Which of the following does Rosaline -- The Kind NOT use to attack enemies

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Which of the following does Rosaline -- The Kind NOT use to attack enemies

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The latest event in AFK Arena is called the Poetic Pop Quiz and it's a fun little event where the players' knowledge about the game is tested. Every single day a new set of 5 questions will pop up, and see who paid the most attention to the games' lore and heroes.

In all honesty, though, you won't even need to bother with that, because we've got all the pop quiz answers that you need. So without further ado, let's dive right in! 

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz rewards

Before you wonder whether or not it's worth even trying out the Poetic Pop Quiz in AFK Arena, it's worth checking out the rewards. By correctly answering a number of questions, you can earn a bunch of items, including Diamonds and Faction Scrolls!

  • Answer 10 questions: 10 Common Hero Scrolls
  • Answer 20 questions: 2000 Diamonds
  • Answer 30 questions: 10 Faction Scrolls
  • Answer 40 questions: 1 Reward Choice Chest

If you're not sure about the Reward Choice Chest, it's by far the best out of all the rewards; it lets players choose their desired reward from the following list:

  • 5k Poe Coins
  • 500 Twisted Essence
  • 25 Emblem Choice Chests
  • 500 Elemental Shards
  • 250 Elemental Cores

In order to maximize your rewards, it's best you log in every single day (so, don't miss one!) and take part in the quiz. By day 8, you will reach the maximum rewards. And what to do if you miss a day? Simple - use 100 Diamonds to check in on the missed day. 

Of course, if you're looking to claim some rewards without breaking a sweat, you can always use some of our AFK Arena codes.

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 1

  • These are the answers for the first day of Poetic Pop Quiz, August 23rd
Which of these is NOT a hero of "The Traveling Trio" union? Peggy - The Precious Pearl
Which of the following heroes' gear is classified as "Plate Armor" and a "Heavy Weapon"? Thoran - The Fallen King
What is the location of the Whispers, founded by Nara - Heartcarver and Sonja - Ruler of the Underworld? Rustport
Which of the following heroes does not belong to the Lightbearer Empire Faction? Kalene - The Bloody Feast
Which finger on his right hand does Brutus - Lion's Pride wear his red ring? Middle finger

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 2

  • These are the answers for the second day of Poetic Pop Quiz, August 24th
Which attribute reduces the Critical Strike damage received by a hero? Crit Damage Resistance
Khazard - The Frozen Terror is which hero's predecessor? Seirus - Savior of the Sea
What is the nickname of the doll Daimon - the Forsaken Child's mother made for him? Stitchy
When Kalene - The Bloody Feast commands her Necrohound to attack an enemy, what effect is caused after the enemy is dealt damage and knocked back? Stun
How many scars does Anasta - The Sacrifice have above her eyes? 2

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 3

  • These are the answers for the third day of Poetic Pop Quiz, August 25th
When Haelus - The Crafter uses his Ultimate skill, what is the maximum number of obelisks that can be summoned simultaneously? 1
Which heroes are not related by blood? Hendrik - The Defender & Gwyneth - The Fair Maiden
What is the identity of the buyer who bought young Eorin - The Forest Sting from the slave trader? Mine owner
After unlocking the skill "Poisonous Mushroom", what effect will Eorin - The Forest Sting apply to the enemy when he attacks with his spearhead? Poisonous Mushroom
How many different changes can the sword of Brutus - Lion's Pride undergo during a battle at most? 3

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 4

  • These are the answers for the fourth day of Poetic Pop Quiz, August 26th
In The Oak Inn's Workshop, how many people are in the photo on the craftsman's table? 2
After a hero has left the Resonating Crystal, how long must you wait before you can add another hero to the slot? 24 hours
What had been the profession of Izold - The Forgotten Champion before he was transformed? Soldier
What percentage of her own max health can Astar - The Brilliant Flame restore instantly when she uses the skill "Life Sparks"? 20%
What is the relationship between Anasta - The Sacrifice and Brutus - Lion's Pride? Teacher and student

