Which shows how to solve the equation for x in one step?

One-step multiplication & division equations

A one-step equation is an algebraic equation you can solve in only one step. You've solved the equation when you get the variable by itself, with no numbers in front of it, on one side of the equal sign.

One-step multiplication & division equations

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An equation is a mathematical sentence that expresses two equal values.[1] In algebra you will often work with equations, which have an unknown value represented by a variable. To solve such equations, you need to find the value of the variable. A one-step equation is one in which you only have to perform one operation to determine the unknown value, and so these type of equations are the easiest to solve.

  1. Which shows how to solve the equation for x in one step?


    Write down the equation. It’s easy to solve equations when you understand what they mean. An equation will have a variable (usually ), which represents an unknown value. The equation will also have a constant, which is a number you need to add or subtract from the variable to equal a certain sum or difference.

  2. Which shows how to solve the equation for x in one step?


    Determine how to isolate the variable. To isolate a variable, you need to get it alone on one side of the equation by performing an inverse operation to cancel the constants. Addition and subtraction are inverse operations. So, if the constant is subtracted in the equation, to cancel it you would add.[2]

    • For example, in the equation
      Which shows how to solve the equation for x in one step?
      , 9 is subtracted from the variable, so to isolate the variable you must cancel the 9 by adding it.


  3. Which shows how to solve the equation for x in one step?


    Add or subtract the constant from both sides of the equation. As you manipulate equations to solve them, you must keep both sides balanced. Whatever you do to one side of the equation, you must do to the other side. So, if you need to add a value to isolate the variable, you must also add that same value to the other side of the equation.[3]

  4. Which shows how to solve the equation for x in one step?


    Check your work. To make sure your solution is correct, plug the value of into the original equation. If the equation is true, your solution is correct.

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  1. Which shows how to solve the equation for x in one step?


    Evaluate the equation. The variable, usually , represents an unknown value. Solving an equation means finding the unknown value. The equation may also have a coefficient, which is a number you need to multiply by the variable to equal a certain product. The variable may also be the numerator of a fraction. This means you need to divide the variable by the number in the denominator to equal a certain quotient.

  2. Which shows how to solve the equation for x in one step?


    Determine how to isolate the variable. Isolating a variable means getting it by itself on one side of the equation. To do this you must perform an inverse operation to cancel coefficients or fractions. Multiplication and division are inverse operations. If the variable has a coefficient, to cancel it you would divide by the coefficient, since any number divided by itself is equal to 1. If the variable is the numerator of a fraction, to isolate it you would multiply by the denominator, since multiplying by a number cancels the division by that number.[4]

    • For example, in the equation the variable is multiplied by 3, so to isolate the variable you must cancel the 3 by dividing by 3.

  3. Which shows how to solve the equation for x in one step?


    Multiply or divide from both sides of the equation. As you solve an equation the most important thing to remember is that you must keep both sides of the equation balanced. This means that whatever you do to one side of the equation, you must do to the other side, too.[5] So, if you need to divide by a value to isolate the variable, you must also divide by the same value on the other side of the equation.

  4. Which shows how to solve the equation for x in one step?


    Check your solution. To make sure your answer is correct, plug the value of into the original equation. If the equation is true, your solution is correct.

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  1. Which shows how to solve the equation for x in one step?


    Solve this equation with a fraction: .

  2. Which shows how to solve the equation for x in one step?


    Solve this equation with a negative constant: .

  3. Which shows how to solve the equation for x in one step?


    Solve this equation with a negative coefficient: .

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How do you solve a one step equation?

What are one-step equations?.
To solve one-step equations, we do the inverse (opposite) of whatever operation is being performed on the variable, so we get the variable by itself. ... .
The most important thing to remember is that whatever you do to one side of the equation, you have to do the same thing to the other side..

What is an example of a one step equation?

Examples of one-step equations.

What is a one step equation called?

Algebraic equations involving fractions as coefficients and constant terms that can be solved in just one step are called one step equations with fractions. To solve such equations, we add, subtract, multiply or divide the equation with an appropriate fraction to isolate the variable.