The graph shows the relationship between the volume of a rectangular prism

The graph shows the relationship between the volume of What is the slope of the line? a rectangular prism and the volume of a square pyramid with an identical base and height. -3 - 1/3 1/3 3 A a


The graph shows the relationship between the volume of a rectangular prism


Grade 11 · 2021-06-06

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The graph shows the relationship between the volume of What is the slope of the line? a rectangular prism and the volume of a square pyramid with an identical base and height.
The graph shows the relationship between the volum - Gauthmath
-\frac {1}{3}
\frac {1}{3}
3 A a

The graph shows the relationship between the volume of a rectangular prism


Grade 11 · 2021-06-06



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What is the relationship between the volume of a rectangular prism?

Thus, the volume of a rectangular prism can be calculated by multiplying its base area by its height. The formula that is used to find the volume of a rectangular prism is, Volume (V) = height of the prism × base area.

What is the relationship between the volume of a rectangular prism and the volume of a pyramid?

Volume of a Pyramid The volume of the pyramid has the same base area and height as the prism, but with less volume than the prism. The volume of the pyramid is one third the volume of the prism.

What is the relationship between the volume of a rectangular prism and of pyramid with the same height and base?

The relationship between the volumes of pyramids and prisms is that when a prism and pyramid have the same base and height, the volume of the pyramid is 1/3 of the volume of the prism.

What is the relationship of the volume of rectangular pyramid?

The simple formula to find the volume of a rectangular pyramid is the product of the base area of pyramid and height of the pyramid, base area = area of the base (which is a rectangle) height = height of the rectangular pyramid.