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 5

  • These are the answers for the fifth day of Poetic Pop Quiz, August 27th
How many cards is the Stargazer holding? 4
In the story "The Gallant Three", what type of beast did Morvus hunt and kill? Bear
When a Lightbearer faction gear is reset, it will not be changed to which faction? Dimensional
What was the final judgment received by Joan of Arc - Dawn Protector before she arrived at Esperia? To be sent to the burning stake
What additional effect will Hodgkin - The Reviled Captain inflict on his enemy once his Ultimate skill "The Immortal" reaches level 2? Terrify

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 6

  • These are the answers for the sixth day of Poetic Pop Quiz, August 28th
Which tower in the King's Tower can only be challenged by the Celestial Heroes? Celestial Sanctum
Which of the following heroes is not a Warrior? Raine - Death's Denier
What colour is the magic orb in Shemira - Corpsemaker's hand (default skin)? Green
Desira - The Sinister Siren started hearing a voice after she turned into a Graveborn. Whose was it? Quaedam
After Granit - Desert's Stone uses his skill "Sand Vortex" (highest level) to petrify an enemy, the enemy will not suffer which of the following negative effects? Bleeding

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 7

  • These are the answers for the seventh day of Poetic Pop Quiz, August 29th
Which of these has the most eyes? Torne - The Wandering Corsair
Orthros - The Seer of Origins considers who to be his nemesis? Zolrath - Voidbinder
Which of the following heroes is not a Support hero? Solise - The Floral Wonder
How many wolf cubs did Mishka - The Wild Child take in? 2
Which of the following is not a potion made by Melusina - Baba Yaga? Potion of Dementia

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 8

  • These are the answers for the eighth day of Poetic Pop Quiz, August 30th
When does the effect of Talene's "The Solaran Realm" trigger? When allied heroes deal Critical Strike damage
Angelo - Song of Dawn's best friend Harry is what? A cat
How many hours of AFK Rewards can be earned through Fast Rewards? 2 Hours
What type of flower is on the brooch on Sonja - Ruler of the Underworld's chest? Rose
Which faction did Brutus - Lion's Pride discover that Anasta - The Sacrifice was conspiring with? Lightbearers

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1 February 2022 Pop Quiz Questions and answers

  • These are the answers for the first day of Poetic Pop Quiz, February 16th
What kind of enemies will Lucretia skill ‘Deathwish” allow her to hunt down? Enemy with the highest attack rating
After players worked together to destroy The Devourer, when did ‘The Cleansed Realm’ appear on the world map? May 2021
Currently, how many times a day can players receive gifts from their friends at The Oak Inn? 3
Who did Thali - Maniacal Mage rescue through a prison heist? Kren - The Fanatical
What does Morael - Queen of Stars believe in? Order

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 2

  • These are the answers for the second day of Poetic Pop Quiz, February 17th
In the current version of the game, players cannot exchange which of these heroes at the Labyrinth Store? Rosaline
According to Pippa - The Muddled Magician, what is the benefit of learning teleportation magic? Easier transportation of acorns
Which of these ways can you get Flawless Droplets? Ascending an Elite hero to a new tier
Which of these things can Respen create? Wind Swallows
What was Raku - The Rascal’s birthday present to Peggy - The Precious Pearl? A multicoloured conch

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 3

  • These are the answers for the third day of Poetic Pop Quiz, February 18th
In the current version of the game, what is the maximum number of friends a player can have? 40
Which of these will increase the number of draws from the Hero Choice Pack? Illuminating Starbursts in the Field of Stars
Which season is all year round in the Peaks of Time’s Wondrous Pouch instance, “Forest Mania”? Winter
What do Mishka - The Wild Child’s wolf companions do when she dies? Run away with their tails between their legs
Which of these does Shemira’s Ultimate skill release? Souls

