Who plays nicole in the librarians

An evil faction within the Catholic church seeks to destroy the Library by finding its four cornerstones. Flynn finds out that his first Guardian Nicole Noone is still alive.


  • Artifact of Doom: The four cornerstones of the Library of Alexandria (i.e. the original Library) were used to hide the Library in a Pocket Dimension, where it continues to reside. The same cornerstones can be used to bring the Library back into the physical world, except the Library has grown so big that attempts to bring it back will cause it to implode. Nicole destroys one of the stones, rendering the rest useless.
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  • Bait-and-Switch: The episode starts with Flynn being late to a ceremony involving both him and Eve. Then there's a two-fold bait and switch. It's not a wedding ceremony, it's a ritual to tether them to the library. Also, this isn't the actual ceremony, it's a rehearsal.
  • Who plays nicole in the librarians
    The Cast Showoff: Jacob, Cassie, and Ezekiel have to sing in a certain high key in order to shatter the glass casing protecting one of the cornerstones. Ezekiel is reluctant at first, but then reveals to have an excellent singing voice.
  • First Love: Flynn had a relationship with Nicole, back when she was his Guardian. While he remembers it fondly and still cares for her, he has moved on and fallen in love with Eve. It's clear that Nicole resents Flynn for moving on, though, and asks him if he dates all his Guardians or just the blonde ones. Also doubles as a Call-Back, since it seems like he has dated all his Guardians from the movies.
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  • The Lost Lenore: Flynn mourned Nicole after her apparent death, especially since he was the one who rigged the time machine to explode, and she got caught in the blast.
  • Who plays nicole in the librarians
    The Other Darrin: Rachel Nichols takes over the role of Nicole from Sonya Walger, last seen in the first film.
  • The Power of Love: Eve appeals to Nicole's love for Flynn and her duty as a fellow Guardian to help them. Nicole ends up sabotaging the priests' ritual. She then reveals that she didn't do it for the Library. She did it for Flynn.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Nicole is now immortal and has taken The Slow Path from where the time machine explosion deposited her centuries ago.
  • The Reveal: Nicole has been alive and imprisoned under the Library all this time, which means her younger self could have potentially encountered her. Jenkins (and, presumably, Judson and Charlene) knew about it but didn't tell Flynn.
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  • Science Is Bad: The evil priests firmly believe that, wishing to throw humanity back into the Dark Ages, so that the Church can once again reign supreme. Since the Library represents the total sum of humankind's knowledge, they wish to destroy it.
  • Sinister Minister: An evil faction within the Catholic Church seeks to destroy the Library to plunge the world into a new Dark Age, believing it is for the betterment of humanity.
  • Time Travel: On Flynn and Nicole's last mission together, the time machine they were trying to stop exploded, with Nicole being caught in the blast. With her body nowhere to be found, he assumed her dead. In fact, she was thrown back centuries into the past. After waiting for Flynn to rescue her, she grew bitter and stole an Immortality Inducer artifact, allowing her to take The Slow Path back to the present in order to exact her revenge on Flynn and the Library for abandoning her.



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Who plays nicole in the librarians
Who plays nicole in the librarians
Who plays nicole in the librarians

Who plays nicole in the librarians

Who plays nicole in the librarians

Welcome back to this Design Journal for The Librarians: Adventure Card Game! Today, we continue looking at the playable heroes in The Librarians: Adventure Card Game Quest for the Spear expansion! As a reminder, this expansion focuses on the events of the first made-for-TV movie (of the same name). It contains 3 new adventures that collectively tell the story of the movie. You get to explore the Amazon jungle, hike the Himalaya mountains, and break into the Metropolitan Museum. Each adventure includes fun new mechanical twists on the rules found in the core set. These adventures end up being very fun to play and extremely thematic, but they are also a bit more complicated than those found in the core box. For that reason, we suggest playing them after you have familiarized yourself with the game.

The expansion also includes 2 playable heroes complete with suggested starting decks. These include Flynn Carsen - who I talked about last time - and Nicole Noone who I'll talk about today. As usual, I'll talk about who Nicole is, how her character was translated into the game, and her playstyle. And along the way, I'll preview some new cards and discuss them!

