What is the y-intercept of the function f(x) = –x + ? – –

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The y-intercept of a function is the point at which the graph of the function crosses the y-axis. Although a function can have many x-intercepts, a function can only have one y-intercept. This is because a function must pass the vertical line test in order for it to be a function; if a vertical line intersects the graph of a relation at more than one point, it is not a function.


The relation in the following figure is a function because it passes the vertical line test.

The relation in the following figure is not a function because it fails the vertical line test. It has more than one y-intercept and many points at which a vertical line would cross the graph more than once.

How to find the y-intercept of a function

To find the y-intercept of a function, we need to find the point on the graph where x = 0. Given a function, f(x), the y-intercept occurs at f(0).

In general, what is the y intercept of the function # F(x) = a * b^x# ?


1 Answer

What is the y-intercept of the function f(x) = –x + ? – –

Cesareo R.

Jul 5, 2016



The#y#intercept is when#x = 0#then

#F(0) = a cdot b^0 = a#

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What is the y-intercept of the function f(x) = –x + ? – –

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In order to get the y-intercept, just plug in 0 as the x-value then you should get#0^3-3(0)-4(0)#or in other words, 0.


Now here's where things start to get more complicated. Firstly, we should determine how many zeroes there are. We can see that from the x^3, there are 3 roots (because the power on the leading coefficient determines the amount of roots).

Then, we can see that all of the numbers in the equation have a x in common. We should take out that x in all the numbers in order to get#x(x^2-3x-4). #

Lastly, we expand the function in the middle with#x(x-4)(x+1).#
If we plug in 0 for the value, the x on the outside#(x(x-4)(x+1))#will become 0. Therefore, a zero is 0,0.

If we plug in 4, 4 would cancel out with x-4 to equal 0, and the whole equation would be multiplied by 0 to equal zero, therefore another 0 is 4,0.

Lastly, if we plug in -1, it would cancel with#x+1#to equal 0, which again would multiply the whole equation by 0 in order to equal 0. Therefore, the last zero is -1,0.

A linear function is a process that permits the description of the straight line on the coordinate plane. For example, y = 2x – 1 designates the straight line on the coordinate plane, and therefore it conveys a linear process. As y can be substituted by f(x), this process can be registered as f(x) = 2x – 1.

It is one of the state f(x) = mx + b , here ‘m’ and ‘b’ denotes the real numbers. It’s examining like the slope-intercept shape of a bar which is provided by y = mx + b because the linear process denotes a bar i.e. it’s a graph line. Here,

‘m’ is the pitch of the string

‘b’ is the y-intercept of the bar

‘x’ is the separate variable

‘y’ (or f(x)) is the conditional variable

A linear procedure is also known as an algebraic procedure.

Example of linear functions

f(x) = 2x + 1

f(x) = -3x – 2

f(x) = 5

The linear function formula is used to represent the objective function of the linear programming problems, which helps to maximize profits.

Linear function Formula

The data is provided as a graph about a process, it is linear if the graph is a bar. If the data is provided in the state of algebraic structure about the function, then it is linear if it is of the form f(x) = mx+b. But to see whether the shared data in a table form describe a linear equation or not we have to,

• Calculate the distinctions in y-values

• Calculate the distinctions in the x-axis

• Check whether the balance of the dissimilarity in y-values to the dissimilarity in x-values is always steady.

Graphing of a linear function

As we comprehend to plot a line on a graph we require any two points on it. If we discover two points we only have to devise them on the graph merge them by a line and spread from both flanks. The graph of a linear function f(x) = mx + b is

What is the y-intercept of the function f(x) = –x + ? – –

increasing line when m >0

What is the y-intercept of the function f(x) = –x + ? – –

decreasing line when m < 0

What is the y-intercept of the function f(x) = –x + ? – –

 horizontal line when m = 0

Graphing a linear function by finding two points

To discover two pinpoints on a linear function (line) f(x)=mx+b, consider some unexpected values for ‘x’ and have to replace these values to find the connected values of y. 

This method is presented by an instance where we are proceeding to graph the function f(x) = 2x + 4.

Step1: Firstly find two points on the line by carrying some unexpected values

 assume that x = 0 and x = 1

Step2: Now replace each of both the values in position to get the related y-values

Here is the table of a linear procedure y = 2x + 4

xy02(0) + 4 = 412(1) + 4 = 6

So, the two points on the line are (0, 4) and (1, 6).

Step3: Now plan the points on the graph merge them by the line and expand the line from both sides.

What is the y-intercept of the function f(x) = –x + ? – –

Graphing of linear function using slope and y-intercept

To graph a linear function , f(x)=mx+b, use its slope ‘m’ and its y-intercept ‘b’ .This procedure is explained again by graphing the same linear function f(x) = 2x + 4. Its slope is, m = 2 and its y-intercept is (0, b) = (0, 4).

Step 1: Firstly Plot the y-intercept (0, b).

Here, plot the point (0, 4).

Step2: Now document the slope as the fraction uprise/run and recognize the “uprise” and the “run”.

Here, the slope = 2 = 2/1 = uprise/run.

So uprise = 2 and run = 1.