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 4

  • These are the answers for the fourth day of Poetic Pop Quiz, February 19th
What is the name of Thesku’s red pet snake? Szetzu
Which of these is NOT a way to gain VIP Experience? Completing Daily Quests
What is the maximum number of mercenaries that a player can hire simultaneously from their friends per week? 3
Which of these Twisted Realm bosses will summon Dreafs to fight? Demonic Entity
Which of these Hypogean heroes was once human? Lucretia - The Betrayed

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 5

  • These are the answers for the fifth day of Poetic Pop Quiz, February 20th
What is the name of the place located on the far left side of the map? The Island of the Banished
Which of the following comes from the Legends’ Challenger Tournament? Gladiator Coins
Which of these currencies can be used in the Barracks? Hero Coins
Which of these is NOT a hero of “The Gallant Three” union? Rigby - Brewmaster
Which attribute reduces the Critical Strike damage received by a hero? Crit Damage Resistance

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 6

  • These are the answers for the sixth day of Poetic Pop Quiz, February 21st
Which Faction was Granit with for an extended period before joining the Maulers? Wilders
What animal carries The Oak Inn on its back in Ranhorn? Whale
Dimensional Keys can be obtained by illuminating the Starburst in which Field of Stars constellation? The Obsidian Finch
What are Kren - The Fanatical’s two weapons called? Hot Stuff & Lady
When does the effect of Talene’s ‘The Solaran Realm’ trigger? When allied heroes deal Critical Strike damage

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 7

  • These are the answers for the seventh day of Poetic Pop Quiz, February 22nd
Pippa - The Muddled Magician’s Ultimate skill, ‘Pippa’s Imitation’, CANNOT imitate which of these? Lyca - Keeper of Glades
How many times per day can I collect Fast Rewards for free? 1
Which of these heroes is Raku - The Rascal’s friend? Pippa
What is the maximum amount of Critical Strike damage a hero can achieve through Crit Damage Amplification? 290%
What is the name of the little critter in Astar’s front pocket? Tam

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 8

  • These are the answers for the eighth day of Poetic Pop Quiz, February 23rd
Which of the following heroes is not a tank? Lyca
Which of these is NOT a function available at the Rickety Cart in Ranhorn? Ascend Hero
Which of these is NOT one of Talene - The Resurging Flame’s skills? Phoenix Rising
Which of these is NOT a hero of ‘The Traveling Trio’ union? Peggy
What species’ corpses are found in ‘Chapter 36 - Dragon’s Rest’ on the world map? Dragon

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 9

  • These are the answers for the ninth day of Poetic Pop Quiz, February 24th
How many marksmen does Peggy - The Precious Pearl summon when she uses the skill ‘Royal Marksman’? 5
Which Mauler hero stole Ankhira’s venom? Vurk - The Devious
Which of these following stores has a refresher timer which is different from other stores? Barracks
Which of these is a Lightbearer hero? Morrow - The Dark Crow
Which of these heroes CANNOT change the weather in a battle? Desira - The Sinister Siren

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 10

  • These are the answers for the tenth day of Poetic Pop Quiz, February 25th
At the beginning of battle, how many companions does Kren - The Fanatical summon to place mines in the enemy’s backline? 5
Which of these heroes does NOT have Fire skills? Seirus - Savior of the Sea
Which of the following structures is not in the Arcane Labyrinth? Wall of Legends
Before becoming a warrior, what was Khasos - The Unruly’s identity? Slave
What was Oscar - True Gentleman’s codename when he was an assassin? The Mannered Knife

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 11

  • These are the answers for the tenth day of Poetic Pop Quiz, February 26th
When Haelus - The Crafter uses his Ultimate Skill, what is the maximum number of obelisks that can be summoned simultaneously? 1
Which of the following quotes is NOT spoken by a retired soldier in The Oak Inn's Workshop? You need repairing
How many articles of furniture can a hero hold? 9
Which of these is a Hypogean hero? Framton - Devourer of Flames
What type of soldier did Walker - The Lone Ranger serve as before quitting the army? Rifleman

