Why does kitchen sink always face window?

A homeowner has taken to Reddit to ask for advice after pondering whether to move her kitchen sink away from the window - and people have a lot of thoughts.

In fact, it's prompted many to wonder why the kitchen sink always seems to be positioned under a window in the first place.

"Planning a kitchen renovation, and realised we can easily move the kitchen sink away from the window to give us more usable counter space," they wrote.

"Then I realised, I’ve never seen a kitchen sink that isn’t in front of a window. Is there a reason for that? Is staring out of the window while washing up just a British thing? Or am I crazy in even suggesting a sink with no window?"

Why does kitchen sink always face window?
A homeowner has taken to Reddit to ask for advice after pondering whether to move her kitchen sink away from the window (Credit: Alamy)

One person pointed out that the reason why the window is often above the sink is because it's on an outside wall, which, for plumbing reasons is the most effective option.

Kitchen design website KDCUK explained: "The simple reason why kitchen sinks have traditionally been placed under the window is that the window is, obviously, on an outside wall. In terms of plumbing, using as short a waste pipe as possible from the sink to the drains is not only the most effective but also the cheapest, solution.

"People who have moved their sink further away from the wall have had to lay extra piping under the floor, which means if there’s a problem or a blockage, it is more likely that they’ve had to dig up the floor in order to get to the pipes, which is not only messy and inconvenient, it’s also extremely costly."

The Redditor added: "It's also because it's where the most natural light comes through. Plus if you wash by hand plates dry quicker. This is a hang over before the dishwasher."

The original poster responded: "Makes perfect sense. Thankfully, the opposite end of the kitchen also has drains and plumbing, just no windows."

Why does kitchen sink always face window?
Others pointed out that some people like to look out of their windows while washing up (Credit: Alamy)

Others pointed out that some people like to look out of their windows while washing up, to pass the time. One disagreed however, commenting: "Used to have a sink in front of the window. Now, after an extension, no, as we moved it to create a more open plan kitchen/diner. Do I miss looking out of the window when using the sink? Er, no... Did take some use of additional lighting to help the ambience though."

Another person pointed out two other 'important' reasons, explaining: "There's 2 more important reasons other than just convenience/plumbing.

"1 - light - you've got to have decent light when you wash up so you don't miss bits and daylight from a window is great for that because your head doesn't get in the way of it when you lean over the sink.

"2 - wall space - if you do have a window in your kitchen you can't put anything on the wall eg cupboard or shelves. You wouldn't want to waste this space by having worktop there as you can't then have a cupboard above a sink (unless it's really high) because it just gets in the way."

Thinking about renovations is the easy part. Now, it's time to put your ideas into action. One area you'll need help with is the kitchen sink. Does it need to be under a window? If that's what you're wondering, you're in luck. We looked into this topic, and we have an answer.

There's no rule set in stone to install a kitchen sink under a window. It's all up to personal preference. However, some would argue it's more practical to do so. For example, placing a kitchen sink under a window will make plumbing installation and access easier. 

So, what exactly are you sacrificing if you want to place the kitchen sink somewhere else? Additionally, how much would it cost to move it? These are some of the questions we'll cover at length in this post. If you'd like to learn more, keep reading ahead.

Why does kitchen sink always face window?

Kitchen Sink Placement Considerations

Of course, before you start your project, it's a good idea to take a look at the considerations for each position. Let's begin by going over why it might be a good idea to place a kitchen sink under a window. 

Having The Kitchen Sink Under A Window

Why does kitchen sink always face window?


The first aspect you want to consider is space. Though, this will depend on how often you're washing a large number of dishes or if you're cleaning large items. 

If you place a sink away from a window, there are two possibilities for the wall it will be facing. In the first scenario, you might want to install overhead cabinets. Depending on how much space you have on the walls and how big the cabinets will be, it might interfere with the workflow.

For the second scenario, there won't be anything on the wall. If you have limited room, it will be a waste of wall space. Thus, it leaves you in a predicament if you value your space.

Since you'll most likely want a window installed somewhere in the kitchen—and you might not want to sacrifice wall space—a kitchen sink under a window makes sense. This situation opens up opportunities for things you can install on the wall the kitchen sink would've been facing.


Now, let's address plumbing. As plumbing professionals suggest, installing a kitchen sink under a window will make plumbing easier to install and access. But how exactly does it do that?

The waste plumbing usually runs through an external wall. Since the window is an outside wall, you'll be able to find drain pipes at the foot of that wall. You won't need to consider routing the waste out. 

If the kitchen sink is under a window, you'll have a shorter run of waste pipe. Thus, it enables a good flow of wastewater and easy access. 

So what exactly happens if you want to relocate the sink? The issue you or professionals will have to deal with is laying extra piping under the floor. Consequently, if there are any blockage problems or other issues, you will need to dig up the floors to access the plumbing. 

All in all, you'll have to pay more to fix these kinds of plumbing issues. 


Odor is an aspect that most won't consider. Though, it depends on how quick you are with the dishes. If you're finding yourself leaving tons of plates, containers, and cooking utensils in the sink, it can get stinky relatively quickly. 

If the sink isn't near the window, the odor will likely spread throughout the kitchen. Under a window, the foul smell will have a place to go.

