Which system of inmate labor turned control of inmates over to non-correctional personnel?

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Which system of inmate labor turned control of inmates over to non-correctional personnel?

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Which system of inmate labor turned control of inmates over to non-correctional personnel?

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Which system of inmate labor turned control of inmates over to non-correctional personnel?

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Which system of inmate labor turned control of inmates over to non-correctional personnel?

Social Psychology

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What is the purpose of an external or initial classification system in corrections?

To assign new inmates to a custody level
To identify which inmates should be assigned to prison labor programs
To determine whether an inmate should be placed in a state or federal prison
To assign new inmates to treatment programs

To assign new inmates to a custody level

SVORI programs have been shown to be particularly effective in reducing recidivism and reincarceration of women offenders. T/F


Treatment programs in prison are more effective in reducing recidivism than treatment-oriented intensive supervision programs in the community. T/F


Career female offenders who have adapted to prison life and generally keep to themselves part o which style of adaptation to prison life?

The cool
The life
The homebody
The square

The cool

Which of the following is probably not a reason behind the graying of America's prison population?

The use of three-strikes and truth-in-sentencing laws
The prison-building boom of the 1980s and 1990s
The changing racial composition of the U.S.
The general aging of the American population

The changing racial composition of the U.S.

Which of the following prison programs is most characteristic of the just-deserts era of corrections?

Group therapy
Chain gangs
Work release
Prison industries

Chain gangs

Which type of inmate is most likely to think of prison as his home?
The radical
The colonizer
The hedonist
The legalist

The colonizer

The emphasis on individual responsibility was a key characteristic of the ________ model.



Why was the case of Griffin v. Wisconsin so significant?

Because it ensures that probationers are entitled to due process rights during revocation hearings

Because it extends key procedural safeguards to parolees and probationers

Because it addresses the relative lack of punishment resulting from community-based sanctions like parole and probation

Because it considers probation to be similar to incarceration and holds that the exclusionary rule does not apply

Because it considers probation to be similar to incarceration and holds that the exclusionary rule does not apply

The 1980s were known as the "explosive decade" of prison riots. T/F


According to critics of parole, why are there so many parole violations?

Prisoners are not properly reintegrated into society.
Parole officers are not adequately supervising parolees.
Parole boards are imposing too many conditions on parolees.
Parole boards are releasing large groups of offenders.

Prisoners are not properly reintegrated into society.

What does research suggest about SVORI programs?

SVORI programs appear to be ineffectual.

Participation in SVORI programs is associated with longer times to arrest.

SVORI programs are particularly effective at reducing post-release reincarceration.

SVORI programs are more effective at reducing reincarceration for women offenders.

Participation in SVORI programs is associated with longer times to arrest.

Which of the following is a characteristic of the social work model of probation and parole?

Clients are "wards" who are controlled by probation and parole officers.

Officers must be willing to report clients for new offenses or violations of release conditions.

There is an emphasis on community protection.

Officers assist clients meet the conditions imposed upon them by their sentences.

Officers assist clients meet the conditions imposed upon them by their sentences.

The potential threat posed by inmates is a major influence on staff culture in prison. T/F


Which of the following statements regarding prison privatization is true?

Correctional officers working in private prisons are not covered by state laws that govern the activities of public correctional officers.

The privatization movement began in the early 21st century and has been expanding quickly.

More inmates are currently held in private prisons than in government-operated prisons.

Research suggests that private prisons produce significant cost savings over publicly-run institutions.

Correctional officers working in private prisons are not covered by state laws that govern the activities of public correctional officers.

________ seeks to identify the most dangerous criminals and incarcerate them to protect society.

Selective incapacitation
High-security incapacitation
Collective incapacitation
Collective capacitation

Selective incapacitation

What made Maconochie's system of marks unique and innovative in corrections at that time?

It ensured offenders learned to read and write.
It prevented correctional officers from abusing inmates.
It increased the severity of the punishment endured by inmates.
It put the responsibility for earning early release on the inmate.

It put the responsibility for earning early release on the inmate.

The balancing test weights individual rights against the need for public order. T/F


Prisonization refers to the slang that is characteristic of prison subcultures and prison life. T/F


Civil death is the legal status of inmates who lose most of their rights after being convicted of a crime. T/F


In recent years, the rate of new prison construction has increased significantly. T/F


What impact did the Ashurst-Sumners Act have on prisons?

