Battle for the american mind review

Battle for the american mind review

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Battle for the american mind review

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Battle for the american mind review

Jun 18, 2022 Rebecca J rated it did not like it

This is hogwash. Completely irrational garbage. This writer is clearly only spewing nonsense and not reality. More of the propaganda channel ridiculous attacks on education. Apparently their desire is for stupid, ill informed Americans who will just do as they’re told by an autocratic government.

Battle for the american mind review

The Who, what, where, when, why and HOW our education system was systematically conscripted by Progressive theory and the far reaching effects.

Authors, Pete Hegseth and David Goodwin pull no punches in this call to action, “Battle for the American Mind: Uprooting a Century of Miseducation”. They are champions of CCE, (Classical Christian Education), and do a good job of presenting the historical, current and future value in its reinstatement.

CCE is history based - ancient history of the Greeks,

The Who, what, where, when, why and HOW our education system was systematically conscripted by Progressive theory and the far reaching effects.

Authors, Pete Hegseth and David Goodwin pull no punches in this call to action, “Battle for the American Mind: Uprooting a Century of Miseducation”. They are champions of CCE, (Classical Christian Education), and do a good job of presenting the historical, current and future value in its reinstatement.

CCE is history based - ancient history of the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Biblical history, great thinkers like Plato, Aristotle, Socrates; Imagine students knowing who they are! Students are encouraged to think critically, evaluate ALL sides of an issue and points of view. In order to do that they need to understand time and place - history, geography, current events, etc. and to be able to articulate and defend them.

Hegseth and Goodwin spend a good deal of time exploring the demise of our educational system and how it has reached into every aspect of our daily lives. Taking back control won’t be easy but it is possible. I suspect there will be a great divide on this title. Some will see red or blue only and others will see religion and be offended, or not. There is no specific religious affiliation to CCE. It follows a path similar to the founders of our country, a Judeo-Christian vent, if you will.

Potential discord aside, this is an important book that’s well written and reasoned. The authors have clearly shown how the Progressive influenced education programs have negatively impacted our lives. It’s time to join the “Battle for the American Mind”📚


Battle for the american mind review

Jun 28, 2022 Jess rated it did not like it

This is truly horribly written. I hesitate to even review it because I don’t want people to know I read it. Scare tactics, propaganda, and hardly any cited sources at all.

Battle for the american mind review

found this book way to hard to read.

Much information that is repeated several times. The story line is very troubled. I don’t know if much editing was done if any because someone should have noticed the repetitiveness. Had to put the book down before 50% and go back to Dean Koontz.

Battle for the american mind review

Jul 09, 2022 Julion Soto rated it did not like it

This book is a mess of indoctrination and lies, of course. Nothing from Fox News comes with truth. It's a screed against the Constitution, Civil Rights, it whitewashes American's dark history with slavery, and wants to force religion into schools when the Constitution forbids it. If anything, remember, this book wants to bring children to a regressive past where separate but equal schools for minorities (black people especially) were the standard, where prayers and teaching about god in school s This book is a mess of indoctrination and lies, of course. Nothing from Fox News comes with truth. It's a screed against the Constitution, Civil Rights, it whitewashes American's dark history with slavery, and wants to force religion into schools when the Constitution forbids it. If anything, remember, this book wants to bring children to a regressive past where separate but equal schools for minorities (black people especially) were the standard, where prayers and teaching about god in school supported the Ku Klux Klan and lynching. Look around closely, look at the world, all countries with religion in their government are failures of war, poverty, crime, disease, and stupidity. Look around at the most religious states in our nation they're pits of poverty, crime, disease, failure and stupidity. There's no coincidence that RED STATES are the poorest states in the country. This book is a book that will lead many to failure and hatred. Also, why are all the positive reviews only written by white people? White, Christian, Nationalist, people--? Wonder why? Here's a better book: The Schoolhouse Gate: Public Education, the Supreme Court, and the Battle for the American Mind
Justin Driver

Battle for the american mind review

Jul 16, 2022 Lisa Thomas rated it did not like it

What’s most insidious and underhanded about this book is that it presents itself as the opposite of what it is. The ultimate in doublespeak! It is from beginning to end nothing but pure, made up bullshit.

