Which of the following is not a reason that kinesiology is one of the fastest?

Recommended textbook solutions

Which of the following is not a reason that kinesiology is one of the fastest?

The Human Body in Health and Disease

7th EditionGary A. Thibodeau, Kevin T. Patton

1,505 solutions

Which of the following is not a reason that kinesiology is one of the fastest?

Pharmacology and the Nursing Process

7th EditionJulie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins

388 solutions

Which of the following is not a reason that kinesiology is one of the fastest?

Clinical Reasoning Cases in Nursing

7th EditionJulie S Snyder, Mariann M Harding

2,512 solutions

Which of the following is not a reason that kinesiology is one of the fastest?

Integrated Electronic Health Records

4th EditionAmy Ensign, M Beth Shanholtzer

485 solutions

Recommended textbook solutions

Which of the following is not a reason that kinesiology is one of the fastest?

Pharmacology and the Nursing Process

7th EditionJulie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins

388 solutions

Which of the following is not a reason that kinesiology is one of the fastest?

The Human Body in Health and Disease

7th EditionGary A. Thibodeau, Kevin T. Patton

1,505 solutions

Which of the following is not a reason that kinesiology is one of the fastest?

Clinical Reasoning Cases in Nursing

7th EditionJulie S Snyder, Mariann M Harding

2,512 solutions

Which of the following is not a reason that kinesiology is one of the fastest?

Gordis Epidemiology

6th EditionDavid D Celentano, Moyses Szklo

122 solutions

Which of the following reflect(s) a growing interest in physical activity on the part of the general population?A) the large numbers who participate regularly in physical activity
B) the growing popularity of college and university programs devoted to the study of physical activity
C) the explosion of career opportunities for college-trained professionals
D) all of these

Definitions ensuring that all those who work within a science or profession use the terms in the same way are calledA) operational definitions
B) hypothetical definitions
C) technical definitions
D) working definitions 

Which of the following is NOT an example of physical activity as defined in this text?A) blinking your eye
B) rowing a boat
C) walking across the room
D) writing your name 

Movement is best defined asA) physical activity
B) running, walking, or sliding
C) changes in the position of your hands and feet
D) changes in the position of any of your body parts relative to one another

D) changes in the position of any of your body parts relative to one another 

The discipline of kinesiology derives its knowledge fromA) experiencing physical activity
B) the formal study of physical activity
C) professional practice in physical activity
D) all of the above 

Which of the following represents a means of obtaining theoretical knowledge of kinesiology?A) doing a cartwheel
B) studying exercise physiology
C) coaching a Little League team
D) all of the above 

B) studying exercise physiology

Professional practice knowledge is most likely to be used when one isA) studying sport history
B) learning to play golf
C) serving as a personal fitness trainer
D) all of the above 

C) serving as a personal fitness trainer

Faculty in colleges and universities who teach about physical activity and conduct research on physical activity-related problems are calledA) biodynamicologists
B) kinesiotherapists
C) kinanthropologists
D) kinesiologists 

Which of the following best defines exercise?A) physical activity that makes you sweat
B) physical activity performed to prepare you for an athletic event
C) physical activity performed to improve the performance, health, or appearance of your body
D) any form of physical activity

C) physical activity performed to improve the performance, health, or appearance of your body

The principal (but NOT the only) forms of physical activity studied by kinesiologists areA) sport and exercise
B) sit-ups and push-ups
C) rehabilitation exercise
D) aerobics

Kinesiology focuses onA) the physical aspects of physical activity
B) the physical and emotional aspects of physical activity
C) the physical, emotional, and philosophical aspects of physical activity
D) the physical, emotional, philosophical, and sociocultural aspects of physical activity 

D) the physical, emotional, philosophical, and sociocultural aspects of physical activity

Movement differs from physical activity in thatA) unlike physical activity, movement is always directed toward a goal
B) unlike physical activity, movement is always voluntary
C) unlike physical activity, movement is not always voluntary or directed toward a goal
D) none of the above 