Additionally, if you're washing dishes with hot water, some steam might build up in the process. Likewise, the steam will escape through the window. That leaves you with less moisture to deal with. 

Additional Considerations

The last two aspects to consider are subjective, meaning it's all up to your personal preference.

If you prefer to wash dishes by hand, you'll be spending a fair amount of time standing over the kitchen sink. Wouldn't it be nice to at least have a nice view to look at? A window above the kitchen sink can let you look out at your yard, garden, or neighborhood while you do the dishes.

Simply put, having a window above the kitchen sink makes a dull chore a lot less boring. In this sense, one of the reasons kitchen sinks tend to be under windows is through tradition

Another reason to place a kitchen sink under a window is aesthetics. If you're planning to make the sink a focal point of the kitchen, the window above the sink will only increase the visual appeal of the space. 

Having The Kitchen Sink In Other Areas

Now, let's go over some arguments against having a kitchen sink under a window. 

Plumbing and Appliances

The essential question to ask is: where are your plumbing and appliances? This situation applies to people with an already established kitchen. 

In some cases, appliances like the dishwasher will be across the room from the sink. It's preferable to have the dishwasher and the sink close to each other. Otherwise, you'll be carrying wet dishes that leave a trail across the floor. 

Plumbing will be less of a headache if you place appliances that need access to the plumbing lines together. 

Dishwashing Frequency

While a view of the outside is pleasant, you might not spend enough time enjoying it. Consequently, it begs the question: do you really need a window above the sink? Additionally, if you don't wash dishes by hand often, a nice view from the window might not be important to you.

Storage Space

Convenience is the last aspect to consider. While cabinets above the kitchen sink could interrupt workflow, it might be more convenient to store small pots and dishes above the sink. If you don't have much space, you can also hang kitchen utensils above.

Why does kitchen sink always face window?

Can a Kitchen Sink Be Moved?

Planning renovations in an established kitchen could present some problems. Is it possible to move a sink from its original spot? Plumbers suggest that it's possible.

However, the difficulty of the job will depend on the current layout of your kitchen, the plumbing, and your budget. The primary concern when relocating a kitchen sink is the drain venting. 

The kitchen sink will need to meet building codes. It becomes a substantial problem the farther away you relocate the kitchen sink. 

Why does kitchen sink always face window?

What Size Window Should Be Over a Kitchen Sink?

There is no rule on how big a window should be over a kitchen sink. Your personal preference can play a role in this area. Some suggest getting counter-height windows. And, if you want more counter space, you can have it bumped out too! Though, they'd only recommend a bump of 10-12 inches. 

It also depends on the type of windows you want installed. There are casement, picture, double-hung, sliding, and pass-through windows. The options available will depend on the amount of space you have to work with. 

Casement windows will be a strong contender. They are usually 17-73 inches tall and 14-35.5 inches wide. 

The next option to consider is double-hung windows. They are 36-72 inches tall and 24-48 inches wide.

As you can see, there's a lot to consider. The size will depend on how you plan to lay out your kitchen. What look you're going for will also influence this decision. 

How Much Does It Cost To Relocate a Kitchen Sink?

Relocating a kitchen sink will involve messing with the plumbing and maybe even purchasing a new sink. As some suggest, remodeling the kitchen is the best time to relocate the sink. This way, you can accommodate the new drain line and the faucet lines. 

You can also rearrange the kitchen cabinets to fit the new sink. Doing all of this will cost you around $440-$2,600

What Do You Do With a Window Over a Kitchen Sink?

As mentioned, what you do with the window over the kitchen sink will depend on the look you're trying to achieve. However, sometimes we don't have a specific plan in mind. So, if you need decor ideas for a kitchen window, let's go over some!

If you want to add more visual appeal, you can install decorative lighting above the windows. Sconce lighting can provide plenty of lighting for your workspace. Additionally, it could also fit the overall decor of the kitchen.

Another option could be recessed lighting. It won't stick out above your kitchen window—so, you'll have an unobstructed view of the outside. As an added benefit, you get dedicated lighting for your workspace.

Some people are big on seasonal changes. One way you can include your kitchen window is by hanging seasonal wreaths. This option requires more involvement. So, if you love decorating but don't care if your view is obstructed, wreaths could be a delightful choice!

Why does kitchen sink always face window?

In Closing

What do you think about the arguments? Are you planning to install the kitchen sink under a window? Or, are you confident in relocating it to a new spot? Regardless, we hope you found the information above helpful! 

Before you go, do you have other kitchen concerns? Are you planning to have low kitchen windows installed? You might want some ideas on what to do with the extra space! For more information, check out this post: What To Do With The Space Around Low Kitchen Windows

Do you need more decor ideas? We have more to offer! If you'd like to explore more concepts, check out this post:

Should a kitchen sink facing a window?

Having the sink under the window allows you to let in fresh air while airing out your kitchen and getting rid of the unwanted smells. This is also a good option for those kitchen disasters when you burn something and need somewhere to place a hot pan or baking dish while venting the smoke out of the kitchen.

Can a sink go in front of a window?

Sinks are usually in front of a window because there aren't any cabinets above it, making it easy to maneuver around,” said Christopher. “However, the sink can be placed elsewhere and still be very functional and beautiful. For example, a lot of time a sink in an island makes sense even when you have a window .”