What the authors strive for is to whitewash public education to make US history appear as if European settlers were right & honorable. As if the genocide of native Americans was a noble act. As if slaves enjoyed the institution of brutality. And as if our imperialistic terrorism in Latin America

What’s most insidious and underhanded about this book is that it presents itself as the opposite of what it is. The ultimate in doublespeak! It is from beginning to end nothing but pure, made up bullshit.

What the authors strive for is to whitewash public education to make US history appear as if European settlers were right & honorable. As if the genocide of native Americans was a noble act. As if slaves enjoyed the institution of brutality. And as if our imperialistic terrorism in Latin America and throughout the world was wielded with love and good intentions.

I am a product of this white washed BS education where we never learned the realities of murdered native Americans, or the torture of slaves and the raping & pillaging of black communities by white savages during reconstruction. Nor did I ever learn about the atrocities/genocides perpetrated by the US in countries like Chile, Guatemala, El Salvador and most of the S American countries. If these authors had their way they would do away with all the truth in our history and paint it with the white, male, monied brush that they have used to write this tripe!!

Astoundingly awful crap!!


Battle for the american mind review

must read for all Christians

As Christians we all see the decline of our country. I’ve noticed that leaders lack wisdom and virtue. They don’t seem to able to make logical arguments. I’ve been a public school teacher for 30 years. I have watched first hand the decline of student performance. I’ve seen plan after plan to improve education but none have helped. CCE is the key but will never happen in government run schools. I have no children but I’m planning to change to teaching at a CCE school.

Battle for the american mind review

Masterpiece for Parents Fed Up with Public Schools

Clearly explains how the American public education system has gone from best to worst, and the effect this has had on our culture, our laws, our very survival as a nation. Carefully researched and historically relevant in outlining the path progressives have taken in dismantling our education system, we have progressed from educating responsible citizens to the barbarian and ignorant population we see today.

Battle for the american mind review

Battle of American Mind

Very well written, researched and extremely informative. The use of Bible is excellent. I recommend every parent read this book. Let’s change our educational system!

Battle for the american mind review


Battle for the american mind review

There are some real problems with the education system today. For example, a Harvard education produced this book.

Battle for the american mind review

Aug 08, 2022 Vanessa rated it really liked it

A must read for anyone who embraces or is interested in Classical Christian education. This book will help readers understand the dismantling of Classical education (taught for centuries), which was done to usher in modern progressive education. Written by a military expert who is passionate about helping us find our way back to our classical roots, this book will challenge all of us to get in the fight.

Ephesians 6:12….

Battle for the american mind review

I love this book. Every Christian parent should read this book and get their kids out of government schools. Great explanation of the issues at hand for today.

Battle for the american mind review

As a father, I found a lot of solidarity with this book, as my own children have had a mix of home and private-Christian schooling only. It's an empowering feeling to go down the road less traveled for your kids education.

The main theme of this book is called "The Western Christian Paideia", which is a Christian/Western understanding of the world, educating the child through that premise in the Greco-Roman model. Something that was present in the early church, and in some spheres throughout wes

As a father, I found a lot of solidarity with this book, as my own children have had a mix of home and private-Christian schooling only. It's an empowering feeling to go down the road less traveled for your kids education.

The main theme of this book is called "The Western Christian Paideia", which is a Christian/Western understanding of the world, educating the child through that premise in the Greco-Roman model. Something that was present in the early church, and in some spheres throughout western history. To include many of our founding fathers.

The book also makes an apologetic for the Classical Christian Education model. How that WCP was lost slowly over the last 100 years, attacked by methodical progressives playing the long game, replacing it with a Progressive Paideia. That by and large the church checked out in the education battle. With one branch conceding the gospel truth going towards social justice and the other towards the spiritual only, forgetting the formation of the mind.