C) unlike physical activity, movement is not always voluntary or directed toward a goal

Approximately how many colleges and universities in the United States have academic programs devoted to the study of physical activity?A) 600
B) 400
C) 100
D) 60 

Kinesiology is ________ in nature because it focuses not just on the bodily aspects of physical activity but on the cognitions, emotions, and soul as well.A) global
B) interdisciplinary
C) holistic
D) exploratory 

Kinesiology is composed of a variety of areas of specialized study. These specialized areas, including sport and exercise psychology and sport sociology, are known asA) subdisciplines
B) core classes
C) professional practice
D) parent disciplines 

Physical activity is the means by which we explore our world.A) True
B) False

Physical activity always involves movement.A) True
B) False

All movement is physical activity.A) True
B) False

Voluntary movement is always performed with a goal in mind.A) True
B) False

Experiential knowledge is knowledge we derive from performing and watching others perform physical activity.A) True
B) False

Experiential knowledge is part of the discipline of kinesiology.A) True
B) False

The term kinesiology is applied to the field of study formerly known as physical education.A) True
B) False

Scientists have proven that physical activity does NOT involve the cognitive, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our lives.A) True
B) False

Spectatorship is one way to experience physical activity.A) True
B) False

Exercise physiology, biomechanics, sport history, and motor learning are examples of the subdisciplines of kinesiology.A) True
B) False

Professional practice involves applying the knowledge of kinesiology in a work setting.A) True
B) False

Not all workers qualify as professionals.A) True
B) False

The responsibility for your developing into a marketable professional falls primarily on your own shoulders.A) True
B) False

Physical activity is an important, although relatively small, part of our daily existence.A) True
B) False

Dance is NOT physical activity.A) True
B) False

What is your instructor trying to do in this class?A) convince you that kinesiology is an excellent major
B) convince you NOT to major in kinesiology if you really don't have interest or background in the area
C) let you see how difficult some of the kinesiology curriculum is going to be
D) expose you to things that you will encounter as a kinesiology major and professional 

D) expose you to things that you will encounter as a kinesiology major and professional

Which is NOT one of the three categories of exercise as defined by the book?A) health related
B) holistic
C) training
D) therapeutic

Which is NOT a source of knowledge in kinesiology as presented in class?A) your instructor
B) experiences
C) professional practice
D) scholarly study 

What is wrong with the definition of physical activity as voluntary movement intentionally performed for specific purposes that requires a substantial amount of energy?A) There is nothing wrong with such a definition-it is quite accurate and very good.
B) It is too broad and inclusive.
C) It does not come from the Surgeon General's Report on Physical Activity and Health.
D) It is too narrow and exclusive.

D) It is too narrow and exclusive.

Which of the following is the centerpiece to the study of kinesiology?A) sport
B) movement
C) physical activity
D) research findings 

What is the difference between skilled movement and exercise?A) experience and age
B) knowledge and understanding
C) learning and training
D) experience and conditioning 

Membership in a professional organization such as ACSM or AAHPERD reflects what in students?A) an opportunity to enhance experiences
B) demonstration of increased professionalism
C) a potential financial burden, but one that would ultimately provide good benefits
D) all of the above 

Which of the following is NOT an example of physical activity?A) having one's leg moved by a therapist
B) juggling three balls
C) walking across the room
D) threading a needle 

A) having one's leg moved by a therapist

Which is the best definition of physical activity?A) any change in the position of any of your body parts relative to one another
B) intentional movement performed to achieve a goal in exercise or sport
C) intentional, voluntary movement directed toward achieving an identifiable goal
D) intentional, voluntary movement intentionally performed for a specific purpose that substantially increases energy expenditure

C) intentional, voluntary movement directed toward achieving an identifiable goal

Which of the following is NOT a focus of this course as presented in your textbook?A) experiences
B) physical activity
C) professional activities
D) exposure 

Which is NOT a sphere discussed in class? A) education and teaching
B) experience
C) professional practice
D) scholarly study and research

A) education and teaching

Which of the following is NOT true of kinesiology theory?A) It focuses on the theoretical aspects of physical activity.
B) It adds to our knowledge of ourselves.
C) It is always directly applicable to professional practice.
D) It is composed of knowledge about physical activity drawn from traditional disciplines in humanities and in biological, behavioral, and sociological studies. 

