

However, substories do not carry over — so you need to complete all substories in the same playthrough. You can utilize Premium Adventure after you have completed the game, which allows free roam after the main story has been completed and allows you to mop up any missing substories and other bits you might need to complete.

Majima coming out of the manhole in Yakuza Kiwami

Yakuza Kiwami has 13 chapters in total, all of which vary in length so you'll find yourself completing some a lot faster than others.

  • Chapter One: October 1, 1995: Fate of a Kinslayer
  • Chapter Two: December 5, 2005: 10 Years Gone
  • Chapter Three: Funeral of Fists
  • Chapter Four: An Encounter
  • Chapter Five: Purgatory
  • Chapter Six: Father and Child
  • Chapter Seven: The Dragon and the Koi
  • Chapter Eight: The Scheme
  • Chapter Nine: The Rescue
  • Chapter Ten: Shape of Love
  • Chapter 11: Honor and Humanity
  • Chapter 12: Reunited
  • Chapter 13: The End of Battle

Next: Yakuza Kiwami: The Best Pocket Circuit Builds For Each Race

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  2. Yakuza Kiwami 2
  3. Are chapters as short as Kiwami or as long as 0.

Dragonruler9999 4 years ago#1

I felt like the chapters in 0 were actually more longer than kiwami. Kiwami is like 1 hour. 0 felt more like 2 hours. Watching cutscenes ofc.

I know we are comparing ps3 vs PS2 era.



CoachTravis 4 years ago#2

First two chapters are both very short. I haven't done any others yet, as I'm mostly distracted by side stuff, so far.

Piergiorgio 4 years ago#3

CoachTravis posted...

First two chapters are both very short. I haven't done any others yet, as I'm mostly distracted by side stuff, so far.

LOL, you have nailed the point.

chapter length in a yak game is the ultimate YMMV case. Kiwami 2's chap.1 is short because you're basically railroaded, but ch.2 is where the real yak charm begins, the little but densely packed open world.

because I'm a completionist of the "everything whose can be moved from map to inventory WILL be moved" type, I have ticked 3+ hours in cleaning Sotenbori's streets of those shiny locker keys (38 out of 50, IIRC) and sundry items, and adding solving sidequests and whacking random ne'er-do-wells, no wonders that I'm still @ chapter 2....

CoachTravis 4 years ago#4

Yeah, you can technically spend an insane amount of hours in some chapters of Yakuza games, if you just run around doing side stuff. Happened to me a lot in 0, especially, though also somewhat in Kiwami and this game so far. If you were just to advance the story and do nothing else, though, chapter 2 in this game is actually about 15-20 minutes, I think. It's basically just three cutscenes and a tiny bit of combat, tbh.

Dragonruler9999 (Topic Creator)4 years ago#5

CoachTravis posted...

Yeah, you can technically spend an insane amount of hours in some chapters of Yakuza games, if you just run around doing side stuff. Happened to me a lot in 0, especially, though also somewhat in Kiwami and this game so far. If you were just to advance the story and do nothing else, though, chapter 2 in this game is actually about 15-20 minutes, I think. It's basically just three cutscenes and a tiny bit of combat, tbh.

yeah chapter 2 is basically demo. I am one of these that like to complete story then slowly take my time doing the rest. Tho I finish the fun one like Cabaret ./ real estate... even JCC (at first- to spread that win over time)


  1. Boards
  2. Yakuza Kiwami 2
  3. Are chapters as short as Kiwami or as long as 0.

How long is each chapter Yakuza Kiwami?

If you've started playing the game and have put some hours into it, you might be wondering just how many chapters there are. So, you might be relieved or disappointed to hear that Yakuza Kiwami 2 has 15 chapters overall. Each chapter takes around an hour or so to complete if you head straight through them.

How many chapters Yakuza Kiwami 1 have?

There are 13 chapters in this game: Chapter 1: October 1, 1995: Fate of a Kinslayer. Chapter 2: December 5, 2005: 10 Years Gone.

Which Yakuza game is the longest?

They were able to beat the first game in the quickest time, in just over five hours. Yakuza 2 was the longest, taking over 23 hours.

Is Yakuza Kiwami 2 short?

Yakuza Kiwami 2 is an exceptional Yakuza game in two ways. First, it's very short, and it takes less than 15 hours to reach the end.