Which of the following statements is true regarding the use of standard precautions in the healthcare setting?

Which is a TRUE statement about Standard Precautions guidelines?

Please select the single best answer

Standard Precautions guidelines are only used when treating patients diagnosed with or suspected of having an infectious disease.
Standard Precautions guidelines do not include the use of hand hygiene protocols.
Standard Precautions guidelines only apply to blood.
Standard Precautions guidelines means treating all blood, body fluids, and other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) as if they are capable of transmitting infection.

Which statements are true regarding standard precautions?

Which is a TRUE statement about Standard Precautions guidelines? Standard Precautions guidelines are only used when treating patients diagnosed with or suspected of having an infectious disease.

Which statement about standard precautions is most correct?

Which one statement about Standard Precautions is most correct? Standard Precautions means to treat blood, all body fluids, all secretions, all excretions, non-intact skin, and mucous membranes as if they were infectious.

What is the purpose of standard precautions in health care settings?

Standard precautions are meant to reduce the risk of transmission of bloodborne and other pathogens from both recognized and unrecognized sources. They are the basic level of infection control precautions which are to be used, as a minimum, in the care of all patients.

What are the 4 standard precautions?

Hand hygiene. Use of personal protective equipment (e.g., gloves, masks, eyewear). Respiratory hygiene / cough etiquette. Sharps safety (engineering and work practice controls).


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