C) It is always directly applicable to professional practice.

How does physical exercise help individuals psychologically?A) It reduces stress, but this hasn't been proven yet.
B) It completely prevents any risk of developing depression.
C) It gives a person a psychological edge over competitors.
D) It can reduce anxiety. 

D) It can reduce anxiety.

Which career is encompassed under health and fitness promotion for a physical activity profession? A) occupational therapist
B) aquatics director
C) professor of exercise physiology
D) fitness programmer at YMCA or YWCA

D) fitness programmer at YMCA or YWCA

What movement is NOT included in the technical definition of kinesiology?A) sweeping the floor
B) a reflex
C) surgery
D) typing

How do kinesiologists define physical activity?A) all movements, voluntary and involuntary, performed by humans
B) voluntary movement intentionally performed to achieve goals that are part of exercise or sport
C) voluntary movement intentionally performed for specific purposes and that requires a substantial amount of energy
D) voluntary movement intentionally performed in order to achieve a goal in sport, exercise, or any other sphere of life experience 

D) voluntary movement intentionally performed in order to achieve a goal in sport, exercise, or any other sphere of life experience

We experience physical activity when weA) perform it
B) think about it
C) watch it
D) both a and c 

We can define sport in general terms asA) a form of physical activity in which a person performs skilled movement to achieve a goal in a manner specified by established rules, usually in competitive contexts
B) an activity performed to improve or regain performance, health, or bodily appearance
C) a form of physical activity for enjoyment
D) physical activity undertaken to develop or maintain a sound working body free of disease and able to perform daily tasks 

A) a form of physical activity in which a person performs skilled movement to achieve a goal in a manner specified by established rules, usually in competitive contexts

What does the discipline of kinesiology focus on?A) human mental activity
B) human life forms
C) human physical activity
D) human social interaction

C) human physical activity

According to the textbook editor, Shirl Hoffman, what does NOT define physical activity?A) voluntary
B) involuntary
C) intentional
D) directed toward achieving an intended goal 

Which one of these is NOT a way of developing an understanding of kinesiology as suggested in your textbook?A) experiential knowledge
B) theoretical knowledge
C) cognitive knowledge
D) professional practice knowledge 

Which is an example of physical activity?A) breathing
B) heart beating
C) walking
D) dreaming

What is the correct definition of physical activity according to the Surgeon General's Report?A) voluntary movement intentionally performed for specific purposes and that requires a substantial amount of energy
B) all movements, voluntary and involuntary, performed by humans
C) voluntary movement intentionally performed in order to achieve a goal in sport, exercise, or any other sphere of life experience
D) bodily movement that is produced by the contraction of skeletal muscle and that substantially increases energy expenditure 

D) bodily movement that is produced by the contraction of skeletal muscle and that substantially increases energy expenditure

Which of the following is NOT a source of knowledge in the discipline of kinesiology?A) experiential knowledge
B) theoretical knowledge
C) professional knowledge
D) comprehensive knowledge 

D) comprehensive knowledge

Knowledge about physical activity has been organized into subdisciplines. Each provides a unique perspective from which to view the dynamics and _________of physical activity.A) biomechanics
B) processes
C) personal successes
D) disciplines 

Which of the following is NOT a sphere of physical activity experience? A) self-sufficiency
B) health
C) fitness
D) work

Specialists who apply their knowledge of physiology, biomechanics, anatomy, and psychology in order to improve movements, working environments, and training programs in the workplace are calledA) ergonomists or human factors engineers
B) work specialists
C) occupational therapists
D) occupational engineers 

A) ergonomists or human factors engineers

A government initiative to develop, implement, and evaluate the health goals of the nation is A) U.S. Almanac
B) U.S. Kinesiology Guidebook
C) Healthy People
D) Leisure and Health in America

Which of the following objectives for a physically educated (PE) person is the one that is commonly not met?A) A PE person demonstrates responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
B) A PE person understands that physical activity provides opportunities for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and social interaction.
C) A PE person is regularly physically active.
D) A PE person demonstrates competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms. 

