Does Clay find out about Gemma and Tig

Speculation? Clay and Gemma had been having a relationship on the side for some time after Gemma became John's 'Old Lady', possibly even being the true sire of one or both of Gemma's sons. John found out about this and in anguish aimed his Harley at the front grill of an oncoming semi.

  • Unlikely, since Jax and his brother were born with the same heart defect as Abel, and Gemma calls it the "Teller family curse," suggesting that it was in JT's blood and not hers. She could have been lying about that, I guess, but why?
    • I'm pretty sure she just says "the family flaw," and she has a heart surgery scar on her chest, which suggests strongly to me that it was from her.
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    • Apparently jossed in "John 8:32," when Gemma tells Nero that she didn't start growing closer to Clay until after Thomas died and JT had started cheating with Maureen. While it's true that Gemma is flexible with the truth when it suits her, the framing of the scene strongly suggests that she was being truthful (at least, from her perspective).
  • There's also the fact that Jax is blond, while John Teller has brown hair. Clay, on the other hand...
  • It's since been revealed that Clay definitely had Lowell Sr. tamper with JT's bike. If JT decided to end it himself, he sure picked a very coincidental time to do so.
  • Piney also remarks on several occasions Jax bears a resemblance to JT. This could, however, be Piney seeing what he wants to see.

The Hamlet parallels.

Start with the obvious — Jax, Clay and Gemma are Hamlet, Claudius and Gertrude, and Daddy Teller's book is the ghost. Moving on from there...
  • Horatio — Tara
  • Polonius — Piney
  • Ophelia — Opie
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  • Laertes — Possibly Opie again.
  • Rosencrantz and Guildenstern — I'm betting Bobby, and possibly Chibs or Juice.
  • Fortinbras — Hale. The Nords may look like Norway, but Hale's the guy who's going to inherit Charming when the Sons are all dead.
    • Except now, he's dead.

Kozik is gay/used to be Tig's boyfriend.

The rivalry between Tig and Kozik ultimately played out in season three as if the two were ex-lovers, as seen by Tig's refusal to allow Kozik to transfer to SAMCRO Charming and the reveal at the end of the season that the reason for Tig's hate for Kozik stems from the as of yet stated fate of a dog that both men loved.

Kozik is gay and at some point in time (possibly after Tig was divorced from his wife) entered into a sexual relationship with Tig. The dog was something Tig purchased after his divorce and he saw it as a replacement for his daughters, who he may have been denied access to after the divorce. Kozik in turn also saw the dog as a surrogate child, in the way that many gay couples treat their pets as their surrogate children since they can not have children on their own. But the relationship fell apart, most likely because Tig isn't exclusively gay whereas Kozik is exclusively homosexual. And in the midst of the break-up, something happened to the dog while it was in Kozik's company.


It also explains why Kozik is constantly trying to start a fight with Tig/violence prone: as a gay man in the insanely masculine world of outlaw bikers, Kozik feels he has to be quick to violence in order to ensure no one thinks of him as a sissy incapable of holding his own due to his homosexuality. Tig might have also made homophobic remarks to Kozik, calling out his manhood due to him being gay and accused him of stalking Tig after the fact (which would explain the dialogue from Kozik's first appearance in terms of him getting into Tig's face).

  • This seems incredibly unlikely and actually a little ignorant to me. There's a lot of assertions about gay men/couples here that aren't true.

The Sons of Anarchy are in fact sons of Anarchy Panty.

Season 4 will include a Time Skip and will open not long before the sons get out of prison.

  • The show has a fairly long production time between seasons, but in universe the time between seasons is fairly short(matter of weeks), and a given season rarely covers more than a couple months. Barely a full year(if that) has passed since the first episode in show. Season 4 will bridge that gap.
    • Confirmed. Season 4 picks up 14 months later with the cast getting out of jail, enough time for Abel to become a toddler and Tara to give birth and have a seven-month-old.

