Which of the following statements about emails is true?

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Email leads to communication threads that take time for an individual to sort the important communication message from these big threads. This leads to a wastage of time. So option A is incorrect.

Communication is often used for formal communication and is not suitable for informal communication. At times emails also lead to passing incomplete information from one person to another. So it is not a rich form of communication and option B is incorrect.

The email threads lead to communication overload if not checked regularly and sorted accordingly. So option C is the incorrect option.

The junk emails that an individual receives makes it harder for an individual to manage the emails and gather important information thereby leading to the wastage of working time. So email does add to the number of hours worked per week. So option D is the correct option.

Proxemics refers to a healthy space that an individual thinks is necessary between an individual and his colleagues. Email does not increase the chances of proxemics in any sense. So Option E is the incorrect option.

So option D is the correct answer.

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Email and Text Messaging
Multiple Choice Quiz

This quiz reviews some of the topics in this chapter. For each question, select the button next to the answer you believe is correct. When you are done, click on Submit Answers for Grading in order to see how well you did. This activity contains 10 questions.

Which of the following statements about email is NOT true?

A. Email is useful for people working in different time zones.
B. Any email message you receive is copyrighted by the person who wrote it.
C. Employers are legally entitled to monitor employee email.
D. Email privacy cannot be compromised.
E. Emails leave an electronic paper trail.

Which of the following are parts of an email header?

A. To
B. From
C. Date
D. Subject
E. All of the above.

Which of the following is NOT an appropriate purpose for workplace email?

A. scheduling a meeting.
B. requesting a raise.
C. updating team members on a project.
D. sending simple memos.
E. contacting people for answers.

Which of the following are ways email privacy can be compromised?

A. forwarding email without the author’s consent.
B. everyone on a group mailing list automatically receives a copy.
C. deleted messages can live on in a backup file.
D. A, B, and C.
E. A and B.

Guidelines that address global issues with email include _________________

A. avoid humor, slang, and idioms.
B. don’t be too direct or blunt.
C. convey respect for your recipient.
D. write simple, short sentences that are easy to translate.
E. all of the above.

All of the following are questions you should ask when sending an email EXCEPT:

A. Is email the best medium in this situation, versus a call or visit?
B. Is the tone professional and courteous, avoiding insults and accusations?
C. Have I pasted visuals directly in the email?
D. Have I avoided using excessive fonts, colors, and backgrounds?
E. Is the message short and to the point, with a clear subject line?

Which of the following is NOT a guideline for writing and using email?

A. Indent paragraphs.
B. Keep it short.
C. Check your distribution list before each mailing.
D. Write a clear explicit subject line.
E. End with a signature block.

Which of the following decisions correctly chooses between using email, paper, phone, or fax?

A. Since the message requires detailed discussion, you choose to use email rather than by phone.
B. You used email to send confidential information.
C. You used email to contact the entire staff of 250 people to quickly communicate a change of venue for an upcoming company picnic.
D. A, B, and C.
E. A and B.

Which of the following statements about instant messaging is NOT true?

A. Instant messaging groupware enables multiple users to converse from various locations.
B. Instant messaging is just as fast as email.
C. Instant messaging is useful for rapid exchanges.
D. Instant messaging is generally used for conversations within a company.
E. Instant messaging has only recently become common in workplace communication.

Which of the following is NOT a guideline for instant messaging?

A. Combine topics in IM conversations.
B. Keep IM messages brief.
C. Use IM with willing recipients only.
D. Respond to message quickly.
E. Schedule an IM conversation ahead of time.

Which of following is a true statement about email?

Correct option and explanation: Email is the method of exchange of messages between sender and receiver using electronic devices like computer, tablet, mobiles, etc..

What is the purpose of emails?

Email is used for many different purposes, including contacting friends, communicating with professors and supervisors, requesting information, and applying for jobs, internships, and scholarships. Depending on your purposes, the messages you send will differ in their formality, intended audience, and desired outcomes.

Which of the following is not true for composing an appropriate e mail?

Detailed Solution. The correct answer is writing the entire message using only capital letters.

Which of the following is a pitfall of email?

It's not easy to convey complex ideas or thoughts in writing. It requires nuanced wording. It requires being precise, not vague. Vague wording — common to emails — may leave the recipient frustrated or confused.


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