C) A PE person is regularly physically active.

Which of the following is most essential to a leisure experience?A) being active in a vigorous fashion
B) feeling free to engage in an activity and free from a sense of obligation
C) being in contact with nature
D) being with friends 

B) feeling free to engage in an activity and free from a sense of obligation

Which of the following likely result(s) when elderly persons lose the capacity to perform physical activity in an efficient and effective manner?A) emotional devastation
B) accidents around the home
C) automobile accidents
D) all of the above 

Dance and rituals often have meaning beyond just allowing one to be physically active; these are most appropriately assigned to theA) self-sufficiency sphere
B) leisure sphere
C) self-expression sphere
D) work sphere 

C) self-expression sphere

Which of the following is the most popular form of health-related physical activity in the United States? A) swimming
B) aerobics
C) tennis
D) walking

Which of the following statements best describes the physical activity patterns of most U.S. adults?A) They perform 30 min of vigorous physical activity at least three times each week.
B) They perform 60 min of vigorous physical activity at least three times each week.
C) They are much less physically active than is required to maintain good health.
D) They tend to exercise too much and, as a result, suffer injuries. 

C) They are much less physically active than is required to maintain good health.

Which of the following accurately describes leisure?A) a state of mind
B) a human experience that can provoke feelings of wonder
C) a human experience that can be evoked by skiing, swimming, or running
D) all of these

Healthy People 2010 is a set of initiatives with two major goals; one of those goals isA) to provide health insurance to all people in the United States
B) to get all Americans to be physically active on most, if not all, days of the week
C) to reduce the disparity in health care in the United States
D) to increase the proportion of overweight people who have adopted sound dietary practices combined with physical activity 

C) to reduce the disparity in health care in the United States

The term physical activity is used by kinesiologists to refer only to exercise and sport.A) True
B) False

Spheres of physical activity experience are those distinct aspects of our lives in which physical activity plays an important role, usually with distinctive purposes in mind.A) True
B) False

Physical activity performed in order to improve health is part of the sphere of self-sufficiency.A) True
B) False

Leisure is simply free time in which to perform physical activities.A) True
B) False

The gestures we use to help us communicate to others do not meet the technical definition of physical activity. A) True
B) False

A referee at a basketball game gives an arm signal indicating that one team has called time-out. This is an example of an emblem.A) True
B) False

Most jobs in the future will require relatively little physical activity.A) True
B) False

Carpal tunnel syndrome is an injury to the wrist that usually occurs as a result of performing repetitive motions of the arm and hand.A) True
B) False

Most students have the same physical activity experiences in physical education classes regardless of which school they attend.A) True
B) False

At present there are no criteria to help us determine what a physically educated person is.A) True
B) False

Which of the activities conducted in class helps you to personally view and learn about becoming a physical activity professional?A) sharing with others what you are learning in classes
B) reviewing research articles on what is happening in kinesiology
C) experiencing physical activity from a variety of perspectives
D) reading text chapters and doing assignments 

C) experiencing physical activity from a variety of perspectives

To what does the sphere of physical activity experience refer? A) the importance of physical activity in individual lives
B) the various sources of kinesiology learning
C) reading research literature and applying it to professional activities
D) seeing how physical activity and sports affect society

A) the importance of physical activity in individual lives

To what does self-sufficiency refer?A) ADLs
C) limitations to quality of life
D) all of the above 

