Can you see chats in ML replays?

I wanna look back at the chat during a replay I had saved but I can't figure out how to enable chat in replay mode. All the chat button does when checked is show chat that is pings n such, not what people are saying. Also tried enabling and disabling it, both in the little check box and the all chat button in the actual in game settings.

How do you see chat in replays? It can't be disabled can it??


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Can you see chats in ML replays?


Can you see chats in ML replays?
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Can you see chats in ML replays?
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How you can report someone,  if there is no facts?... Just a while ago I record a a cancer player that intentionally feeding,  there is so many bad things that he say to us, and that makes me kind of trigerred to not make this player go as he likes... After I recorded, unfortunately it was my first time recording, so the quality is bad,  the words that he say is unclear to be seen... What is more the taping sound while i recording is noisy,  now when I want to rerecord it,  the replay doesn't record the conversation,  so it is pointless now even I rerecord it to fix the view.

If you guys,  Moderator and Devs curious why this frekin player make me so mad until I record it, you can check this link          Make sure you turn off the video sound and play your own music so you won't be bored,  because my tapping sound is very noisy, (since i'm angry)

Can you see chats in ML replays?
Can you see chats in ML replays?
Can you see chats in ML replays?
Can you see chats in ML replays?
Can you see chats in ML replays?
Can you see chats in ML replays?


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Can you see chats in ML replays?
Post time 2018-1-10 01:29 PM | Show the author posts only

Currently, the replay of match are not showing the conversation of the team.. the replay is only replaying your matches and will not showing any text/conversations. If anyone is afk / rude / feeding just report them through the game, they'll be punish accordingly.

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Can you see chats in ML replays?
 Author| Post time 2018-1-10 11:20 PM From mobile phone | Show the author posts only

How the system works anyway?...i know the current replay didn't revord the conversation of the match,  tht is why i come here to mke a request about that

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Can you see chats in ML replays?
 Author| Post time 2018-1-10 11:24 PM From mobile phone | Show the author posts only

Jauregui replied at 2018-1-9 09:29 PM
Currently, the replay of match are not showing the conversation of the team.. the replay is o ...

Yeah i know the reply didn't record the conversation of the match,  tht is why I come here to make a request... How the system work anyway,  how can I trust this small program,  can it even detect people who doesn't afk but keep stay in the base just because a team in a losing state?

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Can you see chat in replays?

Is the in-game chat included on the replay? Nope, replays only show gameplay.

Can you see enemy chat in replay league?

You can already see enemy pings in replays. Their chat nope.

Does League of Legends save chat logs?

Riot Games keeps the logs of all the games in League, including everything that goes into the chat boxes. If someone decides to 'grief' a match or be mean in the chat, they'll be on record for everything they type. These chat logs/records can't be easily accessed by players, however.

How can I watch ML history?

First, click the profile photo, select the “Battlefield” menu. The players have to go to your profile first. After that, you tap on the existing replay menu.