The author goes into great detail exposing the progressive movement and its slow encroachment into public education. (humanist, unions, colleges, etc.) Creating the chaos and mediocrity we now see in public schools in 2022. I really enjoyed the compare and contrast between the modern public school and the classical Christian school elements. I love that the classical model wants to provide unified truth behind a child's educational experience. The book has at least convinced me to look into this option for when my youngest starts school in a few years.

I think the author made the book a bit to complex in many areas. I think it will lose many parents that read it. I had to look at outside resources to get a better grasp of the WCP in more 101 terms. I also think the author is guilty of romanticizing history. As most people throughout western history did not have the luxury of receiving a formal classical Christian education. Nonetheless it was a contributing factor to the west and the Judeo-Christian ethic that built it. I'm not convinced that one model of education will do. But I agree with the idea that we need virtuous brick layers and doctors alike. That a Biblically infused approach in educating a child will help accomplish that.

As the author points out correctly it's not an educational model that will save souls and make disciples. However..... we do ourselves no favor by sending our kids to humanist camps for 16,000 school hours and then expecting them to come out with a Western-Christian-Worldview. (Paideia) As Voddie Baucham would say....(paraphrasing) " If you're going to send your kids to Caesar, don't be surprised when they come back Roman."

There's no saving the public schools, that I agree with. They're compromised and we (Christians, Conservatives) need to set up new educational infrastructures, which I totally agree with. I think the homeschool movement has done this far better than the Classical Movement which both started around the same time.

If you're concerned about education, the minds of your children, an alternative to your local public schools, this will be a good book to look into and give you things to consider. The Classical Model is very appealing. It's still a tiny movement but maybe this book will help grow that even more.

I give this book a 4 out of 5. Like I said there are some complexities in this book that I don't like. But overall, if you stick with it, it will cause you to think of better options for your own children.


Battle for the american mind review

Aug 16, 2022 Amy Stanley rated it it was amazing

Such an important read if you’re concerned about education in America and/or considering Classical Education!

Battle for the american mind review

Aug 17, 2022 Anna rated it it was amazing

A very excellent book detailing how the progressives have stolen education for the past 100 years, substituting their leftist agenda for the classical education children used to receive in the past. Not only does the author examine how this has happened, he also explores the implications of the 16000 hours of indoctrination that public school students currently are subjected to. His solution is to create and support a Christian classical education, either through homeschooling or classical priva A very excellent book detailing how the progressives have stolen education for the past 100 years, substituting their leftist agenda for the classical education children used to receive in the past. Not only does the author examine how this has happened, he also explores the implications of the 16000 hours of indoctrination that public school students currently are subjected to. His solution is to create and support a Christian classical education, either through homeschooling or classical private schools. While it may take time for a generation of students who have not been indoctrinated into the leftist agenda to enter public life, the results will begin to return our culture to its western Christian roots.

Here are some quotes from the book, which I recommend highly to those concerned about the direction our public schools are going: (the numbers are page numbers)

Quotes from Battle for the American Mind by Pete Hegseth

p. 94 Without realizing it, today's American students absorb a deep affection for scientism (science is the only way to find truth), equity/equality (there is nothing better or worse, just different), individualism (identity politics), neo-Marxism (the government can and should solve all inequalities), along with a host of other modern and post modern affections that lead to servitude (it's all about your job).

Our progressive school system promotes more than just a new religion. It has ensconced a new worldview based on that religion, and a new world order...where history is rejected, science is God, and the state is the temple in which the citizen-workers worship, unable and unwilling to be free.

p. 121
For Progressives, unbridled human indulgences are sacred. We can decide what truth is, what gender we are, and even who God is...Progressive educators want to...constrain children to replace their humanity with a mechanical idea of training for a job. Like a man-made city, these mechanical people cannot grow greater by generations. Instead their knowledge decays and their life wears down with their daily labors. They become spent. Their souls become captive. They become slaves. They become miserable.

p. 122
Why do progressive educators think that they must erect this mechanical man-made edifice in children's minds? It's because...they don't believe the law of God is written on the hearts of man. They don't believe objective Truth exists and is discernible by reason...Without Christianity's WCP root, Progressives dismantled the ethic of our entire American experiment. “Democracy” became shorthand for Marxist social equity. Equal protection under the law became equal outcomes based on shifting measures of “progress” and “fairness.” All of this created the conditions for modern leftists to tear down the pillars of our Republic and “reimagine” a Marxist future.