Two quick disclaimers. First, none of the cards shown here are finalized. They are subject to approval by Electric Entertainment and may receive last minute text and/or graphical changes. Second, if you currently know nothing about the game - welcome! This Design Journal might be a bit confusing to you, so let me suggest that you check out one of the excellent preview videos linked to below. They will give you a good sense of what the game is like.
One Stop Coop Shop
Man vs Meeple with Jeremy Howard
Rob's Tabletop World

Who plays nicole in the librarians

Who plays nicole in the librarians

Who plays nicole in the librarians

Nicole Noone - You Brain, Me Brawn
“Nicole, why are you smiling? I don't like it when you smile. That means you're about to do something dangerous.”
“Oh, you know me so well.”

Who is she?
Professionally distant, reckless, and deadly, Nicole is completely dedicated to her job as Guardian. To Nicole, the ends always justify the means: she is perfectly willing to place herself and her Librarian in danger to avoid larger calamity. Individualistic and specialized, she supports the team by playing her role flawlessly rather than contributing to a communal effort. Ultimately, Nicole’s aloofness is a mask adopted out of guilt after witnessing the apparent death of her first Librarian at the hands of the Serpent Brotherhood.

Design Inspiration:
Before we can really dig into Nicole, we have to address two quick points. First, as I mentioned last time, the expansion was originally going to cover the events of Season 2 of the TV show and was going to feature Flynn Carsen and Jenkins (and possibly some other familiar faces...) as playable characters. When the expansion was shifted to cover the events of the movie, we knew that we had to include Nicole as a playable hero. But this meant that Nicole's design happened quite late during the development of the rest of the game.

Second, Nicole make two appearances in The Librarians franchise. First, she is a main character in the Quest for the Spear movie where she is portrayed by Sonya Walger. She is also a reoccurring secondary character during Season 4 of the TV show where she is portrayed by Rachel Nichols. The design of Nicole in the game was entirely based on Sonya Walger's performance in the first movie, however you will notice that the cards feature art of Rachel Nichols. This was a decision made by the publisher (Everything Epic) and lisensor (Electric Entertainment) without input from me, so I can't really comment on that.

Ok, with all that out of the way, let's actually talk about Nicole! In the Quest for the Spear, Nicole is set up as a foil for Flynn. Where he is hesitant, she is decisive. Where he is naïve, she is world-wise. Where he perfects the mind, she perfects the body. She is fiercely loyal to the Library and the Librarian, and her role as Guardian has become an all-consuming part of her life. Nicole is always alert and attentive to danger, and her first instinct in any situation is to act and consider the consequences later. For example, to prevent Flynn from being captured by the Serpent Brotherhood, Nicole threw him out of an airplane without a parachute.

However, Nicole shows very little interest in matters outside her narrow wheelhouse. In her mind, Nicole's job is to buy time for the Librarian to solve whatever problem needs solving. While I initially took this as disinterest or perhaps inability, I came to see that Nicole has a deep understanding of her role in the group. She knows what she's good at, and knows how to leverage those skills for the good of her people. This does mean, however, that Nicole can really struggle when alone. Unless the situation requires violence, that is.

Who plays nicole in the librarians

Looking at Nicole's stats, it is clear that she is one of the most specialized heroes in the game. Her Guile of 2 is quite serviceable, but her Insight and Lore of 1 won't get her very far. On the other hand, her Tactics of 4 is the highest in the game. Woe to any enemy who stands in Nicole's way! This stat line works well for Nicole for several reasons. It emphasizes her lethal effectiveness in combat while also leaning into the idea that Nicole works best in a team that can do some of the intellectual work for her. Finally, her specialization provides further contrast for Flynn who is really a generalist without a lot of significant weaknesses.

Thus far, each character we have looked at have had two special abilities - one "passive" ability that always works, and one "active" ability that requires you to roll a Tree of Knowledge symbol on the dice. Nicole is unique in that both of her special abilities are passive. This is a blessing and a curse. On one hand, your abilities don't rely on the luck of rolling dice. Nicole can use her abilities anytime she wants. On the other hand, Nicole has no native use for the Tree of Knowledge symbol, effectively turning those sides into blanks. Remember that she can use Attachments to gain ways to use the Tree of Knowledge, but she doesn't start with any. Both of Nicole's abilities closely tie into her playstyle, so I'll describe them in more detail in the next section.

