Who is at risk for hyperphosphatemia?

Hyperphosphatemia is defined as a serum phosphate >4.5 mg/dL (>1.44 mmol/L) and can be further characterized as mild (∼4.5–5.5 mg/dL or ∼1.44–1.76 mmol/L), moderate (∼5.5–6.5 mg/dL or ∼1.76–2.08 mmol/L), or severe (∼6.5 mg/dL or ∼2.08 mmol/L).

From: Nephrology Secrets (Third Edition), 2012

Hormones and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism

Shlomo Melmed MB ChB, MACP, in Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, 2020


Serum phosphate levels are controlled primarily by the rate of proximal renal tubular phosphate reabsorption, which is due, in turn, to the integrated activity of the major sodium-dependent cotransporters (NaPi-IIa and NaPi-IIc). The latter are strongly downregulated by parathyroid hormone and FGF23, both of which are stimulated by phosphate. Thus absent extraordinary filtered loads of phosphate, the capacity of normal kidneys to excrete phosphate is not easily exceeded. Consequently, the occurrence of hyperphosphatemia usually signifies impaired renal functon, hypoparathyroidism, defective FGF23 action, a huge flux of phosphate into the extracellular fluid, or some combination of these factors (Table 29.7).

The most common cause of hyperphosphatemia is acute or chronic renal failure in which GFR is so reduced that the usual daily load of phosphate cannot be excreted at a normal level of serum phosphate, despite maximal inhibition of phosphate reabsorption in the remaining functional nephrons. In hypoparathyroidism (or PHP), serum phosphate may rise to levels as high as 6 to 8 mg/dL because of loss of the tonic inhibitory effect of PTH on phosphate reabsorption, although elevated FGF23 levels may prevent even further increases in serum phosphate.572 The hyperphosphatemia of hypoparathyroidism is only partly due to the absence of PTH per se. Hypocalcemia may further impair phosphate clearance in this setting, and correction of hypocalcemia by treatment with vitamin D metabolites and oral calcium may reduce serum phosphate, for example, even though PTH levels remain low.573

Other circumstances in which renal tubular phosphate excretion is decreased, in the absence of renal failure, include acromegaly,574 chronic therapy with heparin, and familial tumoral calcinosis.575 Familial tumoral calcinosis can result from inactivating mutations in either FGF23 or theO-linked glycosyl transferase GalNAc-T3, which glycosylates FGF23 at its cleavage site targeted by furin-like proteases, thereby suppressing this cleavage.576 In the absence of GalNAc-T3, FGF23 is cleaved at an accelerated rate.577–579 The choice of FGF23 assay is important therefore for diagnosing tumoral calcinosis. The responsible FGF23 and GalNac-T3 mutations may render the molecule more susceptible to proteolyic degradation, such that the blood levels of (inactive) carboxyl fragments may be quite high in contrast to low levels of (bioactive) intact FGF23.578 Affected patients may display focal hyperostosis; large, lobulated periarticular ectopic calcifications, especially around shoulders or hips; hyperphosphatemia due to increased renal tubular reabsorption of phosphate; increased serum 1,25(OH)2D despite normal or low serum PTH; and increased intestinal calcium absorption, consistent with the elevated serum 1,25(OH)2D concentration. The disorder may present in childhood or adulthood, is more common in African Americans, and is lifelong, with a tendency for the tumoral calcifications to progress at affected sites. In contrast to the elevated serum 1,25(OH)2D, hyperphosphatemia is not a constant feature of tumoral calcinosis, although it tends to be most severe in those with prominent calcifications. Despite their chronic hyperphosphatemia, secondary hyperparathyroidism does not develop in these patients, presumably because of the high 1,25(OH)2D levels and intestinal hyperabsorption of calcium. Treatment is problematic, although some success has been reported with phosphate-binding antacids, calcium deprivation, calcitonin, and acetazolamide therapy.580


Richard M. Edwards, in Encyclopedia of Endocrine Diseases, 2004

Causes of Hyperphosphatemia

There are a number of causes of hyperphosphatemia. For example, hereditary or acquired hypoparathyroidism, in which circulating levels of PTH are low or absent, results in the development of hyperphosphatemia, most likely due to increased renal reabsorption of phosphate. Elevated levels of growth hormone, as seen in acromegaly, are also associated with elevated plasma phosphate levels due to increased renal absorption. Other causes of hyperphosphatemia include the release of phosphate from the large intracellular pool as a result of cell injury or cell death as occurs in tumor lysis syndrome or rhabdomyolysis.