The Homeless Woman is an angel/ The Angel of Death

  • She appears at random times and places and always to push one member of the Teller family in a particularly destiny laden direction.
    • She showed up in Charming, just outside of Charming at the revival, in Ireland, and at the California/ Oregon border.
    • She actually does say "Abel will help my boys." The second line "Able to help my boys," is a correction. That makes sense if one sees "her boys" as the members of the club.
    • Her original appearance comes just after at the same time as Donna and Opie's decision to take the family to Abel's coming home party.
      • Donna's appearance at the party led directly to her death at Tig's handswhich led to a number of other deaths throughout the series.
    • Her second appearance leads Gemma to the conclusion that she is meant to be a "fierce mother." This leads her to follow Polly Zobell which leads to the deaths of Edmund and Polly and through those deaths, to the death of Half-Sack.
    • Her blink and you miss it appearance in Ireland leads to the deaths of Abel's adoptive parents and pretty much everyone else connected to the kidnapping.
    • Her most recent appearance keeps Jax from preventing Tara's career-threatening injury, which keeps Jax and his children in Charming and in the MC. If they are providing her with a steady body count why would she let them leave?
    • As on John 8:32 we see her again watching a young girl who's mother was killed in a pileup caused by the semi that killed John Teller. Jax claims an old photo of her looks familiar and its insinuated that she is the homeless woman. Bear in mind, that the daughter herself suffers from bi-polar disorder as her late mother according to the father. The homeless claimed the same condition to Gemma.
      • I'm not sure where Sutter is going with this woman. Right before this scene Tara is singing to Thomas a song about angels before the actual song fades in and we see these two. Maybe this woman is actually some sort of guardian angel.
    • She also appeared in season 5 talking to a plush horse in a trash bin. This was during the big shakedown at the dog fights. I don't remember what she said, but Jax seemed to be the only on who noticed her. Right after this Jax set into motion his plan to set up Damian Pope and Clay Marrow.
    • In the series finally she appears at the Courthouse and tells Jax "it's time" and gives him her blanket. Right after there's a scene showing what she was eating: bread and wine. It can't be much clear than that that she is either God or a servant of Him.

The Tellers are descended from the Marstons

  • It would explain the angel of death theory above, as he and John were "well acquainted," and lawlessness is sort of a family tradition for the two clans.

The Homeless Woman is a Time Lord.

  • Seriously, how else could she have shown up in Ireland?

Jax's endgame...

  • Will be to get Clay (or possibly Tig) to kill Damon Pope, then kill Clay (or Tig) and collect the bounty for killing Pope's killer. Then he and Tara will ride off into the sunset with their babies.
    • Jossed, mostly. Jax did get Tig to kill Pope, but his play was to hand Tig over to Pope, kill Pope's goons and then grant Tig his vengeance, framing Clay in the process. The ride into the sunset was made impossible by Tara's arrest over the death of the nurse.

Nero will become a major problem for the sons

  • The club owes Nero a lot of money, but he will not accept cash as payment. Seeing how Nero is slipping back into his old gang ways, this will most likely lead to him forcing the Sons to do things they don't want to.
    • It's actually shaping up to be the opposite; with the club drawing more heat, Nero reflects on how small time he's always been and is intimidated by the weight of problems that SAMCRO has.
      • At least until he found out about the things Jax has been doing behind his back...

Lincoln Potter will return.

  • He was at this stage the Big Good, if a Manipulative Bastard, and in light of the events of the events of season six so far it's hinted that the Rico case may be opened up again. With the school shooting and the Sons having to silence witnesses it seems that it will be something even the Galinda Cartel and CIA will have to let go of the deal they made.

    What episode does TIG sleep with Gemma?

    The Sleep of Babies.

    What episode does Clay find out Gemma was rapped?

    "Balm" is the tenth episode of the second season of the FX original series Sons of Anarchy, and the series' twenty-third episode overall.

    Why did Clay beat up Gemma?

    Gemma tells Clay that she is going to tell Jax about the hit. Clay becomes very angry and what ensues was pretty hard to watch. At one point Gemma pulls out a gun and fires a shot, but misses, and as a viewer, you really want her to destroy Clay. However, Clay knocks the gun from her hand and beats her pretty badly.

    Did Clay cheat on Gemma?

    This episode held up a welcome magnifying glass to Gemma and Clay's relationship (giving Katey Sagal and Ron Perlman a deserved showcase), as well as to more details about MC culture. (The sin wasn't so much that Clay cheated on Gemma, but that the girl then showed her face in Charming.