Self-sufficiency, self-expression, work, education, leisure, health, and competition reflect physical activity experiences. What do these areas suggest?A) that there's a hierarchy of physical activity experiences
B) the limited involvement in physical activity that some people have
C) that physical activity is more than sport participation
D) that physical activity experiences are wide and varied 

D) that physical activity experiences are wide and varied

Your choice to disengage from your everyday life and participate in activities that interest you is known asA) leisure
B) leisure activities
C) leisure pursuits
D) free time 

Which of these is an example of instrumental activities of daily life?A) eating
B) cooking
C) walking
D) dressing

One type of competition isA) side by side
B) front to front
C) nonpersonal
D) one on one 

ADLs represent _____________ while IADLs ___________ .A) independent living; require assistance from others to complete
B) self-expression; represent home maintenance activities
C) personal care behaviors; are more complex yet they improve quality of life
D) advanced activities that improve quality of life; represent impaired function

C) personal care behaviors; are more complex yet they improve quality of life

What is the most conclusive definition of leisure?A) when we are able to disengage from our everyday lives and participate in activities that really interest us
B) when we are free from our everyday routines and free to do what we want to do, when, where, and with whom we choose
C) the excess time in our day-to-day lives when we choose to do absolutely nothing
D) a state of being, a feeling that all is well with the world 

D) a state of being, a feeling that all is well with the world

What are regulators?A) movements of hands, fingers, or other body parts that we use to communicate our intentions to others
B) body movements used to guide the flow of conversation
C) body movements, usually hand movements, that can be directly translated into words easily understood by those in the culture or subculture in which they are used
D) gestures that we use to illustrate or complement what we are saying

B) body movements used to guide the flow of conversation

What is the most important job of an ergonomist?A) to improve the efficiency of workers
B) to improve the safety of workers
C) to improve the well-being of workers
D) to study the demands of various jobs 

D) to study the demands of various jobs

What type of gestures would a third-base coach give a runner on second base?A) emblems
B) regulators
C) illustrators
D) hand 

Shot putting and swimming are examples of what kind of competitive activity?A) impersonal competition
B) face-to-face contact activities
C) face-to-face noncontact activities
D) side-by-side competitive activities 

D) side-by-side competitive activities

Which task would you associate with carpal tunnel syndrome? A) walking up office steps while carrying boxes
B) sitting in your chair awkwardly
C) jogging
D) typing

Which of the following is NOT considered a sphere of physical activity?A) leisure
B) education
C) work
D) self-efficacy

Which of the following is (are) an instrumental activity of daily living (IADL)?A) cooking
B) shopping
C) laundry
D) all of the above 

Which type of competition would most likely be associated with a higher rate of physical injury?A) side-by-side competitive activities
B) face-to-face noncontact activities
C) face-to-face contact activities
D) impersonal activities 

C) face-to-face contact activities

The definition of spheres of physical activity experience can be best phrased asA) various dimensions of everyday life in which physical activity plays an important and distinctive role
B) a variety of movements
C) the ability to perform the correct movement at the correct time
D) the failure to make physical activity a part of our daily lives 

A) various dimensions of everyday life in which physical activity plays an important and distinctive role

When pursued in moderation with focused goals in a balanced life, physical activity isA) desirable
B) undesirable
C) unhealthy and wrong
D) healthy for children only

Which is NOT part of the sphere of self-sufficiency?A) activities of daily living
B) bodily maintenance activities
C) home maintenance activities
D) instrumental activities of daily living 

B) bodily maintenance activities

Leisure can be described as A) free time
B) a state of being
C) relaxation
D) engaging in fun activities

Gestures and body language fall under the category (sphere) of ___________, which is one of the categories under the larger sphere of _______________.A) self-expression; experiential knowledge of PA
B) self-efficacy; professional knowledge of PA
C) self-expression; theoretical knowledge of PA
D) self-sufficiency; experiential knowledge of PA 

A) self-expression; experiential knowledge of PA

Recognizing that physical activity is _________ in nature is based on the belief that there is an interdependence and interrelatedness of the mind, body, and spirit. A) dualistic
B) naturalistic
C) dynamic
D) holistic