However, perhaps the most common cause of chronic hyperphosphatemia, and the one with the most dire consequences for the patient, is that associated with chronic renal disease. When renal function is compromised either experimentally or by disease, there is a compensatory enlargement of the remaining nephrons and an increased rate of filtration per nephron. To remain in balance, the phosphate excretion per nephron must also increase. Increased levels of PTH appear to mediate the increased excretion of phosphate per nephron in early renal disease. Thus, normal plasma phosphate levels are maintained, but at the expense of elevated PTH levels. As renal function progressively declines, increasingly higher levels of PTH are needed to maintain phosphate homeostasis. In advanced stages of renal disease in which the kidney's excretory function is markedly reduced, the elevated levels of PTH are unable to maintain normal phosphate levels and hyperphosphatemia becomes evident. The consequences of hyperphosphatemia are numerous, with the most important being the development of secondary hyperparathyroidism, uremic bone disease, and the promotion of vascular and visceral calcifications (Fig. 1).

Who is at risk for hyperphosphatemia?

Figure 1. Development and consequences of hyperphosphatemia in chronic renal disease.

Secondary hyperparathyroidism is a common complication in renal failure patients. Hyperphosphatemia contributes to elevated levels of PTH by at least three mechanisms. First, phosphate by itself appears to increase PTH synthesis by the parathyroid gland by posttranslational mechanisms. Second, high levels of plasma phosphate can lead to the precipitation of calcium phosphate in soft tissues, resulting in a decrease in plasma calcium, which is a major signal for PTH release. Finally, vitamin D3 is a major inhibitor of PTH gene transcription and also promotes intestinal calcium absorption. The kidney is the major source of the enzyme 1α-hydroxylase, which is responsible for converting 25(OH)-vitamin D to the active form, 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D3. Not only is 1α-hydroxylase activity deceased in renal disease because of the reduction in renal mass, but high levels of phosphate can also inhibit the enzyme activity. Therefore, hyperphosphatemia, either directly or indirectly, can attenuate major negative feedback mechanisms aimed at reducing circulating PTH. Furthermore, with low levels of vitamin D3, intestinal calcium absorption is impaired, and this can also contribute to the hypocalcemia. All of these abnormalities related to phosphate, calcium, PTH, and vitamin D3 metabolism in chronic renal disease patients result in nearly all such patients having some degree of abnormal bone metabolism, generally known as uremic bone disease or renal osteodystrophy.

As mentioned previously, high levels of plasma phosphate can complex with calcium, resulting in the deposition of calcium–phosphate crystals in soft tissues. Recent attention has been directed toward the consequences of soft tissue calcification. It is now clear that hyperphosphatemia and an elevated calcium–phosphorus product (Ca × P) can promote visceral and vascular calcification and are linked to increased cardiovascular mortality. Cardiovascular disease accounts for nearly 50% of all deaths in dialysis patients, a percentage that is markedly higher than that in the general population. A recent analysis of dialysis patients revealed that the relative risk of death increased in proportion to elevations in the Ca × P product. In another study of dialysis patients, the prevalences of mitral and aortic valve calcification were markedly higher (44.5 and 54.0%, respectively) than those in the control populations (10.0 and 4.3%, respectively). There is also evidence that elevated PTH levels may contribute to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality through their effects on arteriolar wall thickening and myocardial interstitial fibrosis. All of these recent findings have led to recommendations for the tighter control of plasma phosphate, calcium, and PTH levels in patients with chronic renal disease, especially in the dialysis population.