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 12

  • These are the answers for the tenth day of Poetic Pop Quiz, February 27th
Which of these is NOT one-eyed? Ferael - Doomwhisper
Who raised Gwyneth - The Fair Maiden like a father? Hendrik - The Defender
Which two heroes comprise the Lightbringers Union? Lucius - Lightbringer & Belinda - Beam of Hope
After unlocking the Exclusive Furniture skill, what is the maximum number of Infernal Beams that Zikis - The Languid's Ultimate skill fires? 24
This hero is a close friend of Fawkes and often accompanies him on adventures. Which hero is it? Raine - Death's Denier

2 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); June 2022 Poetic Pop Quiz Questions and answers

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 1

  • These are the answers for the first day of Poetic Pop Quiz, May 29th
Who is Fawkes - Death's Defeat's accomplice? Raine - Death's Denier
What was Oscar - The True Gentleman's previous profession? Hitman
What acute sense does Lyca - Keeper of Glades have that no one has? Smell
After using the skill "Winds of Fury", how many seconds is Thane - The Veiled Wind granted a shield for? 8
In the current version of the game, gear can be enhanced to reach a total of how many stars? 5 Stars

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 2

  • These are the answers for the second day of Poetic Pop Quiz, May 30th
Which of the following is NOT another name for Alna - The Frozen Mother? The Winter Warrior
After using his Ultimate Skill "Soul Feast", while his shield exists, how much damage does Daimon take that is intended for his allies? 35%
What colour are Audrae - The Chaotic Star's eyes?  Blue
What did Rowan - The Roamer once receive as a gift? Duck
Opening the Soren Team Hunting feature requires the expenditure of what? Guild Activity Points

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 3

  • These are the answers for the third day of Poetic Pop Quiz, May 31st
Which of the following is a bounty hunter? Fawkes - Death's Defeat
How many snakes has Thesku - The Serpent Charmer raised? 4
How many Soulstones are required to summon a hero? 60
How much of an attribute bonus is granted for using 4 heroes of the same faction in formation together? 15%
What effect does Rowan - The Roamer's Signature Item Skill have? Energy Recovery

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 4

  • These are the answers for the fourth day of Poetic Pop Quiz, June 1st
How many glasses is Dolly from the Noble Tavern holding in her hands? 6
Which of the following has not endured the anguish of being separated from a loved one? Ferael - Doomwhisper
When Talene - The Resurging Flame's skill "A New Dawn" reaches level 3, how many Accuracy points does the target lose? 100
At what moment did Thane - The Exalted transform into Thane - The Veiled Wind? When he received the Wind Emblem
To activate all Union Attribute Bonuses, heroes must reach which Ascension tier?  Legendary+

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 5

  • These are the answers for the fifth day of Poetic Pop Quiz, June 2nd
In the first chapter of the Library's "Echoes of Time", who is the sickly commander that is mentioned? Estrilda - Knight of Valor
What is the maximum number of fireballs Astar - The Brilliant Flame's skill "Lantern's Flame" can produce? 7
Which of the following items is used to raise Engraving Levels? Elemental Core
What is the dummy belonging to Alaro - Desert's Eye called? Zorn
Which two elements does Eironn - Stormsword's Signature item "Elemental Blades" use? Ice & Wind

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 6

  • These are the answers for the sixth day of Poetic Pop Quiz, June 3rd
What can excess Exclusive Furniture be used for? Strengthening Furniture
What relation is Morael - Queen of Stars to Audrae - The Chaotic Star? Sister
What effect does the Arcane Labyrinth's Fountain of Vitality have? Replenishes 50% Health
Which of the following heroes is NOT an Elemental Guardian? Astar - The Brilliant Flame
What is the number of Wind Veil layers Thane - The Veiled Wind can give to his allies when he uses his Awakened skill "Wind's Veil" at the start of battles? 2