P 124 You see at once that education is essential for freemen and vocational training for slaves...If education is beaten by training, civilization dies.
CS Lewis “Our English Syllabus,” Rehabilitations 1939

p 130 “In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed...No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.” - Noah Webster, preface to An American Dictionary of the English Language 1828

P 131 “I consider knowledge to be the soul of a republic, and as the weak and the wicked are generally in alliance, as much care should be taken to diminish the number of the former as of the latter. Education is the way to do this...” Also: “For avoiding the extremes of despotism or anarchy...the only ground of hope must be on the morals of the people. I believe that religion is the only solid base of morals and that morals are the only possible support of free governments. Therefore education should teach the precepts of religion and the duties of man towards God.” - Gouverneur Morris, founding father, author of the Preamble to the US Constitution

Literate children who imagine and wonder with divine truth, goodness, and beauty as a goal are the most dangerous people to progressive vision. If we want to cultivate these types of children, we need to return to stories for children from an earlier time. The twentieth century did much damage to the stories that sparked wonder and the moral imagination for children. Walt Disney did much of that damage. p. 178

Great accomplishments begin with great vision. This is where true education begins. Subsistence cultures train children only in practical skills...The central feature of progressive education is the same – vocational training – although today this training is in fields like science, engineering, or business. In both cases, these skills are valuable for survival, but they limit the soul. Subsistence cultures rarely grow, improve, or change for the better...For education to be wonderful, it must be saturated in two things. First children must have a framework that submits to God's standard of truth, goodness, and beauty – not a subjective view of things. Second, children need the tools for learning. Without them, learning is frustrating, boring, and deflating. 184

[Progressives] know their schools don't deliver excellence, but they also know they have full control. Ultimately student outcomes are secondary to job security, political power, and more funding. Their funding streams are vulnerable, as is their union membership—should “right to work” ever become widespread. They also know that many parents, given a cost-effective alternative and the freedom to choose, would likely choose something else. Therefore, their most important goal is to prevent educational competition by denying parents the freedom to choose other alternatives. They are aware that many of the things they are teaching are unpopular, hence they use creative names and limit public oversight. They assume the 'public school thing' is inevitable, and 'traditional values' (especially God) will never be allowed back in. 222

Their ultimate goal is to ensure that the government, not families or faith, molds the values of the next generation. Maintaining the government school monopoly is their obsession. They believe they are better, smarter, and more 'virtuous' than us—based on their social justice view of the world. 223

So, even though most Christian and patriotic parents know the schools are infected with leftism, many charge ahead within the status quo, holding their noses and saying their prayers. It is personal survival, not a winning strategy. And it is certainly not sustainable, merely passing the same losing hand to the next generation. With this approach, we lose. We lose America—and Western civilization. 224

We need to retreat from government schools—and other “woke” private options—completely. We need to leave them, as soon as is feasible. There is nothing there for Christians and patriots. We are not winning there and have no prospects to win there for multiple generations...No matter how much you may try, it is nearly impossible to counteract the leftist social justice agenda of public schools, especially with the cultural rot that surrounds school...But retreat, alone, is not the answer...We retreat only to survive the current moment...Our only option is insurgency. Our only chance is to become educational insurgents in our own country...We are not looking to topple our government, but instead to defeat the monopoly of government-run schools—and the leftist unions who are their occupying power. In the meantime, we increase our control by building an alternative educational model. First we survive, then we regroup and reorganize while weakening the control and legitimacy of our foe, and finally we replace their power structure with reconstructed schools based on freedom and faith. 224-226