A physically educated personA) does NOT have to value physical activity
B) does NOT have to be a skilled performer
C) is currently physically active on a regular basis
D) is certified to teach physical education 

B) does NOT have to be a skilled performer

The type of experience necessary to produce changes is called _______ and the relatively permanent changes are called ___________. An example would be shooting soccer penalty kicks for an hour each day, and then during game time, never missing a penalty shot.A) training; conditioning
B) performance capacity; practice
C) practice; learning
D) practice; conditioning

Practicing a skill is most likely to bring about which of the following?A) conditioning
B) endurance
C) learning
D) all of these

Which of the following is true of abilities?A) They are primarily determined by genetics.
B) They determine one's ultimate potential for performance.
C) They are not sufficient in themselves for achieving high levels of performance.
D) All of these

The principle of quality refers toA) the importance of selecting the correct type of practice
B) the importance of selecting the correct amount of practice
C) the importance of wearing the correct type of clothing
D) the importance of being in condition to perform the activity 

A) the importance of selecting the correct type of practice

A generalist is one whoA) has mastered a few physical activities to a high degree
B) has mastered many physical activities to a high degree
C) has acquired low to moderate proficiency in a relatively large number of physical activities
D) lacks skill in any physical activity

C) has acquired low to moderate proficiency in a relatively large number of physical activities

The components of health-related fitness include all of the following EXCEPTA) agility
B) muscular strength
C) body composition
D) flexibility

Humans differ from animals in that humansA) can run faster and longer
B) can match their movements to internal plans
C) can match their movements to much more complex internal plans
D) are inferior performers of physical activity 

C) can match their movements to much more complex internal plans

Which of the following most accurately describes the activity patterns of Americans?A) Approximately 25% of Americans do not engage in any leisure-time physical activity five or more times per week.
B) Only 15% of Americans report being engaged in at least 20 min of vigorous leisure-time physical activity at least three times each week.
C) Nearly 25% of Americans between the ages of 12 and 21 engage in no vigorous physical activity of any kind.
D) All of the above. 

Which of the following differentiate(s) humans from animals?A) Humans have an ability to improve their capacity for performance through planned and systematic training.
B) Humans have a more flexible and adaptable capacity for moving.
C) Humans are able to use movements to express their imagination and moral reasoning.
D) All of the above. 

The influence that parents' activity level has on a child's involvement in physical activity is an example of A) their social environment
B) individual circumstances
C) personal attributes
D) performance capacity

A) their social environment

Which of the following would be considered a closed rather than an open skill?A) shooting a three-pointer during a game
B) hitting a baseball off a tee
C) playing defense in hockey
D) dancing with a partner 

B) hitting a baseball off a tee

Which of the following correctly describes an underachiever?A) individual who has little ability but maximizes potential through practice and training
B) individual who has little ability but fails to practice or train
C) individual who has much ability and maximizes potential through practice and training
D) individual who has much ability but fails to practice or train 

D) individual who has much ability but fails to practice or train

Identify which of the following are considered open and closed skills.
Identify which of the following are considered open and closed skills.
I. hitting a golf ball off a tee
II. kicking a kickball that has been pitched
III. hitting a racquetball that has been served to you
IV. shooting a free throw A. ERROR - BLANK
A I and IV are open skills; II and III are closed skills A II and III are open skills; I and IV are closed skills A I, II, and III are open skills; IV is a closed skill A I and III are open skills; II and IV are closed skills

Our individual reactions to the events and feelings associated with physical activity are part of our subjective experiences.A) True
B) False

The physical activity of humans is distinguished from that of animals by the fact that human movements are faster and stronger than those of most animals.A) True
B) False

Although humans have a unique facility for planning and implementing physical experiences to improve their performance of physical activity, most are not inclined to explore this potential to the fullest.A) True
B) False

Personal attributes that influence physical activity experiences include things such as how much money a person has and where that person lives.A) True
B) False

Abilities represent our skill level for performing a physical activity as a result of learning that occurs with practice.A) True
B) False

Open skills are those that require performers to coordinate their movements to a changing environment during the execution of the task.A) True
B) False

In general, what happens to the amount of physical activity conducted as one ages?A) With age, physical activity amounts increase because of more available leisure time.
B) With age, physical activity participation decreases.
C) There is no significant change in physical activity levels across ages once a person reaches adulthood.
D) None of the above accurately reflects the prevalence of physical activity across ages. 

