Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Oooh I love TVD! Apparently theres rumor that the author LJ Smith wanted the book series to end up with Damon and Elena as endgame, but the people who hired her to write the series fired her because they wanted to please fans and have Elena/Stephen together. But I think now with the tv series, there are obviously alot more Damon/Elena fans than there are of Stephan/elena fans. So I'm hoping that with the season 2 finale that Delena relation will progress. (ie I'm hoping the tv series would have elena and damon together in the end). I'm definitely with Delena <3

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
IShipStelana said:

Okay so i never read the books because i found watching it more interesting but i LOVE Stelana! I hate Delena. I mean i like Damon but i like Elena with Stefan and seeing all these Delena shippers and i do think she'll end up with Damon but this all makes me so sad! I want Stelana! When i saw episode 7 of Season 4 i literally cried! I was like HOW COULD YOU SLEEP WITH DAMON AND LEAVE STEFAN BEHIND AND BREAK HIS HEART?!?! I was so sad! PLEASE!! Let it be Stelana! :'(( Any other Stelana shippers out there??

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
Jannna90 said:

Stefan always the hot one so Stefan.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
stefanissohot said:

i haven't read all the books as it annoyed me that the tv series was completely different so just watch and love the tv series now. I'm with STELENA. They should always be together (literately, vampires and all) but i do like Damon too, not with Elena but i do like him (not as much as stefan) so i think Elena should be with Stefan and they should make Katherine come back in it and Damon and Katherine go together. So then everybodys happy :D

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
haniieagustin said:

Well I do think Damon is the best for Elena. Well, the fact that Damon is such a selfless person. And I do want Damon to be loved by everyone and there is this one person that will love him no matter what and that, that love can change him. We all know everyone in there thinks Damon is such a bitchy, dangerous, and the one who always sabotage things guy. I think the reason why Damon is like that because he just wants to be loved, and will treat him inportant and that's all.

The Vampire Diaries is about Elena falling in love with Damon. I feel that Elena loves Damon but she's being puzzled and confused and afraid to tell the truth and maybe she's not ready to let go of Stefan. I don't like what they did on Season 1. Stefan and Elena end up together that fast and I think it's not just right. I love Damon and Elena's relationship, although they aren't together, they knowing each other more and more and develop feelings as time goes by. And that's what I only cared of.

I WISH TO SEE DELENA AS THE ENDGAME. I don't hate Stefan or anything it's just that Damon needs that one woman that will love him just the way he is, and that only woman is just ELENA. Katherine loves Stefan, and she never felt any love for Damon which is sad(how can that be? :( ). Katherine and Stefan is possible, I'm very sure of that! So I'm hoping that in the end, ELENA WILL FINALLY CHOOSE DAMON. There will be so much things to hope for . And this line needs to change "It's always gonna be Stefan." So, whatever happens I'll root for DELENA and I won't give up, I believe there will be a MIRACLE! :"> <3

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
Lunamoon2012 said:

I don't know who will end up with Elena. In contrast Bonnie used magic to know who is gonna be the one Elena ends up forever ( on the first or second book ) and the result is Damon. Elena says that's not gonna happen because Damon is the bad guy; But little by little the books show that the bad guy is not Damon because everything was done by others ( Katherine, Klaus, etc ) becoming him a main character over Stefan and Elena falling in love with him. The book's destiny of Elena is Damon but there are a lot of huge differences between the books and the TV series, so who can guess ? I hope Elena ends up with Damon because their love story is much more beautiful, interesting and real love.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
bionsi said:

I hope she end up with Damon <3

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
dsalvatore13 said:

spoiler she ends up with stefan but when damon dies she does show that she has feelings for him

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
melanieliami said:

I hope she end up with Damon.. But the book and the tv show is not the same. DELENA! <3

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
Vampire200 said:

Its STEFAN it allways has been STEFAN and I will be so ticked if its not STEFAN he is so hot

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
AleenaK said:

I believe that Elena will end up with Stefan in the book. He is my favourite character in the book....
I believe and hope that Elena will end up with Damon in the TV series as he is my favourite character in the TV series.
I must admit I love both the Salvatore brothers.
Oh how I hate love triangles!!!