This book is not simply about dismantling government schools or trashing elite schools; it is about you. Your kids. Your grandkids. My kids. My future grandkids. Ultimately, their future is in only one set of hands: ours. Knowing what you know, seeing what you are seeing, feeling what you are feeling—what will you do about it? Will we make excuses for ourselves and think we can “fix” government schools? Will we pretend that somehow our government or private school is actually not captured by cultural Marxists? Will we retreat to “Christian” or Catholic schools who “sprinkle” faith on top of otherwise progressive education? Will we spend our money on vacations and cars—and the latest gadgets—but not on the best possible education for our most precious gift? 240-241

Just doing what we are doing, and hoping our kids turn out “just fine,” is not a strategy. I know many good families, good parents, who believe that living in a good neighborhood, with other good families, and going to “good schools” will insulate their kids. Instead, the story unfolds otherwise. The school tells students their parents' beliefs are backward; they are young and naive if they hold traditional values, it's much easier to follow the crowd, social media reinforces every “woke” message, Hollywood does the same, and, viola you have a high school graduate you don't recognize. Or, just as bad, a falsely fortified graduate who heads off to college and is completely consumed by the next level of “woke” educational and social pressure. 242


Battle for the american mind review

Aug 02, 2022 Stella rated it did not like it

I knew I'd hate this book as soon as I read the synopsis, and there was a good chance I'd permanently damage my ocular nerves due to the number of eye rolls per page, but I decided to read it anyway to see what the "other" side had to say.
This book is a paradox, full of conspiracy theories, misinterpretations, historical inaccuracies, half truths, and outright nonsense, all with the goal of inducing panic and hysteria among parents and fuelling the personal agenda of a select group of people (I'
I knew I'd hate this book as soon as I read the synopsis, and there was a good chance I'd permanently damage my ocular nerves due to the number of eye rolls per page, but I decided to read it anyway to see what the "other" side had to say.
This book is a paradox, full of conspiracy theories, misinterpretations, historical inaccuracies, half truths, and outright nonsense, all with the goal of inducing panic and hysteria among parents and fuelling the personal agenda of a select group of people (I'll let you guess which select group of people that is).
While there appears to be no editing, I believe the chaotic flow and repetitiveness were very intentional, similar to repeating the alphabet until you know it by heart.
The author criticizes public education and how inadequate it is, but is not above (ab)using that poor education to his advantage. That is why many of the book's intended target audience will agree that it was well researched and well reasoned, even if the "well reasoned" is actually a misinterpreted quote from an ancient philosopher.
It's amusing to me that the author stated that knowing Latin and ancient Greek is necessary for reading things from the source and knowing the truth rather than what has been translated and distorted, only to admit a few chapters later that he doesn't know either of those languages, implying that the truth eluded him as well. This is just one example of many inconsistencies the book has to offer.
Overall I'd say don't waste your time on the book, better spend it with your children.

Battle for the american mind review

Wow. This book was terrible. Sadly, the best way to explain is to pull from my notes as I read:

"Us/Them narratives (or language)," "Ad hominem attacks," "wears its bias on its sleeve"

"I keep thinking, “I’m dumber for having read this”"

"unsubstantiated hyperbole"

"So many uses of the language of war…antithetical to the precepts of public education!"

"This assertion that Progressives have 'pulled one over' on classic educationalists is laughable, at best."

Re: cultural Marxism. "He frames this term a

Wow. This book was terrible. Sadly, the best way to explain is to pull from my notes as I read:

"Us/Them narratives (or language)," "Ad hominem attacks," "wears its bias on its sleeve"

"I keep thinking, “I’m dumber for having read this”"

"unsubstantiated hyperbole"

"So many uses of the language of war…antithetical to the precepts of public education!"

"This assertion that Progressives have 'pulled one over' on classic educationalists is laughable, at best."

Re: cultural Marxism. "He frames this term as a “bogeyman.”"