It expanded the use of intermediate sentencing.
It limited the use of "good time" credits.
It placed a moratorium on free-market prison industries.
It increased the problem of prison overcrowding.

It placed a moratorium on free-market prison industries.

Which of the following is a policy for dealing with serious offenders that focuses on protecting society and does not attempt rehabilitation?

The mark system
Work release


A prison's rated capacity refers to the size of the inmate population that it can handle, according to the judgment of experts. T/F


Probation is more successful than parole at reducing the risk of criminal socialization. T/F


Which era of corrections was characterized by a lack of innovation and a focus on custody and institutional security?

The industrial era
The punitive era
The community-based era
The penitentiary era

The punitive era

A journalist who is writing an article on prison overcrowding in the U.S. and wants to use the estimate that yields the highest level of overcrowding would probably choose which definition of prison capacity?

Operational capacity
Confinement capacity
Rated capacity
Design capacity

Design capacity

Research suggests that electronic monitoring reduces the risk of parole revocation. T/F


Lex talionis is also known as the law of

rated capacity.


What is the most common form of criminal sentencing in the US today?



Which of the following statements about parole is false?

Parole is a sentencing option available to a judge.

Parole is a prisoner reentry strategy.

Parole is designed to act as a stimulus for positive behavioral change.

The primary purpose of parole is to gradually return offenders to productive lives.

Parole is a sentencing option available to a judge.

The modern practice of parole has its origins in the work of which reformer?

Robert Martinson
Zebulon Brockway
Captain Alexander Maconochie
Sir Walter Crofton

Captain Alexander Maconochie

Which of the following best describes female offenders?

Survivor of physical or sexual abuse as children
Primarily in their early to mid-30s
Married mothers of minor children
Disproportionately white

Survivor of physical or sexual abuse as children

Offenders on home detention are on full-time lockdown at home except to go to court or medical appointments. T/F


Female prisoners form homosexual relationships to compensate for the loss of other affectional relationships outside prison. T/F


Which of the following is not a function of a probation or parole officer's work?

Conduct needs assessments and diagnoses
Supervise clients
Conduct investigations to assist prosecutors
Perform intake procedures

Conduct investigations to assist prosecutors

Nearly all states conduct psychological screenings of applicants to assess candidates applying for jobs as correctional officers. T/F


Parole helps support the just deserts model of sentencing. T/F


The first mass prison system, in which inmates lived, ate, and worked together in enforced silence, was known as the ________ system.



Which of the following is not an advantage of using intermediate sanctions?

They are more flexible.
They are more directly related to the offense committed.
The are cheaper.
They are socially cost-effective.

They are more directly related to the offense committed.

Most inmates who sexually assault other inmates in prison generally do not consider themselves homosexuals. T/F


Which strategy for reducing the transmission of AIDS in prison may be illegal?

Asking inmates to participate in HIV-antibody testing

Prevention through the use of educational programs for staff and inmates

Segregating HIV-positive inmates from the main prison population

Eliminating programs that allow conjugal visits for married inmates

Segregating HIV-positive inmates from the main prison population

General conditions of probation

are designed to reduce the cost of probation supervision.

apply to all probationers in a given jurisdiction.

are ordered by the judge and are tailored to the needs of the individual offender.

relate mainly to military justice systems.

apply to all probationers in a given jurisdiction.

Non-heterosexual inmates are more likely to be sexually victimized in prison.


The ________ was an early American system of imprisonment that was considered to be humane and that provided inmates with the opportunity for rehabilitation.

Irish system

Elmira system'

Pennsylvania system

Massachusetts system

Pennsylvania system

In prison, many sexually aggressive inmates

have a primarily homosexual orientation.

are unlikely to have suffered damage to their masculinity in the past.

may be attempting to avoid victimization.

are motivated mainly by a desire for sexual release.

may be attempting to avoid victimization.

The purpose of mutilation as a punishment for criminal behavior is specific deterrence. T/F


Which of the following statements regarding mentally ill inmates is true?

Incarcerated women are more likely than men to be mentally ill.

Inmates suffering from significant mental illnesses do not account for a substantial number of incarcerated individuals.

Only a few states operate facilities specializing in psychiatric confinement of convicted criminals.

The number of inmates suffering from severe mental illness is similar to the number in the general population.

Incarcerated women are more likely than men to be mentally ill.