B) With age, physical activity participation decreases.

Two broad areas influence one's physical activity experiences. Which of the following is NOT an influence?A) individual circumstances
B) knowledge about the benefits of physical activity
C) personal attributes
D) social environment 

B) knowledge about the benefits of physical activity

Engagement in motor skills and practice results in what?A) enjoyment
B) learning
C) training
D) self-confidence 

Physical training results in __________ that improves __________.A) conditioning; skill level
B) conditioning; health
C) genetic adaptation; abilities
D) fitness; quickness 

Choose the statement that best describes open skills. A) They require the same movement on every performance.
B) The anticipation of external events is not necessary.
C) The performance of the skill varies depending on the environmental factors.
D) It involves a coordinated sequence of movement.

C) The performance of the skill varies depending on the environmental factors.

What do the terms emotions, cognition, dispositions, knowledge, and meanings reflect?A) who we are physically
B) who we are emotionally
C) our subjective physical activity experiences
D) depth of understanding and feelings about physical activity 

C) our subjective physical activity experiences

Which of these could be a characteristic of training? A) It is intended to overcome limitations in strength, endurance, or flexibility.
B) It leads to permanent change.
C) It requires deliberate effort and intention to modify performance.
D) It involves various movements as well as quality of movements rather than quantity.

A) It is intended to overcome limitations in strength, endurance, or flexibility.

The principle of quantity stipulates that, all other things being equal, increasing the frequency of our engagement with the critical components of an activityA) leads to increases in our capacity to perform that activity
B) leads to decreases in our capacity to perform that activity
C) leads to no change in our capacity to perform that activity
D) none of the above 

A) leads to increases in our capacity to perform that activity

What is the key to improving our physical activity performances? A) accumulating physical activity experiences
B) a unique capacity for performing physical activity that only certain people possess
C) the capacity to link physical activity to complex plans and deep moral and aesthetic sentiments
D) a highly developed ability to plan and implement activity experiences

A) accumulating physical activity experiences

Which of the following is NOT true about practicing?A) Practice leads to relatively permanent changes.
B) Practice usually is aimed at inducing health benefits.
C) Practice is a cognitive process that leads to a reorganization of the nervous system.
D) Practice increases our capacity for organizing movement patterns in complex ways to accomplish specific goals.

B) Practice usually is aimed at inducing health benefits.

Which of the following is a characteristic of training?A) relatively permanent changes
B) reorganization of the nervous system
C) results most often in fitness improvements
D) improves abilities 

C) results most often in fitness improvements

Human dexterity is allowed by the movement of theA) sliding wrist
B) opposable thumb
C) hinge joints in fingers
D) the bipedal gait 

What is the type of performance experience engaged in for the express purpose of refining motor control function to improve skills?A) practice
B) conditioning
C) training
D) learning

Which type of person would be most likely hired as a coach at the high school level?A) generalist
B) psychologist
C) specialist
D) sociologist 

Which of the following best exemplifies the concept of training?A) increases ability to produce greater quantities of physical activity
B) increases capacity for organizing movement patterns in complex ways to accomplish specific goals
C) cognitive process that leads to a reorganization of the nervous system
D) leads to relatively permanent changes 

A) increases ability to produce greater quantities of physical activity

Experiences that engage us in the critical components of an activity and that are most likely to improve our capacity to perform that activity reflect what type of experience? A) task analysis of the skill performed
B) critical component
C) principle of quantity
D) principle of quality

