What is wrong with chewing gum in school?

Gum has not been allowed in school for a highly long time. Today some school districts prohibit gum chewing altogether. Others leave it up to the discretion of individual teachers. If the school does not have a policy against gum chewing, chewing depends on the teachers.

Teachers have differing views about whether students should be allowed to chew gum in school. Some believe that gum chewing is the nastiest habit in the world, it can impede the learning process, and gum chewing can be noisy and distracting to other students. They contend that dried gum always finishes under tables or on flours. Teachers can respond to gum chewers in a minimally disruptive way to the class, but not all teachers are so tolerant. Most of the teachers' time is spent on discipline issues, including gum chewing. Teachers think it is a waste of their valuable time and gum does not belong in school.

Other teachers make their own rules. They allow gum chewing as long as it doesn't interfere with their ability to teach or students' ability to concentrate. If a student sticks gum under his desk, they make him remove it. That is a "no noise" and "no mess" policy.

Today it is not uncommon to think that gum chewing in class isn't a big deal. But many people want to chew gum at school. The undersigned believes that gum should be allowed in school. There were so many petitions for "Allow Chewing Gum In School." They contend that gum helps in many ways and that privilege should not be taken away from students.

What is wrong with chewing gum in school?

Preliminary research suggests that regular chewing can help you remember names, make you thinner, whiten teeth, etc. Teachers may outlaw chewing gum in class, but chewing gum in class makes kids smarter. How could that be? Chewing causes our hearts to pump more blood to our brains than usual. More blood carries noggin-nourishing oxygen, which will help the brain function better. It also increases the glucose level, making the student more alert. Rhythmic chewing also increases attention. Mental tasks are done 20% more effectively while chewing gum, which makes students "smarter." Chewing should be allowed, especially during extensive tests. Kids who chew gum during tests do 26% to 36% better. Chewing gum soothes students' minds so that they can learn more in school.

When gum is brought to school, it helps clean your teeth after lunchtime. Gum can also make their jaws stronger. Some types of gum can make teeth stronger.

One line of research suggests that chewing gum can lead to better academic performance. Teachers anecdotally found that students who chewed gum required fewer breaks, paid better attention, and stayed quiet longer than those who did not.

Chewing gum makes memory better, but what about the mess under tables and chairs? Maybe, if students didn't have to hide gum-chewing, they would dispose of it properly.

Gum-chewing is part of most cultures. Students enjoy gum-chewing, and it might lead to better school performances. Irresponsible chewers can bother nongum-chewers and ruin school property. Enforcement of gum etiquette misuses teachers' time.

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1 History

According to CNN, gum consists of synthetic ingredients and is made sweet. It can be made sugar free by adding sorbitol. Ancient cultures used tree sap as gum.

2 Significance

Incorrect chewing-gum disposal costs schools money by cleaning or replacement of materials. Students put chewed gum under desks, on seats, in carpet and between book pages.

3 Considerations

Gum-chewers might bother their peers with smacking, bubble popping and other chewing sounds. Teachers might stop lessons to end distractions.

4 Warning

Students can chew nicotine gum for a high and could overdose. Caffeine gum poses the same problems.

5 Expert Insight

Some educational theories state kinesthetic learners perform better in school if allowed physical movement such as gum-chewing. CNN reported gum-chewing students have better final grades than students who abstain.


  • 1 CNN

About the Author

Lauralee Moss writes about education, female-oriented subjects and parenting. She writes for Advice for Parenting, Book Rags and other websites. Moss' master's degree research project studied the organizational habits of high schoolers. She is currently developing a new website about switching classrooms and educational theories.

Chewing gum in school is a subject of great debate. Regulations and tolerance of chewing gum vary in every school and classroom in the United States and around the globe. Gum chewing has both positive and negative effects on students. Regulation within many school districts of the U.S. restrict the chewing of gum. However, often the decision is left to the discretion of teachers, who have their individual views on how to deal with gum chewing.

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1 Brain Food

Chewing gum aids cognitive tasks such as memory, thinking ability and has the capacity to reduce stress. The act of chewing gum increases heart rate and encourages the movement of insulin to the brain, stimulating increased brain activity. Chewing gum has also been attributed to improving concentration. In 2009, Wrigley, the gum company, described a study conducted by researchers from Baylor College of Medicine of Houston, Texas, that found chewing sugar-free gum can help adolescent students with academic performance. In their experiment, gum chewers in the eighth grade had a 3 percent increase in their standardized math scores.

2 Increased Productivity

Other positive side effects of chewing gum in school include the distraction from talking and other nonproductive activities. In addition, students who have fewer restrictions placed upon them often tend to be more content within the classroom. As a result they become less easily distracted and are therefore more productive.

3 Disruption

The main negative aspect of chewing gum in school is the disruption that it can cause within a lesson. The passing around of packets leads to reduced concentration levels. The noise created from chewing gum can also be a distraction to other pupils. The disposal of the gum when finished is also a problem, such as when it ends up underneath tables or on seats.

4 Dental Decay

Despite what advertising and marketing techniques may lead you to believe, many types of chewing gum, in particular ones targeting children and young adults, actually promote tooth decay. This is due to the high sugar content in many types of chewing gum. It is also possible that the illusion of having ''fresh'' breath may lead to the neglect of serious dental and hygiene problems.

Why should we not chew gum in school?

Students should not chew gum in class because it acts as a distraction to others, it is a health issue, and it is a safety issue. If students continue to disregard the rules, consequences will need to become more severe. Chewing gum acts as an incredible distraction to students and teachers.

Is chewing gum disrespectful in class?

Chewing Gum In School Essay Students might feel rebellious when they're chewing gum and when they're done with it they will stick the gum under the desk. This is not only gross but disrespectful to other students and most importantly to teachers. Therefore there must be a boundary for students who are chewing gum.