Step3: Now uprise the y-intercept vertically by “rise” and then run horizontally by “run”. This will result in making a new point.

(Note that if “rise” is favorable, go up and if “rise” is unfavorable, go down. Also, if “run” is favorable”, go right, and if “run” is unfavorable, go left.)

Here, go up by 2 units from the y-intercept and thereby go right by 1 unit.

Step4: Now merge the points from step1 and step2 by line and expand that line on both sides.

What is the y-intercept of the function f(x) = –x + ? – –

Domain and range of linear function

The domain of the linear function is the collection of all real numbers, and actually, the scope of a linear function is also the collection of all-natural numerals figures show f(x) = 2x + 3 and g(x) = 4 −x devised on the same axes.

What is the y-intercept of the function f(x) = –x + ? – –

Note: both the roles taken on the absolute value for all the values of x, mean that the part of each function is the collection of all-natural numerals (R). Examine along the x-axis to ensure. For every value of x, we have a moment on the graph.

Even, the result for each of the procedures varies from negative to positive infinity, which represents the scope of either function is also R. That can be verified by examining along the y-axis, which apparently delivers that there is a moment on each graph for every y-value. Thus, when the slope m ≠ 0,

•The parts of a linear function = R

•The scope of a linear function = R


(i) When the slope, m = 0, then the linear function f(x) = b is a horizontal line and in this case, the fields = R and the scope = {b}.

(ii) The fields and scope of a linear function in R as extended as the issue has not cited any exact field or scope.

The inverse of a linear function

Inverse of the linear function f(x) = ax + b is shown by a function f-1(x) such that f(f-1(x)) = f-1(f(x)) = x. 

The method of seeing the inverse of a linear function is presented through an instance where we are heading to find the inverse of a function f(x) = 2x + 4.

Step1: Write y instead of f(x)

So, equation y = 2x + 4

Step2: Now interchange the variable x and y

Then we have x = 2y + 4

Step3: Solve the above equation to get y

x – 4 = 2y

y = (x – 4)/2

Step4: Replace y by f-1(x) and it is the inverse function of f(x).

f-1(x) = (x – 4)/2

Note:- that the f(x) and f-1(x)are always symmetric with respect to the line y=x. Let us plot the linear function f(x) = 2x + 5 and its inverse f-1(x) = (x – 4)/2 and see whether they are symmetric about y = x or not . Also when (x, y) lies on f(x) , then (y, x) lies on f-1(x). For example, in the following graph (-1, 2) lies on f(x) where as (2, -1) lies on f-1(x).

What is the y-intercept of the function f(x) = –x + ? – –

Piecewise linear function

Periodically the linear function may not be described uniformly via its habitat. It may be described in two better routes as its habitat separates in two or more methods. In these changes, it is understood as a piecewise linear function. Let’s take a sample.

Sample Problems

Question 1: Find the linear function that has two points (-2, 17) and (1, 26) on it.


The given points are (x1, y1)= (-2, 17) and (x2, y2) = (1, 26)

Step1: Firstly find the slope of the function using the slope formula:

m = (y₂ – y₁) / (x₂ – x₁) = (26 – 17) / (1 – (-2)) = 9/3 = 3.

Step2: Now find the equation of linear function using the point slope form 

y – y₁ = m (x – x₁)

y – 17 = 3 (x – (-2))

y – 17 = 4 (x + 2)

y – 17 = 4x + 8

y = 4x + 25

So, the equation of linear function is, f(x) = 4x + 25

Question 2: Decide whether the subsequent data from the subsequent table describes a linear function.



We have to compute the differences in the x-values, differences in the y-values, and the ratio by (difference in y/difference in x) and have to see whether this ratio is constant or not.

XYDifference in X/Difference in Y







⇒ 8/2 = 4







⇒ 8/2 = 4







⇒ 16/4 = 4







⇒ 8/2 = 4

Since all the numbers in the last column are equal to constant, the given table represents the linear function.

Question 3: Plot graph y = 3x + 2 is a linear equation


What is the y-intercept of the function f(x) = –x + ? – –

When x increases, y increases thrice as fast, so we need 3x.

When x is 0, y is already 2. So +2 is also needed.

And so: y = 3x + 2

Here are some example values:

xy = 3x + 213 × 1 + 2 = 523 × 2 + 2 = 833 × 3 + 2 = 11

Question 4: Plot the graph of the following equation 3x + 2y − 4 = 0


It is in the form Ax + By + C = 0 where:

A = 3

B = 2

C = −4

What is the y-intercept of the function f(x) = –x + ? – –

Question 5: Plot the graph of the following piecewise linear function.

  • f(x) = x + 4,  x∈ [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2]                                                                          
  • f(x) = 1x – 2, x∈ [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2]


The piece wise linear function indicates both the parts of its domain. Let us find the endpoint in each of the case.

What is the y

The y-intercept of the function f(x) = -2/9x + 1/3 is 1/3.

How do you find the y

On a graph, the y-intercept can be found by finding the value of y when x=0. This is the point at which the graph crosses through the y-axis.

Is f/x )= 0 the y

f(x)=0 f ( x ) = 0 is a line on top of the x-axis, which means that the y-intercept is (0,0) and the x-intercept is every point on the x-axis.