How long can a generac 22kw generator run continuously

Backup generators are designed to keep your power running during long outages, which in itself raises a couple of obvious questions: how long a backup generator can really go on functioning continually before it needs to shut down and the specifics of how a generator’s ongoing protection for your power really works. Here, we’ll go over the basic answers to those questions for the different types of standby generators on the market today.

How Long You Can (and Should) Run a Backup Generator

It’s possible, if necessary, to run a home on standby generator power for days on end. Typically, it’s recommended that you limit continuous usage when able and give the unit rest and a cool down. You can run the generator for a week if necessary, but if you can shut it down daily, allow it to cool and check the oil it is the recommended practice. There are multiple factors that can radically modify the kind of consecutive runtimes you can expect. It especially depends on the kind of fuel and cooling systems your generator uses.

Your Generator’s Fuel Type Makes a Difference

Diesel or liquid propane (LP) generators’ runtime is limited by their available fuel supply. Their tanks can store anywhere from one to three days’ worth of fuel and are typically refilled by a fuel service provider with whom it will be important to keep in touch during long outages.

Natural gas generators run on a consistent natural gas supply from public utilities and therefore don’t need refuelling, but their runtime can still be limited by engine temperature and oil usage. An engine that runs at 3600 rpm “runs hot” and will use oil rapidly, while an 1800 rpm engine is more efficient and may be able to run continuously for up to eight days.

Diesel generators are a popular choice for their reliability and versatility (they can also run on biodiesel), but it’s worth taking into account that their fuel is typically more expensive and needs to be checked and refilled more frequently. If you live or work in a place that can more frequently expect extended outages, a natural gas generator is likely to be the more attractive option.

Cooling and Your Generator’s Lifespan 

You can extend this lifespan by placing less strain on the generator. In the case of extended outages, it may be preferable to limit your standby generator to running continuously only during the day (or if you’re running it in a commercial situation, during the working day). The less time you’re compelled to run it continuously, the more chances the engine has to cool and the less wear it will endure.

Generac: The Leading Standard in Backup Generators

There are multiple brands of standby generators on the market. They’re designed to come on automatically when the power cuts out, and you’ll need to make specific decisions based on the factors covered above as to how many consecutive hours you’d like them to run after that point. Briggs & Stratton, Kohler and Generac are all well-known brands in the field.

Of these, it’s Generac standby generators that occupy the most prominent position as a leading power protection brand, having set the standard among manufacturers for six decades. Generac generators come with a wide range of load management, remote monitoring and control, automatic self-testing and weather enclosure features designed to allow them to function in harsh conditions. They also feature True Power Technology that delivers power to utility-quality standards and avoids the kind of signal interference that can affect sensitive equipment like computers.

With a Generac standby generator in good working order and installed by professionals, home and business owners alike can enjoy the peace of mind that comes from being able to protect their power continuously during any prolonged power outage.

Get in Touch With the Experts

The expert technicians at Platinum Electrical Contractors can help you choose the right Generac standby generator for your needs and can install it for seamless and reliable operation. They can also provide guidance for the best practices to follow if you ever find yourself needing to rely on your standby generator’s power for multiple days or weeks at a time and offer regular maintenance and support to the highest standards.

A storm rages as thunder rumbles and rain pounds your windows. A chill runs up your spine as lights flicker and go out. Your life becomes a horror movie.

For what seems like eternity but it’s just an instant, your generator finally kicks on. Phew.

Once you remember your house isn't really haunted, you wonder, "How long can my Generac generator run?"

Ghosts aside, you need to know your generator’s run time. Between 2003 and 2012, there were 679 widespread power outages caused by severe weather. It’s likely you'll have any number of chances to see if your house shelters poltergeists.

So how long can your generator run? Keep reading to find out and to keep it running safely.

Generator Basics

Before you ever star in your own horror movie, you should know what kind of generator works best for your house, your Power needs and your wallet.

Power Priorities

Generators create power. So naturally, they're sold by power output, as measured in watts.

“Check the wattage to get an estimate of how many appliances the generator can run, the quality and consistency of the power it produces, and, of course, how long it'll run,” said Tobias Sommer, owner of Generators For Sale in Omaha.

For a home, unless your house has some crazy output, a 5500 watt generator should serve you well.

And if you want the best – a Generac generator?  Check out these options.

2 Available Flavors

Generators come in two flavors: portable and standby.

Remember the horror movie? When you pray for the lights to come back on? A standby generator with an automatic transfer switch will turn on automatically when the main power goes out.

You know, so you’re not that guy who goes outside in the dark to get stalked.

Standby generators are designed to power your whole house. Portable and inverter generators, on the other hand, are mobile.

“So they're used to run key appliances, rather than power everything,” Tobias said.

That doesn't mean they're the same. Portables are more for temporary use and construction sites. Inverters are quieter and work well for tailgating and camping.

Safety Tips

The first rule to help your generator run longer? Don't set your house on fire.

No, really. Generators don't do well when your house burning. They're funny that way. To stay in a healthy, committed relationship with your generator, follow these other key safety rules:

No Enclosed Spaces

Nobody should put Baby in a corner. Especially if Baby’s your generator.

