The development part of the story where the struggle takes place

The parts of a plot in a story include the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution. The five parts work together to build suspense, and flow together smoothly to create a unified story line.

Exposition: Beginning of the Story

The exposition is the beginning of the story and prepares the way for upcoming events. In the exposition, the author introduces the major characters, establishes the setting and reveals major conflicts in the story. The author often discusses the characters' backstory, so readers gain insight as to why characters act or respond as they do. For example, the exposition in "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain centers on the introduction of Huckleberry Finn, an adolescent who's unhappy living with a strict widow, and has a shallow relationship with his greedy, unfit father. The setting is the mid-1800s in a small river town along the Mississippi River; the conflict revolves around Huck's desire to experience adventure, and his running away. The exposition sets the stage for his tumultuous, life-changing journey on a riverboat.

Rising Action

The rising action occurs when the main problem or conflict is addressed with a form of action. The rising action always leads up to the climax. During the rising action, the protagonist often encounters some sort of crisis that creates tension.

For example, in "The Maze Runner" by James Dashner, the rising action occurs when Thomas -- the protagonist -- enters the maze to try to escape his prison-like existence and save his friends.

Climax or Turning Point

The climax is the pivotal point in the story when the protagonist deals with the culmination of events. The climax often centers on the protagonist's most difficult challenge or bleakest moment, according to Pasadena City College.

For example, in "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins, the climax occurs when Katniss and Peeta -- the primary protagonists -- decide to eat poisonous berries and commit double suicide, rather than kill one another. The climax is the most exciting part of the story and initiates a turning point in the characters' lives.

Falling Action

The falling action occurs immediately after the climax and details the consequences -- good or bad -- that the characters must deal with after the turning point of events. It leads up to the resolution and sets the stage for the final chapter of the story. For example, in "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, the falling action occurs when the antagonist, Bob Ewell, assaults two of the primary protagonists -- Scout and Jem Finch -- and the town recluse saves the children by killing Ewell. The altercation is a direct result of the climax -- Ewell wants revenge after the children's father, an attorney, defends an innocent black man and rebukes Ewell for lying about the case and mistreating his own daughter.

Resolution: End of the Story

The resolution tells us what happens to the characters after the conflict is resolved. All the loose ends are tied up, unless the author plans to write a sequel and purposely leaves room for further plot developments. Some stories have happy endings; others have sad endings. The resolution leaves readers with a sense of closure, so they understand the fate of the protagonists and antagonists.

In a narrative or creative writing, a plot is the sequence of events that make up a story, whether it’s told, written, filmed, or sung. The plot is the story, and more specifically, how the story develops, unfolds, and moves in time. Plots are typically made up of five main elements:

1. Exposition: At the beginning of the story, characters, setting, and the main conflict are typically introduced.

2. Rising Action: The main character is in crisis and events leading up to facing the conflict begin to unfold. The story becomes complicated.

3. Climax: At the peak of the story, a major event occurs in which the main character faces a major enemy, fear, challenge, or other source of conflict. The most action, drama, change, and excitement occurs here.

4. Falling Action: The story begins to slow down and work towards its end, tying up loose ends.

5. Resolution/Denoument: Also known as the denouement, the resolution is like a concluding paragraph that resolves any remaining issues and ends the story.

Plots, also known as storylines, include the most significant events of the story and how the characters and their problems change over time.


II. Examples of Plot

Here are a few very short stories with sample plots:

Example 1

Kaitlin wants to buy a puppy. She goes to the pound and begins looking through the cages for her future pet. At the end of the hallway, she sees a small, sweet brown dog with a white spot on its nose. At that instant, she knows she wants to adopt him. After he receives shots and a medical check, she and the dog, Berkley, go home together.

In this example, the exposition introduces us to Kaitlin and her conflict. She wants a puppy but does not have one. The rising action occurs as she enters the pound and begins looking. The climax is when she sees the dog of her dreams and decides to adopt him. The falling action consists of a quick medical check before the resolution, or ending, when Kaitlin and Berkley happily head home.

Example 2

Scott wants to be on the football team, but he’s worried he won’t make the team. He spends weeks working out as hard as possible, preparing for try outs. At try outs, he amazes coaches with his skill as a quarterback. They ask him to be their starting quarterback that year and give him a jersey. Scott leaves the field, ecstatic!

The exposition introduces Scott and his conflict: he wants to be on the team but he doubts his ability to make it. The rising action consists of his training and tryout; the climax occurs when the coaches tell him he’s been chosen to be quarterback. The falling action is when Scott takes a jersey and the resolution is him leaving the try-outs as a new, happy quarterback.

Each of these stories has

  • an exposition as characters and conflicts are introduced
  • a rising action which brings the character to the climax as conflicts are developed and faced, and
  • a falling action and resolution as the story concludes.


III. Types of Plot

There are many types of plots in the world! But, realistically, most of them fit some pattern that we can see in more than one story. Here are some classic plots that can be seen in numerous stories all over the world and throughout history.

a. Overcoming the Monster

The protagonist must defeat a monster or force in order to save some people—usually everybody! Most often, the protagonist is forced into this conflict, and comes out of it as a hero, or even a king. This is one version of the world’s most universal and compelling plot—the ‘monomyth’ described by the great thinker Joseph Campbell.


Beowulf, Harry Potter, and Star Wars.

b. Rags to Riches:

This story can begin with the protagonist being poor or rich, but at some point, the protagonist will have everything, lose everything, and then gain it all back by the end of the story, after experiencing great personal growth.


