What kind of reaction is CH4 2O2 CO2 2H2O?


Given reaction is:CH4+2O2→∆CO2+2H2O (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); This reaction is a process of burning in which energy is produced in a large amount in the form of heat.This reaction is also a redox reaction as carbon is getting oxidised and oxygen is getting reduced.As we can observe by their oxidation state which is as follows:C-4 H4+1+2O20→∆C+4O2-2 +2H2+1O-2 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); As we can observe carbon has an oxidation state of -4 in methane and it is oxidizing to an oxidation state of +4, similarly, the oxygen has an oxidizing state of 0 in its gaseous state while after reaction it gets reduced to -2Oxidation: This is the process in which oxygen is added to a substance or hydrogen is getting released from a substance.Reduction: This is the process in which hydrogen is added to a substance or oxygen is getting released from a substance. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

For $C{H_4} + 2{O_2} \to C{O_2} + 2{H_2}O$. Is it a redox reaction? If yes, give reason.



Hint: An oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction is a type of chemical reaction in which two species exchange electrons. Any chemical reaction in which the oxidation number of a molecule, atom, or ion changes by gaining or losing an electron is known as an oxidation-reduction reaction.

Complete answer:
The given reaction is, in fact, a redox reaction. In this reaction, carbon loses hydrogen and forms carbon dioxide on the reactant side. As a result, carbon is oxidised, and oxygen gains hydrogen and is reduced. As a result, it is a redox reaction because both oxidation and reduction are occurring at the same time.
Redox reactions can happen slowly, like when rust forms, or they can happen quickly, like when fuel is burned. There are simple redox processes in the human body, such as carbon oxidation to produce carbon dioxide $(C{O_2})$or carbon reduction to produce methane $(C{H_4})$, and more complex redox processes, such as glucose oxidation $({C_6}{H_{12}}{O_6})$.
Oxidizing agents, oxidants, and oxidizers are substances that have the ability to oxidise other substances (causing them to lose electrons). That is, the oxidant (oxidising agent) removes electrons or adds oxygen to another substance and becomes reduced as a result.

Electrochemical cells, which can generate electrical energy or support electrosynthesis, are built on the foundation of redox reactions. Metal ores frequently contain oxidised metals such as oxides or sulphides, which are extracted by smelting at high temperatures in the presence of a reducing agent. Electroplating, which is used to coat chrome-plated automotive parts, silver-plated cutlery, galvanization, and gold-plated jewellery, uses redox reactions to coat objects with a thin layer of a material.

Is CH4 2O2 → CO2 2H2O a combination reaction?

Yes, CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O is a combustion reaction.

What type of reaction is CH4 2O2 CO2 2H2O Class 10?

The given reaction is, in fact, a redox reaction. In this reaction, carbon loses hydrogen and forms carbon dioxide on the reactant side.

Is CH4 2O2 → CO2 2H2O endothermic?

CH4+ 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O + 890 kJ Notice the Energy is on the side with the (REACTANTS or PRODUCTS). This tells us the reaction is Exothermic.