Which sentence/sentences is/are correctly capitalized and punctuated

3) If there is a sound of laughter made not by the speaker but by other people, should, if at all, it be included in the transcription? Full Verbatim.

 a) It should always be written on a separate line and in the format of [laughter].

 b) It should always be written on a separate line in the format of {laughter}. 

c) It should always be on the same line in the format of (laughter).

d) It should always be written on the same line and in the format of [LAUGHTER].

e) It should always be written on a separate line and in the format of [laughter].

f) It should always be written on a separate line in the format of [LAUGHTER].

4) What do you have to do when a person agrees on something by saying, “Yep” or “Ok”? Clean Verbatim

a) “Yep”, “Aha”, “Mm-hmm” must be written as “Yes”. “Ok” must be written as “Okay”.

b) Spell it the way it sounds.

5) What is a correct format of the website links?

 a) www dot facebook dot com slash groups slash gotranscript

 b) www.facebook.com/groups/gotranscript

6) Full Verbatim does not include:

 a) ___

b) Repetitions 

c) Speech Errors

d) Filler words

e) False Starts

f) Slang words

g) Stutters

7) Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

a) In the first place modern communicators, have made it possible for many people to work from home. 

b) In the first place modern communicators have made it possible for many people to work from home. 

c) In the first place modern communicators have made it possible, for many people, to work from home.

d) In the first place, modern communicators have made it possible for many people to work from home.   


8) If there is a comment next to the audio le saying, “Please use the embedded time” or “burned-in time”, what do you have to do?

a) Putting the correct form of timestamping IS an essential part of a transcriber’s job. Please download a file and follow the time on the screen in order to correctly put the burned-in timestamps. 

b) Timestamping will be done automatically on the GoTranscript tool, so you do not have to do anything extra.

Hint: Punctuation refers to the use of marks, space or symbols to understand the meaning of the sentence. Punctuations include semicolon, comma, full-stop, question marks etc. Any conventional sign that adds to the meaning of the sentence is included in punctuations. Capitalization is the correct use of capital letter in a sentence.

Complete answer:
A) When you are done eating, clear your place
The sentence is incorrect as the full-stop is missing at the end of the sentence. The full-stop is used at the end of the sentence to indicate the finishing of the sentence.

B) When you are done Eating, clear your place
The sentence is incorrect as the full-stop at the end of the sentence is missing, also the ‘E’ in ‘Eating’ is supposed to be small lettered as ‘eating’ is a verb and only proper nouns can have capital letter in between a sentence.

C) When you are done eating, clear your Place
The sentence is incorrect as the full stop is the full-stop at the end of the sentence is missing, also the ‘P’ in ‘Place’ is supposed to be small lettered as it is a common noun and not a proper noun as only proper nouns can have capital letter in between a sentence.

D) When you are done eating, clear your place.
This sentence is correctly punctuated and capitalized. As there is a comma to separate the sentence to give it’s meaning and full-stop at the end to mark the ending of the sentence. Every letter is correctly capitalized with only first word’s initial letter being capital.

Note: Things to remember:
- Full-stop is a ‘must’ to put at the end of the sentence as it tells that the sentence has ended here and now the second sentence is to start.
- Comma is important to put in the places where there is a need of conjunction to join the two sentences with independent meanings to have one meaning.
- The initial letter of the first word of sentence is always capitalized. Within the sentence all the words are in small form except for the proper nouns. The first letter of proper noun used within the sentence is capitalized as they specify a particular person, place, situation etc.

Which sentence is correctly capitalized and punctuated?

The correctly capitalized and punctuated sentence is: Yes, Ana. You ca do this.

Which sentence is correctly capitalized and punctuated she came to me?

Answer: d) She came to me and said, "I am not tired. I am exhausted.

Which sentence is punctuated properly?

Option 1) is the correctly punctuated sentence. Option 2) is incorrect. A comma is used when someone is directly addressed OR to separate two clauses/to separate ideas, objects, names in a sentence. ... Detailed Solution..

Which sentence is correctly capitalized and punctuated I saw Mike run like the wind?

Expert-Verified Answer. I saw Mike run like the wind, this sentence is correctly capitalized and punctuated. The sentence begins with the pronoun – I, which is capitalised.