Yes I also love soccer in Spanish

Funny soccer lovers gift with a vintage Spanish flag for the team or coach. Show the world how much you love the sport of Spain football with a squad wearing this love soccer fan. Cool and humorous player present or gifts for boys, girls, sister, mom, dad.

I love soccer. When I heard about A Ganar program I got interested because I thought it was a way of improving my tools for the job market, and also to improve as a person too.

Cuando me enter� del Programa A Ganar, me interes� mucho ya que pens� que me pod�a ser �til para mejorar mis herramientas para el trabajo as� como tambi�n para crecer como persona.

[...] father has still not learned to love soccer.

[...] embargo, todav�a no se ha enamorado del f�tbol.

Because I love soccer and play it as much as I can, [...]

I thought: Why not help others while I play and score goals?

Porque me apasiona el f�tbol y lo juego cuanto m�s [...]

puedo, pens�: Porque no ayudar a otras personas mientras me divierto y juego.

I love soccer and I'm a big fan [...]

of the Sporting Cristal soccer club in my home city, Lima, Peru.

Me encanta el futbol y soy hincha [...]

del club Sporting Cristal de Lima, ciudad donde nac�.

[...] people who might love soccer but who were [...]

never able to become good at Pro Evo.

Por eso creo que ciertos jugadores nunca llegaron a dominar el Pro Evo,

[...] pese a ser unos apasionados del f�tbol.

[...] in the arts and his love of soccer, he decided that Hollywood [...]

Unites for Haiti would reach Haiti's


needy children through the arts and sports as well as education.

[...] en las artes, y en su amor por el f�tbol, decidi� que Hollywood [...]

Unido por Hait� se dedicara a ayudar


a los ni�os necesitados de Hait� por medio del arte y del f�tbol, as� como por la educaci�n.

U.S.-based Hispanic immigrants

[...] have imported their love of soccer north to their new home, [...]

and the game's growing popularity


in the United States is at least partly attributable to this trend.

Los inmigrantes en Estados

[...] Unidos han tra�do su amor por el f�tbol a su nuevo hogar [...]

y el deporte est� creciendo en popularidad


en Estados Unidos al menos en parte debido a esta tendencia.

But Feilhaber took his love for soccer with him, remaining faithful [...]

to the Brazilian tradition of kicking a round ball,


not the American one that involves throwing one shaped like an oval.

But Feilhaber se llev� consigo el amor por el f�tbol, permaneciendo fiel [...]

a la tradici�n brasilera de patear una pelota redonda


en vez de seguir la estadounidense de arrojar una pelota ovalada.

ASUNCI�N, Paraguay - William

[...] Florenci��ez, 17, has a deep love for soccer.

ASUNCI�N, Paraguay - William

[...] Florenci��ez (17) ama profundamente el f�tbol.

They both love to play soccer though.

Aunque a ambos les gusta jugar f�tbol.

Since I was a kid basketball has been my favorite

[...] sport, but I also love football (soccer), tennis and [...]

Desde peque�o el basket ha sido mi deporte favorito,

[...] pero tambi�n me encanta el f�tbol, el tenis y de hecho [...]

la gran mayor�a de deportes.

I love to play soccer and I was chosen as [...]

Me encanta jugar f�tbol y me han elegido como [...]

capit�n del equipo de NPH.

[...] brothers and his love for soccer help him get [...]

through the pain each and every day.

A Kenneth lo que lo mantiene feliz son sus

[...] hermanos y la pasi�n que tiene por el f�tbol.

It is necessary to have much persistence, much quality, much dedication,

[...] something of luck and much love by soccer to mark 69 goals in the [...]

Hay que tener mucho empe�o, mucha calidad, mucha dedicaci�n,

[...] algo de suerte y mucho amor por el f�tbol para marcar 69 goles [...]

Our youngest children through our middle school children do

[...] daily activities and love to play soccer, basketball, and kickball.

Los ni�os peque�os hasta los de secundaria realizan actividades

[...] a diario y les encanta jugar f�tbol, basquetbol y kickbol.

Despite the hardships he has faced, Caceres has

[...] never lost his love for soccer -- or "football" [...]

as it is called in Latin America.

A pesar de las dificultades que ha enfrentado, C�ceres nunca

[...] ha perdido su amor por el f�tbol -como se le [...]

llama en Latinoam�rica a lo conocido


como "soccer" en los Estados Unidos.

If your child used to love scouts or soccer and has suddenly [...]

lost interest, he may be focusing more on his new friends.

Si a su hijo le encantaban los

[...] ni�os exploradores o el f�tbol y de pronto ha perdido [...]

todo inter�s, podr�a estar concentr�ndose m�s en sus nuevos amigos.

Now that I play without obligations, I can

[...] really do what I love, which is play soccer.

Ahora que juego sin obligaciones, puedo, en

[...] verdad, hacer lo que amo, que es jugar al f�tbol

opera wasn't his first love. First there was soccer, which Domingo [...]

thought of pursuing as a goalie.

Antes estuvo el f�tbol, actividad a la que Domingo pens� [...]

dedicarse, como portero o guardameta.

I love running, playing basketball and especially soccer.

De los deportes me encantan el f�tbol, el b�squetbol y correr.

And as a good Brazilian it

[...] goes without saying that I love to watch a good soccer game.

Y, como buen brasile�o, ni que decir

[...] tiene que me gusta much�simo ver un buen partido de f�tbol.

[...] passionate about the environment, I love sports, playing in a women's soccer league and enjoying basketball, squash [...]