How long can pizza sit out without going bad?

Cold pizza is one of life’s greatest pleasures. It won’t burn the roof of your mouth like piping hot pizza — and, in terms of a once-in-a-while breakfast treat, a tasty slice of cold pizza is hard to beat.

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In most cases, you’ll grab a slice from the fridge when you’re hungry. But what if you have a late-night pizza at a hotel and don’t have a place to store it? Or what if your fridge is full? Can you leave pizza sitting out overnight and still munch on it the next day?

Registered dietitian Fawziah Saleh, MS, RDN, LD, says that’s not a good idea. “Perishable foods like pizza are not safe to eat if left sitting out in room temperature overnight.”

There’s more bad news, too: It doesn’t matter if your pizza was plain cheese, packed with veggies or a meat lover’s delight — Saleh says you still can’t leave it on the counter and have it for breakfast the next morning. “Because cheese is the main ingredient, pizzas should be kept in the refrigerator to reduce the risk of being contaminated with food-borne bacteria.”

How long can pizza safely sit out?

Believe it or not, pizza can only be left out safely for two hours at room temperature. At higher temperatures, it’s safe to be left out for just one hour.

“Anything outside of the temperature danger zone — which is between 41 to 135 degrees Fahrenheit (5 to 57 degrees Celsius) — is what you want to avoid,” advises Saleh. “According to the USDA, after two hours, you want to either heat the pizza back up or put it in the refrigerator to cool it down. So, say you’re putting pizza in the microwave or heating it up in the oven … As long as you get it out of that 135-degree F (57-degree C) range, then you should be OK.”

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If you’re eating vegan cheese pizza, these same rules also apply. Vegan cheese is considered a perishable food item, so you need to make sure it’s only left out at room temperature for two hours.

Dangers of eating pizza that’s been out too long

So, you’re probably wondering: What happens if I eat pizza left out overnight? Well, this increases your risk of getting food poisoning or contracting a food-borne illness.

Food-borne illnesses can be serious and be things like:

  • An infection from staphylococcus aureus (MRSA bacteria).
  • Salmonella.
  • Escherichia coli (E. coli infection).
  • Campylobacter infection.

Signs of food poisoning include an upset stomach, nausea and vomiting, or feeling stomach pain going to the bathroom. Symptoms of food poisoning or food-borne illnesses can show up within hours after you eat contaminated food or several days later.

“That’s why a lot of people go back and think, ‘What did I eat that caused me to get sick? Oh, I know — I ate at that restaurant,'” Saleh notes.

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How to store pizza safely

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), you can store pizza safely in the freezer for about one to two months. Pizza in the refrigerator is also cold enough to be outside of that temperature danger zone, although it doesn’t stay fresh quite as long. Saleh says you can safely store pizza in the fridge for three to four days.

As with eating pizza that’s been sitting out for too long, grabbing a slice that’s been in the fridge for a while is also dicey. “While you might not get sick if you eat pizza that’s been in the refrigerator longer than four days, you can still increase your risk for food-borne illnesses if you decide, ‘Hey, I want to eat this pizza,'” Saleh says.

In short, if you’re craving a piece of cold pizza, just make sure you’re grabbing it from the fridge or freezer — not your kitchen counter or the end table in your hotel room. Your taste buds, and stomach, will thank you later.

Frozen pizza has been a big part of daily meals, special events and holidays for many years. It is cheaper and quicker than ordering pizza from a local shop, but it is easier than preparing homemade pizza.

According to Dogtown Pizza,

Americans spend approximately $4.4 billion on frozen pizza each year, and 2 out of every 3 households eat frozen pizza regularly.

My family is definitely part of that statistic because we love frozen pizza, and I enjoy taking a break from cooking bigger meals once in a while. You may fit the statistic of households that enjoy frozen pizza as well.

Of course, you need to ensure you are cooking and storing your pizza properly. The last thing you want is an upset stomach because you ate pizza that was sitting out for too long.

Frozen pizza? Where’s the challenge in that? When I was a kid eating pizza at home was like a goddamn science experiment.