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 7

  • These are the answers for the seventh day of Poetic Pop Quiz, June 4th
How many times per day can I collect Fast Rewards for free? 1
What is the name of the little critter in Astar’s front pocket? Tam
Pippa – The Muddled Magician’s Ultimate skill, ‘Pippa’s Imitation’, CANNOT imitate which of these? Lyca – Keeper of Glades
What is the maximum amount of Critical Strike damage a hero can achieve through Crit Damage Amplification? 290%
Which of these heroes is Raku – The Rascal’s friend? Pippa

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 8

  • These are the answers for the eighth day of Poetic Pop Quiz, June 5th
Which of these is NOT a function available at the Rickety Cart in Ranhorn? Ascend Hero
Which of these is NOT a hero of ‘The Traveling Trio’ union? Peggy
Which of these is NOT one of Talene – The Resurging Flame’s skills? Phoenix Rising
What species’ corpses are found in ‘Chapter 36 – Dragon’s Rest’ on the world map? Dragon
Which of the following heroes is not a tank? Lyca

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 9

  • These are the answers for the ninth day of Poetic Pop Quiz, June 6th
Kaz - Hand of the Wood's Signature Item "Hope's Precipice" is forged from what? Obsidian
When Ulmus - Aldermarrow uses his skill "Writhing Roots", what effect can be dealt to enemies? Entanglement
When the Engraving Level reaches 80, what color are the stars on the hero page? White
Which of the following is Silas - Augmented Death's most prized masterpiece? Izold - The Forgotten Champion
Which of the following heroes is a Durri? All of them

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 10

  • These are the answers for the tenth day of Poetic Pop Quiz, June 7th
What is the relationship between Gorvo - The Indomitable and Serius - Savior of the Sea? Friends
What item can be used in the Arcane Labyrinth to resurrect fallen heroes? Dura's Tears
Where did Fane - The Wicked Warden work before he died? Abbatoir
Khasos - The Unruly's skill "Rabid Thirst" can provide allies with what effect? Life Leech
At what tier can a hero unlock their signature item? Mythic

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 11

  • These are the answers for the tenth day of Poetic Pop Quiz, June 8th
When Oku - Iron Fist uses his skill "Beetle Bash", how many beetles are used in the attack? 2
Who is Tidus - Shadowmane's nemesis? Warek - The Untamed
Who does Ezizh - Hellborn regard as his natural enemy? Tasi - Dreamhopper
Which king was Grezhul - The Corrupted loyal to? Thoran - The Fallen King
In the Arcanists Union story, Vedan - The Demise adopted who? Silvina - The Taken Breath & Isabella - The Taken Soul

AFK Arena Poetic Pop Quiz Answers - Day 12

  • These are the answers for the tenth day of Poetic Pop Quiz, June 9th
In the current version of the game, the maximum tier a piece of Mythic gear can be raised to is? T4
Safiya - Daughter of the Desert and Ankhira - Deceptive Beauty are together in which Union? The Sisterhood
Who is Mehira - Mind Cager obsessed with? Fawkes - Death's Defeat
Who is Anoki - The Blood Guard loyal to? Skriath - The Wise One
Which attribute affects hero casting and attack speed? Haste

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What does Rosaline not use to attack enemies?

Rosaline cannot be attacked while she uses her broom to sweep the floor for 4 seconds, dealing 80% damage to the enemy that nears the ally she is currently following. If the ally that Rosaline is following is a backline hero, then her attacks will incorporate a knockback effect, which pushes the enemy away.

Which of the following does Rosaline the kind?

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What are Kren the Fanaticals two weapons called?

Kren is an agility-based ranger hero of the Mauler faction. He uses his cannon nicknamed “Hot Stuff” and grenade launcher he calls “Lady” to afflict damage to his opponents.

What do Mishka the Wild Childs wolf companions do when she dies?

Day 3 answers – Feb. 18.