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Disorders of Calcium, Phosphate, and Magnesium Metabolism

John Feehally DM, FRCP, in Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology, 2019

Hypocalcemia Associated With Hyperphosphatemia

CKD leads to diminished calcitriol production and subsequently a low-normal SCa. In parallel, declining glomerular filtration of phosphate leads to a progressive rise in serum phosphate once the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) falls below approximately 35 ml/min/1.73 m2. AKI may cause hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia through the same mechanisms, as well as specific mechanisms in rhabdomyolysis or pancreatitis.

Hypoparathyroidism may be caused by surgical removal of the parathyroid glands (post-thyroidectomy or parathyroidectomy), radiation, autoimmune destruction of parathyroid tissue, or infiltrative diseases. Sporadic cases of hypoparathyroidism are occasionally seen in patients with pernicious anemia or adrenal insufficiency. Pseudohypoparathyroidism (Albright hereditary osteodystrophy) has a characteristic phenotype including short neck, round face, and short metacarpals, with end-organ resistance to PTH.

In addition, massive oral phosphate administration, such as that used in bowel preparations, also can lead to hypocalcemia with hyperphosphatemia, often with AKI.22

Neurologic Aspects of Systemic Disease Part II

Monica Komoroski, ... Pauline Camacho, in Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 2014


Hyperphosphatemia is best managed by treating the underlying disorder (i.e., administering intravenous fluids for rhabdomyolysis). No treatment is usually needed in the setting of normal renal function as hyperphosphatemia is self-resolving. Limiting dietary phosphate intake (by reducing protein intake) and blocking intestinal phosphate absorption with phosphate binders is indicated in mild persistent asymptomatic hyperphosphatemia in the setting of mild to moderate renal failure. Common oral phosphate binders include calcium carbonate, calcium acetate, and sevelamer (Moe, 2008). Hemodialysis may be required for severe hyperphosphatemia with symptomatic hypocalcemia (Shiber and Mattu, 2002).

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Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Children

Alan S.L. Yu MB, BChir, in Brenner and Rector's The Kidney, 2020


As discussed earlier in this chapter, the normal range for serum phosphate changes with age, and hyperphosphatemia thus refers to a serum concentration above the age-appropriate reference range. The clinical features of hyperphosphatemia are related to hypocalcemia. In view of the reverse interrelationship between these divalent ions, a high serum phosphate concentration is chemically linked to a low serum ionized calcium concentration, and vice versa. Thus, hyperphosphatemia becomes symptomatic from the hypocalcemia (e.g., tetany and other symptoms, discussed earlier in the section on hypocalcemia).Table 73.18 lists the causes of hyperphosphatemia.

Diagnostic Workup for Hyperphosphatemia

The diagnostic workup for hyperphosphatemia follows the algorithm presented inFig. 73.13 and includes serum calcium, PTH, potassium, creatinine, and 25(OH)D concentrations. The suspected underlying disease (seeTable 73.18) causing hyperphosphatemia may require other specific tests. Finally, spurious hyperphosphatemia can result from interference with the phosphate measurement by hyperlipidemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and hyperglobulinemia, requiring specific tests for each condition.176

Imaging Studies in Hyperphosphatemia

Imaging studies in hyperphosphatemia depend on the underlying disease—for example, wrist x-ray examination to delineate renal osteodystrophy and magnetic resonance imaging to rule out pituitary adenoma in acromegaly.

Treatment of Hyperphosphatemia

The treatment of hyperphosphatemia in the context of normal kidney function includes adequate fluid intake to promote diuresis and restriction of phosphate intake with the addition of phosphate binders. Finally, specific treatment for the underlying disease is discussed in other chapters in this text.

Disorders of Mineral Metabolism

Sharon M. Moe, Jacques R. Daoud, in National Kidney Foundation Primer on Kidney Diseases (Sixth Edition), 2014