As described above, Nicole acts quickly and decisively. She exists in the moment, responding to each situation as it arises. Flynn plans, Nicole acts. In the game, Flynn's cards encourage him to keep 5+ cards in hand. This represents his knowledge and gives him the flexibility to play the right card at the right time. But you might chose to forgo playing a card so that you can keep 5+ in your hand even though that card might provide you with an immediate benefit. Nicole is the opposite. She is rewarded for keeping as few cards as possible in her hand (usually 2 or fewer cards). This means that she incentivizes you to play a card as soon as it becomes useful, rather than holding onto it for the "perfect" situation.

Who plays nicole in the librarians

But you will rarely have enough energy to simply play all your cards. This is why Nicole gives you alternative uses for them. These are abilities that require you to discard cards for an immediate benefit. Nicole's hero card is a perfect example of this: Each round, she can discard a card to prevent 1 damage to herself, and if her hand is empty, she can draw a card. This pattern of a discard effect paired with a bonus for having few cards in hand is seen on many of Nicole's cards. Nicole's Motorcycle is a perfect example of this. You can discard cards to add progress tokens to Obstacles (this is particularly strong for Nicole since many Obstacles require Insight or Lore). And if you have 2 or fewer cards in hand, she gains a Tree of Knowledge ability of +1 success, making her actions hit that much harder.

Who plays nicole in the librarians

This means that as Nicole, you are constantly looking at your hand and making strategic decisions about which cards to shed (by playing or discarding) and when to do so. Playing the game with an empty hand is a dangerous thing to do - cards give you flexibility and you might need to keep some in order to devote to attribute checks (remember that lets you flip a character die to a success). Both of these factors require you to carefully manage your hand. Honestly, hand management is much more important to Nicole than it is to Flynn. Flynn could just not use his "large hand" cards, or swap them out of his deck. Nicole's "small hand" cards are always part of her deck, and they are an essential part of her strategy.

Who plays nicole in the librarians

Finally, it's worth mentioning that Nicole will struggle as a solo character. She does have tools, some of which are shown above, to compensate for her weaknesses. But she really comes into her own in a multiplayer game where she can focus on enemies management. Correspondingly, there are some adventures she will struggle with simply because there aren't enough enemies to fight. Turns out that fists can't solve all problems....

There is plenty more to say about Nicole's deck, but I want to save some of the discussion for a different article. One of the disciplines (those are the sets of 7 cards) in her deck has a story interesting enough to warrant its own short article. Plus, that will allow me to indulge in a bit of mythology. For those wanting a sneak peak, take a look at The Iron Kingdom below! In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed this deep dive into Nicole Noone! Post your questions and favorite Nicole moments from the movie or TV show below Thanks for joining me!

Nicole's Starting Decklist:
Nicole Noone
2x Act on Instinct
1x Having Some Fun
2x Nicole’s Motorcycle
2x Well Prepared

2x A Little Help
1x Guerilla Tactics
2x Local Security
2x Trusted Guide

The Iron Kingdom
2x Battle Frenzy
1x Cuchlann
2x Hunt Them Down
2x Thrill of Battle

Well Prepared
2x Contingency Plan
2x First Aid Kit
1x Kevlar Vest
2x Poseidon’s Trident

Who plays nicole in the librarians

Who plays nicole in the librarians

Who plays nicole in the librarians

Who plays nicole in the librarians

Who plays Nicole in The Librarians Season 4?

External Links. Rachel Nichols is an American actress. She portrayed Nicole Noone on The Librarians, taking over the role from Sonya Walger, who had played the character in The Librarian: Quest for the Spear.

What happened to Nicole from The Librarians?

She was eventually captured by Jenkins and locked up under the Library for 100 years. Jenkins let Flynn believe she was dead until they needed her help to find the Cornerstones of the Library of Alexandria. She gave them the location of the third Cornerstone of the Library of Alexandria.

Why is Jenkins immortal?

Jenkins / Galahad (John Larroquette) It is later explained that they are both immortal because of a spell Dulaque cast 1,000 years earlier after the fall of Camelot. He was known during King Arthur's reign as Sir Galahad, as revealed in "And the Loom of Fate".

How old is Charlene in The Librarians?

Little is known about Charlene's past, however according to Jenkins, she was thousands of years old and once served as the first Guardian; her Librarian was Judson.