What form of probation requires frequent face-to-face contacts between the probation officer and the probationer?

Directed probation
Concentrated probation
Shock probation
Intensive probation supervision

Intensive probation supervision

Which system of inmate labor turned control of inmates over to non-correctional personnel?

The public-account system
The contract system
The public-works system
The lease system

The lease system

Violation of special conditions of probation can result in revocation of probation. T/F


Which of the following is a characteristic of a medium security federal correctional institution?

Has a special mission
Provides inmate labor to off-site work programs
Has mostly cell-type housing
Highly secured perimeter

Has mostly cell-type housing

What was the purpose behind the Prison Litigation Reform Act?

It was designed to increase inmate access to legal counsel when filing civil lawsuits.

It was an attempt to ensure that inmates had reasonable grounds before they filed criminal appeals in federal court.

It was an effort to reduce the number of lawsuits brought by state prisoners in federal courts.

It was intended to ensure inmates received their constitutional rights.

It was an effort to reduce the number of lawsuits brought by state prisoners in federal courts.

Work release is representative of which era in the development of U.S. prisons?

The just deserts era
The treatment era
The reform era
The community-based era

The community-based era

The socialization of inmates into the prison subculture is called

role development.


The stocks and the pillory are examples of what early form of punishment?

Public humiliation

Public humiliation

________ hearings determine whether parolees have violated the conditions of their parole



A desire to avoid the prison environment is the primary reason most children of female prisoners never visit their mothers during the period of incarceration. T/F


Reintegration appears to be a key element in reducing recidivism rates among inmates released on parole. T/F


What is prison argot?

A code name for drugs in prison
A code name for homosexuals in prison
The prison code
Prison slang

Prison Slang

Large-scale prison construction in the 1980s has contributed to an increase in the number of elderly inmates in prison today. T/F


The primary concern of prison staff is inmate custody and control. T/F


Most women's prisons do not have programs specifically designed for female offenders. T/F


The ________ model of corrections emphasized indeterminate sentencing and rehabilitation.

mass prison


Which form of house arrest using remote location monitoring is the most restrictive?
Home incarceration
Home detention
Home confinement

Home incarceration

What is the primary purpose of probation?


Sexual misconduct between staff and inmates is more common in men's prisons than in women's prisons. T/F


AIDS is the leading cause of death among prison inmates today. T/F


What is a federal ADMAX prison?
A maximum security prison for women
A prison for white-collar criminals
A facility for housing offenders who have violated administrative law
An ultra-high-security prison

An ultra-high-security prison

The majority of inmates today have some form of mental illness. T/F


According to the Supreme Court, mentally ill inmates cannot be required to take antipsychotic drugs against their will. T/F


A typical state prison today

emphasizes the use of solitary confinement.
is a massive high security facility housing thousands of inmates.
uses an open-style design.
is fairly small, with a population of less than 500 inmates.

is fairly small, with a population of less than 500 inmates.

According to the text, the fastest-growing population of jail inmates is



Which of the following is not an advantage of probation and parole over imprisonment?

Relative lack of punishment
Increased employment
Lower cost
Reduced risk of criminal socialization

Relative lack of punishment

The Prison Litigation Reform Act was designed to reduce the number of lawsuits filed by state prisoners in federal courts. T/F


A mixed sentence includes elements of both probation and parole.


Which of the following statements about new-generation jails is false?

They are designed to improve inmate-staff communication.
They allow correctional officers to continuously monitor inmates.
They result in higher rates of lawsuits brought by inmates.
They significantly reduce the risk of inmate victimization.

They result in higher rates of lawsuits brought by inmates.

Probation is a sentence imposed by the court. T/F


Which of the following sentences is not an of an intermediate sanction?

Shock incarceration
Remote location monitoring
Simple probation
Intensive probation

Simple probation

Why are regional jails becoming more popular?

They have been shown to have reduced levels of inmate violence.
They are more humane.
They provide inmates with opportunities for job training.
They are more economical.

They are more economical.

Most female inmates are housed in

co-ed prisons that allow men and women access to the same facilities at different times.

centralized state institutions dedicated exclusively to housing female offenders.

co-ed prisons that allow men and women access to the same facilities at the same time.

special wings of facilities that are otherwise institutions for men.

centralized state institutions dedicated exclusively to housing female offenders.

