Which of the following statements about knowledge management is true

60. Which of the following statements about knowledge management is true?A. Knowledge management is the same as information management.B. Knowledge management involves collecting, processing, and condensing information.C. Knowledge management is more easily accomplished than information management.D. While companies have the ability to manage knowledge, most cannot manage information.E. None of the above statements about knowledge management is true.

Title: ANSWER: A REFERENCE: Technology Management and Planning LEARNING OUTCOME: 461. _____ management focuses on gathering and sharing an organization’s collective knowledge to improveproductivity and foster innovation.Title: ANSWER: C REFERENCE: Technology Management and Planning LEARNING OUTCOME: 4

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62. By helping to eliminate critical errors and allowing nonprofits to stay focused on their primary missionsof improving communities throughout California, nonprofit information specialists play a critical role andhave a significant impact on work in the nonprofit sector. The nonprofit information specialist is frequentlythe first resource that board members, staff, and volunteers of nonprofit organizations, as well as thegeneral public, contact to find answers to their questions. Trained NIS (nonprofit information services) staffmust understand nonprofit culture and terminology and know the experts in a field to be able to givequestioners appropriate information, community resources, Web sites, or consultant referrals.NIS staff use_____ to improve productivity and foster innovation.

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Which of the following best describes knowledge management?

Which of the following best describes knowledge management? Knowledge management refers to the set of business processes developed in an organization to create, store, transfer, and apply knowledge.

What are the 3 main areas of knowledge management?

Knowledge management can be separated into three main areas: Accumulating knowledge. Storing knowledge. Sharing knowledge.

What is the concept of knowledge management?

Knowledge management (KM) is the process of organizing, creating, using, and sharing collective knowledge within an organization. Successful knowledge management includes maintaining information in a place where it is easy to access.

What are the four types of knowledge management?

The best four components of knowledge management are people, process, content/IT, and strategy. Regardless of the industry, size, or knowledge needs of your organization, you always need people to lead, sponsor, and support knowledge sharing. You need defined processes to manage and measure knowledge flows.


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