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
cherrynam said:

I read the books - she ends up with Stefan but she and Damon create a friendship that works out with her dating Stefan, so there's no bitterness anymore. Elena inside her diary at the end of the final book:
"I know how I can care for Damon and love Stefan at the same time. There's a connection between Damon and me that'll last forever, that will keep him from being consumed by the darkness that has always threatened him. No matter where he is, I'll hold a piece of him and he'll hold piece of me. Through everything, Stefan will be by my side. "

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
alyssajohanna said:

STELENA <3 forever! :) Stefan is waaaay better than Damon, compassionate, sweet, gentle, the respect and all that.. Damon, i can see just lust in him with Elena :)) just saying..

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
jordanannewood said:

i think she should end up with Stefan because whenever she was in trouble he was there whenever she was sad he comforted her he didn't take the easy way out by making her turn of her emotions(vampire) or make her ignore them (human) like what Damon did and he respects her choices he let her make her own choice so for me it stelena all the way and i think he is also much more better looking so i think she should end up with him

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
stelena-always said:

stelena wayy better
1.) stefan always there to help her though her toughest time even with her humanity switch turned off
2.) they have ups and down and have like a cinderella tale and delena is horrible togeter
3.)stefan dated her first damon only had her cause she was sired so it wasnt real
4.)delena isnt cute every one is miserable and the show gets boring with them
5.)many people will stop watching the show if stelena doesnt end up together
6.)delena was cool at first but now there boring not cool and stelena has adventure and mystery
7.) stefan lost his humanity but elena didnt stop till he was back and he went back to her cuz even tho he said i dont love u leave me alone she knew it wasnt true
8.)damon steals every girl stefan has that he like and after katherine damon took elena
9.)they have a strong bond even with all the drama they still manage to find the way back to eachother
10.)stefan let her go before and she came back to him and elena let him go before and he came back
''it you really love someone if they come back then there yours if they dont then they were never'' STELENA came back for eachother delena didnt ''sire bond''

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
stelenaxx20 said:

"It's ok to love them both, I did" Katherine also loved both the Salvatore brothers. She said to Damon she only loved Stephan but told both Elena and Stephan she loved them both. Katherine should end up with Damon she's who he has always loved. Stephan and Elena's love wouldn't just disapear. Her love is still based on the sire bond even tho it's gone. "i've never seen you more alive" says Damon. Sire bond broken and elena says "i'm not sorry that in death you made me feel more alive" this is how the sire bond made her feel. Stephan does give her passion and adventure they belong together he's good for her! Elena gets darker being sired to Damon. It should be Damon and Katherine, Elena and Stephan, Caroline and Klaus Matt and Rebekah. Stelena all the way!

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
Stelenais4ever said:

im really hoping for stefan and elena. There love is real, pure true from delena.They always find a way back, and they trust each other and always there when they need each other. And Damon sucks at being a brother, he can be so selfish, (no hate) he just took elena without questioning it and elena acted like her relationship with stefan was nothing which broke there brother bond. while damon and elenas breakup, stefan was so selfLESS and helped them and try to get back together. Even though he didnt approve of it, he just wanted to make them happy for what they want. And he does so much for his OLDER brother, when Damon doesnt really care. If the books says that she will be with stefan, then she would probably be with stefan. But books doesn't always have the same endings as the shows/movies. So i wouldnt get your hopes up for anything. But i believe that stelena is end game(: End of story.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
TaintedDreamz said:

I've just read the 4 books, but to my understanding isn't there two others as well? I know she ends up with Stefan in the end of The Reunion.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
daphne22 said:

Well,there are still two books to go but i hope she ends up with stephan!I REALLY like him.I hate love triangles in books . . .