Hyperphosphatemia can result from increased intestinal absorption, from cellular release or rapid shifts of phosphorus from the intracellular to the extracellular compartment, or from decreased renal excretion. Persistent hyperphosphatemia (>12 hours) occurs almost exclusively in the setting of impaired kidney function. Increased intestinal absorption is usually caused either by the use of phosphate-containing oral purgatives or enemas, or by vitamin D overdoses. Increased tissue release of phosphorus is commonly seen in acute tumor lysis syndrome, rhabdomyolysis, hemolysis, hyperthermia, profound catabolic stress, or acute leukemia. These disorders can also lead to acute kidney injury, limiting renal phosphate excretion and further exacerbating the hyperphosphatemia. Rarely, thyrotoxicosis or acromegaly leads to hyperphosphatemia. Acute hyperphosphatemia usually does not cause symptoms unless there is a significant reciprocal reduction of serum calcium. The treatment of acute hyperphosphatemia includes volume expansion, dialysis, and administration of phosphate binders. In the setting of normal kidney function, or even mild to moderate kidney disease, hyperphosphatemia is usually self limited because of the capacity of the kidney to excrete a phosphorus load. Sequelae and treatment of hyperphosphatemia related to CKD, including bone disease and cardiovascular disease, is discussed in detail in Chapter 56.

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Acid-Base, Electrolyte, and Metabolic Abnormalities

Ahmad Bilal Faridi, Lawrence S. Weisberg, in Critical Care Medicine (Third Edition), 2008

Causes of Hyperphosphatemia

Hyperphosphatemia may be caused by (1) redistribution of phosphorus from the intracellular to the extracellular space, (2) increased phosphorus intake, and (3) decreased renal excretion of phosphorus (Table 58-8). Importantly, most hyperphosphatemia is multifactorial.


Hyperphosphatemia is a common complication of the tumor lysis syndrome.66 Similarly, rhabdomyolysis is often associated with hyperphosphatemia, especially when it is complicated by acute renal failure.68,296 Less commonly recognized causes of redistributive hyperphosphatemia include acute and chronic respiratory acidosis, acute pancreatitis,297 diabetic ketoacidosis,298 and lactic acidosis.299

Increased Intake

Exogenous administration of phosphorus is unlikely to cause hyperphosphatemia unless renal function is compromised. Several cases of potentially life-threatening hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia have been reported after the use of phosphate-containing laxatives and enemas, especially in children and the elderly.229,231,232,300,301 Overly aggressive parenteral phosphorus supplementation can cause hyperphosphatemia. Hypervitaminosis D causes increased intestinal uptake of phosphorus and a decrease in PTH, both of which predispose to hyperphosphatemia.

Decreased Renal Excretion

Acute renal failure is associated with elevated phosphate levels caused by an inability of the kidneys to excrete phosphate load. This is particularly pronounced in patients in whom acute renal failure is caused by the tumor lysis syndrome or rhabdomyolysis. Advanced chronic kidney disease (GFR < 25 mL/min) is commonly associated with hyperphosphatemia. Such patients are particularly susceptible to developing severe and life-threatening hyperphosphatemia if they are exposed to an acute increase in serum phosphate levels. Hypoparathyroidism of any cause is associated with impaired renal phosphorus excretion.


Spurious increases in the measured plasma phosphorus concentration are reported to be caused by contamination of the blood sample with phosphate-buffered saline as a diluent for heparin302 or during sample processing by the laboratory.303 Even microliter volumes of the contaminant can cause significant elevations in the measured phosphorus.304 Paraproteinemia can also cause pseudophyperphosphatemia.

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Medical Emergencies

Steven W. Salyer PA‐C, ... Chris R. McNeil, in Essential Emergency Medicine, 2007


Key Points

Hyperphosphatemia alone is not a problem unless the calcium‐phosphate product is greater than 60, at which point metastatic or ectopic calcification can occur. The main complication of hyperphosphatemia is hypocalcemia.

Hyperphosphatemia is usually seen in patients with renal disease and is due to reduced renal excretion. It can be seen when there is a high phosphate load due to cell breakdown.

Suspect hyperphosphatemia in patients with renal failure and in those with hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, or rhabdomyolysis. Therapy is directed at treatment of the underlying cause of hyperphosphatemia.


Hyperphosphatemia in adults is defined as a serum phosphorus level greater than 5.0 mg/dl.


Hyperphosphatemia is usually seen in patients with renal disease and is due to reduced renal excretion. It can also be seen in conditions that cause movement of phosphate out of the cells and into the ECF (acidosis). It can be seen with rhabdomyolysis and tumor lysis syndrome when there is a high phosphate load due to cell breakdown plus accompanying renal failure. Other etiologies are hypoparathyroidism, other conditions that cause hypocalcemia or hypomagnesemia, and increased vitamin D intake or phosphate intake, as in the ingestion of large amounts of phosphorus‐containing laxatives.