"the authors would have us return to a Christian theocracy"

"distortions," "dog whistles"


There was one bright point: the description of the standards of curriculum present in classical Christian education. Minus the religiosity (which they advocate is central to instruction), a holistic approach connecting seemingly disparate disciplines is likely to yield improved critical thought. Educational systems that take an interdisciplinary approach see marked differences in student approaches to critical, solution-oriented outcomes.

2 stars. The obvious lack of unity between the two author's voices really irked me. Goodwin provides the Biblical and research-based background, while Hegseth revels in semantics and hyperbole. Where was the editor? Sloppy writing overall. Using the language of warfare, combined with the suggestions presented to parents, does not indicate a conflict-free solution. In several ways, the authors call for an increase in tensions within the culture wars. Dangerous.


Battle for the american mind review

This books was gifted to me by a family member who strong believes educators are brainwashing children to be “progressives”. I tried to stay open minded and set aside any bias I may hold as an educator. Nonetheless, I found this book lacking any evidence and lacking knowledge about how education works. Filled with wild claims of conspiracy, and a lack of nuance about the many diverse school districts and teachers, I found that this book just raised my bloody pressure. If anything, I gained a gli This books was gifted to me by a family member who strong believes educators are brainwashing children to be “progressives”. I tried to stay open minded and set aside any bias I may hold as an educator. Nonetheless, I found this book lacking any evidence and lacking knowledge about how education works. Filled with wild claims of conspiracy, and a lack of nuance about the many diverse school districts and teachers, I found that this book just raised my bloody pressure. If anything, I gained a glimpse into what the “conservative right” believes I am doing in my classroom everyday. ...more

Battle for the american mind review

Aug 17, 2022 Brave rated it liked it

The overall concept the author was communicating was interesting and a true picture of what our public schools are. There was a lot of history references which were interesting, but at time excessive. The last chapter actually covered possible options to improve this school situation. The example of an NFL player in which was an Ivy League graduate and did not learn about the classics among other things is absolutely true.

Battle for the american mind review

This book is written in language that at times is hard to follow. I felt like I was reading a textbook that was for a course I wasn’t prepared for. I totally agree that our schools are moving in the wrong direction, and I was a teacher for almost 30 years, retired recently. I wish the ideas and background presented had been done in a easier way to understand and follow. The author (who I really like to hear on tv) is a big proponent of CCE which I knew a little about. Even describing what those This book is written in language that at times is hard to follow. I felt like I was reading a textbook that was for a course I wasn’t prepared for. I totally agree that our schools are moving in the wrong direction, and I was a teacher for almost 30 years, retired recently. I wish the ideas and background presented had been done in a easier way to understand and follow. The author (who I really like to hear on tv) is a big proponent of CCE which I knew a little about. Even describing what those schools are like was a little hard to follow. This seemed to be a very scholarly written book. However, the last 2 chapters are written in a way that is clear and understandable and offer hope for our children and our schools. ...more

Battle for the american mind review

Aug 04, 2022 Andrew rated it did not like it

Oh my gosh....where do I start? I really did try to keep an open mind while reading "Battle for the American Mind" by Pete Hegseth. However, it became increasingly difficult as I read more. Hegseth is a contributor on Fox News, and this book is akin to to watching Fox News all day long. If you love Fox News, then you will love this book. On the other hand, I found many concerns with the book.

This is Hegseth's third book, and I found it ironic what he writes in the book. Hegseth says in the book

Oh my gosh....where do I start? I really did try to keep an open mind while reading "Battle for the American Mind" by Pete Hegseth. However, it became increasingly difficult as I read more. Hegseth is a contributor on Fox News, and this book is akin to to watching Fox News all day long. If you love Fox News, then you will love this book. On the other hand, I found many concerns with the book.

This is Hegseth's third book, and I found it ironic what he writes in the book. Hegseth says in the book that, at the time he wrote his first two books, he truly believed that they were the truth. However, now, looking back, he believes that they were all wrong. He says the same thing about his college thesis: at the time, he believed it in 100%; but now, he sees that it was trash. Now, he wants the reader to believe that this book, unlike all of his other writings, is actual truth. It strains credulity.