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
IanSomerhalder1 said:

I've read all the books and i am waiting for the next one to come out. Elena choices both of them. She ends up with both of them. Not in a weird way tho. She's still dating Stefan, but she loves Damon. She loves them both evenly, and she can't let either of them go.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
ILovePaulWesley said:

i think it's Stefan! idk i didn't read the book yet! :O

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
erinr377 said:


I just finished book 7 and at the minute she loves both of them but she has just admited that Stefan is her true love :)

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
Erika-Wesley said:

Well, I really hope that Elena ends up with Stefan!! I read until Shadow Souls and I'm very anxious and excited to read Midnight. Elena has to end up with Stefan, because he is her soul mate and eternal true love!! :D ;)

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
tashc said:

please let it be Stefan otherwise I dont think i could watch it :(

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
Omawumi said:

IN the end of season 3 she picks stefan, but its not over yet. for the record lj smith never hired a ghost writer. her pblishing thing technically fired her and they hired a ghost writer

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
gene1500 said:

She chooses Stefan in the books and show but the love triangle between Stefan, Elena, and Damon contiues

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
sissygirl247 said:

i hope it is Stefan if someone knows who it is please let me know

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
BoomBoomPow86 said:

Well apparently, Elena said to Damen that if she had met him first, should would be with him, but she met Stefan first.. but she acctually met Damen first, just he made her forget it by complsing her! Maybe he tells her what he did and Elena ends up falling for Damen over Stefan!
I hope so:P Watch the link... hope it makes sense

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
oliviadh said:

If Stefan does end uperasing Elenas memory, I THINK, that she will go for Damon, remember everything, and she stays with him. Just a guess. All I know is that Elena and sStefan HAVE to have sex by the end of the seires

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
AnelSmurfie said:

In the books she has chosen Stefan,but in season three it was stefan but she told Damon maybe if she met him first she would've chosen him. She actually thought that she met Stefan first, but it wasn't true she actually met Damon first but he compelled her to forget. Maybe she will choose Damon because when she is now a vampire she will remember everything even that and when Damon also told her that ''he loved her and that he would always choose her but he knows his brother(Stefan) deserves her more!!!So we have 2 wait and see who see chooses in the end!!!

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
RasikaYadav said:

She loves both of the Salvatore brothers.She is very very confused about the situation, but for me it should be Stelena as Stefan was the one who helped her when she was alone and needed someone.Of course you can't leave or dump a person like this who is there with you when you need one.Team Stelena

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
vampireELAINA said:

i am a steffan and elaina fan so i hope she ends up with steffan

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
fran210 said:

i hope she ends up with damian..... he always loved her and started feeling again because of her.. it would be fair if stephan stayed with katherine considering that she really did love him and she never loved damian.. after that damian and elenia can be together ... happy ending.. its just not fair that damian gets heart broken every time

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
katie403 said:

i just finished reading the last book and she ends up with stefan

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
chichi15 said:

She ended up with Eric Northman! LOL

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
ilzux505 said:

From season 1 I have been a Delena fan, Stefans charicter doesn' t make him symphatize me. In season 1 he said that Deamon needs help, well, it seems to me that he is more insicure than Deamon

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
Lavinyaa said:

No one yet. And L. J. Smith said that she had no idea, saying that she would like to continue the series. However, they fired Smith and a ghostwriter is writing her books know. So absolutely no idea, until the whole series ends.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
Delenaness said:

The ghostwriter chose Stefan. I don't know if L.J. Smith
would have chosen Damon, but It's a fact that the publishers fired her because they did not want Delena in the books anymore!

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
adultTVDlover said:

No idea who she ends up with, but I'm not even excited about the show returning after the break. I can't stand her not being with Stefan. I'd like to see a poll of who likes Stelena or Delena based on age of the viewer.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
angeldinu said:

elena should end up with damon.that's a must!!!

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
daddy51229080 said:

i have read a book and they said that ellana would end up with damon

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
sophie_2001 said:

At the end of The Return: Midnight Damon dies so Elena ends up with Stefan.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
chintuarora said:

its always been stephen & elena and in future also will be stephen & elena

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
shinezel said:

Stefan. Its always been Him. Pure love isn't it?