— Super 70s Sports (@Super70sSports) March 25, 2022

How long can frozen pizza sit out? Is it safe to eat if it has been sitting out for one hour? These are questions every household should research before adding pizza to the menu.

As you read through my guide, you can find:

  • The answer to how long frozen pizza can sit out.
  • When your pizza should be discarded.
  • How long leftover pizza can last in the refrigerator.
  • Tips on freezing leftover pizza.
  • Tips on how to cook a frozen pizza.

I have used my experience in buying, storing and cooking pizza as research for my guide. In addition, I have also checked out various websites to see what others have to say on the subject.

My goal is to help you create a happy, healthy meal, especially if you are cooking frozen pizza.


  1. 1. How Long Can Frozen Pizza Sit Out? →
  2. 2. How Long Does Frozen Pizza Last In The Fridge? →
  3. 3. How Long Can Pizza Be Frozen? →
  4. 4. Can You Freeze Leftover Pizza? →
  5. 5. How Long To Cook A Frozen Pizza? →
  6. 6. Can You Get Food Poisoning From Frozen Pizza? →
  7. 7. Can You Add Your Own Toppings To A Frozen Pizza →
  8. 8. Useful Resources →

How Long Can Frozen Pizza Sit Out? You Can Find the Answer and More in My Guide

Frozen pizzas contain ingredients that expire over time, such as cheese, pepperoni and dough. Therefore, leaving your pizza out for too long may cause your entire meal to go bad.

The key is to find out how long frozen pizza can sit out before you need to cook it, put it in the freezer or throw it away.

It is important to ensure your food is not going bad before you have the chance to eat it. This is why News4JAX is sharing a list of how long you can leave certain foods out before they go bad.

How Long Can Frozen Pizza Sit Out?

You never want to let your pizza sit out longer than necessary. Otherwise, you may wind up eating expired ingredients.

It is important to ensure your pizza does not sit out for more than two hours. According to the Plutosfreshfood blog,

The USDA recommends not letting prepared food, such as pizza, stay at room temperature for over two hours.

If your pizza has been sitting out for 24 to 48 hours, it needs to be discarded. You do not want new bacteria to grow on your pizza. It is best to cook your pizza or put it away before it goes bad.

If you ever forget how long frozen pizza can sit out, be sure to refer to this video. Randomly Researched shares a quick video to remind you of how long your pizza can sit out before it goes bad.

How Long Does Frozen Pizza Last in the Fridge?

Once you cook your frozen pizza, you may decide to place the leftover slices in the refrigerator. Of course, you still need to eat the leftover slices before they go bad.

You may be wondering how long frozen pizza can last in the refrigerator. If you have already cooked your pizza, refrigerated pizza can last for three to four days.

You may need to use a pan to cook your pizza. In this article, you can find out if metal can go in the oven when cooking.

How Long Can Pizza Be Frozen?

If you are stocking up during your grocery shopping trip, you may wonder how long pizza can stay frozen.

Luckily, you can keep your unopened pizza in the freezer for up to 18 months. This is great if you need to buy your pizzas ahead of time for a special event or during a monthly shopping trip.

Do you have leftover pizza dough from your last meal? Why not freeze it to reuse for pizza later? In this video, Vito Lacopelli shows you how to properly freeze your leftover pizza dough.

Can You Freeze Leftover Pizza?

If you have any leftover pizza slices, you may want to place the slices in the freezer instead of the refrigerator.

You can keep your pizza in the freezer for one to two months, but you want to ensure it is wrapped tightly in plastic wrap and a layer of aluminum foil or placed in an airtight container.

You may not need to discard your pizza at the two-month mark, but you should check it to ensure it has not expired before cooking it.

Leftover pizza is not the only food that can be frozen for later. I share whether you can freeze fried fish in this article.

How Long to Cook a Frozen Pizza?

How long it takes to cook a frozen pizza depends on the brand and type of pizza.