In a nutshell, Hegseth's main premise of the book is that the American educational system, and indeed all of society, was much better when his grandparents were kids, than it is today. It follows the familiar meme of the straight white cisgender old man saying "things were much better back in my day". If you are not in that demographic, I cannot see how you would agree. In addition, Hegseth encourages the reader to consider themselves in all-out war against those who might disagree with them about educational goals. Again, not helpful.

I could go on and on about this book, but I won't waste the time. Giving this one star, only because I couldn't give it zero stars.


Battle for the american mind review

A history and observations of the changing of education philosophy in America. How the word progressive change the current education and many other things which underlying the current system.

Battle for the american mind review

Aug 12, 2022 James Peterson rated it really liked it

This book was given to me by a close friend so I decided to read it out of respect for him. Although I wouldn’t have picked it up on my own, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the book.

I’ll begin with the main weakness of the book. The author is making a massive historical argument throughout the work (stretching over 2500 years of history) and although I agree with many of his conclusions, they are based on many historical generalizations that would be challenged by a reader who i

This book was given to me by a close friend so I decided to read it out of respect for him. Although I wouldn’t have picked it up on my own, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the book.

I’ll begin with the main weakness of the book. The author is making a massive historical argument throughout the work (stretching over 2500 years of history) and although I agree with many of his conclusions, they are based on many historical generalizations that would be challenged by a reader who is not friendly to his point of view. Since this is intended for a wide readership, and not a scholarly work, it is likely convincing to his targeted audience. But it would have been a stronger book even if he just pointed to other historical monographs that support his understanding of history.

The book was a strong polemic against American public education and not only developed a scathing critique of it, but provided a strong alternative and even a strategy to counter public education in the near and far term. I consider this the great value of the book: demonstrating the need for thoroughly Christian education, showing how it can be done, and giving a cautiously optimistic vision for the future.


Battle for the american mind review

Aug 15, 2022 Adam rated it it was ok

Although the premise of the book was intriguing and as a parent I was curious about this so called 16,000 hour indoctrination, this book overall is a genuine mess.  

For example, the book covers several points in the beginning and keeps circling around, reiterating the same points repeatedly. It’s almost like the author, Pete, forgot what he just wrote. He continues to take you around circles and at the end of the chapters you feel like you read only 1 page worth of genuine information.


Although the premise of the book was intriguing and as a parent I was curious about this so called 16,000 hour indoctrination, this book overall is a genuine mess.  

For example, the book covers several points in the beginning and keeps circling around, reiterating the same points repeatedly. It’s almost like the author, Pete, forgot what he just wrote. He continues to take you around circles and at the end of the chapters you feel like you read only 1 page worth of genuine information.

Another point of critic - if you’re writing a book, and you keep stating different issues and subsequently that there is a solution to each issue, but after several chapters, don’t state any solutions, you’re doing your audience a disservice. This isn’t a movie or a talkshow. Opinionated books, such as this, require a more thought out format. This isn't an action adventure movie with some epic climax and defined issues are best handled with defined solutions.

You can glamour it all up but when you draw out several problems, show no solutions - across several chapters that is - and show little supporting evidence, you have one very long winded opinion column.

Sadly this book is exactly that. One very drawn out news column that could have been covered in 5 min.  I do not recommend this book mainly because of its poor formatting and although I agree with several aspects of the book I find the description of an "untold story", as is advertised, highly misleading.

The Books TLDR: Progressives have, and are successfully targeting, the social and cultural control of America while the conservatives battle for economic control. The solution to this is to return to living by Christian values and teaching these values to our kids, ensure that our school curriculum is based off history to build toward a greater future, and take your own actions against the direction our schools are going because only together can we change its course.