Love Stelena and it would really be awful if they dont end up together.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
artfreak23 said:

stefan is way too boring thats why people like the idea of damon he's just and exciting and doesn't have as massive personality changes

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
Joka95 said:

As I recall, at the end it's Elena with Stefan. I'm not a hundred percent sure, because I read the book a year ago, but I think so. Although I would have preferred to stay with Damon .. :)

I added cool smileys to this message... if you don't see them go to: link

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
Hathor_Sakhmet said:

I don't think it's a matter of who Elena ends up with in the books because it was obvious she Loved Damon more than Stefan. I'm on book 8 now and Elena doesn't know Damon is among the living again and she is with Stefan currently but Elena feels a hole in her life because of her Love , Damon not there in her world. She loved Damon more and Stefan mentioned this as well because he didn't know Damon & Elena loved each other that deeply.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
DrewDrakul said:

I am the complete opposite of everyone here. I am team Elijah. He is so hot, he's honorable and he values family above all else.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
bthward said:

Well i say there is just as many stephen and elena fans as if the other way but stephen and elena belong together and they led us this way so now if it does not start going the way of stephen and elena back together there will be alot of fans really pissed off. The fans have been waiting for this.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
cyberbench said:

I haven't read the book yet but in my opinion, what they have wrote in the book should be similar in the TV series. Otherwise, it will confused people and it's not constant which is no good at all.

I like Stefan as well as I like Damon. But I think it's best that Elena ends up with Stefan since their relationship started as like real human beings and his love for her was pure and unconditional. And all these things are just trials on their relationship. He let go of Elena not because she's already a vampire and a different one but because Stefan knew she has feelings for Damon. He just wants Elena to be free. We all knew Stefan didn't leave her behind even if she's already a vampire. Seriously, I was so sad when I have watched Stefan and Elena broke up and she slept with Damon. That sucks. Makes me feel like I don't wanna watch the series anymore. Stefan and Elena really look good together and you can feel the love between them esp. when they look each other in the eyes. There are a lot of Delena fans but I'm sure there are a lot more Stelena fans. Fans should just set aside the personal life of Nina and Ian wishing they will end up together as well in TV.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
cheescake3 said:

Does elena goes back to being a humaning

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
hilenq said:

Damon and Elena has to be together.
Delena forever.

If they don't i will kill the writer!

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
misslisa said:

I have read all the books, and she ends up with Stefan in the end. But she did follow her feelings for Damon, and realized that they weren't the same as the ones she has for Stefan. Though, I will say, she does end up 'tied' to Damon forever in a very unusual and irrevocable way.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
MikaylaMarieMc said:

In the books she marries Damon. Stefan then sleeps with bonnie :)

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
crocodile123 said:

I haven't red the books yet. However i watch the tv serie (i love it btw). I am a total DELENA fan (it has nothing to do with the personal lives of Ian & Nina). I just thnk Stefan is a safer choise. I like him but i find him quite boring sometimes. As for DAMON; sexy, sarcastic and loving guy!

Conclusion: i think in the end Delena should end up together!! <33

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
ImmortalSin said:

She ends up with Stefan (if you are counting after L.J Smith lost control of the book series. Otherwise she ends up with neither and both at the same time (Excluding the Ghost writer books). Personally, I think Stelena and Bamon would have happened if L.J Smith hadn't lost the series but we'll never know I guess...

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
crunchypastrami said:

Forget Stefan Elena better pick damon he's way better for her who cares if Stefan is hurt its life he'll get over it!