Clinical Presentation

Hyperphosphatemia alone is not a problem, unless the calcium‐phosphate product is greater than 60, at which point metastatic or ectopic calcification can occur. It is the associated renal failure, along with the hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia, that are usually the main issue. The main complication of hyperphosphatemia is hypocalcemia.

Laboratory Findings

Measurements of Chem 7, Mg+, and Ca+ should be taken. Hypomagnesemia and hypocalcemia are usually seen together with the high phosphorus level.


Suspect hyperphosphatemia in patients with renal failure and in those with hypocalcemia hypomagnesemia or rhabdomyolysis.

Treatment and Outcome

Therapy is directed at treatment of the underlying cause of hyperphosphatemia. Calcium phosphate should be restricted to less than 200 mg/day. Patients with normal renal function can be given normal saline (1–2 L every 4–6 hours) and acetazolamide (500 mg every 6 hours). Aluminum oral phosphate binders (e.g., aluminum hydroxide or aluminum carbonate; 30–45 ml/day) can be used to decrease GI phosphate absorption. Dialysis may be needed in patients with renal failure.

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Alterations in Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism in Critically Ill Patients

Piergiorgio Messa, ... Brigida Brezzi, in Critical Care Nephrology (Second Edition), 2009


Hyperphosphatemia occurs when the phosphate load exceeds renal excretion and tissue uptake; patients at highest risk for hyperphosphatemia are those with preexisting chronic or superimposed acute renal failure.

Hyperphosphatemia can be related to an increase in endogenous sources (because of either cell lysis or a shift from the intracellular to the extracellular compartment), to increased exogenous sources, or to reduced urinary excretion (Table 100-4).

The emergency physician must be aware of the pre-sence of pseudohyperphosphatemia, which can be due to interference with biochemical assay results in patients with hyperglobulinemia, extreme hypertriglyceridemia, or hyperbilirubinemia, or because of in vitro hemolysis.27

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Disorders of Phosphate Homeostasis

Keith Hruska, Anandarup Gupta, in Metabolic Bone Disease and Clinically Related Disorders (Third Edition), 1998


Hyperphosphatemia has been observed in adults ingesting laxative-containing phosphate salts or after administration of enemas containing large amounts of phosphate.208,209 Intravenous phosphate administration has been used in the treatment of hypercalcemia of malignancy. The administration of 1 to 2 g of phosphate intravenously decreases the concentration of serum calcium. Unfortunately, the severe hyperphosphatemia induced by administration of large amounts of phosphorus intravenously may lead to calcium precipitation in important organs such as the heart and kidney, and several deaths have been reported as a consequence of this form of therapy. Hyperphosphatemia may develop in newborn infants fed cow’s milk, which is higher in phosphorus content than human milk. This may be an important factor in the genesis of neonatal tetany.

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Who is at risk for hypophosphatemia?

If you're malnourished from eating disorders, alcoholism or long-lasting diarrhea, you're at greater risk for getting this condition. People with severe burns and complications from diabetes are also at risk.

What is the most common cause of hyperphosphatemia?

Renal failure is the most common cause of hyperphosphatemia. A glomerular filtration rate of less than 30 mL/min significantly reduces the filtration of inorganic phosphate, increasing its serum level. Other less common causes include a high intake of phosphorus or increased renal reabsorption.

What is the most common cause of hypophosphatemia?

Chronic Alcoholism. This is one of the most common causes of hypophosphatemia. Fifty percent of people who are hospitalized due to alcoholism develop hypophosphatemia within the first three days of their hospitalization.

Which condition can cause hypophosphatemia?

Hypophosphatemia is a serum phosphate concentration < 2.5 mg/dL (0.81 mmol/L). Causes include alcohol use disorder, burns, starvation, and diuretic use. Clinical features include muscle weakness, respiratory failure, and heart failure; seizures and coma can occur. Diagnosis is by serum phosphate concentration.