Which is an example of training?A) strategically preparing for a soccer game
B) preparing for a 4- by 100-meter race
C) preparing for a marathon
D) working on a tennis serve 

C) preparing for a marathon

The type of performance experience engaged in for the express purpose of refining motor control function to improve skill is known asA) learning
B) skill
C) practice
D) training 

Our decisions concerning which physical activity to pursue are determined largely byA) the physical payoffs of exercise
B) what we read about the activity in the newspapers
C) the extrinsic rewards we receive for participation
D) how we feel before, during, and after the physical activity 

D) how we feel before, during, and after the physical activity

The type of knowledge that is derived from our subjective experiences is calledA) rational or analytic knowledge
B) intuitive knowledge
C) historical knowledge
D) unreliable knowledge 

One of the reasons we promote PA is the belief that it has the ability to positively affect well-being, psychological distress, and feelings of fatigue. After a vigorous bout of exercise, one would hope to see which of the following changes on the subjective exercise experience scale (SEES)? A) Positive well-being would increase; psychological distress would increase.
B) Positive well-being would decrease; psychological distress would increase.
C) Positive well-being would decrease; psychological distress would decrease.
D) Positive well-being would increase; psychological distress would decrease.

D) Positive well-being would increase; psychological distress would decrease.

When physical activity experiences help you understand your performance limits, the knowledge is calledA) mystical knowledge
B) Socratic self-knowledge
C) psychoanalytic self-knowledge
D) esoteric knowledge 

B) Socratic self-knowledge

People who are attracted to the pain, sacrifice, and fatigue associated with physical activity value it as a(n)A) ascetic experience
B) aesthetic experience
C) energetic experience
D) social experience 

A woman who runs 2 miles each day only because it helps her maintain her weight may be said to haveA) an intrinsic orientation to physical activity
B) an extrinsic orientation to physical activity
C) an ascetic orientation to physical activity
D) too much free time 

B) an extrinsic orientation to physical activity

An individual whose primary concern when competing in soccer is to beat his opponents may be said to have A) a task orientation to physical activity
B) an ego orientation to physical activity
C) an obsessive-compulsive disorder
D) an intrinsic orientation to physical activity

B) an ego orientation to physical activity

The thrill and sense of danger that come from riding on a roller coaster, bungee jumping, and skydiving are calledA) equilibrium
B) disequilibrium
C) vertigo
D) inner-ear overload 

Self-efficacy refers toA) your sense of confidence to perform a specific physical activity
B) your sense of self-worth
C) your sense of movement efficiency
D) none of these

A) your sense of confidence to perform a specific physical activity

Spectators who have knowledge about a sport including its history, competitive strategies, most important players, equipment, schedules, and so on are said toA) have internalized game knowledge
B) have spectator-advanced knowledge
C) have game spectator knowledge
D) be frustrated coaches 

C) have game spectator knowledge

Relatively stable mind-sets toward physical activity are known asA) attitudes
B) dispositions
C) feelings
D) personalities 

People with an extrinsic approach to PA engage in a sport primarily for A) the physiological and psychological benefits (i.e., it helps them reduce stress)
B) the enjoyment of the activity alone
C) the autotelic benefits
D) the aesthetics

A) the physiological and psychological benefits (i.e., it helps them reduce stress)

Kinesiologists are as interested in the subjective dimensions of physical activity as they are in the physical dimensions.A) True
B) False

Which of the following is not true of kinesiology theory quizlet?

Which of the following is NOT true of kinesiology theory? It is always directly applicable to professional practice.

What are the 2 main focuses of kinesiology?

The two principal forms of physical activity studied by kinesiologists are sport and exercise.

What is kinesiology quizlet?

Kinesiology. The Study of the Influence of Human Movement. Movement. Change in physical location/position. Physical Activity.

What are the three sources of knowledge of kinesiology Pick one and describe it in detail provide examples?

What are the three sources of knowledge of kinesiology? Physical activity experience, scholarship through physical activity, and professional experience in physical activity.