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
Trishyd2 said:

Soo n0 I haven't read the Bo0ks, BUT I believe its such a different story to what the TV show is* I'm pretty much obsessed with VD.. Ever since the 1st Seasn Episode 1. I've been Stelena all the way and not just because!! Don't get me wrong Damon and Elena are good she makes him a better person! BUT stefan and elena are magical together there chemistery there love is unfailing there relationship on the show is how I want my rElationship 2be.. They just perfect 2gether Stefan did everything 4 Elena coz he loves her Elena was always there 4 Stefan with hope and never giving up on him now if u ask me that love doesn't just die.. I'll be upset if Elena and Stefan never gt back 2gtha because they pretty much made VD soo interesting..*

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
Embritt79 said:

In the original series - before things went crazy - she ended up with Stefan, it's always Stefan.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
Basmahalf said:

In the book, Stefan and Elena never break up, they're literally soul mates.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
nickyrothmann said:

It will always be Damon. He is who he is. Not like Stefan where you don`t always know what you get.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
sammilamxo said:

I really hope elena ends up with Stephan.. Although damen is a very charming guy, Stephan has been with elena through hell & back. I would be very disappointed if she lets that all go

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
Danni123x said:

Well in the book, Elena ends up with Stefan but no matter what she'll always have feelings for both brothers, but she chose to be with Stefan as he was her first love I guess. But as there's a new ghost writer and as the author got fired from her own series, the plot line may be different. But I hope not cause I ship Stelena<3 But I guess this is Stefan's chance to be with someone else now... Apparently, I'm not sure but another supernatural creature will be brought in and maybe a MERMAID will save Stefan^_^ I don't think Elena deserves Stefan or Damon, but for now she can rot with him.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
soccerchic619 said:

In the books she ends up with Stefan. And like really why choose Damon! He is bad for her. Point blank period!!

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
Anna3809 said:

I'm pretty sure that Elena ends up with Stefan in the VERY end of the book series, and because Bonnie and Damon have a very strong, sincere love, I think they end up together! :) Hope this helped, Sorry to all Delena fans, I like Delena...but I like Stelena a bit more than Delena, but I love Bamon!

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
princesszara said:

well.just like it has to be.there will be stelena but damon will not be alone.there is another girl known as katherine.damon doesn't love elena.he still love katherine.i can see it when he saw katherine in season 2 memory lane.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
Keepcalmlovetvd said:

Well, We know in the books that she picks Stefan but, In the show they want this whole shipping of Stelena and Delena thing going on. So no one really knows who she picks in series but, SHE DEFIANTLY PICKS STEFAN IN THE BOOK.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
MsBulma said:

It could go either way tbh. Stefan was Elena's epic first love, but there isn't nearly as much chemistry between them as there is to Damon and Elena. It's okay for people to move on.
I think Damon is Elena's true, true love. (:

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
taisei said:

in the book elena ends up with stefan.
but why is it elena is with damon? i mean. damon is hot totally but elena love stefan first! remember what claus said?? "crazy it is, but that kind of love never dies" thats why it ripped me apart when elena slept with damon! I mean that was totally unfair for stefan! how could elena move on with stefan while stefan is still heart-broken!
you know in season 4 i really hate elena! she was so stupid to let stefan go. i mean stefan is way better thah damon! remember? "the only stronger than craving for blood is his love for elena!!
elena is such a jerk!!!!!!
but still i was hoping and praying that elena will set up her mind and choose stefan for he is her GREATEST LOVE! <3

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
anvimehta said:

Now in books as Elena is wid Stefan..i hope in series it last wid Damon bcoz he loves a lot ND really cares and ran after her every me..he is silent lover ND she deserves her..he is fun ND NYC to b wid and everytime every girl chooses Stefan to b NYC NT Damon as Elena,Katerina,lexi,reebecca every one lyks Stefan ND not Damon..so in last elena needs to b wid Damon..i dnt believe books as I believe the series ND even the director has to create its own views ND opinions ND new innovation in series...nd if elena goes. Back to Stefan the show will lost all th fans...soo plzzz make it demon ND elena ie Delena...trust me the show will rock as the show rocked as FRIENDS...EVERYTIME A BAD GUY GTS A GOOD GURL..ND GOOD GURL FALLS FOR BAD GUY

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
MuseLoverEmily said:

