Who is the mind mover at the end of Raising Dion season 2?

Raising Dion season two spoilers follow.

Jason Ritter's Pat has done the two-step with evil a number of times throughout seasons one and two of Raising Dion. One minute he's good (insanely jealous and insecure but mostly good) then he's bad, then he's repentantly good again but oh, wait, nope he's gone skipping down villain lane once more.

At this point, his shucking and jiving between the two is enough to give you whiplash just trying to keep up.

Now at the end of Raising Dion season two, after being rejected and injecting a collection of powers into his body, he seems to have finally made up his mind and yes, he's one bad dude.

jason ritter as pat, ja'siah young as dion, raising dion season 2


On top of all the new and scary supernatural things he can do, he has also – willingly, it's worth adding – reabsorbed the evil crooked energy.

We believe his words were, "Hello, old friend."

It seems being good was just too much of a strain on Pat's identity, as he readily admitted:

"I tried to be good. I really did but you know what? It's hard."

The crooked energy chillingly replied to his sing-song greeting saying, "It's time," which begs the question… time for what?

He may not have been eavesdropping on Pat's conversation with the untrustworthy David Marsh (John Ventura) but judging by the post-credits scene everything is syncing up nicely for our bad guys, despite their defeat.

David, the slimy ex-Biona employee, has also hitched his saddle to Pat's evil wagon but not without having to plead his case. He tries to entice Pat with money, suggesting that his research into his newly acquired powers could lead to them creating a bottled-powered formula they could market for a tidy sum.

This goes down like a lead balloon with Pat, who questions why he would need money with all his new gifts. The oily weasel offers Pat a more seductive bribe.

"Maybe someday you'll want to build yourself an army."

ja'siah young as dion warren, raising dion, season 2


Given Pat's inferiority complex he could use an army to bolster his ego, and when he joins forces with the crooked energy once again the idea makes even more sense. The Crooked Man has tried and failed to overcome Dion (Ja'Siah Young) twice. An army could be just what he needs.

It's not yet been confirmed whether Raising Dion has been commissioned for any subsequent seasons, but if the end credits are anything to go by there is plenty of material to build on.

It seems Pat does eventually get his army. In the dilapidated city of Atlanta, surrounded by burning cars and buildings, a future version of himself can be seen and he reeks of evil.

Cloaked in black, Pat is heading a mass of his soldiers that stretch as far as the eye can see. These stormtrooper knock-offs march in unison behind him, stopping when he stops to demonstrate the control he has over them.

raising dion season 2


Avid fans will know that Brayden (who temporarily played host to the crooked energy and did its bidding) has the power of mind manipulation. When Pat was The Crooked Man initially he was able to absorb powered people.

It could be that all his new powers combined with the crooked energy have allowed him to utilise the powers of people he has absorbed. If this is true, he'd have no problem stealing Brayden's powers and using them to control his army.

Pat 2.0, with shockingly bad, evil-guy hair, turns to his army and shouts:

"Let's finish this. Atlanta is history." The strobe lights on the mask of the new-age stormtroopers (perhaps remnants of his comic-loving, geeky side coming to light) turn from blue to menacing red, a pulsing electrical noise sounding as they do.

His supposed victory is short-lived, though. Moments later surging, from above, a figure emerges from a tornado and lands with a thud in front of him.

The camera pans to a watch in man's armour – the watch that was passed down from Mark to Dion – and it becomes clear that Pat hasn't been able to shake his not-so-little nemesis.

A grown Dion rises from his crouched superhero position and it seems, from his entrance, that he's picked up some new tricks.

Pat asks: "Who the hell are you?"

To which Dion replies: "I'm the mind mover. I move things with my mind."

alisha wainwright as nicole, ja'siah young as dion, raising dion season 2


The reveal itself is not really the interesting point as it was clear from the watch and the double M on his chest who it was. Pat's face, however, is very telling.

The mixture of horror, fear and disbelief all rolled into one implies that he thought he'd defeated his opponent and that perhaps it had not been so easy to do so.

From the look, it's possible that Pat still has the crooked energy and that the terror relates to the fact that Dion is the only one who can end him. On the flip side, Dion appears confident, unscathed and ready for more.

Atlanta seems to have become the battleground for their war and Pat is determined to achieve his end goal. Amassing an army was a huge check on his list, but perhaps control over the city and the rest of its citizens could be next? After all, what do baddies want most if not admiration and domination?

Do you know who isn't present? David. Maybe he has served his purpose and Pat has done away with him or could he be behind one of the stormtrooper masks?

Another notable absentee is Nicole. Nicole who has always stood by Dion's side, powered or not. There are three ways this could have possibly gone: one, if Dion has grown up she would have too and could possibly feel a little too wary to plod on fighting. Two, she's been absorbed into Pat's army, controlled by his Brayden-esque powers, or three, she's become a casualty of the war between Pat and Dion.

Creator Carol Barbee really jam-packed that 40-second end-creds scene with so much intrigue and uncertainty. One thing we do know for sure is that there is a war. Here's hoping coming we'll get a few more seasons to really enjoy the build-up.

Raising Dion season two is streaming on Netflix now.

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Who is the mind mover at the end of Raising Dion?

Pat tells his soldiers that it's time to, "finish this,” but before they can do anything, an adult superhero in a cape emerges from the sky and lands in front of them. He has Dion's father's watch embedded in one of his arm gauntlets and introduces himself as the Mind Mover.

Who is the dark energy in Raising Dion season 2?

In the second season, it's revealed that the Crooked Energy can inhabit a powered person, too — Brayden. Like Dion, Brayden inherits abilities from his father, Walter (Marc Menchaca), who is also present at the aurora event.

Will Raising Dion season 3 come?

There will not be a third season of Raising Dion. Series star Sammi Haney, who played Esperanza on the Michael B. Jordan-produced superhero drama, revealed the news Tuesday on Instagram and it was confirmed by Netflix. “Sad to say that Raising Dion is CANCELED [sic],” Haney wrote.

What does the end credit scene of Raising Dion mean?

Raising Dion's end-credits scene sets up a potential time travel story for season 3. Starring Ja'Siah Young and Alisha Wainwright as Dion and his mother Nicole, Raising Dion is a comic book adaptation exploring life for a single mother who discovers her son has superpowers.