Most generator-related deaths involve carbon monoxide poisoning from generators kept in enclosed spaces like basements and garages or inside the house.

“They can store up gases that really put your family at risk,” Tobias said.

How to avoid this? Keep your generator at a nice, healthy 15-foot minimum from your house and away from doors and windows. Sheds work great for storage but not running the unit.

And the easiest way to avoid the risk of CO poisoning? Keep a battery-operated carbon monoxide detector running at the same time. The new Generac portables will have a CO detector built in to help with safety.

Stock Up Beforehand

Funny story: Generators run on gas. When they run a long time, they run out of gas. When they run out of gas, they stop working.

Isn't it funny how that works?

So if you see a Wizard of Oz-type storm looming on the horizon, stock up on gas.

Standard safety warnings also apply to fuel. Store it only in an ANSI-approved container in a cool, well-ventilated area.

Avoid Electrical Hazards

A transfer switch assures your generator runs safely.

“It tells your house to run off the generator, not on utility electricity,” Tobias said. “That’s to prevent back-feed, a major safety hazard that can shock lineman working to restore your power.”

If you don't get a transfer switch, which is common for portable generators, you can have your generator run only certain appliances. Plug the appliances directly into the generator after you check cords for frays and cuts. Make sure the plug has all three prongs.

Note the word “appliances.” This does not include your furnace or well pump.

If it seems like a bad idea, it probably is. For other ways to help your generator run safely, check this list of safety tips.

How Long Can a Generac Generator Run?

One of three kinds of fuel makes your generator run: natural gas, liquid propane or diesel also regular gas.

Natural Gas

If your generator runs on natural gas, it's hooked to a supply provided by your utility company. It won't run out anytime soon unless a gas line goes down. Then you've got a problem. In this case, your generator won't have a fuel tank because it doesn't need one.

“Most standby generators operate that way,” Tobias said. “You'll know because standby generators need to be installed by pros.”

Propane or Diesel

If, however, your generator runs on propane or diesel, it will have a fuel tank. Usually, a diesel generator has a 24-hour tank, though there are 48-hour and 72-hour tanks available.

That said, because filled propane tanks only hold 80% of their rated capacities, a 500-gallon tank stores only 400 gallons.

If you have a propane or diesel generator, you probably have a fuel service provider. During extended outages, stay in touch with your provider to keep your tank topped off.

Regardless of whether your generator run time is indefinite or not, you'll still want to conserve usage. 

Oil for Lubricating and Cooling

Know what happens when an engine runs for a long time? Of course you do, it gets hot. Some like it hot, but generators don't.

For this reason, you'll need to periodically turn your generator off to cool it down.

Giving your generator a break doesn't just benefit your energy bill, either. During this pause, you can oil the generator's engine to help it run smoothly.

“Oil is your generator's lifeblood,” Tobias said. “It lubricates and cools the engine to keep it from seizing up or flaming out”.

As its engine runs, though, the oil breaks down, requiring you to replace it.

And no, do not put oil in the engine while it runs. Or when it’s hot. That's not multitasking, that's just a terrible idea.

Manufacturers recommend you change the oil every 200 hours of operation or once a year, whichever is more frequent. But if your generator deals with extreme outdoor temperatures or has to work harder, it will burn oil faster. During continuous operation shut down and check every 24 hours and keep topped off.

Be kind to your generator. Check the oil levels, but don't be over generous – too much oil is just as bad as too little. Like Goldilocks, it should be just right.

During a Power Outage

The moment of truth: When the lights flicker out and you wonder if your life just became a Stephen King novel.

First of all, don't panic. That only makes it worse. Really.

Get your bearings. If you have a standby generator on an automatic transfer switch, you should be fine. If you maintained your generator well beforehand, your lights will come on as soon as you hit the switch.

If it didn't, break out the flashlights, you've got work to do.

You should also make sure you've got enough fuel on hand, whether your generator is already running or not. Show your generator some love – give it a cool-down break every 24 hours until the power comes back.

Generac Generators (and More)

Of course, to have a healthy relationship with your generator, you need to own one and have it properly installed.

If you've already done your homework on Generac generators, you're in luck. Get started with a professional generator installation today.

Still got questions? Generators for Sale has answers. Contact us with whatever your question may be. We can't wait to hear from you.

Can a Generac generator run 24 hours a day?

How long can a Generac whole house generator run continuously? As long as there is a fuel supply of natural gas or propane, a well-maintained backup generator will keep running. If the Generac generator is running on propane, with a 500-gallon tank, it should run 24 hours a day for over a week.

How long can a Generac generator run without stopping?

Most standard tanks contain anywhere from 250 to 1,000 gallons. Typical home-use will burn through around 2 to 3 gallons of propane an hour. So a 1,000-gallon tank will see you through around two weeks of outages. Diesel tanks for home generators come in a variety of sizes.

Can a Generac generator run for days?

Similar to getting an oil change in your car, Generac recommends replacing the oil every 50 hours of cumulative usage. This means if you need to run your generator for more than two days straight, you should shut it down every 24 to 48 hours to let it cool off and add more oil.

How long can Generac Power Your House?

A Generac home backup generator senses a power outage, turns on automatically, and delivers backup power to your home. It will run until utility power returns - whether that's two hours or two weeks.