Honestly, Elena can have Damon and I can have Stefan ;) lol but for reals, team Stelena for sure. Damon was okay until he told Elena to turn off her emotions or whatever. She's starting to turn into him. Now I'm thinking that Stefan and Elena are meant to be together. I'd rather have a love that is realistic then a love that is always falling for the "bad guy." Haters gonna hate, my choice will always stand as Stelena and no one can say anything that will change that answer :) :) :)

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
delena_delena said:

Don't know about the books but as far as the TV series goes it seems more like Damon and Elena. There was always something between them which one would notice from Elena's body language when she sees Caroline stepping out of Damon's car in season 1. The way she looks at Damon.

I think she only leaned onto Stefen unknowingly for emotional support and began falling in the love with Damon which she could not let herself to commit to since he was Stefen's brother. This is spelt out by Elena to Caroline where she say what will that make her? and Caroline relies "Human" in season 2 or 3.

That's my view.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
emmylulu1999 said:

I think she should end up with damon. I love stefan and elena's story and relationship and the fact that there 'ment to be' but thats why i love damon and elena they aren't ment to be and damon just wants her to be happy. i think everyone forgets how many times stefan and elena have broken up whilst damon watched them - its damons turn to get a chance to be with elena. and just another point damon and elena have always been attracted to each other - i love this clip<3

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
tani100 said:


Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
Sorryboutcha said:

At this point in the VD series book #12 Elena ends up with Damon.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
dvaughn111 said:

We'll in season 1-3 and some of 4 elana loves Stefan
But all through season 4 she's with Damon but in season 5
There is a bit of a twist kathren gets in Elaine's body and try's to win Stefan back.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
quallsdonna said:

I think that that damon and elena will be together in the end and im with you nina delena all the way

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
Lukis6 said:

ok people i see lots of delena fans but point is that elena must be with stefan i have watched 3 seasons back and i saw true love, desire. but things got messy with 4th season stefan just try to help elena and she go to damon and slept with him if elena chooses damon it would be little girls who loves damon favor. i love tvd but now its fans story not tvd

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
alexmsevans said:

DELANA!!!! Their love is going against the universe and it's fierce and fiery and I love it!!! <3

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
helenaella said:

I personally think Stelena is the best. Damon is nothing but a bad influence, the only reason he cant get a girl to love him is because hes only ever loved Elena and still he flirts with other girls, and everyone knows. Stephen is so hot, the way his husky voice pierces through you and the way his hair falls all messy on his head. True love is when you can count on someone to save you and always be there for you. Stephen has always loved Elena since the begging and for all we know Damon just wants someone to care for him, he probably doesn't even care who it is. Stephen protects Elena all the time, when she was stuck with Klouse, after he kidnapped her, Stephen rescued her. When her family fell in the river, Stephen saved her. Stephen. Stephen Stephen. There perfect and we all know it, true love is first love and that's what Stelena Had and still does. So Damon should be with Rebecca, because they both have never had someone love them and leave Elena for Stephen, its the best choice, for everyone.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
katty_que3 said:

elena is acting like a bitch in this one. she said its always going to be her and stefan and now wats wrong with her? i know there are delena fans too but stelena should end up together . everyone knows how stefan has always been there for elena. they both are epic love of each other but as using common sense stelena shld end up together or else there is no use of continuing the show with delena . i know damons good too but he is selfish always e dsnt care while killing anyone even if its his own gf's bro. and if caroline and stefan are ending up together i'll be sad but appy too cuz stefan deserves someone better than tat elena bitch who choses damon over stefan just in 2 days of becoming a vampire. how can she srsly frgt everything soo fastt...and i once just saw somewer tat in the book series stelena end up together m not sure but i saw it somewer. i just pray its true . stefan+elena= stelena forever...<3

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
dhall95 said:

