How do I save my game in MGS2?

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  2. Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
  3. How do I save on MGS 2 Sons of Liberty?

LDMASTER14 10 years ago#1

I just got this collection, this is my first ever MGS game, I want to play MGS 2 first, how do you save. My bro was playing him and I had no freaking clue what to do so we decided to quit and go play some MVC3 and realized it hadn't save which we thought it just auto save. Unfortanatley not the case haha. So basically how do you save?

I_am_always_me 10 years ago#2

There is a codec frequency for it. It is in your codec memory (press down with the codec open). The frequency is the same across all the MGS games, I just forget it. My memory is bad.

Pokemon White FC: Zippy [2838-3935-7013]
3DS FC [2707-1897-9929]

darksolgamer 10 years ago#3

"The frequency is 140.96. Sorry, but no Mei-Ling this time."

"Fish + Knowledge = Octopus? That's not logic, that's bat**** on a sandwich!"

KillfaceDingo 10 years ago#4

did you skip through the codec conversation where he explained how to save?

if you are just going to be skipping convos and cutscenes then you picked the wrong game to play lol.

there is like 3 hours of gameplay and 8 hours of cutscenes/codec convos in mgs2

mgs3 is also very codec/cutscene heavy, though it does balance the gameplay better, it is still a heavily cinematic game.

and why would you start with mgs2? find a ps2 or a gamecube and play the first game..

LDMASTER14 (Topic Creator)10 years ago#5

LMAO I just didn't feel like watching them lol and I really don't care about playing the first game..

KillfaceDingo 10 years ago#6

LDMASTER14 posted...
LMAO I just didn't feel like watching them lol and I really don't care about playing the first game..

if you didn't feel like watching them then you should just stop playing now LMAO

metal gear is a story driven game. some people call it an interactive movie because of how it is cutscene based.

yeah there is fun boss fights and fun stealth gameplay, but it is mostly about the story.

like i said, mgs2 is like 3/4ths cutscenes. if you skip them all you will be playing the game for about 3 hours

KillfaceDingo 10 years ago#7

also saying you really don't care about the first game further proves you should just stop playing....

mgs is a story based series

if you have no idea wtf is going in the story you shouldnt be playing....then again even if you played mgs1 you still would have no idea what is going on in the story because you skip yeah you might as well just sell this if you bought it and start playing a new game.

i'm not gonna tell you what to do, even if i did you wouldn't listen, i am just trying to help. if you don't care about the story or watching cutscenes then you will not enjoy mgs. that isn't an opinion, it is a fact.

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  2. Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
  3. How do I save on MGS 2 Sons of Liberty?

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PlayStation 2 (PlayStation 2)

How do you save your game on metal gear solid 2?

  1. All i see is continue or exit...

Accepted Answer

  1. There is a channel on the Codec you call to save. In the tanker, call 140.96. Not sure for the Plant.

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Radio and Saving the Game You can also use the D-pad to select a frequency manually. Going into the radio will pause the game. The radio is also used to save the game. As with all the MGS games, the frequency for saving data is 140.96, which will patch Snake directly through to Para-Medic.