According to the Supreme Court in the case of Morrissey v. Brewer, procedural safeguards are required at

parole supervision meetings.
preliminary hearings.
parole board hearings.
parole revocation hearings.

parole revocation hearings.

According to the U.S. Supreme Court, overcrowding in prison constitutes cruel and unusual punishment. T/F


Which intermediate sanction resembles a military-style boot camp?

Shock probation
Shock parole
Intensive supervision
Shock incarceration

Shock incarceration

Mandatory parole is the release of an inmate from prison based on the decision of a parole board or similar authority. T/F


Why did some inmates oppose the treatment model?

They preferred the limitations characteristic of the punitive era.
They were opposed to rehabilitation efforts.
They were not given a choice in treatment participation.
They disliked the warehousing aspect of the model.

They were not given a choice in treatment participation.

Parole officers who view their clients as wards that must be controlled are identifying with the social work model of parole. T/F


The deprivation model of prison subculture suggests that inmates bring values, roles and behavior patterns from the outside world into prison with them. T/F


What was the main purpose of the 2008 Second Chance Act?

To reduce the number of parolees being returned to prison for technical violations
To create alternatives to prison for convicted offenders
To reduce the use of parole
To give judges greater discretion in sentencing nonviolent repeat offenders

To reduce the number of parolees being returned to prison for technical violations

Correctional authorities may not impose punishments on inmates without appropriate due process. T/F


Reentry courts oversee an offender's supervised release into the community. T/F


Which of the following is most likely to be a special condition of probation, rather than a general condition?

The probationer may not possess a firearm.
The probationer must remain within the jurisdiction of the court.
The probationer must surrender his or her driver's license.
The probationer must allow the probation officer to visit at home or work.

The probationer must surrender his or her driver's license.

Which of the following is not a special problem faced by women in jail today?

High levels of violence
Low levels of education
Drug abuse
Lack of facilities geared for female offenders

High levels of violence

What was the original purpose of a jail?

To serve as a transfer point for mentally ill offenders
To hold suspects following arrest and pending trial
To hold inmates who have been sentenced to long periods of incarceration
To operate community-based programs with a custodial component

To hold suspects following arrest and pending trial

Because they are subject to the needs of imprisonment, prisoners' rights are considered to be absolute rights. T/F


Intensive probation supervision can be effective at reducing recidivism. T/F


In California, prisoners were racially segregated each time they entered a new correction facility, as a way of preventing gang-related violence. This unwritten policy was reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2005, in the case of Johnson v. California. What was the Court's ruling, and why?

The policy was acceptable because it protected inmates and therefore was in the inmate's best interests.

The policy was unconstitutional because it did not serve a compelling state interest and was not relevant to the prison's legitimate security needs.

The policy was unconstitutional because the forced segregation violated the 8th Amendment prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment.

The policy was acceptable because it had been shown to significantly reduce the amount of violence caused by racial gangs in prisons.

The policy was unconstitutional because it did not serve a compelling state interest and was not relevant to the prison's legitimate security needs.

Robert Martinson's "nothing-works" doctrine was an attack on

selective incapacitation.
prison industries.


Residents in total institutions generally are cut off from the larger society. T/F


Which of the following is not one of the most frequent violations for which parole or probation revocation occurs?

Alcohol or drug abuse while under supervision
Failure to participate in a stipulated treatment program
Failure to report as required to a parole or probation officer
Commission of a serious crime while on parole or probation

Commission of a serious crime while on parole or probation

What made maconochie's system of marks unique?

What made Maconochie's system of marks unique and innovative in corrections at that time? It ensured offenders learned to read and write. It prevented correctional officers from abusing inmates.

Which of the following was a difference between the Pennsylvania separate system and the New York Auburn congregate system?

Pennsylvania inmates were required to be "silent and separate" from other inmates at all times, and in New York, inmates were required to be "silent and congregate," in that they could work together and do other activities together, but they must be silent.

Which of the following is a reason for the privatization of American prisons?

Proponents of privatization claim that private prisons can provide a quick response to facility overcrowding, higher-quality and more cost-effective services, improved conditions of confinement, and economic growth in the communities where new private facilities are built.

How is the corrections system organized in the United States?

We commonly use the singular system to refer to the whole. But there are actually 50 separate and distinct state systems, a federal system, and hundreds of local county or municipal corrections agencies. Each of these levels of corrections has its own function within the whole.