I'm a mutual fan that supports both Stelena and Delena. Damon is overprotective of Elena and that is very good because she needs someone in her life like that, but Damon can be very selfish and disregard Elena's feelings. Stefan is protectice of Elena also and he has hope that they will be together again. Stefan respects Elena's choices, but he can be very boring to her and a woman does not like to be bored. After watching season 5 I feel like Stefan deserves her because at the end of the season, Damon made a choice to save his brother and was very selfish when he still allowed Elena to go with him and talked to Bonnie instead of goimg through when time was up.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
HFU said:

Elena ends up with Damon.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
san4 said:

I like stefan and i don't want stelena to happen again in the whole series.
stefan always care for other ,no. of time he has sacrificed something for demon and elena every time he is in difficult situation demon and elena having fun on their on.
first time he is drowned in water for 3 month and both dosn't care about him , then he is tortured by travelers in a replacement of cure to both of them . so i think i is quite justified that stefan want his elena memories to wash away because all he got in this relationship is pain.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
dailey32 said:

It doesn't say exactly that she ends up with him but it is hinted because she sees him at this airport (long story) and then it finishes with #foreverdelena. In the books, Elena clearly loves Stefan more but he ends up dying so to save him later on she ends up with Damon.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
i_love_chicken said:

STELENA!!! I love Damon but when it comes to Elena i choose Stefan they fell in love as soon as they met and for Elena to fall in love with Damon it took a while for Damon to show her who he really is. I will cry if Elena chooses Damon

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
amazinggmb1 said:

She chooses stephan in the books😡 I'm team Delena. In the TV shows I think she'll choose Damon. Because Damon is...perfection.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
dabla said:

Damon and we are team Delena all the way bitches. Their love is epic <3333

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
Bob_Ong said:

Elana love both Damon and Stefan, She loves them in different way, but i prefer for elena is stefan, because Stefan deserve it, I know there is no perfect relationship but in the beginning, both elana and katherine said to Damon "Its always been stefan". i know the story change in season 3/4 and some Stelena fans shift to Delena, but even Elena and Damon had relationship, i still love stefan the way he sacrifice his happiness and love for elena not just for elena but also for Damon... He is a good and loving boyfriend for elena and brother for damon :) #MyOpinion

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
quintell28 said:

I truly believe that elena will always be with damon even though she had a past with stefan. Stefan got katherine damon deserves elena let alone the fact that he will go to great lengths to protect her their love is stronger th
en any evil or compulsion, so i will love to see them get married or even damon go on a killing spree to save elena

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
yabaa_11 said:

This is of the show TVD not the book series
Ok for all you delena lovers....what is wrong with you ,no offense.XD
When delena finally got together it was all because of the sire bond. What they had was not real. Before Elena was about to die and turn into a vampire who did she choose.... Stefan her soul mate not Damon and all of a sudden when she's a vampire she's just in love with Damon no. That does not just happen it was the sire bond. Stefan was all ways real with her and their love was 100%. I get that she did have feelings for Damon but those weren't even close to what she felt for stefan. I'm stelena all the way. One more thing Damon was horrible to her when she was human. He did all these things and even killed her brother and name one thing stefan did to her.oh yeah and the last thing I almost forgot is delena can't even be herself to be with Damon. In the 6th season bonnie gave Damon the cure for vampirism but Damon can't even bring himself to give it to her even though its what she wants. He knows that the only time she truly loved him over stefan was when she was a vampire and how is that true love. She has to be sire to him to love him. I bet if she want ever sired to Damon either way human or not she would be with stefan.... Think about that and sorry if I sound rude

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
demons_on_fire said:

DAMON! He has to get Elena! If he doesn't I'll be horrified! He deserves it. I love Damon!! + what's the point of being safe with Stephen when she could be having fun with Damon?

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
Fajarsohaib said:

Elena ends up with damon? Well i don't think so that it could be a
good choice of the director or the producer because she never liked
Damon so how all of a sudden she turns up to be with damon
instead of stefan? Stefan and elena are made for each other and
damon is just bugging in!