Battle for the american mind review

Public schools are not inherently Christian, yet this book seems to think that they were, and should be. Absolutely not. Do I think that there needs to be drastic changes to the education system? Absolutely. Does this book spell out methods of accomplishing that? Not in a way that suits a public service that separates church and state. If you really want to improve public education, follow the money. Go after the administration. Explore the textbook contracts and the companies providing them. Do Public schools are not inherently Christian, yet this book seems to think that they were, and should be. Absolutely not. Do I think that there needs to be drastic changes to the education system? Absolutely. Does this book spell out methods of accomplishing that? Not in a way that suits a public service that separates church and state. If you really want to improve public education, follow the money. Go after the administration. Explore the textbook contracts and the companies providing them. Do your part of educating your child in your home after school. Engage with the child. Be proactive. ...more

Battle for the american mind review

Jun 28, 2022 Bill Stutzman rated it it was amazing

Hegseth and Goodwin tell a tale almost too wild to believe, yet the narrative presents an important and not-easily dismissed genealogy of our current educational crisis. The villains? Progressives (both the knowing and the naive). No doubt, this will be as polarizing as the sides it represents, but the authors present their position and findings with humility while asking honest questions. It's hard to take on the juggernaut that is Progressivism and modern public education without drawing some Hegseth and Goodwin tell a tale almost too wild to believe, yet the narrative presents an important and not-easily dismissed genealogy of our current educational crisis. The villains? Progressives (both the knowing and the naive). No doubt, this will be as polarizing as the sides it represents, but the authors present their position and findings with humility while asking honest questions. It's hard to take on the juggernaut that is Progressivism and modern public education without drawing some fire. If you watched the accompanying documentary series and found it a bit too politically charged in the Fox News style, you may be pleasantly surprised by the different tone this book takes. Hegseth and Goodwin don't hide the ball or wait to the end for the big reveal. They point to classical Christian education and the Western Christian Paideia as a key to understanding where we came from and how we might find our way home again. This was a fun history, especially for those who have been in the trenches of the classical Christian education renewal for some time, and Goodwin brings that first-hand experience nicely to match with Hegseth's eager awakening. ...more

Battle for the american mind review

Jul 05, 2022 Sarah Browder rated it it was amazing

A must-read for all Christians. Hegseth does a fantastic job of laying out the history of education in America and all of Western civilization. This is a history that is not widely known and understood and provides so much clarity to the culture wars we are facing today. I think every Christian parent will be challenged to rethink their preconceived notions about the best way to educate their children and why where you send your child to school is one of the most important decisions you will eve A must-read for all Christians. Hegseth does a fantastic job of laying out the history of education in America and all of Western civilization. This is a history that is not widely known and understood and provides so much clarity to the culture wars we are facing today. I think every Christian parent will be challenged to rethink their preconceived notions about the best way to educate their children and why where you send your child to school is one of the most important decisions you will ever make as a parent. ...more

Pete Hegseth is co-host of Fox & Friends Weekend and a frequent guest co-host for the weekday edition of Fox & Friends. He is also a Fox News Senior Political Analyst. Pete is an Army veteran of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and was also a guard at Guantanamo Bay. He holds two Bronze Stars and a Combat Infantryman’s Badge for his time in Iraq and Afghanistan. Pete graduated from Princeton Univ Pete Hegseth is co-host of Fox & Friends Weekend and a frequent guest co-host for the weekday edition of Fox & Friends. He is also a Fox News Senior Political Analyst. Pete is an Army veteran of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and was also a guard at Guantanamo Bay. He holds two Bronze Stars and a Combat Infantryman’s Badge for his time in Iraq and Afghanistan. Pete graduated from Princeton University in 2003. ...more

Battle for the american mind review

Across the U.S., many high-school seniors are entering the nail-biting period of waiting for college admissions decisions. While the die has been...

“From Trotsky, to Lenin, to Mao, to Castro—to socialist Bernie Sanders and Comrade Ocasio-Cortez—a common tool for manipulating paideia is to use words that people associate with positive virtues, but to change their meaning.” — 0 likes

“Under the old form of classical Christian education, children gained wisdom by studying history and the classics.” — 0 likes

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Battle for the american mind review