Which statement regarding osteons is false

The correct order (from start to finish) of fracture repair is __________.
The correct order (from start to finish) of fracture repair is __________.
hematoma formation, soft callus formation, bony callus formation, and bone remodeling
bony callus formation, hematoma formation, fibrocartilaginous callus formation, and bone remodeling
hematoma formation, hard callus formation, bone remodeling, and fibrocartilaginous callus formation
bone remodeling, hematoma formation, soft callus formation, and hard callus formation

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Chapter 6 Quiz Questions1. Chapter 6 End of Chapter Review Question 13Question 13:Which statement regarding osteons is FALSE?Osteons are found in all bone tissues.Osteons are found only in compact bone; they are absent in spongy bone.2. Art-based Question: Bone Tissue, Question 16Question 16:Which step in the figure contains compact bone?D.Osteoblasts in the periosteal layerform compact bone characteristic of the exterior surface of a mature bone.3. Art-based Question: Bone Tissue, Question 13Question 13:Classify the cells seen at the arrow in image A.Osteoblasts("bone makers") begin boneformation by secreting the bone matrix.4. Chapter 6 End of Chapter Review Question 19Question 19:Which hormone is NOT matched with its correct function?calcitonin; increases bloodcalcium levels.Calcitonin is produced in the thyroid gland; it plays a minor role in regulatingCa2+homeostasis by decreasing blood calcium levels.5. Art-based Question: Bone Tissue, Question 1Question 1 - 5A =hyaline cartilage.The articular cartilage at the ends of long bones is formed from hyaline cartilage.

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End of Chapter Review Question

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In which type of bone would Osteons be present quizlet?

Osteons consist of concentric lamellae surrounding a central canal. Osteons are found in compact bone; they are absent in spongy bone. Flat bones consist of a thin plate of spongy bone, called diploë, sandwiched between two layers of compact bone.

Which of the following is false for spongy bone?

Which of the following statements about compact and spongy bone is FALSE? Spongy bone does not contain trabeculae.

Which of the following is a bone marking described as a round or oval opening through a bone?

Foramen: boney marking that's a round or oval opening through a bone that blood vessels & nerves can pass through.

What is the structural unit of compact bone haversian Canal osteoid Canaliculus osteon?

A) Osteons are the structural unit of compact bone. Osteons contain the bone matrix, and specialized cells of bone such as osteocytes. B) Canaliculi are canals found within osteons of compact bone.