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
Damonteam10 said:

it is hard to chose between stefen and Damon because they both will die for elena but stefen he always trying to be close to elena every second and that's nice but Damon all ways trying to get elena for his self so it is really hard to chose

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
jordynmclean said:

When I first started watching The show I coundnt decide which brother was hotter but I realized after watching for a while damen yes is a bad influence but hot and loves Alena enough to protect her maybe I'm wrong but I would want damen Stefan just needs to focus on himself and does not need another person to worry about

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
stelena_duh said:

Look, all you Delena lovers, I don't really think Elena should end up with Damon because all they do is have s€x and they don't even have a real relationship and don't start saying all that sh¡t that if stelena gets back together you'll stop watching tvd because that's just bs because even if you either don't like Delena or stelena it doesn't matter because either way tvd will just still be one of the best series you've ever watched and I bet that was just a big fat lie because you probably already know that she's going to switch brothers again and she's just better off with Stefan because he brings out the good in her and Damon brings out the bad and I know he's hot and sexy or w.e but so is Stefan he's just the better version and yes I know Damon would die for Elena but did you forget the part where Stefan would too? He even said in season 1 and 2 But I guess we'll just wait and see who she ends up with...

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
abkmanan said:

As a viewer and also a fan of Paul and Stelena #Luv . when I see Stephen and Elena together I actually feel that true Luv
I feel that they are damn cute together .. But when I see delena together I don't feel any true Luv .. U can say itz damn borring they always just kissed together nthng else
Bt when stephen and Elena together .. I really luv their cute conversations. In the all I really know is Stephen desrve Elena as Elena is the only girl he loved :) <3 Stelena Forever

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
redlydford said:

I have read the books and in the 13th novel in the series, Elena does end up with Damon, ☺ Personally, he was always my favourite. (I liked his games with Elena in the first one 😄). She has to start over without any of the Salvatore brothers, but at the airport in Paris, right there standing b the magazine rack, is Damon. And then Elena decides maybe it is just her destiny to be with Damon.

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
taylor_munro_xo said:

Personally i want Elena to end up with Stefan because they look perfect together and are wonderful with one another. I don't like the thought of Damon and Elena, I do like Damon but not with Elena. So team Stelena all the way!

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
tvdisstupid said:

I mean Damon is hot and funny and stuff buttt he has such a childish behavior when elena breaks up with him like wtff broo hold it together. Stefan from the other hand didn’t tried to CHNAGE HER he wanted what’s best for her is not like he didn’t loved her when she was a vampire because she still was his epic love it’s not like after she become a vampire she totally kicked her out of his heart he just wanted for her to have A LIFE. But tvd is full of wrong things likeee Caroline dated 2 of Elena’s ex’s likee I’m sorry but what about girls code?! Stefan and Damon repeated the history it’s like they were always in Love with a better version of Katerina and I think that is messed up

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Elena end up with in the books
footek said:

I have only started reading the book and am only on book 2 of the vampire diaries: the struggle but I really hope she stays with Stefan and in the movie and book are so different but I honestly prefer the books I have just finished the awakening can someone please tell me if she and Stefan end up together

Who does Elena end up with in the books

Who does Caroline end up with in the books?

Caroline Marries Tyler However, they managed to stick together in the books. Instead of marrying Stefan, Caroline married Tyler, and they even had two children together because, s a werewolf, Caroline was able to have children, unlike vampires.

What happens at the end of The Vampire Diaries book series?

In the show, the brothers were shot and left for dead for protecting Katherine when it is discovered she is a vampire in 1864. In the books, the brothers fight for Katherine's hand with swords, literally killing each other to prove their love in 1447.

Who did Bonnie end up with in the books?

And in season 1, Kat Graham and Ian Somerhalder didn't like each other much either. But as the show went on, Damon and Bonnie's relationship evolved into something stronger, and Graham and Somerhalder became best friends. In The Vampire Diaries books, Damon and Bonnie's relationship actually becomes romantic.

What does Elena look like in the books?

In the books, Elena has pale blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. She still shares a strong resemblance to Katherine although the two are not completely identical. Katherine's hair is a few shades darker than Elena's and Elena is much taller.