The Count of Monte Cristo, Cinderella, and Jane Eyre.

c. The Quest:

The protagonist embarks on a quest involving travel and dangerous adventures in order to find treasure or solve a huge problem. Usually, the protagonist is forced to begin the quest but makes friends that help face the many tests and obstacles along the way. This is also a version of Campbell’s monomyth.


The Iliad, The Lord of the Rings, and Eragon

d. Voyage and Return:

The protagonist goes on a journey to a strange or unknown place, facing danger and adventures along the way, returning home with experience and understanding. This is also a version of the monomyth.


Alice in Wonderland, The Chronicles of Narnia, and The Wizard of Oz

e. Comedy:

A happy and fun character finds a happy ending after triumphing over difficulties and adversities.


A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Home Alone

f. Tragedy:

The protagonist experiences a conflict which leads to very bad ending, typically death.


Romeo and Juliet, The Picture of Dorian Gray, and Macbeth

g. Rebirth:

The protagonist is a villain who becomes a good person through the experience of the story’s conflict.


The Secret Garden, A Christmas Carol, The Grinch

As these seven examples show, many stories follow a common pattern. In fact, according to many thinkers, such as the great novelist Kurt Vonnegut, and Joseph Campbell, there are only a few basic patterns, which are mixed and combined to form all stories.


IV. The Importance of Using Plot

The plot is what makes a story a  story. It gives the story character development, suspense, energy, and emotional release (also known as ‘catharsis’). It allows an author to develop themes and most importantly, conflict that makes a story emotionally engaging; everybody knows how hard it is to stop watching a movie before the conflict is resolved.


V. Examples of Plot in Literature

Plots can be found in all kinds of fiction. Here are a few examples.

Example 1

The Razor’s Edge by Somerset Maugham

In The Razor’s Edge, Larry Darrell returns from World War I disillusioned. His fiancée, friends, and family urge him to find work, but he does not want to. He embarks on a voyage through Europe and Asia seeking higher truth. Finally, in Asia, he finds a more meaningful way of life.

In this novel, the plot follows the protagonist Larry as he seeks meaningful experiences. The story begins with the exposition of a disillusioned young man who does not want to work. The rising action occurs as he travels seeking an education. The story climaxes when he becomes a man perfectly at peace in meditation.

Example 2

The Road not Taken’ by Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost’s famous poem “The Road Not Taken,” has a very clear plot: The exposition occurs when a man stands at the fork of two roads, his conflict being which road to take. The climax occurs when he chooses the unique path. The resolution announces that “that has made all the difference,” meaning the man has made a significant and meaningful decision.


VI. Examples of Plot in Pop Culture

Plots can also be found in television shows, movies, thoughtful storytelling advertisements, and song lyrics. Below are a few examples of plot in pop culture.

Example 1

“Love Story” (excerpts) by Taylor Swift:

I’m standing there on a balcony in summer air.

See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns.

See you make your way through the crowd

And say, “Hello, ”

Little did I know…

That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles,

And my daddy said, “Stay away from Juliet”

And I was crying on the staircase

Begging you, “Please don’t go”


So I sneak out to the garden to see you.

We keep quiet ’cause we’re dead if they knew

So close your eyes… escape this town for a little while.

. . .

He knelts to the ground and pulled out a ring and said…


“Marry me, Juliet, you’ll never have to be alone.

I love you, and that’s all I really know.

I talked to your dad – go pick out a white dress

It’s a love story, baby, just say, ‘Yes.'”

These excerpts reveal the plot of this song: the exposition occurs when we see two characters: a young woman and young man falling in love. The rising action occurs as the father forbids her from seeing the man and they continue see one another in secret. Finally, the climax occurs when the young man asks her to marry him and the two agree to make their love story come true.

Example 2

Minions Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Despicable Me Prequel HD

The development part of the story where the struggle takes place

Watch this video on YouTube

Minions have a goal to serve the most despicable master. Their rising action is their search for the best leader, the conflict being that they cannot keep one. Movie trailers encourage viewers to see the movie by showing the conflict but not the climax or resolution.



Many people use outlines which to create complex plots, or arguments in formal essays. In a story, an outline is a list of the scenes in the plot with brief descriptions. Like the skeleton is to the body, an outline is the framework upon which the rest of the story is built when it is written. In essays, outlines are used to help organize ideas into strong arguments and paragraphs that connect to each other in sensible ways.


The climax is considered the most important element of the plot. It contains the highest point of tension, drama, and change. The climax is when the conflict is finally faced and overcome. Without a climax, a plot does not exist.

For example, consider this simple plot:


The good army is about to face the evil army in a terrible battle. During this battle, the good army prevails and wins the war at last. After the war has ended, the two sides make piece and begin rebuilding the countryside which was ruined by the years-long war.


The climax occurred when the good army defeated the bad army. Without this climax, the story would simply be a never-ending war between a good army and bad army, with no happy or sad ending in sight. Here, the climax is absolutely necessary for a meaningful story with a clear ending.

What is the struggle of the story called?

In literature, a conflict is a literary device characterized by a struggle between two opposing forces. Conflict provides crucial tension in any story and is used to drive the narrative forward.

Which part of the story plot reveals the struggles of the main character?

The complication is the conflict that the protagonist must face, struggle with, and resolve by the end of the movie. The rising action is a series of sequences of action where the protagonist experiences advances and setbacks, moving toward the resolution of the conflict.

In what part of the development of the story are the characters setting and conflicts introduced?

Exposition is the beginning of the story where the characters, setting, and conflict are established. Rising action follows the exposition and marks the point where the main characters first encounter the story's conflict.

What element of the story talks about the struggles and challenges in the story?

Conflict is any of the problems that a character encounters in a story. The conflict is a struggle between two people or things in a short story.