For example, Ellio’s Cheese Pizza should be baked at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for 11 to 14 minutes. Meanwhile, DiGiorno’s Thin Crust Pepperoni Pizza should be baked at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 14 to 17 minutes.

I found some great advice on the Home Run Inn Pizza website.

The advice states,

All ovens cook differently, so be sure to keep an eye on your pizza as it cooks. Pizza is done when cheese is melted and edges are golden brown. Oven time and temp may vary, adjust as necessary.

There is more to cooking a frozen pizza than just taking it out of the box and placing it in the oven. In this video, Mashed shares several mistakes everyone makes when cooking frozen pizza.

Can You Get Food Poisoning From Frozen Pizza?

Unfortunately, it is possible to get food poisoning from frozen pizza.

Pizza can grow new bacteria once it has thawed, especially if it sits at room temperature for over two hours. It may not be possible to kill the new bacteria by cooking the pizza later.

You can also get food poisoning if you do not cook the pizza at a temperature that is high enough to kill the bacteria.

Just bought a frozen pizza from @AldiUK that was half defrosted by the time I got home… it takes me less than 5 minutes to walk to my nearest aldi. Don’t fancy risking food poisoning so it’s gone straight in the bin 🙄 RIP my dinner 😪

— joanneduncalfe (@joanneduncalfe1) October 24, 2018

This is why it is important to cook your pizza before it thaws or goes bad. You also need to ensure you are cooking it at the right temperature.

It is important to protect yourself from burns when cooking on a stovetop, and this is why it is important to find out how hot a stovetop can get while cooking. You can find my guide on cooking on a stovetop by clicking here.

Can You Add Your Own Toppings to a Frozen Pizza

You can add your own toppings to a frozen pizza. For example, you may want to add some pepperoni from the refrigerator to your cheese pizza before placing it in the oven.

Why would you add the toppings instead of purchasing a frozen pepperoni, sausage or supreme pizza? It is understandable if this question has crossed your mind while reading this section of my guide.

Anyone else add their own toppings to a frozen pizza?

— Eatinerni (@eatinerni) July 3, 2021

You may have purchased frozen cheese pizzas for your family. However, a few family members may have decided on pepperoni or sausage pizza at the last minute.

This is when already having the toppings in the refrigerator comes in handy. You can add the toppings to one of the cheese pizzas to ensure everyone is happy.

Another reason is the store has sold out of the pizza with your preferred toppings. In this case, you may decide to purchase the toppings separately.

Adding your own toppings to a frozen pizza.

— Holly Harrison (@hollyheavy) August 8, 2019

Adding your own pizza toppings is also a fun way to introduce your children to cooking.

Of course, you want to ensure your toppings have not expired before putting them on your pizza.

Useful Resources

  • How to cook frozen pizza →
  • The top 3 ways to reheat pizza →
  • 22 creative recipes with pizza dough →

Your Frozen Pizza Should Not Sit Out for More Than Two Hours

How long can frozen pizza sit out? You can let the pizza sit out for several minutes to an hour, especially if you are getting ready to place it in the oven.

However, the pizza should not sit out for more than two hours. The ingredients start to go bad and bacteria can grow on the pizza after several hours at room temperature.

Is it OK to eat pizza that was left out overnight?

Can you leave pizza sitting out overnight and still munch on it the next day? Registered dietitian Fawziah Saleh, MS, RDN, LD, says that's not a good idea. “Perishable foods like pizza are not safe to eat if left sitting out in room temperature overnight.”

How long can pizza sit out before going bad?

The USDA recommends not letting prepared food, such as pizza, stay at room temperature for over two hours. If your pizza has been sitting out for 24 to 48 hours, it needs to be discarded. You do not want new bacteria to grow on your pizza. It is best to cook your pizza or put it away before it goes bad.

Can you eat pizza left out for 8 hours?

In brief, eating pizza that was left out through the night is a bad idea. The USDA recommends throwing away any perishable food (including leftover pizza) that has stayed more than 2 hours under room temperature. Eating pizza that was left out overnight can cause foodborne diseases.